첫 걸음

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For more recent updates or for more information, please see the Korean version.

Purpose of this article

This page summarizes the most basic information for Korean(한말글;조선어) users who are unfamiliar with OSM and have difficulty finding the right information.

Where to get information

Where to get help

To use OpenStreetMap

Copyright in OSM

To use data from OpenStreetMap

OpenStreetMap map of South Korea with no state security facilities visible

If you want to use an OSM map with military installations removed to avoid violating South Korean laws, you can use the South Korea OSM map tile without military installations map tile.[1] You are free to use any map tile, and to use the map tile, simply write "https://tiles.osm.kr/hot/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png" in the URL of the TMS map tile.

If you'd like to run your own map tile server, you can download the source database from https://tiles.osm.kr/download and follow the friendly instructions in Hosting an OSM map tile server (on Ubuntu 22.04) to set up your server.

What you need to know about mapping OpenStreetMap in South Korea

Export of Geographic Information from South Korea (Geospatial Information Management Act, etc.)

Mapping and vandalism in South Korea's security zones (military areas)

Other caveats related to OSM

Cautions for mapping OSM in some communist countries

About editing in South Korea and North Korea

See Also


  1. Server operations are contributed by 'LuxuryCoop'.