Foundation/AGM20/Election to Board
Foundation members will vote to elect a new board at the Annual General Meeting in December.
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Election to board
Seats available
This meeting will have a board election, with three seats available (of Joost Schouppe, Paul Norman and Tobias Knerr). Meanwhile the terms of Allan Mustard, Guillaume Rischard, Mikel Maron and Rory McCann continue. There are a total of seven seats on the foundation board.
What the board is/is not, rules and responsibilities
- Scope of the OSMF board.
- Board Rules of Order
- These were the roles and responsibilities for the OSMF board, agreed in the 2014 board face-to-face meeting.
A lot of the foundation's work is done by the volunteers of our working groups, and if you want to help the foundation, you can also look at joining those.
Personal views
If you are interested in hearing what it is like to be on the board please reach out to any board member.
You can also read the following posts:
- Joost Schouppe (2019-10)
- Frederik Ramm (2019-11, see also previous 2017 post)
- Heather Leson (2019-11)
Additional OSMF resources
Nominations have closed!
The deadline was: November 7 (end of, London time)
- Only normal members can be candidates for the election to board, and they have to be members during the full 180 days prior to the AGM (membership start before 15 June 2020).
- If you want to find out the type of your membership, please check past renewal membership emails or email the Membership Working Group (
Confirmation of normal membership and start membership date will be made by the Membership Working Group or the OSMF Administrative Assistant.
* Normal members provide their full residential address and can vote on all issues. Their residential address may be disclosed to other members.
* Associate members provide just their country of residence and can vote - but not on all issues. Additionally, they cannot be board candidates. More information here.
Result | Name | Nationality | Residence | OSMF member since (confirmation*) | OSMuser link | Answers and manifesto per candidate |
Elected | Tobias Knerr | German | Germany | 2009-02-24 (confirmed) | ![]() |
Tobias Knerr - Answers and manifesto |
Elected | Jean-Marc Liotier | French | France | 2018-11-06 (confirmed) | ![]() |
Jean-Marc Liotier - Answers and manifesto |
Willy Franck SOB | Cameroonian | Cameroon | 2018-11-15 (confirmed) | ![]() |
Willy Franck SOB - Answers and manifesto | |
Roland Olbricht | German | Germany | 2012-08-23 (confirmed) | ![]() |
Roland Olbricht - Answers and manifesto | |
Michal Migurski | U.S. + Polish | U.S. | 2016-07-28 (confirmed) | ![]() |
Michal Migurski - Answers and manifesto | |
Elected | Eugene Alvin Villar | Filipino | Philippines | 2016-12-15 (confirmed) | ![]() |
Eugene Alvin Villar - Answers and manifesto |
Logan McGovern | U.S. | U.S. | 2019-11-24 (confirmed) | ![]() |
Logan McGovern - Answers and manifesto | |
All candidates have now responded to the official set of questions and the answers per question are compiled here. If you want to read the answers per candidate, please look at the links on the last column. |
* Confirmation of paid-up normal membership and start date by the Membership Working Group or the OSMF Administrative Assistant. Do not confirm yourself!
Community reviews/discussions
Written by the community, combine with your own judgement.
- [FR] Élections pour la fondation OSM / l'enjeu de la présence des AFAM ... (talk-fr thread)
- [PL] Wybory mamy (OSMF 2020) (forum PL section)
- [PL] Wybory OSMF 2020 - osobiste opinie o kandydaturach (forum PL section)
- [RU] - Ilya Zverev
Questions to Candidates
All candidates have now responded and the answers are compiled here.
This year (based on past discussions on osmf-talk and within the board) we will have a structured question gathering process.
- We invite members to post their questions to Talk:Foundation/AGM20/Election_to_Board, up to 2020-11-10 00:01 UTC (see the bottom of this page for other key dates).
- Michael Collinson, who will act as a facilitator, will gather the community questions, organise them and will publish an official set for the candidates at Talk:Foundation/AGM20/Election_to_Board.
- Candidates then will submit their answers to the official questions and their manifestos directly to him and cc our administrative assistant (, It will be up to the candidates to answer all the questions or just a few of them, but our suggestion is to answer all of them.
- All answers and manifestos will be published at once by either the facilitator or the board.
- Discussion then will commence, until 2020-12-05 16:00 UTC when voting will open.
"We expect this to be the official election campaign process. We won't restrict members to continue to talk on our members' mailing list nor will we restrict candidates to continue discussions, but we don't encourage them to do so. The official answers and questions thereof should be what voters use to judge."
Expected time needed to answer official questions: 9-11 hours (based on estimates provided by 2018 candidates).
Facilitator: Michael Collinson was active 2006-2014ish as a board member, board secretary, SotM and chair of the Licensing Working Group. More recently, he acted as an election observer for HOT and OSM US. Active mapper from 2005 till now. (Source)
Manifesto (position statement)
Candidates are expected to send their manifestos (position statements), together with their answers to the official questions, to Michael Collinson (facilitator) and the administrative assistant (, by 2020-11-25 00:01 UTC.
Expected time needed to write a manifesto: Unknown (@2019 candidates: feel free to add your estimates).
First time writing a manifesto? You can check manifestos of previous board candidates:
Voting - election to board
Only fully paid up members will be able to vote, and only those who were members for the full 90 days prior to the AGM date. (Membership start before 2020-09-12 23:59:59 UTC.
Voting will be organised in a similar way to previous years. Voting members will receive an email from the on-line voting service with links to the on-line ballot for each ballot measure. The election will be carried out under single transferable vote rules (STV). Each foundation member will cast their vote by ranking candidates according to their preference. A maximum of three will be elected.
The page voting information and instructions will have more details.
Voting on changes to Articles of Association (AoA) or other changes
This year members might be voting on special and other resolutions. ("Special resolution" has the meaning given in section 283 of the Companies Act 2006).
Only fully paid up members will be able to vote, and only those who were members for the full 90 days prior to the AGM date. (Membership start before 2020-09-12 23:59:59 UTC. In addition:
- Voting for Articles of Association changes (special resolutions): Only normal members can vote. The AoA changes require a majority of 75% of votes to pass.
- Voting for other changes: Other resolutions, that are not AoA changes, only require a 50% majority, and normal as well as associate members can vote.
* Normal members provide their full residential address and can vote on all issues. Their residential address may be disclosed to other members.
* Associate members provide just their country of residence and can vote - but not on all issues. Additionally, they cannot be board candidates. More information here.
Board resolutions
Resolutions that will be voted on are here.
Related community and membership discussions:
- Discussion on initial suggested changes
- Allow non-board members to sit on OSMF Committees (special resolution)
- Possible AoA Amendment #1: Committees
- OSMF 2020 proposed AoA and mission statement changes (diary entry)
- Clarification of Proposed Amendment to the Articles of Association (diary entry)
- Clarification of the AoA amendment on board committees (email discussion on osmf-talk - the mailing list for OSMF members. Archive here).
- Possible AoA Amendment #2: Your boss can't force you to vote a certain way
- Possible vote on membership prerequisites
Members' resolutions (need support by at least 5% of members eligible to vote)
Related: Companies Act 2006: Members' power to require circulation of written resolution.
Please see the related osmf-talk discussion:
This suggested resolution did not reach the required number of supporting members.
Key dates
Dates/period | Notes/activity |
2020-10-28 | [Candidates] Start of submission of self-nominations on OSM wiki page. |
2020-10-28 | [Community] Start of submission of questions to board candidates. |
until 2020-10-30 | |
(2020-10-11) until 2020-11-02 | [Community] Discussion about special/normal resolutions. |
2020-11-05 | [Board] Deadline for finalisation of special/normal resolutions text. |
2020-11-05 | [Board] Deadline for drafting announcement mentioning the special/normal resolutions. |
2020-11-05 | [Members] Deadline for getting support for any member-suggested resolutions.
2020-11-07 "by the end of" | [Candidates] Deadline for members to put themselves forward for election by adding their information on the candidates' table of OSM wiki page. |
2020-11-08 00:01 UTC | [Board] Soft deadline for official AGM notice, including the text of resolutions (hard: Nov 15). |
2020-11-10 "by the end of" | [Members] Deadline for adding questions for the candidates to talk page or to the osmf-talk mailing list. |
2020-11-18 "by the end of" (UTC) [updated - was 15th] | [Candidates] Official set of questions to candidates (based on community questions and questions from past years) to be published by Mike Collinson (facilitator). The candidates will also be notified via email. |
2020-11-25 00:01 UTC | [Candidates] Deadline for candidates to send answers to the official questions and their manifestos to Mike Collinson (facilitator) and cc the admin. assistant:, |
2020-11-28 | 1) Candidates' answers to the official set of questions and 2) their manifestos will be published by the facilitator or the board. |
2020-11-28 to 2020-12-05 16:00 UTC | [Community] Discussion about candidates' answers and manifestos. |
2020-12-05 16:00 UTC | [Members] Voting opens for board election and resolutions (exactly 1 week before AGM). |
2020-12-12 16:00 UTC | [Members] Deadline for voting. Start of Annual General Meeting on IRC (join via browser). |
Duration | Activity |
~22 days | [Membership] Discussion about suggested special/normal resolutions. |
~11 days | [Candidates] Submission of nominations on OSM wiki. |
~14 days | [Community] Addition of questions by community members to OSM wiki (of which, 3 days where the candidates' names will be known). |
~05 days | Facilitator to complete compiling the set of official questions to candidates. |
~10 days | [Candidates] Candidates to send answers to the official questions and their manifestos to Mike Collinson (facilitator) and cc the admin. assistant:, |
~03 days | Facilitator to complete compiling the answers and manifestos from candidates. |
~08 days | [Community] Discussion about candidates' answers. |
7 days | [Members] Voting for board candidates and resolutions. |
Detailed results of the votings
Detailed results will be available on the OSMF website after the Annual General Meeting.