BästaJävlaKartan/Lantmäteriets Topografiska karta 1:50 000
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Data | Objekttyp/Ändamål | OSM objects | Matching criteria | Suggested tags | Links |
Transformatorområdespunkt | power=substation | Within 250 meters | power=substation | Show deviations | |
Transformatorområde | power=substation | Within 250 meters | power=substation | Show deviations | |
Byggnadsanläggningspunkt | Mast | man_made=mast | Within 250 meters | man_made=mast | Show deviations |
Skorsten | man_made=chimney | Within 250 meters | man_made=chimney | Show deviations | |
Anläggningsområdespunkt | Idrottsanläggning | leisure=stadium OR leisure=pitch OR leisure=sports_centre OR leisure=sports_hall | Within 500 meters | leisure=sports_centre (or existing leisure=* value) | Show deviations |
Skjutbana, mindre
Skjutbana |
leisure=pitch+sport=shooting | Within 500 meters | leisure=pitchsport=shooting | Show deviations | |
Badplats | leisure=bathing_place OR leisure=swimming_area | Within 500 meters | leisure=bathing_place (or existing leisure=* value) | Show deviations | |
Galoppbana |
leisure=track OR leisure=pitch OR leisure=sports_centre
AND sport=horse_racing OR sport=equestrian |
Within 500 meters | leisure=track (or existing leisure=* value) | Show deviations | |
Sjöräddningsstation | emergency=water_rescue OR emergency=rescue_station | Within 500 meters | emergency=water_rescue (or existing emergency=* value) | Show deviations | |
Småbåtshamn | leisure=marina | Within 500 meters | leisure=marina | Show deviations | |
Gästhamn | leisure=marina OR man_made=pier OR man_made=quay | Within 500 meters | leisure=marina (or either of the man_made=* tags, if existing) | Show deviations | |
Bollplan | leisure=pitch | Within 500 meters | leisure=pitch | Show deviations | |
Fotbollplan | leisure=pitchAND | Within 500 meters | leisure=pitchsport=soccer | Show deviations | |
Hamn | industrial=port OR harbour=* | Within 500 meters | industrial=port | Show deviations | |
Campingplats | tourism=camp_site OR tourism=caravan_site | Within 500 meters | tourism=camp_site (or existing tourism=* value) | Show deviations | |
Anläggningsområde | Vintersportanläggning | landuse=winter_sportsOR | Within 1000 meters | landuse=winter_sports (or either of the existing matched tagging schemes) | Show deviations |
Civilt skjutfält | leisure=pitch+sport=shooting | Within 500 meters | leisure=pitchsport=shooting | Show deviations | |
Motorsportanläggning | leisure=stadium OR leisure=sports_centre | Within 500 meters | Existing tagging for matched objects, leisure=stadium+sport=motor for new objects | Show deviations | |
Kriminalvårdsanstalt | amenity=prison | Within 500 meters | amenity=prison | Show deviations | |
Tält | landuse=quarry | Within 500 meters | landuse=quarry | Show deviations | |
Testbana | Not currently handled | ||||
Besökspark | tourism=theme_park OR tourism=water_park OR tourism=zoo | Within 500 meters | tourism=theme_park (or existing tourism=* value) | Show deviations | |
Begravningsplats | landuse=cemetery OR amenity=grave_yard | Within 500 meters | landuse=cemetery (or amenity=grave_yard if existing and tagged as such) | Show deviations | |
Energiproduktion | power=plant | Within 500 meters | power=plant | Show deviations | |
Sjukhusområde | amenity=hospital | Within 500 meters | amenity=hospital | Show deviations | |
Avfallsanläggning | amenity=recyclingOR | Within 500 meters | Existing tagging for matched objects, amenity=recycling for new objects | Show deviations | |
Gruvområde | landuse=industrial+industrial=mine | Within 500 meters | landuse=industrialindustrial=mine | Show deviations | |
Golfbana | leisure=golf_course | Within 500 meters | leisure=golf_course | Show deviations | |
Rengärde | Not currently handled | ||||
Trafikövningsplats | Not currently handled | ||||
Koloniområde | landuse=allotments | Within 500 meters | landuse=allotments | Show deviations | |
Skolområde | landuse=education | Within 500 meters | landuse=education | Show deviations | |
Aktivitetspark | tourism=theme_park OR tourism=water_park | Within 500 meters | tourism=theme_park (or existing tourism=* value) | Show deviations | |
Kulturanläggning | Not currently handled | ||||
Samhällsfunktion | landuse=commercial OR landuse=institutional | Within 500 meters | landuse=commercial (or existing landuse=* value) | Show deviations | |
Industriområde | landuse=industrial | Within 500 meters | landuse=industrial | Show deviations |