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Bettersoftare GPS screenshot.jpg
Author: bullstreetboy
License: (free of charge)
Platform: Windows 2000
Status: Unmaintained
Version: (2010-05-13)
Programming language: C#
Feature Value
Map Display
Display map yes
Map data raster
Rotate map
3D view no
Shows website
Shows phone number
Shows operation hours
Routing yes
Create route manually
Calculate route
Create route via Waypoints
Routing profiles
Turn restrictions
Calculate route without Internet (Offline routing)
Routing providers
Avoid traffic
Traffic Provider
Navigate no
Find location
Find nearby POIs
Navigate to point
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance
Keep on road
Lane guidance
Works without GPS
Navigate along predefined route
Make track no
Customizable log interval
Track formats
Geotagging no
Fast POI buttons no
Upload GPX to OSM
Monitoring yes
Show current track
Open existing track
Altitude diagram
Show POD value
Satellite view
Show live NMEA data yes
Show speed
Send current position no

BSGPS is an GPS application that is able to use maps from OpenStreetMap.

It is unclear if its a pure ".NET-application" or if it also demands special Windows-only-features.

BS - It is a Dot Net app written in Visual Basic and therefore a Windows only app. I'm working on a Java replacement - anyone want to assist?.

The application is freeware (perhaps) but it seems like it requires some kind of registration. (My registration failed or was refused or something.)

It is not an easy application to get started. It is likely you have to install a heavy .NET-upgrade first, with a reboot. Some say that it has to be installed on certain places. Some say you have to set file/folder rights. Some say you have to copy some "button-file". I had to go in the register editor as administrator and take ownership over its registry key and then set user permisions for it.

BS - "It is not an easy application to get started." - A few hundred users would not agree with this. The current version required Net Framework 3.5. Vista's security "features" do insist on certain file/folder rights.(all explained on the forum). All previous Windows OS do not require changing file/folder permissions.

Offical website:

--Henriko 14:59, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

A PDA version BSGPSPDA is available.