Burgen-Dossier Schweiz
The Castle Dossier Switzerland is a cooperation of Wikimedia CH and OpenStreetMap (Switzerland) based on a proposal from Prof. Stefan Keller Geometa Lab OST Campus Rapperswil.
The goal is to get a complete map of all castles and palaces of Switzerland on OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia.
Webmap "Castle Dossier Map of Switzerland and neighouring countries": https://castle-map.infs.ch/ ("Making of" video, 3:46′)
This is probably the most complete web map of castles and palaces in Switzerland, including nearby foreign countries (Germany, France, Italy) - from Castle Chillon right up to Neuschwanstein Castle. The multilingual web application was implemented by Geometa Lab OST and mashes OpenStreetMap with Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons (images) and Wikipedia. It is designed in such a way that software developers can use it to create additional thematic maps. The software contains some gimmicks, such as the filtered display of most relevant point objects, which also increases readability. In addition, care has been taken to ensure that response times remain constant despite large amounts of data. Also standards were used, such as WFS3 and WMTS.
Feedback and Source Code
Feedback, inquiries and proposals to the Castle Dossier Map can be sent by mail to Stefan Keller, stefan.keller(ät)ost.ch, from Geometa Lab OST, or be entered directly as an issue in this repository https://gitlab.com/geometalab/burgen-dossier/castle-map/-/issues which contains also the source code.
- Museos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires [Similar idea but different focus. This map obtain all data from OSM + Wikimedia Commons Image + Wikidata & Wikipedia entry - https://github.com/mrtngrsbch/Leaflet-museums-OpenStreetMap]
- Museos de Argentina [Similar idea but different focus. This map obtain all data from OSM + Wikimedia Commons Image + Wikidata & Wikipedia entry - https://github.com/mrtngrsbch/Leaflet-museums-OpenStreetMap]
- Historic.Place/News
- HistOSM
- Agenda der Mittelalterfeste Schweiz.