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Status: up (beta: rendering style may be inconsistent for several features and zoom levels. Work in progress...)

Admin: Manchito

Coverage: Colombia

Online since: 2012-07-24

URL: [a-d.] (also available as WMS on


OSM Colombia (/osm_co)

Zoom levels: 0-19

Update frequency: daily (starts at 4:13 COT - 9:13 UTC with data up to 00:00 UTC)

Low-zoom rendering (0-11): weekly (Sat 5:04 COT - 10:04 UTC)

Features: localized (es), abbreviations, alt_name rendering, relief, paved/unpaved ways, humanitarian POIs (planned)

Usage policy: free for everyone, though not on a very powerful machine. If you plan to generate lots of traffic (and by lots we mean what for would be normal), please contact us first.

Technical details

Render: Mapnik2

Render daemon: tirex + mod_tile


Mapa de Colombia (test phase)