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CLEANMAP war eine grobe Vorschau wie eine "ODBL/CT" lizenzierte Karte in Europa zu diesem Zeitpunkt aussehen würde.


  • versteckte Objekte, welche von Mappern erstellt wurden, die nicht der ODBL zugestimmt haben, Ausnahmen unten
  • track new agreers short term
  • track edits to the OSM database

Was CLEANMAP nicht tat:

  • show changes in geometry due to way nodes being deleted, this may be implemented in a future version
  • Informationsverlust durch Berbeitungen von Ablehnern visualisieren
  • Die Auswirkungen von Aufspaltungen und Zusammenfügen von Ways anzeigen - dies könnte in Zukunft hizugefügt werden
  • hide some objects tagged with "natural=*" this was done to avoid flooding and may be removed in a future version
  • Mehr als Europa darstellen - dies könnte sich ebenfalls in einer zukünftigen Version ändern
  • expire tiles that contain data from newly agreeing mappers automatically
  • Etwas zeigen, was der standardmässig von OSM genutzte Mapnik-Style nicht darstellt


2012-07-21 CLEANMAP wird nicht weiter fortgesetzt. Die Redaktion hat den gesamten Planeten bearbeitet, was Karten überflüssig macht. With the exception of data redacted due to black listed changesets (mostly by people trying to copy & paste remap) and above restrictions, the results mirror what actually happened guite closely.

2012-07-11 We have stopped synchronizing with the OSM database due to the start of the redaction period. We are still following and rendering the effect of users that are accepting the contributor terms for now to catch whatever last minute acceptance there is.

2012-04-14 The server serving the UNDELETE_IT layer and generating the Garmin ODbL status overlays is scheduled to be decommissioned today. The layer may return after the database redaction, based on the first full history planet dump when available.

2012-03-07 Multi-polygon batch update code now supports odbl=clean. Note that this is still not guaranteed to be perfect due to technical reasons.

2012-02-29 Neue "UNDELETE_IT"-Ebene.

  • This layer renders deleted objects that were created by contributor term acceptors, this does not mean that all tags are clean and can be used.
  • Example Region
  • By pressing <SHIFT><CTRL> or <SHIFT><ALT> and dragging the mouse you can get more information on the deleted objects in that bounding box, in particular a link to the history service on Note this does not work with MS Internet Explorer.
  • More information on remapping from deleted objects can be found on the Remapping page.
  • While some clean up of the data has happened, don't forget that in general there was a reason this data was removed.
  • Further please note that the layer is static and reflects the status as of 13th February 2012.

2012-02-11 POIs visible from zoom level 14 on "BADMAP". This is a slight departure from using standard mapnik rendering rules. Note general caveat about nodes below.

2012-02-11 Builtup areas shape-file based layer turned of for "BADMAP". The areas will disapear over the next couple of days when the tiles are re-rendered.

2012-01-30 Relationen mit type=boundary werden nun von der Multipolygon-Verarbeitung erfasst.

2012-01-28 There will be a short outage of roughly 30 minutes today 22:30 UTC.

2012-01-28 Fixed nasty bug in multipolygon handling and updated the status of all such objects. This added roughly 14'000 bad objects.

2012-01-21 Switched back to the normal server. Grund für die Abstürze war ein defekter CPU-Kühler.

2012-01-20 Der Server ist zur Zeit aufgrund von wiederholtem Systemversagen offline, die Ursache wird noch untersucht. Currently you will get the old Europe-only version. Note that this version has a number of differences to the new one, in particular it doesn't support the odbl=clean flag and handles multi-polygons differently.

2012-01-18 Replaced the <Shift> key with the <Ctrl> key for the statistics area selection (see below), <Alt> key works too (for Mac users).

2012-01-18 Pressing the <Shift> key and selecting an area with the mouse will generate statistics for the selected bounding box. These numbers are generated directly from the rendering database and are very current, however do not include multi-ploygons, nor untagged way nodes, nor any objects that are not rendered in the standard mapnik style. The generated list is sortable by all fields. CT decliners are in red.

2012-01-16 Added View/Edit menu (this is just a quick hack)

2012-01-14 Issue with expiring "BADMAP" tiles due to not backward compatible changes in renderd fixed.

2012-01-14 Switched to OpenLayers.

2012-01-11 Die globale Verion ist online. Weitere Änderungen: odbl=clean-Support, bessere Unterstützung von Multipolygonen.

2012-01-01 "BADMAP" Auswahl hinzugefügt. Der Layer BADMAP zeigt, was am 1.4.2012 gelöscht wird.

2011-12-27 Automatischer Verfall von Lizenz Daten implementiert.

2011-12-25 ca. 80.000 Polygone hinzugefügt, welche mit natural=* getaggt wurden, wurden zu der liste von supressed Objekten.

2011-12-24 Beta Test gestartet. Karten Daten sind ungefähr 2.5 Tage alt.

Notizen und Probleme

  • Zoom in Button '+' funktioniert für IE Benutzer nicht
  • no permalinks, workaround to reload tiles: switch to standard map and switch back
  • Datum der Kartendaten wird nicht angezeigt
  • beim Start ist keine Karte ausgewählt