El Rosario

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El Rosario, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

latitude: 28.4328, longitude: -16.3732
Browse map of El Rosario 28°25′58.08″ N, 16°22′23.52″ W
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El Rosario is a municipality in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain at latitude 28°25′58.08″ North, longitude 16°22′23.52″ West.

Populated places

Name id place=* Population[1] Notes
La Esperanza node 610297939 village 3338 [2]
Las Erillas node 2000165308 neighbourhood [3]
Radazul node 1437814541 suburb 4896
Radazul Bajo node 256018044 hamlet 2952 [4]
Radazul Alto node 862930245 hamlet 1590 [4]
Bocacangrejo node 862971802 hamlet 354 [4]
Tabaiba node 1437816659 suburb 3436
Tabaiba Baja node 862922926 hamlet 1886 [5]
Tabaiba Alta node 862923916 hamlet 861 [5]
Tabaiba Media node 862923288 hamlet 689 [5]
Llano del Moro node 862964321 hamlet 1312
Las Rosas node 862942530 hamlet 1066
San Isidro node 854619580 hamlet 26
El Chorrillo node 862931077 suburb 631 [6][7]
Llano Blanco node 862930423 hamlet 264 [6]
Machado node 862956416 hamlet 689
Costanera node 862907374 hamlet 648
Lomo Pelado node 862985378 hamlet 508
Las Barreras node 662620524 hamlet 232
Barranco Hondo node 866241719 suburb 145 [8]
El Varadero node 1017268099 hamlet
Los Panascos node 2322773612 hamlet
Los Toscales node 2322773613 hamlet
La Asomadita node 2533687846 isolated_dwelling
Bedijo node 1697905857 isolated_dwelling

Street names

Almost completed in 2012 using Cadastre and on the ground data. There is a project to verify street names in OSM, checking that they all have a name and that it is correct. Collect information on the ground and tag your changesets with the comment "#1calle1nombre El Rosario".

It is necessary to collect information from the most dispersed areas between La Esperanza-Llano del Moro-Las Barreras. Download this osm file to consult the priority roads to review.

Buildings and addresses

Completed the Cadastre building and addresses import in February, 2018, pending of validation.

Cadastre house numbers for this municipality don't match well with reality. It's necessary on the ground work particularly for Tabaiba (Baja, Media and Alta).

  • Results of Cadastre import in La Esperanza.
  • Results in the coast of El Rosario.


  1. Instituto Nacional de Estadística data for 2016.
  2. Capital of the municipality
  3. Neighborhood of La Esperanza
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Part of Radazul
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Part of Tabaiba
  6. 6.0 6.1 Part of San Isidro
  7. Territory divided between Santa Cruz de Tenerife and El Rosario.
  8. A small part of this population of Candelaria is inside El Rosario