FOSSGIS stands for Free and Open Source Software for Geographical Information Systems. It is:
- the name of a non-profit organization (Verein) in Germany promoting Free and Open Source Software and Free Geodata
- the name of a yearly conference about the subject organized by said organization
FOSSGIS e.V is a German association supporting free and open source software and free geospatial data. The organization has informally represented OSM in Germany for years, and was accepted as the German local chapter of the OSM Foundation in 2018. In adddition, it is the local chapter of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Many members of the German OpenStreetMap community are members of FOSSGIS. OpenStreetMappers who are members of FOSSGIS e.V. can add themselves to the category FOSSGIS-Mitglied (Member of FOSSGIS).
- owns the domain and administrates it in cooperation with the OSM community in Germany
- runs some core OSM services such as Overpass API, a public worldwide OSRM server and its own tile servers – some of these services are included in the main OSM website
- offers a microgrant programme to support operation costs for servers and to run smaller events
- hack weekends (usually in Essen)
- organizes the FOSSGIS conference (see below)
- can act as a representative for the collection of donations, sponsoring and similar activities
The FOSSGIS e.V. runs a server, called Toolserver or to offer hosting for small project related to OSM which have limited resource requirements.
- German language mailing lists for the OSM community
The FOSSGIS conference is an annual conference regarding open source GIS software and open geodata (including OpenStreetMap) in Germany. See further information (in German) on the conference website or on the website of the FOSSGIS e.V.. Since FOSSGIS 2010 in Osnabrück OpenStreetMap is participating.
- FOSSGIS 2024, March 2024, Hamburg, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2023, March 2023, Berlin, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2022, March 2022, Online
- FOSSGIS 2021, June 2021, Online
- FOSSGIS 2020, March 2020 in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2019, March 2019 in Dresden, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2018, March 2018 in Bonn, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2017, March 2017 in Passau, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2016, July 2016 in Salzburg, Austria
- FOSSGIS 2015, March 2015 in Münster, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2014, March 2014 in Berlin, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2013, June 2013 in Rapperswil, Switzerland
- FOSSGIS 2012, March 2012 in Dessau, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2011, April 2011 in Heidelberg, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2010, March 2010 in Osnabrück, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2009, March 2009 in Hannover, Germany
- FOSSGIS 2008, April 2008 in Freiburg, Germany

External Links
- website of the FOSSGIS e.V. (German)
- website of the FOSSGIS conference (German)