FR:Demander aux contributeurs d'accepter l'ODbL

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information sign

Nous changeons la licence. S'il vous plaît aider à demander aux contributeurs d'accepter l'ODbL et à re-cartographier afin de s'assurer que leur travail acharné ne se perde pas.

On and you have weekly and daily updated ODbL acceptance statistics for some regions of the world and for the daily contributions.

Avant de demander à un contributeur de prendre une décision au sujet de l'ODbL (accepter ou refuser), vous devez :

  1. check if nobody else has bothered the user before (search this page for username using browser function, usually control-F)
  2. check the OSM user page and the wiki page of the user if there's any information given on how the user thinks about the ODbL or if he or she knows about it at all.
  3. do a web search on discussions of the user about the ODbL (if a user was part of a discussion you don’t have to ask him again on that topic). Click here to do a web search and replace "putUserName" by the user name you want to search.
  4. check the list of mappers in Switzerland and Würzburg, Germany

After asking a user, please add the user to the current month table (Jump to Mar 2012 table).

  • Column 1: username and link to map profile page on which is listed the decision status. If the user has a wiki profile page, including this could be useful.
  • Column 2: Date when you reached out to the user. If this is just the latest attempt to contact, add the date to create a list of contact dates
  • Column 3: see below "after receiving a response". You could include here an indication of when the person's last edits were, which might provide info on whether or not we can expect a response (unlikely for someone whose last edits were in 2008, for instance).

After receiving a response (or if you know about the status of a user's decision), please update the "Answer received" column. To maintain privacy, only indicate "yes" for a response or acceptance and "no" or "declined" if the person has declined. Do not include nuances like "wants to wait a while before deciding" or "has issues with the license".

Cleaning the tables: There is a subpage for collating responses, Asking users to accept the ODbL/Responders, which is transcluded into this page and which helps to keep the size (in kb) of this page manageable. If you remove people from the tables after receiving a response, then please add them to this subpage. However, it is not necessary to remove people from the tables; a couple of us are incrementally migrating users between the two pages.

Exemples de comment vous pourriez demander à un contributeur

Anglais exemple 1

Hello [nom_d'utilisateur].

As I've seen on you've contributed quite a lot
of data so I wanted to ask if you already know that OpenStreetMap is
asking existing contributors to re-license their contributions under a
new license, which is more suitable for our data. (OSM wants to change the
current Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 (CC-BY-SA 2.0) to
Open Database License (ODbL) 1.0.)

Maybe you've reasons why you did not accept it already. Perhaps you
could tell me.

You can read more about the license change here:

You can accept the new license here (if you're logged in):

I hope to hear from you.

Français exemple 1

Bonjour [nom_d'utilisateur].

J’ai constaté sur que tu as contribué à OSM en ajoutant une quantité importante de données. Tu sais peut-être déjà qu'OpenStreetMap invite ses contributeurs à basculer leurs données vers une licence plus appropriée pour celles-ci (OSM souhaite passer de la licence actuelle Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) 2.0 à la licence Open Database License (ODbL) 1.0).

Si tu as des raisons de ne pas avoir encore accepté, j'aimerais les connaître.

Pour plus d'informations sur les raisons de ce changement:

Tu peux aussi accepter le changement de licence ici (en te connectant):

Merci d'avance pour ta réponse.

Français exemple 2

Bonjour [nom_d'utilisateur],

Vous avez participé à OpenStreetMap sur [commune] et la communauté vous en remercie ! Au mois d'avril 2012, vos [quelques] contributions auront des conséquences sur la carte et seront vaines si vous n'acceptez pas les nouveaux termes de contributions. En effet, OpenStreetMap a changé sa licence vers une licence d'exploitation plus officielle et adaptée aux bons usages tout en restant libre. Il est par conséquent nécessaire de stipuler explicitement les droits que vous accordez à vos données.

Pouvez-vous accepter ces termes et libérer vos contributions ? Pour ce faire, aller sur votre compte : un encart vous expliquera comment faire. Vous pouvez également vous connecter sur

Plus d'informations sur :

Si vous ne souhaitez pas mettre vos données sous Licence ODbL, pouvez-vous me le faire savoir ?

N'hésitez pas revenir vers moi si vous avez des interrogations sur ce sujet.


[Votre nom_d'utilisateur].

Néerlandais exemple 1

Hallo gebruikersnaam.

Zoals ik op gezien heb, heb je behoorlijk veel gegevens bijgedragen aan OpenStreetMap. 
Ik wil je daarom vragen of je bekend bent met het feit dat OpenStreetMap
bestaande bijdragers vraagt hun wijzigingen ook beschikbaar te maken onder een nieuwe licentie.  
Een licentie die beter past bij de data. (OSM wil veranderen van de huidige Creative Commons 
Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 (CC-BY-SA 2.0) licentie naar de Open Database License 
(ODbL) 1.0.)

Misschien heb je gegronde redenen om deze verandering niet te willen accepteren.
Zou je deze willen vertellen?

Hier kun je meer lezen over de redenen van de licentie wijziging:

Je kunt de nieuwe voorwaarden hier (als je aangemeld bent) accepteren:

Laat alsjeblieft wat van je horen.

Néerlandais exemple 2

Beste [gebruikersnaam],

Ik heb gezien dat je aardig wat gegevens hebt bijgedragen aan OpenStreetMap, met name in de regio ''regionaam''. Ik wil je daarom vragen of je bekend bent met het feit dat OpenStreetMap bestaande bijdragers vraagt hun wijzigingen ook beschikbaar te maken onder een nieuwe licentie. Een licentie die beter past bij de data. (OSM wil veranderen van de huidige Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 (CC-BY-SA 2.0) licentie naar de Open Database License (ODbL) 1.0.)

Een gevolg van deze wijziging is, dat bijdragen van gebruikers die niet nadrukkelijk akkoord zijn gegaan met de nieuwe voorwaarden op 1 april aanstaande zullen worden verwijderd.

Ik wil je dus ook vragen om nog eens een keer in te loggen op OpenStreetMap en aldaar akkoord te gaan met de nieuwe contributor terms.

Misschien heb je gegronde redenen om deze verandering niet te willen accepteren. Zou je deze willen vertellen?

Hier kun je meer lezen over de redenen van de licentie wijziging:

Je kunt de nieuwe voorwaarden hier (als je aangemeld bent) accepteren:

Laat alsjeblieft wat van je horen.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Espagnol exemple 1

Hola username.

Como pude ver en has aportado una gran cantidad de datos a OpenStreetMap y por eso te quiero preguntar si ya conocías que el proyecto está pidiendo a sus colaboradores relicenciar sus contribuciones a una nueva licencia, la cual es más adecuada para este tipo de datos. (OSM desea cambiar la actual licencia Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 (CC-BY-SA 2.0) por la Open Database License (ODbL) 1.0.)

Quizás tienes razones para no aceptar estes nuevo cambio. Si es así, ¿me las podrías comentar?

Puedes leer más sobre el cambio de la licencia aquí:

Y puedes aceptar la nueva licencia aquí:


Allemand exemple 1

Hallo username.

Wie ich auf gesehen habe, hast Du ’ne Menge Daten beigetragen. Deshalb möchte ich Dich fragen, ob Du schon weißt, dass OpenStreetMap seine bestehenden Beitragenden darum bittet, ihre Beiträge unter eine neue Lizenz zu stellen, die passender für die gesammelten Daten ist. (OSM will von Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 (CC-BY-SA 2.0) nach Open Database License (ODbL) 1.0 wechseln.)

Oder gibt es Gründe, warum Du noch nicht zugestimmt hast?

Hier kannst Du mehr über den Lizenzwechsel erfahren:

Und hier kannst Du der neuen Lizenz zustimmen (wenn Du bei OSM eingeloggt bist):

Ich hoffe von Dir zu hören.

Allemand exemple 2

Hallo username.

Ich habe gesehen, dass Du ziemlich viel gemappt hast, aber im Augenblick nicht mehr so aktiv bist. Deshalb ist Dir vielleicht entgangen, dass im Augenblick (endlich) die letzte Phase der Lizenzumstellung angelaufen ist.

Auch wenn Du nicht unbedingt selber weiter aktiv mappen willst, so wäre es doch wichtig für alle anderen, wenn Du deine Daten auch unter der neuen Lizenz freigeben würdest.

Hier der Link zu den Erklärungen:

Annehmen kannst Du die neue Lizenz im Profil Deines OSM-Kontos, oder hier:

Croate exemple 1

Pozdrav '''username'''

Kako sam vidio na puno si doprinjeo našem projektu, pa sam te htio pitati znaš li da OpenStreetMap traži postojeće doprinosioce da relicenciraju svoje doprinose pod novom licencom, koja je prikladnija za licenciranje podataka. OpenStreetMap projekt želi promjeniti trenutnu Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 licencu na ODbL licencu.

Ako nisi znao za ove događaje, pročitaj o promjeni licence ovdje na engleskom:

Podaci od korisnika koji ne prihvate ODbL licencu će se morati obrisati iz OpenStreetMap projekta ili prenijeti u neki drugi projekt. Ako ne želiš da se tvoji podaci obrišu iz OpenStreetMap trebaš prihvatiti ODbL licencu.

Molim te da javiš ako imaš razloge zbog kojih još nisi odlučio prije prihvatiti odbl licencu, bilo dobro da javiš te razloge na hrvatsku OpenStreetMap mailing listu.

Ako trenutno nisi aktivni član hrvatske OSM mailing liste ili news grupe molio bih te da priključiš kako bi imali bolju komunikaciju između svih suradnika na OpenStreetMap projektu:

Možeš prihvatiti novu licencu ovdje (ako si ulogiran):

Nadam se da ćeš se javiti,
'''moje ime'''

Russe exemple 1

Здравствуйте! Проект OpenStreetMap в скором времени поменяет свою лицензию, и для этого требуется согласие всех участников проекта. Я заметил много ваших правок, и был бы рад, если бы вы зашли на и сделали выбор в пользу их сохранения. Разумеется, можно и отказаться, если вы использовали источники, требовавшие явного CC-BY-SA. Подробнее тут:


Italien exemple 1

Ciao username,

ho visto che in passato hai contribuito notevolmente alla zona di xxxxxxxx.

Anche se non sei più attivo da un po' di tempo, è importante che tu sappia che OpenStreetMap sta chiedendo a tutti coloro che hanno modificato la mappa di rilasciare nuovamente i loro contributi con una licenza che si ritiene più adatta ai dati di OSM. Nello specifico, è in corso il passaggio dall'attuale Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 (CC-BY-SA 2.0) alla Open Database License (ODbL) 1.0. Puoi approfondire la questione del cambio di licenza alla pagina:

Sarebbe molto importante avere il consenso al rilascio delle tue modifiche con la nuova licenza; in caso contrario esse verranno cancellate.

Se lo desideri, puoi quindi accettare la nuova licenza entrando nel tuo profilo OSM oppure qui:

Grazie per la collaborazione.



  • All (356) "yellow" users have been notified in April 2011. (Not added to the list below.)
  • All (176) "yellow" users have been notified in August 2011. (Not added to the list below.) Kempelen 23:18, 4 August 2011 (BST)
Kedves OpenStreetMap szerkesztő!

Az OpenStreetMap beleegyezésedet kéri az általad beküldött adatok új licenc alatti kezeléséhez. Aki nem jelez vissza, annak a rajzait sajnos kénytelenek lesznek törölni.

Amennyiben nincs ellenérzésed az új licenccel kapcsolatban, kérlek jelezd a beleegyezésedet az alábbi linken, hogy a szerkesztéseid továbbra is a térkép részei maradhassanak!

További információk a licenc változtatásról:

szintén OSM szerkesztő


The work to contact users in Sweden is coordinated on


Jeg har sett på [] at du har bidratt til OpenStreetMap og
lurer på om du kjenner til at OpenStreetMap spør eksisterende
bidragsytere om å relisensiere bidragene sine under en ny lisens, som
passer bedre for våre data.

OSM bytter fra
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 (CC-BY-SA 2.0)
til Open Database License (ODbL) 1.0.
Du kan lese mer om dette her: []
Du kan besøke denne siden for å akseptere den nye lisensen: []
Vi håper å høre fra deg.

Det finnes et kart som viser hva som forsvinner når OSM migrerer til
ny lisens og fjerner de bidragene som ikke godtar de nye vilkårene:

Czech example 1

Ahoj "uživatel",

podle statistik na jsi kdysi přispěl nezanedbatelným
počtem změn do projektu OpenStreetMap. Možná už jsi slyšel, že projekt
hodlá v brzké době změnit licencování dat - konkrétně jde o změnu z
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 na Open Database License 1.0,
která je vhodnější pro projekt tohoto druhu.

Po této změně budou v databázi ponechána jen data uživatelů, kteří
potvrdili, že s novou licencí souhlasí. Pokud nemáš nějaké důvody
k odmítnutí nových licenčních podmínek, chtěl bych tě poprosit, abys
je odsouhlasil (na adrese;
jedině tak bude moci komunita OSM i nadále těžit z tvého příspěvku.

Další informace o změně licence můžeš v případě zájmu najít na:

Předem díky,

Brazilian Portuguese example


Vi no site da Geofabrik ( que você fez várias contribuições ao OpenStreetMap.

O OpenStreetMap mudará sua licença em breve, e está solicitando que seus colaboradores re-licenciem suas contribuições 
sob uma licença mais adequada a bancos de dados. Saiba mais aqui:

Se você não informar sua decisão em breve, todos os dados que você já contribuiu não estarão mais disponíveis para a 
comunidade do OpenStreetMap.

Veja no link abaixo como aceitar a nova licença: (É necessário logar-se)

Muito obrigado,


List of users that have been asked

User names without user page are put in italics. They may have been mistyped or have their account deleted.


The following people have been removed from the tables below as having responded; this does not mean they have accepted the new terms.


Declining is quite OK and a % of people declining is expected. Contributions from people who have declined need to be actively managed to maintain quality of the map.

OSM-wiki username (OSM-map username) Comment on declination editing scope
78grosours (78grosours) 17 Changesets between 2009 and 2010
Alois_Paul (Alois_Paul) 45 Changesets
amai (amai) wants to keep CC license; posting to diary 1695 changesets from 2007 to 2011
Ashar Voultoiz (Ashar Voultoiz) 120 changesets in 2010
B10xxx (B10xxx) against commercial use [1] 517 changesets between 2007 and 2010
balrog-kun (balrog-kun) some information on editing and declination some incompatible imports in Poland 2933 changesets between 2008 and 2011
benpre (benpre) 237 changesets between 2007 and 2009
bpmjr15 (bpmjr15) 12 changesets all in 2009
Daguru (Daguru) 316 changesets between 2008 and 2011
DarkoS (DarkoS) 238 changesets between 2009 and 2011
david lynch (david lynch) 261 changesets between 2008 and 2010
de_muur (de_muur) wants to keep CC license 2427 changesets between 2008 and 2011
dvaey (dvaey) 626 changesets between 2009 and 2011
Elofant (Elofant) 30 changesets in 2009
Evan Sebire (Evan Sebire) 723 changesets between 2008 and 2011
Franc (Franc) 4080 changesets between 2007 and 2011
GunnarSchmidt (GunnarSchmidt) 12 changesets in 2008 limited to a small area in Northern Europe
h4v (h4v) 488 changesets between 2008 and 2011
Jean Yves Garinet (Jean Yves Garinet) 5 changsets between 2008 and 2011
jkjk (jkjk) wants to keep CC license 1088 changesets between 2008 and 2011
Jürgen Schmidt (Jürgen Schmidt)
Kraeml (Kraeml) against OSMF 295 changesets between 2007 and 2011
Leopold (Leopold) 200 changesets between 2009 and 2010
LKK (LKK) 235 changesets between 2008 to 2011
Lobelt (Lobelt) against data loss [2], wants to keep CC license [3] 3153 changesets between 2007 and 2011
lubomir (lubomir) 464 changesets between 2009 and 2011
magkes (magkes) has deliberately decided to decline
Mala (Mala) 147 changesets from 2009 to 2011
MapZ (MapZ) 128 changesets from 2006 to 2011
mawis (mawis) 280 changesets from 2008 to 2011
moonwashed (moonwashed)
nubok (nubok) wants to keep CC license
Oswolf (Oswolf) 649 changesets from 2008 to 2011
Paul Martin (Paul Martin) 363 changesets from 2008 to 2011
pfui_osm_korinthenkacker (pfui_osm_korinthenkacker} 3218 changesets between 2008 and 2010
Qichina (Qichina) 248 changesets between 2009 and 2010
railsnail (railsnail) against commercial use [4]
rendle (rendle) 3338 changesets between 2008 and 2011
rhn (rhn) 431 changesets between 2008 and 2011
Rijkk (Rijkk) 15 changesets between 2009 and 2010
Rosscoe (Rosscoe) now FOSM
rrankin (rrankin) 1815 changesets between 2008 and 2011
ulfl (ulfl)
usm78-gis (usm78-gis) against commercial use
VanceK (VanceK) problems with new CT
zottel (zottel)

PD or CC0

Users who decided to distribute under the free license PD or CC0.

As PD and CC0 are much more open than the planed new ODbL, contributions of this users are free to use for everybody, also in OSM :-)

Eugene van der Pijll — flohoff - Markus_B — Schusch

Have responded to outreach

Users listed here might well remain undecided, but they have indicated that they know about the license change. If there are people listed below who have, in fact, declined the license change, it would be useful to list these in the 'declined' section so that their contributions can be actively managed.

Remains undecided
Last edits in 2011

80n — blars — Gemeindegrenzenimport_Güstrow — h4ck3rm1k3 — juson — Markus B

Last edits in 2010


Last edits in 2009

blevins — Dirkus — Joey5337 — NickMcCullar

Last edits in 2008

Andreas Hagen — hmenchaca — Jörn

No changesets


No editing account?

ABAlexandre PliAnders ChristianssonbarcexbikebearBlueKanadaBohne2k7 (wiki account) — Chris96-hnDaBearidahveed76dexemdidoaefreeisbaer71Hans FreitagJoel MFRJPettersson (wiki account) — JumpStartInternationaljushuakalDKarel DemeyerMap KiberiaraiminRickusv (wiki account) — Robert_Greenwood


ste — Stealth-f117 — StefanB1965 — stefan_d — Stefan Dirsch — StefanFVogel — Stefanoodle — Steffen79 — SteHa — Stein1 — stendyb — Stephen — Stereo — Steve Chilton — Steven Kinloch — stjanb — StoneColdCrazy — stormchaser-hessen — stoupa — Strapontin — streetmapper — stroet43 — stsa — student — sudes — sunbeam1 — supawebba — super-grobi — supersix — surferbuco — SurvPro — SveLil — Swamp — sylver81 — sylvmarl — Syt


T0Bi — t55lom — T & T — TAA — takhadnotor — talkat — tamm — TAR82 — TarzanASG — tavmap — TDMFraggle — tdomhan — teamtrinity — techlady — tecs — Tegelplatte — tellmy@gmx_net — tesche — THausotte — Thea Clay — thebino — the_blanz — theode — thogan — ThePromenader — TheReborn — ThHi — thk — tho67 — thoja — Thomas Glass — Thomas Petillon — Thomas_Schmitt — ThorstenV — thuenne — tias — tiger — tigers — TimG — Timo Beil — Timocracy — tinker67 — Tinshack — titanbeos — tito — TJIBO — tlacuilo — tlange — tmcw — tobey — Tobias-1990 — Tobiby — ToHell — Tomas Kovacik — Tomka — tommy806 — tommyj — TomRadfahrer — TomSutch — tomtebo — TomTommy — tonitokiller — Tooga — topoman — torovec — Torsten Teubert — Torx — tostadora — tournax — Tracy — Triffnix — Trip Tucker — trygvet — T Tisler — tukutt — tuni-map — TurTur — TuurEfe


ubloiser — Udo — udo_l — uebi64 — ulfl — ulrichg — ulrichm — Ultracyclo — UncleOwen — unic0der — Urban Engberg — urk — utopia — uweklapper


va-deam — valdisj — Vandraren — Vclaw — VE6SRV — Vedran V — veter27 — Victor Bielawski — Viktor77 — viktor-ilijasic — VillaHammerschmidt — vin100 — vinylourson — vitez — VkD — Vlarck — vogtgbr — vpaul


Waldrenner — walmar — Warden — waso — wasti — watsonic — wdmanuel — webpenner — Weirdog — wemm22 — werner bachel — westendguy — Widder — WildSuriv — will l — wilpin — willhow — Willi Classen — willie angus — Wim Poulmans — Wireman — Wkg — _wolf_ — Wolfgang-MK — worst-case — wowik — wysiwyg31

Special users

The ex-mappers listed in the following table are "special". They may or may not receive messages sent to their OSM account, but should not be expected to reply or agree with the new terms. Don't waste your time.

user name what's up
Mirko Küster left OSM after a heated argument on talk-de




A German troll's various accounts (list is not exhaustive). Don't bother.

Please only add "larger" ex-contributors to this list, whom others might try again to contact.

Asked before 2011

user name when was the user asked answer received or obviously knows about the licence change

(for neutrality and data privacy only put yes or no or declined)

Mirko Küster (wiki) 2010-11-29; 2011-09-20; 2012-01-11;2012-01-19 (map editing appears to have ceased in March 2010)

Asked in 2011

Please remove users from this table and listify them once they have accepted.

user name when was the user asked answer received or obviously knows about the licence change

(for neutrality and data privacy only put yes or no or declined)

tiger (possibly Tiger as tiger had already accepted in Jan 2011) 2011-01-20 yes
alunake[1] 2011-01-20
Joey5337[1] & User:Joey5337 2011-01-20
mini_roundabout[2] 2011-01-22
Dalmos[2] 2011-01-22; 2011-12-13
alilo[1] & User:alilo 2011-01-23
Marko Marulic[2] 2011-01-23
Earle Martin & User:Earle Martin[2] 2011-01-23
fwrogue[3] 2011-01-26
Patrick & (maybe) User:Patrick[4] 2011-02-01
Martin Enzner[1] 2011-02-02
Photon38[1] 2011-02-02
aahhd[2] 2011-02-02
jbonte2000[1] 2011-02-06
Ado Molenga[1] 2011-02-06
Kars10[5] 2011-02-06
EDWARD J[5] 2011-02-06
benpre[1] 2011-02-06; 2011-11-12; 2011-12-14 declined
moonraker2020[1] 2011-02-07
hmj80 2011-02-14
Hayder Qarawlus[2] 2011-02-15
matoso[4] 2011-02-15
mchenry 2011-02-15
Rebaz Nawzad[2] 2011-02-15
Aso[5] 2011-02-15
sardarjaff[2][6] 2011-02-15
khatab[2][6] 2011-02-15
Sarhat Sarhat 2011-02-15
Balsa[5] 2011-02-15
Rade_mne[1] 2011-02-15
Jack_lodz 2011-03-02
Ant Burnett 2011-03-04
pirateria[2] 2011-03-06
super_rado[1] 2011-03-06
mapbreeze[3] 2011-03-06
bob_de_grau[1] 2011-03-07
EdVanStrom[5] 2011-03-11; 2011-07-22; 2011-11-09; 2012-03-04; 2012-03-15 (via Xing)
user_4870[5] 2011-03-11
kpankow 2011-03-11
Linuxbird 2011-03-11
Cascais[1] 2011-03-12
Barriguinha[2] 2011-03-12
none[5] 2011-03-12
dr_hase[5] 2011-03-12
flock 2011-03-13
Alain Montfranc[5][6] 2011-03-13
rossperot[3] 2011-03-19; 2012-03-07
jununho725 2011-03-19
pierce[3] 2011-03-19
user_4133[3] 2011-03-19; 2011-11-12
Larry Butler 2011-03-19
Crux4 2011-03-19
Jenuk1985 2011-03-23
Gogulux 2011-03-23
pdxx 2011-03-23
jocelynautour dutrain 2011-03-26
Dee Earley 2011-03-26
flotimm 2011-03-26
donDH 2011-03-27
nickagee[3] 2011-04-08
Jorge Antunes 2011-04-08
uMariusz 2011-04-09
andreoliv[3] 2011-04-09
apse35[1] 2011-05-01
Don Romeo[2] 2011-06-21
oramirez[5] 2011-06-21
pepeguzman007[5][6] 2011-06-21
Kikin[1] 2011-06-21
David Ramos[1] 2011-06-21
NeoMapa[2] 2011-06-21
ppglez[1] 2011-06-21
Rulo[2] 2011-06-21
papaluna[2] 2011-06-22; 2012-01-12
Prooq[5] 2011-07-09
Daniel Bergman[2] 2011-07-15
bigmac[4] 2011-07-15
Corneliu[1] 2011-07-21
Aszrael[1] 2011-07-22; 2012-02-07
antigone[2] 2011-07-22; 2012-04-01
Jogiber[1][6] 2011-07-22
pafnow[1] 2011-07-24
neot[1] 2011-07-24
Manak[5] 2011-07-24
k0re[1][6] 2011-07
Liebov[1][6] 2011-07
julianibus[2] 2011-07
Helkus[1][6] 2011-07
wahnfried64 2011-07
3rain3ug 2011-07
Jessica M 2011-07
Caturix 2011-07-12
fastfood_junkie 2011-07-23; 2012-02-27
mahoso 2011-07-23
Olaf007 2011-07-23; 2012-02-27
mattymo 2011-07-23; 2012-02-27
HousyHarry 2011-07-24; 2012-03-03
jrafflen 2011-07-24
ThomasStr 2011-07-24; 2011-11-12
forstwald 2011-07-24; 2011-11-12
Ormzen 2011-07-25; 2011-12-17
JanneB 2011-07-25
Folturnus 2011-07-26; 2012-03-09
webe 2011-07-26; 2011-11-12; 2012-03-04
paddiloo 2011-07-26
dead_man 2011-07-26
Danielpettersson 2011-07-26
tomasd 2011-07-26
Jens Tinfors 2011-07-26
vloxrab 2011-07-26
Gérard 2011-07-26
Buffalo 2011-07-27
Toader 2011-07-28
Andrei Visnevschi 2011-07-28
purestrain[5] 2011-07-28; 2011-07-22
ELBAZE Gérald 2011-07-28
tomsoft 2011-07-28
redarrow06 2011-08-01
drmanu 2011-08-01
Czk 2011-08-01
azmeuk 2011-08-01
ceyquem 2011-08-01
arnaudbordeaux 2011-08-01
nafan 2011-08-01
Burkhard 2011-08-02; 2012-02-07
HoH 2011-08-03; 2012-03-04
[http://www.openstreetref name=last2011/> 2011-03-19; 2011-11-12
Larry Butler 2011-03-19
AbsoluT_Dj78 2011-08-09
Habi 2011-08-10
Tomas K 2011-08-11
Spads 2011-08-14
Matt Green 2011-08-16
Dominik_Both 2011-08-20; 2012-12-02
zeitlos 2011-08-20; 2012-01-21
Immanuel Denk 2011-08-20; 2012-01-21
octan3 2011-08-20
lulu123 2011-08-20
omen 2011-08-20
avk_2 2011-08-20
rfepopov 2011-08-20
Larin 2011-08-20
NightStranger 2011-08-20
Demonter 2011-08-20
yakovlev 2011-08-20
mvd 2011-08-20
vizor 2011-08-20
Filik 2011-08-20
Domovikx 2011-08-20
alshab 2011-08-20
antonshahrai 2011-08-20
RedApe 2011-08-20
shur 2011-08-20
Kraskov 2011-08-20
badguy 2011-08-20
Sforza 2011-08-20
Hubaxis 2011-08-20
Vicbel 2011-08-20
SERIK 2011-08-20
KAA_mmf 2011-08-20
igor483 2011-08-20
mailmanoone 2011-08-20
vicko 2011-08-20
SashaGPS 2011-08-20
Horoshi 2011-08-20
ryleev 2011-08-20
Pupcin 2011-08-20
"Сумки для Всех" 2011-08-20
Gera 2011-08-20
sEXEcutor 2011-08-20
ima 2011-08-20
Andrey BY 2011-08-20
fritz375 2011-08-20
groms 2011-08-20
ValeryS 2011-08-20
asakura 2011-08-20
Realjoy 2011-08-20
sab_aka 2011-08-20
kadiva 2011-08-20
vot_sky 2011-08-20
Surium 2011-08-20
b24alex 2011-08-20
DiDav 2011-08-20
K2Zero 2011-08-21
HfT-Stuttgart_IGP-OrtskarteSpiegelberg 2011-08-22
Albert Rinn 2011-08-22
T305X 2011-08-22
coockie 2011-08-22
RobertW 2011-08-22
db2 2011-08-23; 2011-12-17
juwe 2011-08-23
т12 2011-08-23
chris81 2011-08-23; 2012-01-21
barci 2011-08-23
Hyrion 2011-08-24
naturtrueb 2011-08-24
Nomis1903 2011-08-24
hille01 2011-08-24
Gruber Alexander 2011-08-24
Pitten 2011-08-24
boerl2 2011-08-24
TakoGISOnline 2011-09-01
sejoku 2011-09-01
Tigrou31 2011-09-01
garlandes 2011-09-01
esoxlucius2006 2011-09-01
Pierre Montastruc 2011-09-01
setesat 2011-09-01
alfredletueur 2011-09-02
ratte_auf_rad 2011-09-02
JMATHIAS 2011-09-02
Céline 2011-09-02
Thalamas Maxime Thalamas 2011-09-02
PMB 2011-09-02
willy 2011-09-02
Thibault D 2011-09-02
trevize 2011-09-02
toytoy 2011-09-02
ouam 2011-09-02
OuX 2011-09-02
Timis 2011-09-02
EuskalMapa 2011-09-04; 2012-02-26
HarmM 2011-09-04
FlorinMateiu 2011-09-04
&quot 2011-09-04
OpenSOVS 2011-09-05
joesanchez 2011-09-06
ketchup 2011-09-09
dds35 2011-09-09
dborel 2011-09-09
microguy 2011-09-09
Hedgiplasm 2011-09-09
Gavarneur 2011-09-09
jpll4007 2011-09-09
Jeyce 2011-09-09
zebulon65 2011-09-09
JeanBap 2011-09-09
abenoui 2011-09-09
bricos 2011-09-09
yoospeed 2011-09-09
Davecrabe 2011-09-09
Fabien 2011-09-09
Flopy 2011-09-09
Création Dragon Création 2011-09-09
ocarayon 2011-09-09
erm 2011-09-09
JBu12 2011-09-09
greg3151 2011-09-09
plancadeseb 2011-09-09
Frans0023 2011-09-09
Vicnet 2011-09-10
Frip 2011-09-10
David31 2011-09-10
freeressources 2011-09-10
Olivier G 2011-09-10
polocmoi81 2011-09-10
etxegarraia 2011-09-10
daltona 2011-09-10
MEGES 2011-09-10
MANU2007 2011-09-10
Natalie Downe 2011-09-10
McRosebuttlejam 2011-09-10
CKDevelop 2011-09-10
gas_wawa 2011-09-10
DarkYudeX 2011-09-10
GOO 2011-09-10
numeroi 2011-09-10
Auriech 2011-09-10
planetops 2011-09-10
Klaire47 2011-09-10
stevedo 2011-09-10
nodino 2011-09-10
Cyberj 2011-09-10
Pierre Tolosa 2011-09-10
Cédric31 2011-09-10
QwantiX 2011-09-10
arobase12 2011-09-10
nodin 2011-09-10
Samira58 2011-09-16; 2012-05-06
MappingMike 2011-09-16; 2012-03-21
Emalaith 2011-09-16; 2012-03-17
tkonrad 2011-09-16; 2012-03-10
horstling 2011-09-16
sbock 2011-09-17;; 2012-03-21
jacobus_osm1 2011-09-17; 2012-03-10
allapow 2011-09-17
MartinLx 2011-09-17; 2012-03-10
trienendor 2011-09-17
Cyner 2011-09-18
MichaelASC 2011-09-18; 2012-02-17
JesosChristos 2011-09-20; 2012-02-24
vdHogeveld 2011-09-20; 2012-01-28
PeterMeiers 2011-09-21; 2011-12-17
cherkassky 2011-09-21
ROUTIER 2011-09-23
Daniel Pabst 2011-09-23; 2012-03-04
OldWhiteMan 2011-09-23; 2012-04-26
Mutzemann 2011-09-23; 2012-02-05
gore 2011-09-23
bombenteppich 2011-09-24
tillya 2011-09-24; 2012-04-26
silvergame 2011-09-24; 2012-02-02
canyon2009 2011-09-25; 2012-02-14
Fleak 2011-09-25; 2012-01-30
timokoch 2011-09-25
ULOH 2011-09-25
f-grande 2011-09-25; 2012-02-17
Magnotron 2011-10-02
cag2010-7 2011-10-02; 2012-03-02
ledaco 2011-10-02
Bowei 2011-10-02; 2012-03-10
trodat21 2011-10-02; 2012-01-28
Rüdiger Linde 2011-10-02
STEM 2011-10-02
Morc 2011-10-02
jhorne 2011-10-02; 2012-03-28
titus 2011-10-02; 2012-03-21
MarcMI 2011-10-02; 2012-01-08; 2012-02-29
Monte Schlacko 2011-10-03; 2012-03-05
oliver_f 2011-10-03
dkmap 2011-10-08
skater-tom 2011-10-08
Riverrhine 2011-10-08
stullinek 2011-10-11
Susensio 2011-10-22
Jesus1245 2011-10-29; 2012-02-22
Nick Name 2011-10-29
frank-owl 2011-10-29
paulmx 2011-10-29
Brocki 2011-10-29; 2012-03-18
mroth 2011-10-30; 2012-01-18 (contacted via direct mail --Cobra)
schraxl 2011-10-30
Dragon 2011-10-25
MarkusNRW_25 2011-11-01; 2012-02-17
gisi_g 2011-11-01
rtzui 2011-11-01; 2012-05-06
der Eichhölzer 2011-11-01; 2012-05-06
spillinge 2011-11-01
Lechner 2011-11-05; 2011-11-12
martincek 2011-11-06; 2012-04-26
Montecristo 2011-11-06; 2012-03-04
CycleProject 2011-11-06; 2012-01-20
gecomaia 2011-11-09
traeumenderBaer 2011-11-10
Sabanovic 2011-11-10
belladonna 2011-11-11; 2012-02-01
Sachse 2011-11-11; 2012-04-26
[htref name=last2011/> 2011-03-19; 2012-03-07
jununho725 2011-03-19
piercetp:// eoehmigen] 2011-11-11
TheDragon 2011-11-11
papajoe 2011-11-11
julei 2011-11-11
Lykermooser 2011-11-11
Werner- 2011-11-11
gpskeule 2011-11-11
theiles 2011-11-12
deniz garin 2011-11-12
KnutHasenscharte 2011-11-12
kairue 2011-11-12
walky 2011-11-12
Bergfux 2011-11-12
Bingli 2011-11-12
pimple 2011-11-12
tomac 2011-11-12
sesemrau 2011-11-12 snail mail 12.03.2012
fafhnir 2011-11-12
loomis 2011-11-13
hayao666 2011-11-13
atomup20 2011-11-13
cgast 2011-11-14
Jüppe 2011-11-15
seppederer 2011-11-16
hgim 2011-11-17; 2012-04-26
nigthy 2011-11-18
Docsam 2011-11-18
keihuli 2011-11-18
Boalamer 2011-11-25
duck_bo 2011-11-25
JoeBloggs 2011-11-25
eurotour1 2011-12-12
carloscs 2011-12-12
pauloapfernandes 2011-12-12
AlghoR 2011-12-12
js8xx 2011-12-12
eharmon 2011-12-12
ldrolez 2011-12-12
egouret 2011-12-12
frd54 2011-12-12
cédric 2011-12-12
lfqc 2011-12-12
jajou 2011-12-12
ana_costa 2011-12-13
veloso11 2011-12-13
TiagoOliveira 2011-12-13
RLopes 2011-12-13
Pedro Silva 2011-12-13
nvucinic 2011-12-13
Peter Winkels 2011-12-13
SU08_01 2011-12-14
HugoCosta10UM 2011-12-14
pcgm 2011-12-14
SergioV 2011-12-14
Jaretilla 2011-12-14
luistxo 2011-12-14
rottal-gps 2011-12-14
hondahel 2011-12-14
Rabine 2011-12-14
arkerix 2011-12-14
luis_llana 2011-12-14
schnully 2011-12-14
Tom131aa 2011-12-14
Jan1980 2011-12-14
gipfelstuermer 2011-12-14
Picidae 2011-12-14
hugo141 2011-12-14 snail mail 12.03.2012
snah 2011-12-14
LarsZiegler 2011-12-14
shooty390 2011-12-14
Schwabeninput 2011-12-14
DarkTranquility 2011-12-14
maresoa 2011-12-14
webaleinz 2011-12-14
Ratpelt 2011-12-14
iemv-import 2011-12-15
gekro 2011-12-15
dk3qu 2011-12-15; 2012-03-05
Hélder Pereira 2011-12-15
Marcos Lemos 2011-12-15
Yvon Bodin 2011-12-15
Chris-56FR 2011-12-15
max49 2011-12-15
Roges 2011-12-15
Philippe_44 2011-12-15
zigzog 2011-12-15
bouloche 2011-12-15
calahan44 2011-12-15
chrbocquet 2011-12-15
F Quaire 2011-12-15
blackdove_gb 2011-12-15
Loïcou 2011-12-15
vc44 2011-12-15
Altzo 2011-12-15
Alexa 2011-12-15
ispachi 2011-12-15
viscamac 2011-12-15
jvidal 2011-12-15
timproegler 2011-12-15
Tima 2011-12-15
infinity 2011-12-15
snoopy74 2011-12-15
user180 2011-12-15
computte 2011-12-15
Andreas M 2011-12-15 declined
christian_Wy 2011-12-16
riger79 2011-12-16
Tamde 2011-12-16
Rafa GL 2011-12-16
Tom Phillips 2011-12-16
urtzo 2011-12-16
Rupo 2011-12-16
Ramiro MF 2011-12-16
Peter1984 2011-12-16
atareao 2011-12-16
Drosses 2011-12-16
igrp 2011-12-16
peloto 2011-12-16
SMoreira 2011-12-16
Miguel_A 2011-12-16
Raquel 2011-12-16
Marsu 2011-12-16
imshinji 2011-12-16
YouBa 2011-12-16
Omar El Hyani 2011-12-16
Gfran86 2011-12-16
Sljeman 2011-12-17
Juliana 2011-12-17
geobyker 2011-12-17
justme123 2011-12-17
Sound 2011-12-17
oneway69 2011-12-17
finder 2011-12-17
mzenlese 2011-12-17
Edwinff 2011-12-17
The Stig 2011-12-17
patash 2011-12-17
aitzol 2011-12-17
Xixonenc 2011-12-17
lncoll 2011-12-17
Iker Sagasti Markina 2011-12-17
monsan 2011-12-17
aceitunilla 2011-12-17
axebatter 2011-12-17
trailsession 2011-12-17
jetpack 2011-12-17
jahnel 2011-12-17
Magolf 2011-12-17
dwbb 2011-12-17
Nabada 2011-12-17; 2012-03-10
GötzK 2011-12-17
gerry 2011-12-18
algedi 2011-12-18
alexiliev3010 2011-12-18
fdigennaro 2011-12-18
massimominimo 2011-12-18
DoBs 2011-12-18
Massimo Mele 2011-12-18
Franz79 2011-12-18
daviein81 2011-12-18
Pericles 2011-12-18
Javitomad 2011-12-18
Blosar 2011-12-18
avidad 2011-12-18
thomasp 2011-12-18
Hugo Teixeira 2011-12-18
Ulisses Costa 2011-12-18
RuiF 2011-12-18
Fri 2011-12-18
Botijo1994 2011-12-18
kizuki 2011-12-18
Lars T 2011-12-19
copymaster 2011-12-19
grha 2011-12-19
Theesener 2011-12-19
Eire 2011-12-19
kenzo 2011-12-19
schuri 2011-12-19
TheJJJ 2011-12-19
waldlaeufer 2011-12-19
Andreas Hagen 2011-12-19
frankel 2011-12-19
Jahanni 2011-12-19
Babenfisch 2011-12-19
fritzeflink 2011-12-19
Nordfriese 2011-12-19
anthonythet 2011-12-19
Mundhaar-Monika 2011-12-19
bassti 2011-12-19
DoubleRS 2011-12-19
merlinw 2011-12-19
laubfrosch42 2011-12-19
Shipper 2011-12-19
r1150rt 2011-12-19
funkstrom 2011-12-19
MiKa60 2011-12-19
studentenpower2009 2011-12-19
Moviemaster 2011-12-19
Cnud Grevenitz 2011-12-19
Issi 2011-12-19
Jörn 2011-12-19
bttmdv 2011-12-19
jap1968 2011-12-19
jramiro 2011-12-19
Juanyque 2011-12-19
aLeGrO 2011-12-19
lukaundmona 2011-12-19
abaelard 2011-12-19
Sim0n 2011-12-19
osinaref 2011-12-19
JoseRTD 2011-12-19
Jaimitron 2011-12-19
Dalamar 2011-12-19
Melf 2011-12-19
Track1978 2011-12-19
celia silva 2011-12-19
Luis Rodrigues 2011-12-19
porikito 2011-12-19
Afonso 2011-12-19
sergiuhgomes 2011-12-19
pnfa 2011-12-19
Roel Karst 2011-12-19
K1S4A7 2011-12-20
Fred_Fortin 2011-12-20; 2012-02-05
Cesare 2011-12-20
ChaosBringer 2011-12-20
heart87 2011-12-20
maaust 2011-12-20
Osid 2011-12-20
ronegan 2011-12-20
Xeno43[1] 2011-12-20; 2012-03-05
matneu27 2011-12-21
SLAKE08 2011-12-21
ZZO 2011-12-21
blues-hh 2011-12-21
mannihimmel 2011-12-21
Splineosm 2011-12-21
opentrinity 2011-12-21
Pioneer4x4[5] 2011-12-21; 2011-03-05
Brain 2011-12-22; 2012-02-17
Joan Montané 2011-12-22
ischnura 2011-12-22
chachepower 2011-12-22
manuelc 2011-12-22
Fabrizio42 2011-12-22
jisern 2011-12-22
fenriswolf 2011-12-22
Pablo Carrillo Baldasquín 2011-12-22
cesardeluxe 2011-12-22
Maremagnum 2011-12-22
annalli 2011-12-22
rppi2002 2011-12-26
matafumar 2011-12-27
schustertanja1 2011-12-27
schubert 2011-12-27
tomgoepel 2011-12-27
fpoehlmann 2011-12-28
mayalf24 2011-12-28
Tomik 2011-12-28
bikerkocher 2011-12-28
capsantos 2011-12-28
@NIM@L 2011-12-28
surt 2011-12-28
Windmaniac 2011-12-28
Skudy 2011-12-28
Stephan85 2011-12-29; 2012-03-12
DaWeb 2011-12-29
naderpeter 2011-12-29
Bauke_74 2011-12-29
bogos 2011-12-29
Humberto Barreto 2011-12-29
Hobby 2011-12-30
João Neves 2011-12-30
Diogo Ferreira 2011-12-30
Helena Azevedo 2011-12-30
Nuno Silva 2011-12-30
rally207 2011-12-30
anog 2011-12-30
Jason Knight 2011-12-31
luis_inf 2011-12-31
caparicence 2011-12-31
BrunoCavaleiro 2011-12-31
cbr600f4 2011-12-31
steven bradbury 2011-12-11
taylor8294 2011-12-13
helen wood 2011-12-13
SteveFrost 2011-12-30
chrisinskipton 2011-12-31
Rambling Man 2011-12-31
france-59-valenciennes 2012-03-13

Asked in 2012-01

Please remove users from this table and listify them once they have accepted.

user name when was the user asked answer received or obviously knows about the licence change

(for neutrality and data privacy only put yes or no or declined)

mayon 2012-01-02
pineberry 2012-01-02
Olga 2012-01-02
gandolas 2012-01-02
xycote 2012-01-02
Vitor Marques 2012-01-02
hugopinto19 2012-01-02
ouiclem 2012-01-02
MN85 2012-01-02
Rosario 2012-01-03
tictric 2012-01-04
petomei 2012-01-09
So happy! 2012-01-04
MapJack 2012-01-04
schramme87 2012-01-04
countryroy 2012-01-04
mmmpet 2012-01-04
BeoWoolF 2012-01-04 snail mail 12.03.2012, bounced
mz_murdock 2012-01-05
Garrok 2012-01-05
Paulo Martins 2012-01-05
MadMigMR2 2012-01-05
ricardoperleques 2012-01-05
tiopernas 2012-01-05
gabbler 2012-01-05
Nevov 2012-01-05; 2011-12-11; 2012-01-12
mclman 2012-01-06
12345 2012-01-06
George Kalash 2012-01-06
edh 2012-01-06
Filipe Varela 2012-01-06
bytter 2012-01-06
nelsonsoliveira 2012-01-06
alexandre santos 2012-01-06
Lumberjacke 2012-01-06
Sunil Cherian 2012-01-07
Anja_D 2012-01-07
nath33 2012-01-07
Okotok 2012-01-07
Mordred 2012-01-07
kihi 2012-01-07
chrisinflw 2012-01-08
frahmsen 2012-01-08
Marritza 2012-01-08
machalabad 2012-01-08
maverickstrinity 2012-01-08
Kornel 2012-01-08
rschrewe 2012-01-08 But made an error at the 'subject' entry...
IanArg 2012-01-08
thingymebob 2012-01-08
petbar 2012-01-08
willjones00 2012-01-08
Carl Benz Arena 2012-01-08
elisa 2012-01-08
sevende 2012-01-08
voxel2000 2012-01-08
whkasimir 2012-01-08
zwerico 2012-01-08
m3d3a 2012-01-02
Stewart Hardwick 2012-01-04
Afterburner 2012-01-07
scriminjer 2012-01-07
Barry Samuel 2012-01-08
DonCamillo 2012-01-08
Stingray1000 2012-01-08
user_7635 2012-01-08
Simon_C 2012-01-08
Aliwoo 2012-01-08
thewanderer 2012-01-08 & 2012-02-09
sherbourne 2012-01-08; 2011-12-30; 2011-03-11
IionTichy 2012-01-09
sartschend 2012-01-09
jacurutu 2012-01-09
Mac70 2012-01-09 declined
SAR 2012-01-09; 2011-11-12; 2011-08-20
dlagomar 2012-01-09
zmsc1 2012-01-10
PostmanSuF 2012-01-10
07000HEINZEN 2012-01-10
Erhard Schuster 2012-01-10
filsumer 2012-01-10
henkie47 2012-01-10
brainstocker 2012-01-10; 2011-11-15
bopdoq 2012-01-10
JonasWegener 2012-01-10
Werewolf 2012-01-10
NoBody89 2012-01-10
maxner 2012-01-10
Staufer1983 2012-01-10
huber_01 2012-01-10
siefi 2012-01-10
sailing-away 2012-01-10; 2011-10-31
SigurdQ 2012-01-10
Wiesmoorprojekt 2012-01-10
kyrbyboy[2] 2012-01-10; 2012-01-30; 2012-02-15 (on; 2012-02-17 (on
tere 2012-01-11
Miriam Estrada 2012-01-11
ATMS 2012-01-11
Vernon Adams 2012-01-11
vreimer 2012-01-11
Lance1773 2012-01-11
jeremias[7][2] 2012-01-11
Tinono 2012-01-11
azsouth[7][1] 2012-01-11
Bastian Zimmer 2012-01-11
CAR 2012-01-11
njb19 2012-01-11
Wanderfreund 2012-01-11
kurzwegfahrer 2012-01-11
oliverhn 2012-01-11
Gabo 2012-01-11
llibre[7][1] on wiki? 2012-01-11
creamy 2012-01-11
tm8471 2012-01-11
creaton 2012-01-11
Rotationsfreak 2012-01-11
keyboard-anka 2012-01-11
Batman1000 2012-01-11
Pandemina 2012-01-11
jpd6 2012-01-11
gtaylorlondon 2012-01-11
House Of Boo 2012-01-11
juergenhartung 2012-01-12
navier 2012-01-12; 2011-12-19
hatmut 50 2012-01-12
Björn Moormann 2012-01-12 † 2011-01-09

claas 2012-01-12
Crashdax 2012-01-12; 2012-03-18
Emlichheimer 2012-01-12
Henning Jansen 2012-01-12
Aegidius 2012-01-12
Aamer 2012-01-12
Kevin Fullerton 2012-01-12
RedHotMapper 2012-01-12
Snooky 2012-01-12
mully 2012-01-12
mckeats 2012-01-12
derORB 2012-01-13
Schmendrick 2012-01-13
artless 2012-01-13; 2012-03-28
Stramon 2012-01-13
scott 2012-01-13
sierranovembereight 2012-01-13
dominik 2012-01-13
CityTheMapMaker 2012-01-13
jshute 2012-01-13
MichaelSRed 2012-01-13
slj 2012-01-13
almostdaniel 2012-01-13
kuddel2711 2012-01-14
Graham Monteith 2012-01-14
rolfo 2012-01-14
Prodigy_283 2012-01-14
itl20 2012-01-14
Roddy Joff 2012-01-15
OSM RENDER 2012-01-15
rf1983 2012-01-15
Guy Gregory 2012-01-15
iFlash76 2012-01-15
jupiterchild 2012-01-15; 2011-12-19
GeorgeGriffiths 2012-01-15
amalkin 2012-01-15
Andrew66 2012-01-15
mmace 2012-01-15
qsheep 2012-01-15
Spete 2012-01-15
feel4x 2012-01-15
fabry18 2012-01-16
Topazio 2012-01-16
nicolarigonat 2012-01-16
a_streeter 2012-01-16
chrisindle 2012-01-16
lava 2012-01-16
puddlejumper 2012-01-16
norfer44 2012-01-16
Skipper12 2012-01-16
queeek 2012-01-16
kingronin 2012-01-16
Loddale 2012-01-16
iviv 2012-01-16
Mikke 2012-01-16
IpodTouch222 2012-01-16
regis 2012-01-17
REAL 2012-01-18
dc_iggy[2][6] 2012-01-18
jensaii 2012-01-18
Techniker78 2012-01-18
George Vella 2012-01-19
Deepdive 2012-01-19
Aero1988 2012-01-19
bambuz 2012-01-19
BeSe 2012-01-19
chisonoio 2012-01-19
CrossBikeTracker 2012-01-19
dropit 2012-01-19
eco 2012-01-19
fingernagel 2012-01-19
FiveUp89 2012-01-19
Gallus67 2012-01-19
geid0r 2012-01-19
GPSLutz 2012-01-19
grabb 2012-01-19
hermi11 2012-01-19
hub01 2012-01-19
jenzi 2012-01-19; 2011-12-17
jsz 2012-01-19
k_wave 2012-01-19
KAX 2012-01-19
Klavitomat 2012-01-19
Knolle 2012-01-19
Manfred aus Stuttgart 2012-01-19
Markudani 2012-01-19
Mortimer8701 2012-01-19
mstengelin 2012-01-19
NeutrinoPower 2012-01-19
Ori80 2012-01-19
OS299 2012-01-19
reindan 2012-01-19
sachsenheim 2012-01-19
Snowrider 2012-01-19
stonies0 2012-01-19
thefin 2012-01-19
Thomas Herzog 2012-01-19
ThomasWerner99 2012-01-19
Tiponero 2012-01-19
triplelag 2012-01-19
trpro 2012-01-19
waba 2012-01-19
waldschrott 2012-01-19
dkdfh 2012-01-19
tskorbenko 2012-01-19
grom94 2012-01-19
Greenfox 2012-01-19
WRomey 2012-01-19
Groothewanderer 2012-01-19
quimze 2012-01-19
spacix 2012-01-19
Joel Silva 2012-01-19
Vitor_123 2012-01-19
Carlos Araújo 2012-01-19
DrQuax 2012-01-19
mauseloch1 2012-01-19
gunta 2012-01-19
guentherp 2012-01-19 snail mail 12.3.2012, bounced
dop3 2012-01-19
Cheater20 2012-01-19
skandal 2012-01-19
Gucky 2012-01-19
Holli68 2012-01-19; 2011-11-18
jozhik 2012-01-19; 2011-11-01
geojanm 2012-01-19
kpnemo 2012-01-19
bastardop 2012-01-19
Rastapopoulos 2012-01-19
ReBu 2012-01-19
Pistensau2003 2012-01-19
holger5584 2012-01-19
wenns-geht-mit-fred 2012-01-20
Obi-Wahn 2012-01-20 snail mail 12.03.2012
keymaker 2012-01-20
scribbly 2012-01-20
Adão 2012-01-20
kikeiberia 2012-01-20
vvro 2012-01-20
derm00m 2012-03-09; 2012-01-21; 2012-01-09; 2011-11-17
TheMapper 2012-01-21
messe 2012-01-21
utz2fe 2012-01-21
qger 2012-01-21
Veterane 2012-01-21
jeff_bridges 2012-01-21
Haussmann 2012-01-21
hellwaron 2012-01-21
ponti 2012-01-21
Philipp Pott 2012-01-21
MiTon 2012-01-21
markvh 2012-01-21; 2011-07-31
bennarod 2012-01-21
mpdteam2 2012-01-21
jaype 2012-01-21
Dieter66 2012-01-21
GEOdeluxe 2012-01-21
Gerd Korge 2012-01-21
MinQian 2012-01-21
Pelikan 2012-01-21
RobinM 2012-01-21
ScubaDiver 2012-01-21
streetheini 2012-01-21
Moe_le_bleu 2012-01-22
rolf100 2012-01-22
g_style92 2012-01-22
openzzz 2012-01-22
Tixus 2012-01-22
tuschimotoZ 2012-01-22
mcgarry 2012-01-22
Juergen P 2012-01-22
Kleinmergi 2012-01-22
yalcinkaya 2012-01-22
jonalomu 2012-01-22
flxo 2012-01-22
blueboy 2012-01-22
TimTom 2012-01-22
Manni Allg 2012-01-22
hgzet 2012-01-22
Olli_Lechbruck 2012-01-22
suedkorea 2012-01-22
mega-s 2012-01-22
SpaceLEGO 2012-01-22
Dodi1980 2012-01-22
Dummschwatzer 2012-01-22
Elisa Freschi 2012-01-22
Marcop20 2012-01-22
tiagopina 2012-01-22
dekeriel 2012-01-22
filipesub 2012-01-22
GAR 2012-01-22
Francisco Costa 2012-01-22
Vasco Seabra Paiva 2012-01-22
Rui Moreira 2012-01-22
agfrg 2012-01-22
Vitor Ribeiro 2012-01-22
chbm 2012-01-22
_NA_BOA_ 2012-01-22
Cadrim2000 2012-01-22
fredman 2012-01-22
Spirwes 2012-01-22
wero_de 2012-01-22
zma19 2012-01-22
pfaria 2012-01-23
PedroMarques 2012-01-23
Armindo Silva 2012-01-23
bhcosta 2012-01-23
rmplus 2012-01-23
lucasoares 2012-01-23
bezae 2012-01-23
alpa_spam 2012-01-23
bellewether 2012-01-23
bornean 2012-01-23
dassalz 2012-01-23
Dochr 2012-01-23
jonzl 2012-01-23
jrthies 2012-01-23
Kraftfahrstraßen 2012-01-23; 2011-08-23
MasterPitt 2012-01-23
mratlant 2012-01-23
tigershark 2012-01-23
tom11 2012-01-23
uddl 2012-01-23
velvet68 2012-01-23
Vollmilch 2012-01-23
Wildsau 2012-01-23
funbubble 2012-01-23
Snail 2012-01-23
Marek Pavlík 2012-01-24
PetrL 2012-01-24
Petr Šatka 2012-01-24
honza 2012-01-24
strec 2012-01-24
albright 2012-01-24
Benitos 2012-01-24
LukasCZ 2012-01-24
tomgrav 2012-01-24
Kubista 2012-01-24
Gabra 2012-01-24
VRA098 2012-01-24
Petr Jarošík 2012-01-24
angel6 2012-01-24
waterbuffalo[1] 2012-01-24
RBIII[1] 2012-01-24
Cathay[2] 2012-01-24
foreverinour[1] 2012-01-24
Anchordoc[2][6] 2012-01-24
beachgirl 2012-01-24
Keithmcmason 2012-01-24
qlommhumdxukc 2012-01-24
rijo 2012-01-24
Sorcerer 2012-01-24
volunteer 2012-01-24
VanceK[5][6] 2012-01-24; 2012-03-12 Declined
nt2[2] 2012-01-24; 2012-03-12
CHK@Co 2012-01-25
Blumi 2012-01-25
dddn 2012-01-25
DoppelHertz 2012-01-25
Otkis 2012-01-25
stephan80st 2012-01-25
KaiMartin[5][6] 2012-01-26
bello_1[1] 2012-01-26
Wirfeon 2012-01-26
MichalU 2012-01-26
cici 2012-01-26
Petr Pavelek 2012-01-26
mojevsb 2012-01-26
BikerOnly 2012-01-26
JanG 2012-01-26
Pavel Polcar 2012-01-26
vok028 2012-01-26
dortka 2012-01-26
SoTo 2012-01-26
Tomas Stocek 2012-01-26
kusepa 2012-01-26
Vedmen 2012-01-26
vtech 2012-01-26
plokijuh 2012-01-26
ETeam 2012-01-26
afido 2012-01-26
Apfelkuchen 2012-01-26
audience 2012-01-26
buchmann 2012-01-26
Cyberwood 2012-01-26
Echbeck 2012-01-26
Eren Okcuoglu 2012-01-26
geo_rider 2012-01-26
Hans7895 2012-01-26
manfredolino 2012-01-26
MC1012 2012-01-26
navi-til 2012-01-26
psykodady 2012-01-26
Samson-1962 2012-01-26
sc24 2012-01-26
smiely 2012-01-26
spyhole 2012-01-26
uGin 2012-01-26
veedinger69 2012-01-26
Flar63 2012-01-14
jahe76[1] 2012-01-13
duckytiendere 2012-01-12
soudceTi 2012-01-27
Rosta 2012-01-27
Nathan Collin 2012-01-27
tuxik 2012-01-27
KubikR 2012-01-27
nav208 2012-01-27
com 2012-01-27
xhi 2012-01-27
xxmz 2012-01-27
Predalienus 2012-01-27
kazanski 2012-01-27
Martin Richter 2012-01-27
Dzanek 2012-01-27
Fikili 2012-01-27
Milopolon 2012-01-27
mikrotom 2012-01-27
Milan Chaloupka 2012-01-27
Ondra 2012-01-27
Jiří Unčovský 2012-01-27
Zemis 2012-01-27
sonique 2012-01-27
Bart Vanhauwaert 2012-01-27
Tomáš Kavalek 2012-01-27
Zralokus 2012-01-27
Yupa 2012-01-27
Sovic13 2012-01-27
dzioush 2012-01-27
Kajetan 2012-01-27
Jaroslav Smutník 2012-01-27
kiribas 2012-01-27
kaarlo 2012-01-27
Maj0r 2012-01-27
romi 2012-01-27
lusches 2012-01-27
hermelin11 2012-01-27
tholud 2012-01-27
Radius 2012-01-27
EL-D 2012-01-27
Öschi 2012-01-27
picassop2 2012-01-27
PSCacher 2012-01-27
Dimkus 2012-01-27
Jarda 2012-01-27
hermsdorfer84 2012-01-27
Karel Trojan 2012-01-27
kalafatic 2012-01-27
Poli 2012-01-27
noname 2012-01-27
Pata 2012-01-27
elmimo 2012-01-27
H+S 2012-01-27
Dzsiky 2012-01-27
kuluk 2012-01-27
Kronn 2012-01-27
szmi 2012-01-27
PetrSniper 2012-01-27
mihall 2012-01-27
kacenka 2012-01-27
tomvondracek 2012-01-27
majkaz 2012-01-27
zbyna 2012-01-27
vladimir grac 2012-01-27
pop080 2012-01-27
crusi 2012-01-27
dbueckers 2012-01-27
Christi 2012-01-27
GeneralTom 2012-01-27
smellraiser_0 2012-01-27
thomgoe 2012-01-28
rowetzel 2012-01-28
Donfritzos 2012-01-28
Brunoo 2012-01-28
JanOlliSpr 2012-01-28
Loosi 2012-01-28
bear friend 2012-01-28
Firebug 2012-01-28; 2012-01-25
Grummelbald 2012-01-28; 2012-01-25
MiB066 2012-01-28
Razer 2012-01-28
mathew741981 2012-01-28
Martin Mörtl 2012-01-28
Sigurd 2012-01-28
pascaljuers 2012-01-28
RE11 2012-01-28
gpshiker 2012-01-28
voxampmetal 2012-01-28
korbip 2012-01-28
axl80 2012-01-28
domdom 2012-01-28
Ilchi 2012-01-28
Semmelb 2012-01-28
xephex 2012-01-28
xu9jaz 2012-01-28
eurode_udo 2012-01-28
MüTa 2012-01-28
Aixakt 2012-01-28
TraXter 2012-01-28
Airmack 2012-01-28
Westwoodi 2012-01-28
win_ini 2012-01-28
konelupy 2012-01-28
andrais 2012-01-28
blb 2012-01-28
FIlip Janouš 2012-01-28
Lenour 2012-01-28
daada 2012-01-28
dan1 2012-01-28
Michael-H 2012-01-28
integer 2012-01-28
Nemo 2012-01-28
Jan Trojan 2012-01-28
Mondzi 2012-01-28
HolleU 2012-01-28
MrBlonde81 2012-01-28
lucas horn 2012-01-28
Rokop 2012-01-28
delgadito 2012-01-28
tittejr 2012-01-28
ChrisXS76 2012-01-28
annido 2012-01-28
zehhah 2012-01-28
Geomen 2012-01-28
EasyinTime 2012-01-28
FAL 2012-01-28
dasufo 2012-01-28
ramsay 2012-01-28
Joschi1997 2012-01-28
WagnerP 2012-01-28
randall375[7][1] 2012-01-28
hilltop[7][2] 2012-01-28
Ben Quan[7][5] 2012-01-28; 2012-01-11
Brandonpdx[7][1] on wiki? 2012-01-28
coreysparly[7][1] 2012-01-28
jemcgimpsey[7][1] 2012-01-28
Junk Jim[7][2] 2012-01-28
atoy 2012-01-28
Lizard-King 2012-01-28
Diedeppen 2012-01-28
Haigscht 2012-01-28
Dieter Bommel 2012-01-28
vnab 2012-01-28
spyk 2012-01-28
Rainer72459 2012-01-28
stanley beamish 2012-01-28
cbraun 2012-01-28
Afrodieter 2012-01-28
bauert42 2012-01-28
alex_1993 2012-01-28
XarraX 2012-01-28
Klaus_R_ 2012-01-28
Hummi 2012-01-28
Muskel777 2012-01-28
juliettalphapapa 2012-01-28
Iudex01 2012-01-28; 2011-12-19
miweber 2012-01-28
stroebler 2012-01-28
drwagn 2012-01-28
Mitch83 2012-01-29
applejuice 2012-01-29
EksegNivek 2012-01-29
madmax077 2012-01-29
tbayen 2012-01-29
Defender76 2012-01-29
PhE 2012-01-29
tobie 2012-01-29
HamishB[3] 2012-01-29; 2011-04-08
dclare 2012-01-29
Martin Adamek 2012-01-29
Tomáš Kebert 2012-01-29
seamus 2012-01-29
kurje 2012-01-29
mirabilek 2012-01-29
jedla 2012-01-29
Peteri 2012-01-29
Petr_MIO 2012-01-29
Rafal Olearski 2012-01-29
Kykina 2012-01-29
sakumo 2012-01-29
user_7501 2012-01-29
firedragon 2012-01-29
Andour 2012-01-29
Adam Chvaja 2012-01-29
lukasek 2012-01-29
syverin 2012-01-29
honzasvasek 2012-01-29
slivmi 2012-01-29
pan096 2012-01-29
Standa David 2012-01-29
Jirka Jirout 2012-01-29
georgik 2012-01-29
Kamil z Čech 2012-01-29
omik 2012-01-29
ronald1 2012-01-29
Skinet 2012-01-29
mastercrd 2012-01-29
Ener 2012-01-29
Handy2 2012-01-29
tommygun 2012-01-29
Tlusťa 2012-01-29
dewijant 2012-01-29
jus011 2012-01-29
j-nny 2012-01-29
Traviss 2012-01-29
LiborS 2012-01-29
Zlaťák 2012-01-29
Michal Vančura 2012-01-29
slush_cz 2012-01-29
Isek 2012-01-29
mixomix 2012-01-29
glum68 2012-01-29
case4 2012-01-29
charly2k1 2012-01-29
peterxxl 2012-01-29
Coala 2012-01-29
Calvera 2012-01-29
Pepe II 2012-01-29
oniko 2012-01-29
Pavel Q 2012-01-29
ygracek 2012-01-29
pepík 2012-01-29
gelny7 2012-01-29
SPI057 2012-01-29
Zezik 2012-01-29
1asterix 2012-01-29
Petr Simandl 2012-01-29
bootstourer 2012-01-29
reflex-post 2012-01-29
gargas 2012-01-29
martin-pavel 2012-01-29
dotTwelve 2012-01-29
JenikPI 2012-01-29
Promy 2012-01-29
jakamil 2012-01-29
TTHulk 2012-01-29
tomdou 2012-01-29
Orwen 2012-01-29
Saiby 2012-01-29
Nekro 2012-01-29
Alex-alex 2012-01-29
Ondra Sem 2012-01-29
David Stancl 2012-01-29
MrHomer 2012-01-29
SLRMcLauren 2012-01-29
x-ray 2012-01-29
David Kral 2012-01-29
schmig 2012-01-29
as7805 2012-01-29; 2011-12-13
DARKHalf 2012-01-29
mischi06 2012-01-29
Gameplayer007 2012-01-29
popChar 2012-01-29
DMEP 2012-01-29
Stoerenfried 2012-01-29
Pavel Gregor 2012-01-29
Raumer Kay 2012-01-29
JensD 2012-01-29
gantenbein! 2012-01-29
Mapper2009 2012-01-29
Keksbox 2012-01-29
Leonid_Breschnew 2012-01-29
ethmog 2012-01-29; 2012-01-28
TheMadOne 2012-01-29
macy 2012-01-29; 2012-01-04
Wulfi 2012-01-29
doc_haemmer 2012-01-29
SDambach 2012-01-29
Nord 2012-01-29
aerismon 2012-01-29
antonthedog 2012-01-29
Oxirion 2012-01-29
guepa 2012-01-29
mahmah 2012-01-29
Famka 2012-01-29; 2012-01-15
Lenu 2012-01-29
Kaputneca 2012-01-29
thuoluer 2012-01-29; 2012-01-10
wiesel111 2012-01-29
Snoopy63 2012-01-29; 2012-01-04
HotBird 2012-01-29
stromer-473 2012-01-29
vsonne 2012-01-29; 2011-12-17
UlRai 2012-01-29
vaccheck 2012-01-29
Aquarius47[1] 2012-01-29; 2012-03-18
Pieter Venter 2012-01-22
David Henderson 2012-01-16
goodoldkempen 2012-01-29; 2012-01-30
fritz222 2012-01-29
aahderbecker 2012-01-29
gate 2012-01-29
TommiF 2012-01-29 (2 ×)
space1ess 2012-01-29
CleanerTM 2012-01-29
tim42 2012-01-29
Papabär 2012-01-29
mkharz 2012-01-29; 2011-11-18
n00bfactor2 2012-01-29
begul 2012-01-29
zugvogel 2012-01-29
westerheim 2012-01-29
tho4mue 2012-01-29
FO-X 2012-01-29
UL-HS 2012-01-29; 2012-01-13
Xeet 2012-01-29
4Ems 2012-01-29
baba_melone 2012-01-29
sfev 2012-01-29 (3 ×)
robse 2012-01-29
dpaul226 2012-01-29
Tuwan 2012-01-29
skyandy 2012-01-29
joergmilz 2012-01-29
arongrupp 2012-01-29
blacky 2012-01-29
mando 2012-01-29
scimmery 2012-01-29
lyl 2012-01-29
peaks 2012-01-29
Lichtrebell 2012-01-29
Marcus 2012-01-29
Prosac 2012-01-29
Gandulf 2012-01-29
Behaim 2012-01-29
Jan 08 2012-01-29
flurehcsif 2012-01-29
owegen 2012-01-29
AndreasW 2012-01-29
Henry Dabow 2012-01-29
RomeoR 2012-01-29
starvinmarvin 2012-01-29
justusw 2012-01-29; 2012-01-26
oregon550 2012-01-29
grenzfall 2012-01-29
FJR 2012-01-29
RTF 2012-01-29
Götz von Schoenebeck 2012-01-29; 2012-01-12
Sandhauser 2012-01-29
roter-baron 2012-01-29
DJ Butter 2012-01-29; 2012-01-27
Whitemike86 2012-01-29
Malwe 2012-01-29
Denis m14 2012-01-29
Koni 2012-01-29
Suslikgerman 2012-01-30
DVillageExplorer 2012-01-30
leed23 2012-01-30
avir 2012-01-30
Jibari_Chan 2012-01-30
JJ* 2012-01-30
Moin Moin 2012-01-30
Usi 2012-01-30
Dunkelkeks 2012-01-30
Alexander Orth 2012-01-30
eldiablo 2012-01-30
Krabbe 2012-01-30
schimmi1000 2012-01-30
andreasstein74 2012-01-30
dle 2012-01-30
gwalarn 2012-01-30 some edits 2009
SaihttamB 2012-01-29; 2012-01-28
PartTimeMapper 2012-01-28
Tammy der Bär 2012-01-28
cyberds19 2012-01-28
rolobter 2012-01-28
Bamboo 2012-01-28
spaltbommel 2012-01-28
enver 2012-01-28
PussyGalore 2012-01-29
jopa 2012-01-29
blackwinged 2012-01-29
arogge 2012-01-29
Hansstrunz 2012-01-29
gsemmler 2012-01-29
AnKa 2012-01-29
sbrauch 2012-01-29
Hallo 2012-01-29
angekko 2012-01-29
Wilgapzl104 2012-01-29
schwennh 2012-01-29
the_big_smile 2012-01-29
Hotte Degoe 2012-01-29
tracking_harry 2012-01-29
xbiker1000 2012-01-29
Wuestenulf 2012-01-29
Ralph_Hannover 2012-01-29
sachti 2012-01-30
mystahr 2012-01-30
tobblerxp 2012-01-30
Semroh 2012-01-30
sandmann 2012-01-30
MapBeck 2012-01-30
HelgeP 2012-01-30
local 2012-01-30
bofhcc 2012-01-30; 2012-01-16
sven_m 2012-01-30
watatoi 2012-01-30
tiger23 2012-01-30
OGFux 2012-01-30
äüöß 2012-01-30
olverl 2012-01-30
Schwarzerwä 2012-01-30
geoexplorer 2012-01-30
Johni 2012-01-30
flifla 2012-01-30
Jiter 2012-01-30
BernieBaer1 2012-01-30
henu2001 2012-01-30
mischnei123 2012-01-30
Team RSS 2012-01-30
topojo1 2012-01-30
Harald Werner 2012-01-30
Geojunker 2012-01-30
HorstM 2012-01-30
Stefan123 2012-01-30
haupty 2012-01-30
Pappnasi 2012-01-30
Odysseus 2012-01-30
rayreichmaier 2012-01-30
GrandmasterAl 2012-01-30
BigD 2012-01-30
Cenobite 2012-01-30
Dreosan 2012-01-30
Galileo 2012-01-30
jonkad 2012-01-30
I72 2012-01-30
fzach 2012-01-30
TdoubleU 2012-01-30
seggele 2012-01-30
DigitalAssasin 2012-01-30
Aloe 2012-01-30
Mephy 2012-01-30
wschwegel 2012-01-30
Kaktus Jones 2012-01-30
Neil Carter 2012-01-30
foxsoft 2012-01-30
cwfirst 2012-01-30
JTRipper 2012-01-30
tauchpoki 2012-01-30
cheatoss 2012-01-30
berger77 2012-01-30
DHuthmann 2012-01-30
Schwarzenbeck 2012-01-30
Lothar Koppers 2012-01-30
tang 2012-01-30 (2 ×); 2012-01-29 some edits 2009
Schnitzel Jaeger 2012-01-31
pollix 2012-01-31
schuler_karl 2012-01-31
cyboesel 2012-01-31
Noiker 2012-01-31
Organsturm 2012-01-31
DrDeath 2012-01-31
Hubsi 2012-01-31
flusskartler 2012-01-31
Roadrunner IN 2012-01-31
Southpool 2012-01-31
streettux 2012-01-31
blacksektor 2012-01-31
OskarInDerTonne 2012-01-31
Soyun Zapatero 2012-01-31
florianmertes 2012-01-31
osmbysam 2012-01-31
mapthaler 2012-01-31
xXPadXx 2012-01-31
SvenDo 2012-01-31
pasi3 2012-01-31
Maddes 2012-01-31
Christoph2 2012-01-31
martin95 2012-01-31
vpunkt 2012-01-31
dispraise 2012-01-31
Pavese 2012-01-31
hdd_75 2012-01-31
Kluivert 2012-01-31
larsus 2012-01-31
Trallewatsch58 2012-01-31
Pathfinder123 2012-01-31
suxxeder 2012-01-31
alexeisele 2012-01-31
Korsika56 2012-01-31
dersolli 2012-01-31
ingof 2012-01-31
maco nation 2012-01-31
Amaru 2012-01-31
mocodoc 2012-01-31
1234dost 2012-01-31
mveser 2012-01-31
patrickalexander 2012-01-31
Jorch 2012-01-31
dieselwiesel 2012-01-31
shapeshifter 2012-01-31
Olaf22 2012-01-31
radler66 2012-01-31
airliner 2012-01-31; 2012-01-26
blacksun 2012-01-31
McMucho 2012-01-31; 2012-01-26
BlackBox 2012-01-31
pegaso 2012-01-31
RunningTracker 2012-01-31
fumari 2012-01-31 (2 ×)
hemo 2012-01-31
IsMore 2012-01-31
hidman 2012-01-31
POG 2012-01-31
beiner 2012-01-31

Asked in 2012-02

Please remove users from this table and listify them once they have accepted.

user name when was the user asked answer received or obviously knows about the licence change

(for neutrality and data privacy only put yes or no or declined)

dogonwheels 01-02-2012
TheDoctorUK 01-02-2012
nclc 01-02-2012
Rainer Horn 01-02-2012
bazi6 01-02-2012
wetterstation2003 01-02-2012
ass2211 01-02-2012
BennyS 01-02-2012
joboxy 01-02-2012
maschneider 01-02-2012; 29-01-2012
porg 01-02-2012
vogelstrauss 01-02-2012
xalia 01-02-2012
wilsig 01-02-2012
GabrielBa 01-02-2012
osmmutec 01-02-2012
Obertaler 01-02-2012
user_aj 01-02-2012
emaschmidt 01-02-2012
andi_mue 01-02-2012
Bilin 01-02-2012
qute 01-02-2012
hansi_der_geo 01-02-2012
OSM-Lobo 01-02-2012
Krischan 01-02-2012
hrausch 01-02-2012
mikado 01-02-2012
karimarti 01-02-2012; 31-01-2012
klaus-rittmeyer 01-02-2012
Mana98 01-02-2012; 22-09-2011
JKS 01-02-2012
born_to_cycle 01-02-2012
Werwolf 01-02-2012
Ibo 01-02-2012
Wolfgang72 01-02-2012
crashcover 01-02-2012
ansgar1980 01-02-2012
wahnsinnsknabe 01-02-2012
fpletz 01-02-2012
kochsbk 01-02-2012
stahksb 01-02-2012
jere00815 01-02-2012
TobiasS 01-02-2012
aic_newby04 01-02-2012
Alexander Fischer 01-02-2012
tostooniente 01-02-2012; 30-01-2012
Bepo23 01-02-2012
jensen1404 01-02-2012
Lystric 01-02-2012
Harzor 01-02-2012
straightedge 01-02-2012
ChrisD 01-02-2012
Struppii 01-02-2012
suzanne 01-02-2012
Chris-PR 01-02-2012
Fafnir 02-02-2012
Heigööö 02-02-2012
pratule 02-02-2012
Ronin1 02-02-2012
trekdriver33 02-02-2012
Berlinertom 02-02-2012
holly7382 01-02-2012
bockrider 02-02-2012
alko1 02-02-2012
sam500 02-02-2012
metakoe 02-02-2012
Elpibe966 02-02-2012
traeumer 02-02-2012
jarigfreak 02-02-2012
mschwer 02-02-2012
istanbulexpress 02-02-2012
pschmidt 02-02-2012
imore 02-02-2012; 01-02-2012
randulf 02-02-2012
gravipower 02-02-2012
kontextfrei 2012-02-02
jbald 2012-02-02
kaiapel 2012-02-02
http 2012-02-02
Christina Tischer 2012-02-02
chrim 02-02-2012
haunhalogo 02-02-2012
Mahjong 02-02-2012
schiggo 01-02-2012
Rabert 01-02-2012
Trixxxer 01-02-2012
Midix 01-02-2012
passerati 01-02-2012
Ulrich Marx 01-02-2012
zedt 01-02-2012
babisnauer 01-02-2012
agmap 01-02-2012
nonname 01-02-2012
suboptimus prime 01-02-2012
Drexler 01-02-2012
Tobulus 01-02-2012
harry_2000 01-02-2012 (2 ×)
l2b 01-02-2012 (2 ×)
barranco 01-02-2012 (2 ×)
Pornomücke 01-02-2012 (2 ×)
Blazing Blue 01-02-2012 (2 ×)
Jugendbeirat 01-02-2012
kalle_erb 01-02-2012
Simmsens 01-02-2012
werner lamping 01-02-2012 snail mail 13.3.2012
penumbra 01-02-2012
danone51 01-02-2012
Jaques Flostre 01-02-2012
Maja & Biggi 01-02-2012
schmittchen 01-02-2012
thorbenruthke 01-02-2012
Jörg Baumgärtner 01-02-2012
heirobi 01-02-2012 (2 ×); at 12-02-2012 contacted user birohei who seems to be same person --Okilimu 12:39, 12 February 2012 (UTC) Has contacted, but got the answer that he (birohei) has already accepted
Roland 01-02-2012
00naekd 01-02-2012
Hawk_Hannes 01-02-2012
HolgerRumpf 01-02-2012
schaefer 01-02-2012 (2 ×)
anonymus 01-02-2012
Z80 01-02-2012
MappingFreak 01-02-2012 (2 ×)
apfel 01-02-2012
siegmap 01-02-2012
huhlig 01-02-2012
Torben 01-02-2012
baer128 02-02-2012
VielFahrer 02-02-2012
Alcocid 02-02-2012
mneynens 02-02-2012
22yves22 02-02-2012
lindenn 02-02-2012
lukasmoritz 02-02-2012
jhoos 02-02-2012
all4foto 02-02-2012
oleker 02-02-2012
mtrakz 02-02-2012
thomasf1 02-02-2012
JeDi 02-02-2012
bart80 02-02-2012
womue0711 02-02-2012
Axel Hofen 02-02-2012
Arcus24 02-02-2012
Panomano 02-02-2012
stockneu 02-02-2012
sehem 02-02-2012
manta1204 03-02-2012
Geographic Joker 03-02-2012
Tetris L 03-02-2012
heindick 03-02-2012
f-stop 03-02-2012
ag1310 03-02-2012
BugxD 03-02-2012
Andreas_LD 03-02-2012; 21-12-2011
mrtz 03-02-2012
TomTimpani 03-02-2012
Ampelmaennchen 03-02-2012
asti4u 03-02-2012
literator 03-02-2012
rocl 03-02-2012
Segelschule-Wasserburg-de 03-02-2012
Bayer 03-02-2012
ralfrr 03-02-2012
szk 03-02-2012
XXCristianXX 03-02-2012
JensGudorf 03-02-2012
Fumy 03-02-2012
ac_junior 03-02-2012
Julius E 03-02-2012
Hubertechnik 03-02-2012
Max321 03-02-2012
jeki78 03-02-2012
b279812 03-02-2012
MapperMax 03-02-2012
Oli&Andrea 03-02-2012
Sanni 03-02-2012
Rondon 03-02-2012
schlechterwitz 03-02-2012
defrost 03-02-2012
Badentrack 03-02-2012
Hightower0815 03-02-2012
lxorg 03-02-2012
Siggis 03-02-2012
bikebob 03-02-2012
Razzor 03-02-2012
andreasP 03-02-2012
mince 03-02-2012
Jacek Kotulla 03-02-2012
Schiedi 03-02-2012
deletrix 03-02-2012
horsti 03-02-2012
hollyholly 03-02-2012
joe2000 03-02-2012
JoWi 03-02-2012
morphus 03-02-2012
trackmanuel 03-02-2012
Zesh 04-02-2012
wiege 04-02-2012
ChaosCow 04-02-2012
localwurst 04-02-2012
Löwe 04-02-2012
harryhirsch02 04-02-2012
Haribo 04-02-2012
JensWetzl 04-02-2012
Crocco 04-02-2012
Sammy100 04-02-2012
Flip_AM 04-02-2012
alduby 04-02-2012
iii 04-02-2012
pixelplastic 04-02-2012
Doke 04-02-2012
barniii 04-02-2012
woffi 04-02-2012
Zander007 04-02-2012
cag-2010-8-1 04-02-2012
maxplanke 04-02-2012
meor44 04-02-2012
newice 04-02-2012
openmapperch 04-02-2012
jofri 04-02-2012
Doreen 04-02-2012
Holger I 04-02-2012
hewwisch 04-02-2012
Sherlock_2 04-02-2012
FileX 04-02-2012
LGMV 04-02-2012
raemon49 04-02-2012
TigerJP 04-02-2012
pinkpander 04-02-2012
willibeeck 04-02-2012
TheSpear 04-02-2012
Armin Klauser 04-02-2012
teletexta 04-02-2012 declined
no_displayname 04-02-2012 declined
donchris 04-02-2012
Stoneyfiddler 04-02-2012
mjl 04-02-2012
Ikonoz 04-02-2012
raphi93 04-02-2012
geogames08 04-02-2012
andimap 04-02-2012
sopl 04-02-2012
cybergwei 04-02-2012
frafu 04-02-2012
MultiEngineer 04-02-2012
oe7tkh 04-02-2012
stoakaka 04-02-2012
j_cook 04-02-2012
Silenius 04-02-2012
Poi 04-02-2012
rjzzo 04-02-2012
eislmat 04-02-2012
pcfranky56 04-02-2012
Eoff 04-02-2012
Slartibartfast 04-02-2012
airwolf 04-02-2012
jones94 04-02-2012
pandyaut 04-02-2012
AstnerA 04-02-2012
norgay 04-02-2012
neuschi 04-02-2012
Tom209 04-02-2012
Overfiend 04-02-2012
mkelc 04-02-2012
frank1967 04-02-2012
Lozo 04-02-2012
Twitter 04-02-2012
Mathias Gaugler 04-02-2012
tamina 04-02-2012
J-P B 04-02-2012
keschmidt 04-02-2012
O2002li 04-02-2012
Geo_0815 04-02-2012
bookwood 04-02-2012
Schaukelflieger 04-02-2012
spichboy 04-02-2012
Bourbaki 04-02-2012
pegasus50 04-02-2012
marzo 04-02-2012
Ervin 04-02-2012
osmammut 05-02-2012
Rigolo 05-02-2012
Rouven Kasten 05-02-2012
sanktjosefmoers 05-02-2012
Vermesser 05-02-2012
thisandthathereandthere 05-02-2012
ThomasStr 2012-02-03
Kraftfahrstraßen 2012-02-03
Olaf007 2012-02-03
Hans-Dieter 2012-02-03
Hey 2012-02-03
zedt 2012-02-03
walpino 2012-02-03
Atombender 05-02-2012
Woromir 05-02-2012
starki 05-02-2012
MiRo 05-02-2012
BfT2 05-02-2012
StefanDuis 05-02-2012
dowo 2012-02-05
ƒred 2012-02-05
wiko99 2012-02-05
knurrgaga 2012-02-05
taronja 2012-02-05
mojito 2012-02-05
wildking 2012-02-05
ladegast 2012-02-05
Matze½ 2012-02-05
gooselk 2012-02-05
mgandalf 2012-02-05
Godbehere 2012-02-05
KeeperOfTheSun 2012-02-05
uuh 2012-02-05
edwinemi 05-02-2012
jpreinoso 05-02-2012
HJBlaauw 05-02-2012
Leandro Dardini 05-02-2012
Riox 05-02-2012
GiulioFi 05-02-2012
Basu 05-02-2012
Borboryzein 05-02-2012
rotellaro 05-02-2012
leo72 05-02-2012
vespa69 05-02-2012
Jonathan82 05-02-2012
grace83 05-02-2012
David Lemelin 05-02-2012
kevent 05-02-2012
ericdube 05-02-2012
Myric 05-02-2012
Linksjugend solid nrw 05-02-2012
dowo[3] 05-02-2012; 29-01-2011; 08-04-2011; 12-11-2011
ƒred 05-02-2012
wiko99 05-02-2012
knurrgaga 05-02-2012
taronja 05-02-2012
mojito 05-02-2012; 01-02-2012
wildking 05-02-2012
ladegast 05-02-2012
Matze½ 05-02-2012; 24-07-2011
gooselk 05-02-2012, 21-08-2011
mgandalf 05-02-2012; 01-08-2011
Godbehere 05-02-2012
KeeperOfTheSun 05-02-2012, 01-02-2012
uuh 05-02-2012
Briana%20Garcia 06-02-2012
David%20Smith 06-02-2012
Daniel Faulkner 06-02-2012
Fubar[3] 06-02-2012; 11-03-2011
Peter Krell 06-02-2012; 01-02-2012
Alex DeLarge 06-02-2012
Fubar 2012-02-06
Peter Krell 2012-02-06
Regina 2012-02-06
www-gps-gipfel-de 06-02-2012
sebastianf 06-02-2012
Bastioh 06-02-2012
martin-144 06-02-2012
nobreak 06-02-2012
Stm8c 06-02-2012
stefansedlmeier 06-02-2012
Festblatte 06-02-2012
netmap 06-02-2012
JJF 06-02-2012
Philipp Caliebe 06-02-2012
janeck 06-02-2012
uschmitt 06-02-2012
Maritis 06-02-2012
goocy 06-02-2012
Markus80 06-02-2012
Shaker 06-02-2012
MartinBernard 06-02-2012
LordPsycholus 06-02-2012
GPSbiker 06-02-2012
meisi027 06-02-2012
bjoerns 06-02-2012
Icetwo 06-02-2012
smithy 06-02-2012
darkcookie 06-02-2012
vefantur 06-02-2012
wollo 06-02-2012
Mesuar 06-02-2012
sielenk 06-02-2012
startecc 06-02-2012
Christian S 06-02-2012
ukuest 06-02-2012
pedezet 06-02-2012
metaland 06-02-2012
ppilihP 06-02-2012
bux 06-02-2012
schnegge 06-02-2012
Deutschland 06-02-2012; 01-08-2011
schobischob 06-02-2012
Alex_83 06-02-2012
thx2k 06-02-2012
diavolo 06-02-2012
Pince 06-02-2012
Zerom 06-02-2012
consh 06-02-2012
Peter62 06-02-2012
Regina 06-02-2012 (2 ×)
ninsheng 06-02-2012
jakomoj 06-02-2012
Schulsozialarbeit Ehningen 06-02-2012
lars 171071 06-02-2012
Sunces 06-02-2012
berny73 06-02-2012; 23-08-2011
scrapple61 06-02-2012
PlanB 06-02-2012
Grisu 06-02-2012
pepto 06-02-2012
FamilyLFDO 07-02-2012
FM27 07-02-2012
uwe75 07-02-2012
Stulle 07-02-2012
TU Braunschweig 07-02-2012
halligalli 07-02-2012
Scavanger 07-02-2012
flashfinger 07-02-2012
moppes 07-02-2012
Blechschere 07-02-2012
sherpa 07-02-2012
RalfK 07-02-2012
Harbsch 07-02-2012
marcham 07-02-2012
cbweb 07-02-2012
anton007 07-02-2012
peron 07-02-2012
oeding 07-02-2012
Sacha Pernat 07-02-2012
MarcoP 07-02-2012
Apoena 07-02-2012
rsergio 07-02-2012
Carlos Natividade 07-02-2012
otaviocc 07-02-2012
gferraz 07-02-2012
andreyGFBPA 07-02-2012
plasticpony 08-02-2012 declined
MauPan 08-02-2012
freidenker-of 07-02-2012
4osm 07-02-2012
Endorfin 07-02-2012
DonJon 07-02-2012
kante 07-02-2012
Mark-Schneider 07-02-2012
Nib 07-02-2012
Waldschrat07 07-02-2012
johnboy03 07-02-2012
excelsior 07-02-2012
Michael Lange 07-02-2012
LeoF 07-02-2012
spa33 07-02-2012
floq 07-02-2012
Square-Dancer 07-02-2012
Ssch 07-02-2012
yoggy 07-02-2012
landler 07-02-2012
TaKai 07-02-2012
staira6 07-02-2012
Holgiii 07-02-2012
Hägar 07-02-2012
snake12 07-02-2012
zEn 07-02-2012
shoutee 07-02-2012
Napoleon72 07-02-2012
fabchief 07-02-2012
ster 07-02-2012
Lillbabs 07-02-2012
roadrunner3 07-02-2012
wzi 07-02-2012
martinschmidt 07-02-2012
stefan_x86 07-02-2012
Heiko Patz 07-02-2012
bikeracewarrior 08-02-2012
triggerT 08-02-2012
ljet 08-02-2012
batzee 08-02-2012
thenaughtily 08-02-2012
Frank Munnes 08-02-2012
matze23 08-02-2012
whiskey71 08-02-2012
MikyMike 08-02-2012
plastinka 08-02-2012
belli 08-02-2012
Zappi 08-02-2012
TimKuckuck 08-02-2012
oxyd 08-02-2012
RSch 08-02-2012
tigerforce777 08-02-2012
mgroenne 08-02-2012
susasim 08-02-2012
bgbch 08-02-2012
Trim07 08-02-2012
reineke 08-02-2012
MoGGe 08-02-2012
FrH 08-02-2012
Kuny 08-02-2012
Anam 08-02-2012
Fossy 08-02-2012
OSCH 08-02-2012
aemafa 08-02-2012
cracy-lord 08-02-2012
michael2003 08-02-2012
mdm 08-02-2012
GreenYeti 08-02-2012; 29-01-2012 declined
Double-U 08-02-2012
themartl 08-02-2012
flohzf 08-02-2012
dDesign 08-02-2012
sinus13 08-02-2012
xaver 08-02-2012
shogimoto 08-02-2012
Paul68 08-02-2012
gerhut1982 08-02-2012
Andreas74 08-02-2012
Philipp 87 08-02-2012
BenjiMantey 08-02-2012
dorfmeister 08-02-2012
Andy0z 08-02-2012
birnfeldt 08-02-2012
24mai06 08-02-2012
thopex 08-02-2012
Malnor 08-02-2012
kemnat 08-02-2012
alex-sp 08-02-2012
Cheater! 08-02-2012
olibaer 08-02-2012
Jenny13 08-02-2012
KlausBormann 08-02-2012
botter81 08-02-2012
vonderschanz 08-02-2012
HePla 08-02-2012
tom82 08-02-2012
Baer 08-02-2012
dinosaurier 08-02-2012
srank 08-02-2012
flux 08-02-2012
Zucki 08-02-2012
saburg 08-02-2012
spe_paf 08-02-2012
htmlmaster 08-02-2012
gps-fan 08-02-2012
gerritutz 08-02-2012; 30-10-2011
matzi 08-02-2012
Finn[GER] 08-02-2012
topsec 08-02-2012
one_two_bike 08-02-2012
kaiapel 08-02-2012; 07-02-2012
moppi4483 08-02-2012 (2 ×); 07-02-2012 (2 ×)
sijanole 08-02-2012
highelf 08-02-2012 (2 ×); 07-02-2012; 06-02-2012
reisefloh 08-02-2012
maurermann83 08-02-2012
stephan_wenzel 08-02-2012
Rittersven 08-02-2012
lengi 08-02-2012
Schorschi 08-02-2012
hfzm 08-02-2012
skahlhoefer 08-02-2012
osmh 08-02-2012
dehee 08-02-2012
Lui75 08-02-2012
adlerradler 08-02-2012
RouvenB 08-02-2012
TundT 08-02-2012
Thomas Kemptner 08-02-2012
TM07er 08-02-2012
PeterJ 08-02-2012
raust 08-02-2012
JaMaRo 08-02-2012
Björn Butscher 08-02-2012
AlienMind 08-02-2012
Styxi 08-02-2012
Emmentreiber 08-02-2012
nrohr 08-02-2012
Joerg Abel 08-02-2012
van Braijn 08-02-2012
kst 08-02-2012
rainerkuth 08-02-2012
MTB-Racer 08-02-2012
alpha2 2012-02-08
gletscher 2012-02-09
Pferdekathy 2012-02-09
Hausen 2012-02-09
SteveK83 2012-02-09
pfefferc 2012-02-09
frankentracks 2012-02-09
lyzrd 2012-02-09
Th123 2012-02-09
p212121 2012-02-09
John Serafin 09-02-2012
pierluigi 09-02-2012
vincenzo1234 09-02-2012
FilippoOpen 09-02-2012
rotrida 09-02-2012
hvelloso 09-02-2012
karkara 09-02-2012
Kezarcau 09-02-2012
darkside 09-02-2012
Primio 09-02-2012
Flavio Sampaio 09-02-2012
Valber 09-02-2012
Moonshade 09-02-2012
Mirko Küster 09-02-2012
Lúcio 09-02-2012
MalteS 09-02-2012
Eva Rabold 09-02-2012
msnfull 09-02-2012
flordecopan 09-02-2012
sr40 09-02-2012
Niemh 09-02-2012
jimknopf 09-02-2012
dsn 09-02-2012
Rodriguez 09-02-2012
Papa Schlumpf 09-02-2012
Kugelmuggel 09-02-2012
saddleburner 09-02-2012; 07-02-2012
zapderseb 09-02-2012
Sebastian Frank 09-02-2012
klimperfritz 09-02-2012
Team HS Fulda 09-02-2012
msc-Rosti 09-02-2012
RyanNYC 09-02-2012
Paul S Suchko[5] 2012-02-10; 2012-02-21 (via FB)
Soljia[2][6] 2012-02-10; 2012-03-12
NickMcCullar[1] 2012-02-10; 2012-03-12
Lorenzo Zolfanelli 10-02-2012
Muge 10-02-2012
aleh 10-02-2012
hiltonFI 10-02-2012
markvh 2012-02-10
distributed 2012-02-10
werner lamping 2012-02-10
ulrichc 2012-02-10
quaker0 2012-02-10
swissTracker 2012-02-10
franwo 2012-02-10
kalauer5 2012-02-10
forstwald 2012-02-10
Midix 2012-02-10
zeitlos 2012-02-10
Tobulus 2012-02-10
edor 10-02-2012
nas93 10-02-2012
AbuOla 10-02-2012
Springtone 10-02-2012
Ivanovici[2] 02-10-2012; 03-09-2012
sonnenschein252 2012-02-10
KaiB 2012-02-10
Hüsses 2012-02-10
m-c-cat 2012-02-10
3rdGenBruin[1] 2012-02-10; 2012-03-18
COP[2] 2012-02-10; 2012-03-18
lt dan 2012-02-10
Sunny 2012-02-10
noddy[5][6] 2012-02-11; 2012-03-22
straight_ghetto3193[1] 2012-02-11; 2012-03-22
Schulte 2012-02-11
alexanderprometheus 2012-02-02
Taz 2012-02-02
wolfie 2012-02-02
PopUpPirate 2012-02-02
pgidz 2012-02-02
Twodada 2012-02-03
Nerrep 2012-02-04
fid 2012-02-04
Molenga Ado Molenga 2012-02-04
danielscott 2012-02-04; 2012-01-12
user_7363 2012-02-04
daisy-dcat 2012-02-09
Senfglas 2012-02-11
Schnatgänger 2012-02-11
tewel 2012-02-11
deisterläufer 2012-02-11
cat2007 2012-02-11
48259 2012-02-11
sohnvonsohnvonpeter 2012-02-11
normy 2012-02-11
Pathfindersonde 2012-02-11
W7FHL 2012-02-11
lorco 2012-02-11
Freedolin 2012-02-11
Martin1807 2012-02-11
DiegoMG 2012-02-11
mickoftwick 2012-02-11
Wiesenwohner 2012-02-11
Netman 2012-02-11
Jpb72 2012-02-11
langemi 2012-02-11
Tabaluga69 2012-02-11
doerfleins 2012-02-11
darklordjr8 2012-02-11
Tretmaschine 2012-02-11
rkrabbe 2012-02-11
superquatsch 2012-02-11
Senator 2012-02-11
GraeberMichael 2012-02-11
wildcamper 2012-02-11
snifjaku 2012-02-11
RavoxX 2012-02-11
inselmapper 2012-02-11
LordOfThePings 2012-02-11
jollyroger87 2012-02-11
Dayton 2012-02-11
morontv 2012-02-11
kalki 2012-02-11
spitzbrook 2012-02-11
Berndkpunkt 2012-02-11
Lupíro 2012-02-11
foorever 2012-02-11
derboarder 2012-02-11
Recon 2012-02-11
wachholz 2012-02-11
msp 2012-02-11
BjoernHanemann 2012-02-11
Alessio Frusciante 2012-02-11
Ciso 2012-02-11
scorpjo 2012-02-11
DiSign 2012-02-11
sihl85 2012-02-11
Sir Phava 2012-02-11
marrano 2012-02-11
gnamba 2012-02-11
SebWeasley 2012-02-11
bing0 2012-02-11
digitalmarine 2012-02-11
Hubert 2012-02-11
Hogli 2012-02-11
marcohol 2012-02-11
asyring 2012-02-11
mitchworld 2012-02-11
cyberbaum 2012-02-11
Schakal 2012-02-11
TATZ 2012-02-11
Lareo 2012-02-11
Kudlwackerl 2012-02-11
_flo_ 2012-02-11
risetothesky 2012-02-11
mb_tux 2012-02-11
Airvan 2012-02-11
trackit 2012-02-11
derluegner 2012-02-11
dresdner 2012-02-11
Stoertebecker 2012-02-11
Cepheiden 2012-02-11
Gandos 2012-02-11
DerGnarf 2012-02-11
gartenzwergin 2012-02-11
GluePi 2012-02-11
marctheshark 2012-02-11
romoban 2012-02-11
André D 2012-02-11
Tryer 2012-02-11
jo1995 2012-02-11
LargoD 2012-02-11
84453 2012-02-11
apoh 2012-02-11
Marloh 2012-02-11
obilan 2012-02-11
WarEagle 2012-02-11
znbrain 2012-02-11
OdfMapper 2012-02-11
ganimed2 2012-02-11
Schnell 2012-02-11
OelderArminius 2012-02-11
kcg011 2012-02-11
Huckeduster 2012-02-11; 2011-08-23
gerolderux 2012-02-11
ErichRost 2012-02-11
knauber 2012-02-11
Knut 2012-02-11
TobiWanKnobi 2012-02-11
werner_ne 2012-02-11
BADEMElSTER 2012-02-11
c_a_schaefer 2012-02-11
greensails 2012-02-11
Bertone 2012-02-11
skriz204 2012-02-11
BamBam 2012-02-11
DanielKneifel 2012-02-11
kuly_2002 2012-02-11
angst 2012-02-11
Stenose2001 2012-02-11
Novos 2012-02-11
El-Barto 2012-02-11
Toenisberger 2012-02-11
kaa24 2012-02-11
schrammgera 2012-02-11
TobyNick 2012-02-11
dbx 2012-02-11
Hans-Peter Berger 2012-02-11
maddin84 2012-02-11
coglyostro 2012-02-11
AdrianEvans 2012-02-11
g4hza 2012-02-12
hermann 2012-02-12
butch 2012-02-12
*schessilibam* 2012-02-12
rumble 2012-02-12
TheAS[1] 2012-02-12; 2011-07
fiesta-koelpers 2012-02-12
Gruppe_7 2012-02-12
Snakeater 2012-02-12
Funk 2012-02-12
Martin Buren 2012-02-12
surveyor 2012-02-12
cag2010-10 2012-02-12
ja-hue 2012-02-12
ToOsm 2012-02-12
fritzstuff 2012-02-12
KarlLinne 2012-02-12
Sophie Werner 2012-02-12
manu911 2012-02-12
PhilippR 2012-02-12
Samtron 2012-02-12
birga 2012-02-12
Peter Echinger 2012-02-12
ades4827 2012-02-12
grace 2012-02-12
moppi4483 2012-02-12
tobyashbee 2012-02-12
Aszrael 2012-02-12
johannmax 2012-02-12
dahardy 2012-02-12
jens_wolfsheimert 2012-02-13
nonname 2012-02-13
db2 2012-02-13
paivi 2012-02-13
liikkeelle 2012-02-13
paivis 2012-02-13
essenfassen 2012-02-13
DreXpunK 2012-02-13
Luenejung 2012-02-13
meierlein 2012-02-13
Daniel-Wi 2012-02-13
Knochen 2012-02-13
StevieB 2012-02-13
jamewill 2012-02-13
GFcomp 2012-02-13
geotrackerin 2012-02-13
cornettonuss 2012-02-13
Bernd Hoffmann 2012-02-13
vhofmann 2012-02-13
nomison 2012-02-13
Antiriad 2012-02-13
widb 2012-02-13
Fast 2012-02-13
CAG 2012-02-13
Hassan Bishara 2012-02-13
rk1954m 2012-02-13
chrisinhannover 2012-02-13
eles 2012-02-13
nikaragua 2012-02-13
Franz86 2012-02-13
listerthrawn[2] 2012-02-14
Rainer Gatzmann 2012-02-14; 2012-01-10; 2011-11-25
TheFoxFromTheNorth 2012-02-14
mayalf48 2012-02-14
kevk32 2012-02-14
Dieter56 2012-02-14
thefix 2012-02-14
White3G 2012-02-14
Maddonny 2012-02-14
HartmutBurkhardt 2012-02-14
ygr 2012-02-14
an00905 2012-02-14
gpsbiber 2012-02-14
AdrianK 2012-02-14
emsems 2012-02-14
kiehli 2012-02-14
GrafKarto 2012-02-14
Mili 2012-02-14
falcone 2012-02-14
Youle 2012-02-14
wolkenfaenger 2012-02-14
schoepfi 2012-02-14
Lucian 2012-02-15
Matz 2012-02-15
gleysmo 2012-02-15
danielelippi 2012-02-15
Anarazael 2012-02-15
Heinz-Gerd 2012-02-15
tlanfer 2012-02-15
GIS1 2012-02-15
actronx 2012-02-15
rio-grande 2012-02-15
guru103 2012-02-15
rfehr 2012-02-15
fahrmahin 2012-02-15
Swift 2012-02-15
vonhohenfels 2012-02-15
friedel56 2012-02-15
landkartenindex 2012-02-15
MGHunter 2012-02-15
Micha_H 2012-02-15
kurtzboslar 2012-02-15
Saimon007 2012-02-15
AnnaToMo 2012-02-15
Guenni1977 2012-02-15
Richard Thiel 2012-02-15
geomaxe 2012-02-15
asanto 2012-02-15
aldefz00 2012-02-15
Gemeddy 2012-02-15
JohannWitzler 2012-02-15
marco 6 2012-02-15
JotBeh 2012-02-15
qx23 2012-02-15
rolo58 2012-02-15
thexception 2012-02-15
starlord 2012-02-15
milanored 2012-02-15
Sebe 2012-02-15
Homicide 2012-02-15
Giorgio Vaccari 2012-02-16
Riccardo Ricci 2012-02-16
Hoockman 2012-02-16
snake_mfg 2012-02-16
Heini45 2012-02-16
Horst2303 2012-02-16
wslmude 2012-02-16
Svensson 2012-02-16
michi4891 2012-02-16
Malte Feder 2012-02-16
LDVelo 2012-02-16
evort 2012-02-16
nasaone 2012-02-16
Dieter Guthörl 2012-02-16
rico 2012-02-16
Larry86 2012-02-16
fanesa 2012-02-16
DonLeone 2012-02-16
game_freak 2012-02-16
gigiwn 2012-02-16
nangap 2012-02-16
whitehorus 2012-02-16
Morpheus87 2012-02-16
pyro 2012-02-16
sut_zh 2012-02-16
Chrismox 2012-02-16
samoht 2012-02-16
-capitano- 2012-02-17
Ruudsy 2012-02-17
DASKAjA 2012-02-17
Berlinertom 2012-02-17
CoryHelfrich 2012-02-17
abulhiss 2012-02-17
felixk 2012-02-17
b00ngarten 2012-02-17
Atasa 2012-02-17
Rolfi112 2012-02-17
rjm 2012-02-17
schlack 2012-02-17
mwfk 2012-02-17
DocSchnibbel 2012-02-17
JFP 2012-02-17
philter 2012-02-17
mercator650 2012-02-17
kleinerbär 2012-02-17
Apfelhaus 2012-02-17
Lemy Danger 2012-02-17
despe 2012-02-17
schfranc 2012-02-17
schemho 2012-02-17
abakus3141 2012-02-17
roschi 2012-02-17
Thomas Barthels 2012-02-17
geisiald 2012-02-17
HKirsch 2012-02-17
Franci 2012-02-17
bh3u4m 2012-02-17; 2011-12-20
neoralp 2012-02-17
ivanvirtuale 2012-02-17
Fewera 2012-02-17
MauPau 2012-02-17
mix 2012-02-17
Andrea Margesin Trento 2012-02-17
blue-dragon 2012-02-17
Nosgarto 2012-02-18
Jens P 2012-02-18
TMPA 2012-02-18
Geodäsie 2012-02-18
LG_ 2012-02-18
philnum 2012-02-18
OlliMa13 2012-02-18
meinolfk 2012-02-18
Osmeister 2012-02-18
H_Molsen 2012-02-18
tombo-osm 2012-02-18
BSP 2012-02-18
blokey 2012-02-18
Panda97 2012-02-19
TRAlpen 2012-02-19
Hamzelot 2012-02-19
ct-komm-nrw 2012-02-19
ffgeowil 2012-02-19
gwillhauck 2012-02-19
536289493186 2012-02-19
agmap 2012-02-19
Kloana 2012-02-19
C77 2012-02-19
Stefan Ziegler 2012-02-19
Live Auea 2012-02-19
Vyn 2012-02-19
F-Holunder 2012-03-26 (via user with similar name); 2012-02-19; 2012-01-21; 2011-09-22
Kirklees 2012-02-20
Otto Yamamoto[3] 2012-02-20
SirToby 2012-02-20
tekey 2012-02-20
olibakerman 2012-02-20
Andreas@Xanten 2012-02-20
xerroy 2012-02-20
mapper1147 2012-02-21
Albina 2012-02-21
pedab 2012-02-21
RobertRentschler 2012-02-21
dtm4 2012-02-21
pugnacity 2012-02-21
gbergner 2012-02-21
Maschler 2012-02-21
Ulfe 2012-02-21
Küchenracker 2012-02-21
luell2009 2012-02-21
peleg 2012-02-21
berlinerluemmel 2012-02-21
Franka 2012-02-21
reisefloh 2012-02-21
MartinMausA 2012-02-21
StarDust 2012-02-22
MSSSSM 2012-02-22
AlexF 2012-02-22
malo7 2012-02-22
Fahrradfahrer 2012-02-22
JohannElis 2012-02-22
dieba 2012-02-22
FLB 2012-02-22
arssites88[2][6] 2012-02-22; 2012-03-28
Trek5200rider[5][6] 2012-02-22
Dustin Brace[1][6] 2012-02-22
jon[1][6] 2012-02-22
morgan_pgh[5][6] 2012-02-22
gnosomai[1] 2012-02-23; 2012-03-05 (Youtube)
Zommunism[1][6] 2012-02-23
Jeremy R Tracy[1] 2012-02-23; 2012-03-21
Mepmep 2012-02-23
thubau 2012-02-23
reverseholic[1][6] 2012-02-23
xveg[2] 2012-02-23
T Enterline[1] 2012-02-23
ChrisRoss[4] 2012-02-23
Dot2 2012-02-23
Franz86 2012-02-23
volare 2012-02-23
ravin 2012-02-23
timproegler 2012-02-23
jakob22 2012-02-23
Fast 2012-02-23
haucki 2012-02-23
matafumar 2012-02-23
Ulfe 2012-02-23
mike83 2012-02-23
tibaco 2012-02-23
Blue_Monk 2012-02-23
Paul82 2012-02-23
dahardy 2012-02-23
latinjazz 2012-02-23
Samux 2012-02-23
riechmann 2012-02-23
omnior 2012-02-23
Lo1tuma 2012-02-23
kc8pdr[2] 2012-02-24; 2012-03-21
KenThomas[1] 2012-02-24; 2012-03-11 (via e-mail)
wes-wv[1][6] 2012-02-24
mikerowe81[1][6] 2012-02-24
ScottCoGIS[2] 2012-02-24; 2012-03-21
mbj1284[1] 2012-02-24; 2012-03-21
Adam37 2012-02-24
Nessiemonster 2012-02-24
N1ck200 2012-02-24
neil-spurgeon 2012-02-24
BLOKEY MANN 2012-02-24
emeadows[2][6] 2012-02-24; 2012-03-21
mvb 2012-02-24
hostenbach 2012-02-24
JosefReinartz 2012-02-24
pascal1900 2012-02-24
MG41061 2012-02-24
Matthias Scheible 2012-02-24
hjkurrat 2012-02-24
hurten 2012-02-24
globus601 2012-02-24
Unmapped 2012-02-24
7270martin 2012-02-24
Muriel 2012-02-24
Ebsen 2012-02-24
cornettonuss 2012-02-24
pipoeb 2012-02-24
neocoretech 2012-02-24
irmi-xxx 2012-02-24
fbranntwein 2012-02-24
wahnfried64 2012-02-24
Ulrich Marx 2012-02-24
Buuuh 2012-02-24
aSe2101 2012-02-24
Knute 2012-02-24
pidoubleu 2012-02-24
grisu14 2012-02-24
titus_gva 2012-02-24
legubiker 2012-02-24
Andrewlev 2012-02-24
rabaucke 2012-02-24
thorsten_t 2012-02-24
Zwangsmischer 2012-02-24
qwertling 2012-02-24
geegaga 2012-02-24
kdreyer 2012-02-24
stegelmann123 2012-02-24
AnHun 2012-02-24
Mandyh 2012-02-24
thunderbee 2012-02-24
mla 2012-02-24
Theesener 2012-02-24
MBurger 2012-02-24
Loca Location 2012-02-24
Johannes Braun 2012-02-24
cherkassky 2012-02-24
Diekmann 2012-02-24
Zwennie Zwenson 2012-02-24
hastebrot 2012-02-24
Riverrhine 2012-02-24
http 2012-02-24
Patti1984 2012-02-24
gemawe 2012-02-24
fbranntwein 2012-02-24
Michael 001 2012-02-24
Dirk Wolf 2012-02-24
teddy1411 2012-02-24
felsenpaule 2012-02-24
Sepp_ 2012-02-24
magicmaster 2012-02-24
malysz 2012-02-24
mac2804 2012-02-24
aachatz 2012-02-24
cfbeck 2012-02-24
gpsossi 2012-02-24
scholli25 2012-02-24
mfroeschl 2012-02-24
bobstep[1][6] 2012-02-25
skrblr[1][6] 2012-02-25
Via[1] 2012-02-25
vovsad 2012-02-25
Serhiy Veryovka 2012-02-25
Orest Voloshchuk 2012-02-25
odudar 2012-02-25
Andymaster 2012-02-25
maectpo 2012-02-25
Rayne_6828[2] 2012-02-25
p37307[2][6] 2012-02-25
demory[1] 2012-02-25
WesMcD[1][6] 2012-02-25
Jon Starnes[1] 2012-02-25
DrubyScooby[1] 2012-02-25
michaelohalpin[1][6] 2012-02-25
geo-dave[5] 2012-02-25
huipingtsai[5] 2012-02-25
virtualnikki[5][6] 2012-02-25
japster369[1] 2012-02-25
@ndrew[1] 2012-02-25
Usha_Kharel[5][6] 2012-02-25
geo-grad[5] 2012-02-25
blevins[1] 2012-02-25
Voider 2012-02-25
nicolesuzamy[1] 2012-02-25
James Goff[1] 2012-02-25
mbdoaneatl[1] 2012-02-25
R Warder[1] 2012-02-25
jcribb4[2][6] 2012-02-25
mbroms[1][6] 2012-02-25
SEclimber[2] 2012-02-25
Rob G[1][6] 2012-02-25
JDK[5] 2012-02-25
Juelle 2012-02-25
BonniVista 2012-02-25
P170 2012-02-25
shakarri 2012-02-25
link0485 2012-02-25
TomekRS 2012-02-25
lumathjo 2012-02-25
aplr 2012-02-25
berlidedi 2012-02-25
Tobias Berger 2012-02-25
TEAM 6-Henrik & Christopher 2012-02-25
stevo 2012-02-25
Thomas Brand 2012-02-25
Stocki 2012-02-25
piotr112 2012-02-25
eule_49 2012-02-25
feniala 2012-02-25
d0c 2012-02-25
beetlemax 2012-02-25
ElDarkwing 2012-02-25
rmichel 2012-02-25
LMG Falkensee 2012-02-25
cubio 2012-02-25
Tobias Heinz 2012-02-25
walkerman 2012-02-25
changeling 2012-02-25
Biibsi 2012-02-25
ThomasKemptner 2012-02-25
jofes 2012-02-25
Jike 2012-02-25
noONE86 2012-02-25
CCLLAAEE99 2012-02-25
Dreosan 2012-02-25
Kay Papenfuß 2012-02-25
Chris_OSM 2012-02-25
Holger_P 2012-02-25
Trinsath 2012-02-25
Kekser81 2012-02-25
sqrt3 2012-02-25
Hi! 2012-02-25
szograt 2012-02-25
Nathan Hüsken 2012-02-25
Tino Schonert 2012-02-25
Tintan 2012-02-25
Thomas Hanusch 2012-02-25
MetaStabil 2012-02-25
citycarph 2012-02-25
way4net_01 2012-02-25
OSM_MAN 2012-02-25
ElAssistente 2012-02-25
sizzlor 2012-02-25
mannihimmel 2012-02-25
L3w3x 2012-02-25
misterxausde 2012-02-26
wahnfried64 2012-02-26
aipsyol 2012-02-26
ClaRa 2012-02-26
stefanmanz 2012-02-26
metim 2012-02-26
Ryu-HRO 2012-02-26
DJ_SKY 2012-02-26
mc-cain 2012-02-26
Guido Stammer 2012-02-26
Torsten@Kemnitz 2012-02-26
cag2010-1 2012-02-26
PicHunter 2012-02-26
TheJJJ 2012-02-26
cag2010-9 2012-02-26
Michael Massee 2012-02-26
am0k0815 2012-02-26
kairue 2012-02-26
Brilliantblau 2012-02-26
Honigkuchen 2012-02-26
cairos 2012-02-26
scandy 2012-02-26
wagner-ma 2012-02-26
Andreas Strasser 2012-02-26
GUFSZ 2012-02-26
Kaba-Kakao 2012-02-26
gsxler 2012-02-26
toddy1984 2012-02-26
hal01_de 2012-02-26
peteralbers1 2012-02-26
HitTheDirt 2012-02-26
Dä-Joojää 2012-02-26
genussmensch 2012-02-26
brian_pogson 2012-02-26
Jahanni 2012-02-26
mfroeschl 2012-02-26
2Blum 2012-02-26
cturmann 2012-02-26
airlinerhwi 2012-02-26
Sharraz 2012-02-26
cLinx 2012-02-26
Schulze 2012-02-26
Hyrion 2012-02-26
bx5525 2012-02-26
dreish[1] 2012-02-26
tebuchanan[1] 2012-02-26
kdel[1][6] 2012-02-26
Tucker Sizemore[2] 2012-02-26
lacy[3] 2012-02-26; 2012-03-29
clarkembree[2] 2012-02-26
Daniel Defoe[1][6] 2012-02-26
PedroDaGr8[1] 2012-02-26
Pizza Hut Driver[1][6] 2012-02-26
Nlx21[1] 2012-02-26
Rivalarrival[4] 2012-02-26
stix1 2012-02-26
Alexander Cools 2012-02-26
Ansgar 2012-02-26
stefanly 2012-02-26
wasserratte 2012-02-26
AnttiH 2012-02-26
Axel Hofen 2012-02-26
purestrain 2012-02-26
drT 2012-02-26
Cenobite 2012-02-26
chrigi 2012-02-26
lillydog 2012-02-26
C7- 2012-02-27
stefanozh 2012-02-27
taugenichts 2012-02-27
praxis-rakowitz 2012-02-27
Millz[1] 2012-02-27
remu[1][6] 2012-02-27
slickh20[2][6] 2012-02-27
wdavis[1][6] 2012-02-27
helperhorne[3] 2012-02-27
Qrel 2012-02-27
schawwi 2012-02-27
burgherr 2012-02-27
TheFrog 2012-02-27
heimlicher 2012-02-27
DualChris 2012-02-27
Distance9000 2012-02-27
greenroli 2012-02-27
Andreas M Metzger 2012-02-27
Phil42 2012-02-27
levleben 2012-02-27
axelthasler 2012-02-27
TPauls 2012-02-27
j0hn[2][6] 2012-02-27
Nathan Thomas[2] 2012-02-27
monamaus12 2012-02-27
CDur 2012-02-27
Hotte 2012-02-27
rambazamba 2012-02-27
mtro47 2012-02-27
pukdiefliege 2012-02-27
die-stoffkate 2012-02-27
pgreeen 2012-02-27
Martin63450 2012-02-27
rahmschnitzel 2012-02-27
Kruemel06 2012-02-27
benhan 2012-02-27
pebro 2012-02-27
Freddy Frog1 2012-02-27
roadrunna 2012-02-27
Dispersionzombie 2012-02-27
lambdanet 2012-02-27
gzt8jm 2012-02-27
maxsax 2012-02-27
Mr_Mercator 2012-02-27
cyberray 2012-02-27
thatsreal 2012-02-27
moadin 2012-02-27
Torenvalk 2012-02-27
NorthernMapper 2012-02-28
KFordMap 2012-02-28
kesfan 2012-02-28
Salkunh 2012-02-28
mihonen 2012-02-28
holmen 2012-02-28
mgw854[1][6] 2012-02-28
JaapK[1] 2012-02-28; 2012-03-26
N8800SS[5][6] 2012-02-28
John Swainston 2012-02-28
Mapbox 2012-02-28
mail1212 2012-02-28
sihamann 2012-02-28
heldj 2012-02-28
skeiner 2012-02-28
hegge 2012-02-28
tabularasa 2012-02-28
roadrunna 2012-02-28
flesh 2012-02-28
thalys 2012-02-28
AD* 2012-02-28
jkarwatzki 2012-02-28
gregor53 2012-02-28
raWenHAMM 2012-02-28
Klärchen 2012-02-28
jooo 2012-02-28
Reese23 2012-02-28
chrsitof 2012-02-28
pyro 2012-02-28
Timan 2012-02-28
Family-Man 2012-02-28
JJM 2012-02-28
Nils aus H 2012-02-28
christiansmit 2012-02-28
mafcom 2012-02-28
BlitzChecker 2012-02-28
geoexplorer01 2012-02-28
Peter Schilling 2012-02-28
trekdriver33 2012-02-28
Martin63450 2012-02-28
nawack 2012-02-28
Viehfutter 2012-02-29
Cosmotic 2012-02-29
Auryn 2012-02-29
NPM 2012-02-29
joefraun[5][6] 2012-02-29
jwiley30m[2][6] 2012-02-29
picipirl[1][6] 2012-02-29
Tonmeister 2012-02-29
Holgi0815 2012-02-29
Hikerbiker 2012-02-29
arma 2012-02-29
numeric 2012-02-29
binärfahrer 2012-02-29
dashy 2012-02-29
Ventusavis 2012-02-29
sup78 2012-02-29
Torenvalk 2012-02-29

Asked in 2012-03

Please remove users from this table and listify them once they have accepted.

user name when was the user asked answer received or obviously knows about the license change

(for neutrality and data privacy only put yes or no or declined)

DaL33T[2] 2012-03-01
DanielGeo[2] 2012-03-01; 2012-03-24
Abdelbaset Rabaiah 2012-03-01
ErolGuven 2012-03-01
azmy 2012-03-01
xbadboy87x[5][6] 2012-03-01
Your Majesty[1] 2012-03-01
Maneesha[1] 2012-03-01
blindeyed[1] 2012-03-01
HB123[2] 2012-03-01
JZhang[5] 2012-03-01
Flor!an 2012-03-01
cadmichael 2012-03-01
Cypher_242 2012-03-01
Hufy90 2012-03-01
3rain3ug 2012-03-01
udan 2012-03-01
star84 2012-03-01
scotty0911 2012-03-01
LarP 2012-03-01
jugenddiakon 2012-03-01
hardmou 2012-03-01
TeleSons 2012-03-01
HBTS 2012-03-01
TobiasB 2012-03-01
BeHu 2012-03-01
marsello 2012-03-01
iznieh 2012-03-01
frankp 2012-03-01
iflowbeetle 2012-03-01
fch 2012-03-01
Knuddi334 2012-03-01
dts24 2012-03-01
DoubleRS 2012-03-01
Jo&Stef 2012-03-01
brotomat 2012-03-01
ewaldreil 2012-03-01
Zwerg87 2012-03-01
-AlMa- 2012-03-01
gdiekmann 2012-03-01
scorpion 2012-03-01
Beckenheiner 2012-03-01
wolfskamp 2012-03-01
Nemo84 2012-03-01
B30wulf 2012-03-01
Erkupa 2012-03-01
Homer Simpson 2012-03-01
554[1][6] 2012-03-02
Alagache[2][6] 2012-03-02
Alex Fallis[1] 2012-03-02
Cati[2][6] 2012-03-02
edg3516[1][6] 2012-03-02
Jeff Hart[2] 2012-03-02
CAG2010-4 2012-03-02
entchen 2012-03-02
georgosm 2012-03-02
ventear 2012-03-02
Kimiyou 2012-03-02
Tobs 2012-03-02
BjörnBez 2012-03-02
cybercat 2012-03-02
Dark1965 2012-03-02
daho 2012-03-02
JoMaulwurf 2012-03-02
frajos 2012-03-02
Mr_Mercator 2012-03-02
mbauel 2012-03-02
bernhardt 2012-03-02
niepelz 2012-03-02
drzempf 2012-03-02
B@sti 2012-03-02
jott 2012-03-02
Theta 2012-03-02
sven13 2012-03-02
xsankax 2012-03-02
Hanno Rein 2012-03-02 (via e-mail); 2012-01-26
djhk 2012-03-03
gnixdorf 2012-03-03
BernhardG 2012-03-03
benjixx 2012-03-03
dkape 2012-03-03
twinline 2012-03-03
JörgMM 2012-03-03
user_4870 2012-03-03
stardado 2012-03-03
kaybe 2012-03-03
spaten 2012-03-03
my-doka 2012-03-03
Steppes 2012-03-03
derjanosch 2012-03-03
NorteX 2012-03-03
wdhood[1] 2012-03-04
takenotice[2][6] 2012-03-04
Bill Zanetti[2] 2012-03-04
zoombody[5] 2012-03-04
Wiki Wikardo[2][6] 2012-03-04
PASchmitts[5] 2012-03-04
markprescott[2] 2012-03-04
honeybunny 2012-03-04
Unki 2012-03-04
Fars2010 2012-03-04
Stormweaver 2012-03-04
sasch87 2012-03-04
burninhell 2012-03-04
Haakentrick 2012-03-04
Gebrauchsspur 2012-03-04
tarrian1960 2012-03-04
TheoRetisch 2012-03-04
timdemkowsky 2012-03-04
RFSwanson 2012-03-04
leerocket 2012-03-04
Finkbeiner Systemtechnik 2012-03-04
figafelix 2012-03-04
RWoodall[1] 2012-03-04
kevinthenerd[1] 2012-03-04
GeorgeWilson[1] 2012-03-04
linuxtampa[1][6] 2012-03-04
Ingo Lantschner 2012-03-04
chilluminati 2012-03-04
XIAN DON 2012-03-04
RookieIV 2012-03-04
Bax 2012-03-04
mtd 2012-03-04
fh_geo01 2012-03-04
Lxk 2012-03-04
Tarim 2012-03-04
bobby79 2012-03-04
bhofer 2012-03-04
harry11111 2012-03-04
Fred Feuerstein 2012-03-04
hmg4711 2012-03-04
mycroft 2012-03-04
Otto 2012-03-04
Sabanovic 2012-03-04
Mitch_the_Hack 2012-03-04
XaaaaaX 2012-03-04
YankY 2012-03-04
ipr 2012-03-04
der Captain 2012-03-04
bayernfrank 2012-03-04
Rüdiger Linde 2012-03-04
Joe666 2012-03-04
Linte 2012-03-04
fero novakovic 2012-03-04
chris175 2012-03-04
StefanMor 2012-03-04
openstreetmappery 2012-03-04
gadgettester 2012-03-04
kerthi 2012-03-04
kprobst 2012-03-04
os100 2012-03-04
titan_cb 2012-03-04
wwkk 2012-03-04
ray123456 2012-03-04
Naivigator 2012-03-04
Michael Lange 2012-03-04
Chris-PR 2012-03-04
jonkad 2012-03-04
raus_mit_dem_raubtierkapitalismus 2012-03-04
ChrisEck 2012-03-04
glogo 2012-03-04
Kirchmeyer Andreas Kirchmeyer 2012-03-05
MrSchallmauer 2012-03-05
bbodnyk[1] 2012-03-05; 2012-03-24
mkoko483[4][6] 2012-03-05; 2012-03-24
chewy7719[2] 2012-03-05
cmswartz[1][6] 2012-03-05
CZimmerman[5] 2012-03-05
Scotty74 2012-03-05
elise_a_meise 2012-03-05
PierreL 2012-03-05
MS_VIE 2012-03-05
RICHARDO 2012-03-05
christian0123 2012-03-05
Kerstin_ 2012-03-05
gisbaert 2012-03-05
wopepro 2012-03-05
jokesch 2012-03-05 declined
sssSCH 2012-03-05
esbre 2012-03-05
flying 2012-03-05
PREMA 2012-03-05
kkrenn 2012-03-05
luxfuchs 2012-03-05
hjjanisch 2012-03-05
apospec_juergen 2012-03-05
HansLa 2012-03-05
seb-drei 2012-03-05
Wolf_S 2012-03-05
bdb 2012-03-05
bikeguru 2012-03-05
jolly 2012-03-05
tradmanop 2012-03-05
Derpetermann 2012-03-05
meXXus 2012-03-05
donpedro 2012-03-05
sebschl 2012-03-05
patrick89 2012-03-05
posmanet 2012-03-05
Jelinek 2012-03-05
nightflyer502 2012-03-05
dudedude 2012-03-05
netwing 2012-03-05
fabver 2012-03-05
klefu 2012-03-05
Geri 2012-03-05
schurl 2012-03-05
Romana1 2012-03-05
gerwolf 2012-03-05
svrmarty 2012-03-05
Gusti 2012-03-05
nnngoahil 2012-03-05
mausinchen 2012-03-05
z_master 2012-03-05
max99 2012-03-05
novakovic04 2012-03-05
matthias 2012-03-05
Tamy10 2012-03-05
transporter 2012-03-05
Wolfgang_S 2012-03-05
sevenbits 2012-03-05
Simomm 2012-03-05
mike1410 2012-03-05
Mastermind89 2012-03-05
beatpleasure 2012-03-05
aomap 2012-03-05
Vienna04 2012-03-05
obimichael 2012-03-05
MonacoMarco 2012-03-05
annia316 2012-03-05
lohmeier1 2012-03-05
Jokk 2012-03-05
chrip3 2012-03-05
Mark8 2012-03-05
inspectorgadjet 2012-03-05
GeneSys 2012-03-05
PaulE 2012-03-05
gm-strasser 2012-03-05
hermannr 2012-03-05
wijaa 2012-03-05
stigma7 2012-03-05
affenscheise 2012-03-05
eguj 2012-03-05
maxHz 2012-03-05
MercuryCadium 2012-03-05
Englacher Andreas 2012-03-05
ju_G 2012-03-05
fauland 2012-03-05
toedtling_m 2012-03-05
jurijcool 2012-03-05
Christian Mück 2012-03-05
christoph123 2012-03-05
Harald_6 2012-03-05
hadu 2012-03-05
Thomas Reissner 2012-03-05
Gurni 2012-03-05
sirwitti 2012-03-05
Markus Haider 2012-03-05
kotan 2012-03-05
MasterOfDisaster 2012-03-05
guglhupf 2012-03-05
ErikDerWikinger 2012-03-05
AndrewRecords 2012-03-05
DarkNight 2012-03-05
RobRob 2012-03-05
HaHa 2012-03-05
Ainubar 2012-03-05
Fossy122 2012-03-05
Nactus 2012-03-05
wiberg 2012-03-05
Generator 2012-03-05
Dinslaken 2012-03-05
silvomaria 2012-03-05
Spürnasen 2012-03-05
Gurkenbier 2012-03-05
TomiXNet 2012-03-05
floyd 2012-03-05
Merto 2012-03-05
cmeese 2012-03-05
kaeptn_harry 2012-03-05
Mueck 2012-03-05
annesus2[1] 2012-03-06
appytr[1] 2012-03-06
arstk8[3][7] 2012-03-06
Bill B 3[1] 2012-03-06
bknoth[2] 2012-03-06
brianjack[2][6] 2012-03-06
ChuckShepherd[1] 2012-03-06
cjjacf[1] 2012-03-06; 2012-03-24
Inigo Montoya[2][6] 2012-03-06
Roozbeh[1][7] 2012-03-06
think_rs 2012-03-06
heiner1 2012-03-06
quasimodo 2012-03-06
jyjy6969 2012-03-06
dewoob 2012-03-06
jenspfister 2012-03-06
phffm 2012-03-06
flobehner 2012-03-06
DeDorheimer 2012-03-06
EnricoSchulz 2012-03-06
Joern H 2012-03-06
Mighty Panther 2012-03-06
cSa_1 2012-03-06
granny 2012-03-06
Clou_die 2012-03-06
karstjes 2012-03-06
Stefan Krey 2012-03-06
peteyoung 2012-03-06
ghuelsken 2012-03-06
BodoW 2012-03-06
smokediver83 2012-03-06
deluxemapper 2012-03-06
laubfrosch42 2012-03-06
Tequilila 2012-03-06
spe 2012-03-06
chiefscout 2012-03-06
ulfi56 2012-03-06
Cheaterkenner 2012-03-06
nhezreiv 2012-03-06
bpworldwide 2012-03-06
Benkewitz 2012-03-06
Silver05 2012-03-06
drag0n 2012-03-06
Gunnar Goldhammer 2012-03-06
Pflasterstein 2012-03-06
ethrandil 2012-03-06
Meise 2012-03-06
Mouseclicker 2012-03-06
thmwarp 2012-03-06
wiesel80 2012-03-06
Rallyass 2012-03-06
BeAvIsBeE 2012-03-06
mrpi314 2012-03-06
alex3000 2012-03-06
haraldwilfer 2012-03-06
G4m3r-2010 2012-03-06
kraxlhuber 2012-03-06
sebi97 2012-03-06
heret 2012-03-06
toxer 2012-03-06
SirHanni 2012-03-06
Flozza1 2012-03-06
CherylN[5][6] 2012-03-06
Black Bird[2] 2012-03-06
azieser[1] 2012-03-06
ash471[5][6] 2012-03-06
antonellichris[1][6] 2012-03-06
Anthony Thompson[2] 2012-03-06
ALP2000[2][6] 2012-03-06
CKennedy[5] 2012-03-06
cornell58[5][6] 2012-03-06
CraigA[2] 2012-03-07
Dan Bailey[1][6] 2012-03-07
dieman[1] 2012-03-07
dmatta22201[5][6] 2012-03-07
donald monk[1] 2012-03-07
dpreston10[1][6] 2012-03-07
Boucieu[2] 2012-03-07
takenotice 2012-03-07
Syl20mm[5] 2012-03-07
Eric KHEPRY[1] 2012-03-07
fred-le-fred[2] 2012-03-07
Shuvo 2012-03-07
tmt2k 2012-03-07
Ridwan Al Mahmood 2012-03-07
SUVO 2012-03-07
sujon 2012-03-07
Dsoni 2012-03-07
asadul 2012-03-07
kmibrahimasif 2012-03-07
maktrix 2012-03-07
Aeetlcreejl 2012-03-07
Rimael 2012-03-07
amiyo 2012-03-07
Ray Haag[1] 2012-03-07
rekle[1][6] 2012-03-07
Richard Hufford[1] 2012-03-07
RSatterf[5] 2012-03-07
StonyBrookMap[2][7] 2012-03-07
dastrath 2012-03-07
jos88 2012-03-07
Lenni 2012-03-07
meagol 2012-03-07 † 2010
airwulff 2012-03-07
xabbu 2012-03-07
SKimpel42 2012-03-07
gimli28 2012-03-07
wheelie 2012-03-07
hannes80 2012-03-07
SkaldeHST 2012-03-07
druf 2012-03-07
baer128 2012-03-08
kaleidoskop 2012-03-08
Denk Immanuel Denk 2012-03-08
geegaga 2012-03-08
p4ci 2012-03-08
JJM 2012-03-08
bdcrews[2] 2012-03-08
BigRob673[1][6] 2012-03-08
cgoldburg[1][6] 2012-03-08
Chad Fusco[1] 2012-03-08
DannyC[1][6] 2012-03-08
Debbie[2][6] 2012-03-08
DPreston[1][6] 2012-03-08
echang[1] 2012-03-08
weedhopper 2012-03-08
McLin 2012-03-08
MagicT2009 2012-03-08
bjoern-baer 2012-03-08
XRay22 2012-03-08
Wing-Bigar 2012-03-08
Buxe 2012-03-08
Daniel Ruppert 2012-03-08
GeoRadler 2012-03-08
phil 2012-03-08
thodo 2012-03-08
theoden9 2012-03-08
xraywilli 2012-03-08
Uewagen 2012-03-08
tommes04 2012-03-08
Streetdude 2012-03-08
ankeolaf 2012-03-08
syllic 2012-03-08
pect 2012-03-08
Streettracker 2012-03-08
little wolf 2012-03-08
Holger Mayer 2012-03-08
hawedi 2012-03-08
Beutelsdorfer 2012-03-08
JensHa 2012-03-08
delphin69 2012-03-08
Jacek 2012-03-08
vossfor 2012-03-08
D3us 2012-03-08
Wolfgang Meyer 2012-03-08
newlog 2012-03-08
schnabeltier 2012-03-08
amagra 2012-03-08
RivaOne 2012-03-08
Lara-mm 2012-03-08
buhlinger 2012-03-08
Linux67 2012-03-08
Tempelritter 2012-03-08
carstenpohl 2012-03-08
dwars 2012-03-08
witchofendor 2012-03-08
JRGKLN 2012-03-08
Gunny 2012-03-08
bobo-map 2012-03-08
voho 2012-03-08
Mappeter 2012-03-08
wernstl 2012-03-08
Bayuware 2012-03-08
HitMan34 2012-03-08
Ralf Hoheisel 2012-03-08
mapo 2012-03-08
yeifhjfe 2012-03-08
peterbergmann 2012-03-08
Steini 2012-03-08
Christiano 2012-03-08
Unox 2012-03-08
peleg 2012-03-08
my-ka957 2012-03-08
grazy-g 2012-03-08
edge 2012-03-08
eifel-spaß 2012-03-08
Millstream 2012-03-08
ines 2012-03-08
nuchill 2012-03-08
Der-Robert 2012-03-08
Bartelsdorf 2012-03-08
geomatix 2012-03-08
pillepallepillepalle 2012-03-08
timo2k 2012-03-08
scuro 2012-03-08
malor 2012-03-08
Fuchs188 2012-03-08
doktorrob 2012-03-08
longestname 2012-03-08
DaveL 2012-03-08
scimitar 2012-03-09
Ells 2012-03-09
Kyral210 2012-03-09
Andy Smith 2012-03-09
nathanlees 2012-03-09
egendlina[2][6] 2012-03-09
Emarsee[2] 2012-03-09
Extugboater[1][6] 2012-03-09
fly-low[1][6] 2012-03-09
francisco[2] 2012-03-09
Gasdude[1][6] 2012-03-09
guerraj[1][6] 2012-03-09
Harry35[1][6] 2012-03-09
hendersonmj[2][6] 2012-03-09
hondask[1] 2012-03-09
hsteckylf[1][6] 2012-03-09
Imposter[5][6] 2012-03-09
inomadics[1] 2012-03-09
its_me[1] 2012-03-09
cybiko123[5] 2012-03-09
DCAKen[1][6] 2012-03-09
djk46[1][6] 2012-03-09
GreggK[1][6] 2012-03-09
Petfraff 2012-03-09
limogesicht 2012-03-09
raabos 2012-03-09
KlausSchlueter 2012-03-09
Tussi 2012-03-09
Schweinepriester 2012-03-09
MHMRLP 2012-03-09
LIFEKID 2012-03-09
silophon 2012-03-09
medifighter 2012-03-09
Walter&Lydia 2012-03-09
duessiweib 2012-03-09
fahrt2009 2012-03-09
juwe 2012-03-09
o1971kerna 2012-03-09
geotagger 2012-03-09
AnHun 2012-03-09
bulsara 2012-03-09
x-diver 2012-03-09
goodoldkempen 2012-03-09
BertMu 2012-03-09
daholli 2012-03-09
Zugi 2012-03-09
endres57 2012-03-09
Mappz 2012-03-09
Meiter Quitte 2012-03-09
bwirmer 2012-03-09
oge68 2012-03-09
Tom Buehn 2012-03-09
botzie1 2012-03-09
KSHannover 2012-03-09
$$#$[2][6] 2012-03-09
AdrianM[1][6] 2012-03-09
bbuswell[1][6] 2012-03-09
bpmjr15[1] 2012-03-09 Declined
Chevy[1][6] 2012-03-09
Christopher Andrews[5] 2012-03-09
ketterechtsfischi 2012-03-10
ulihueck 2012-03-10
Nighean 2012-03-10
Frogger 2012-03-10
deefoo 2012-03-10
derBruder 2012-03-10
falcon2202 2012-03-10
ralphpweidner 2012-03-10
Stadthelfer 2012-03-10
eppe 2012-03-10
atombot 2012-03-10
Mintard 2012-03-10
Flexibel 2012-03-10
tasso 2012-03-10
marcel_h 2012-03-10
alexandermenzel 2012-03-10
techoderso 2012-03-10
obelix789974 2012-03-10
Wolferode 2012-03-10
chris_rocks31 2012-03-10
ChristianG 2012-03-10
jarnsmann 2012-03-10
stimmer 2012-03-10
Peekay 2012-03-10
stickydub 2012-03-10
SSchmidt 2012-03-10
schief 2012-03-10
Pako 2012-03-10
gpsdirk 2012-03-10
voddow 2012-03-10
tonvg 2012-03-10
deraragorn 2012-03-10
joergperensen 2012-03-10
Ho Shi 2012-03-10
JoBhh 2012-03-10
bjoernhansen1 2012-03-10
dkrapf 2012-03-10
Scharnagl 2012-03-10
ise_abj 2012-03-10
shaberer 2012-03-10
Der_Telgter 2012-03-10
andywhy 2012-03-10
derwolpertinger 2012-03-10
svenvnull 2012-03-10
joopen 2012-03-10
Tharandter 2012-03-10
gruni 2012-03-10
filid 2012-03-10
thepianistalex 2012-03-10
joerrein 2012-03-11
LucaL 2012-03-11
aybee 2012-03-11
Ge Fox Germany 2012-03-11
fredo1 2012-03-11
Twilight14612 2012-03-11
anna6566 2012-03-11
S3bast1an 2012-03-11
smwiegand[2][6] 2012-03-11
Andrew Edmonds[5][6] 2012-03-11
aweitkemper[1] 2012-03-11
ChristopherPaul[1] 2012-03-11
Dougw[1] 2012-03-11
dream out loud[2] 2012-03-11
drewmcd621[1][6] 2012-03-11
Frank_AZ[2][6] 2012-03-11
GrouseK9[2][6] 2012-03-11
Horizon Cellars[5][6] 2012-03-11
Jam Clam[1] 2012-03-11
mapedit[1] 2012-03-11
Marturi[2] 2012-03-11
MaryColleen[1][6] 2012-03-11
mwasleski[2] 2012-03-11
KseriesFan[5][6] 2012-03-11
KSH[1][6] 2012-03-11
LCruner[2] 2012-03-11
TexHwyMan[5][6] 2012-03-11
Minute 2012-03-11
GLXQ 2012-03-11
ulima 2012-03-11
Chrischross 2012-03-11
robbeh 2012-03-11
Manok 2012-03-11
IgnisLeo 2012-03-11
JensG 2012-03-11
IR_Gendwer 2012-03-11
SewDevKS 2012-03-11
scranerider 2012-03-11
macwilli 2012-03-11
lachmann 2012-03-11
skolger 2012-03-11
Stramon 2012-03-11
freetibet 2012-03-11
desertwolf 2012-03-11
tjaehnig 2012-03-11
Stephan Keller 2012-03-11
Geo-0815 2012-03-11
simplex99 2012-03-11
BadMajor 2012-03-11
floody 2012-03-11
Jazzer3986 2012-03-11
crischi212 2012-03-11
hele 2012-03-11
Maik68 2012-03-11
streetuser 2012-03-11
f4bi4n 2012-03-11 declined
Streckenkilometer 2012-03-11
Guenthi 2012-03-11
THQ 2012-03-11
thomashh 2012-03-11
h_da 2012-03-11
testerette 2012-03-11
hh0016 2012-03-11
cHieFdePutY 2012-03-11
mkreutzfeldt 2012-03-11
Elektronik 2012-03-11
Schumir 2012-03-11
tgh-la 2012-03-11
Andreas Scholand 2012-03-11
Rene Bannmann 2012-03-11
3rc 2012-03-11
johannes79 2012-03-11
felix_123 2012-03-11
Jakimo 2012-03-11
Twilight14612 2012-03-11
Palau 2012-03-11
Alex1980 2012-03-11
9qlCI9RvFZWjlaiPbdF 2012-03-11
ABrady07[2] 2012-03-12
bekbishop[2] 2012-03-12
furman[2][6] 2012-03-12
Spitfire24[1] 2012-03-12
Hilltop[2] 2012-03-12
Hls[2] 2012-03-12
jlyo[1] 2012-03-12
jnewkirk77[1][6] 2012-03-12
Symphony44[1] 2012-03-12
Joe Gaydash[2] 2012-03-12
Shuvo 2012-03-07
tmt2k 2012-03-07
Ridwan Al Mahmood 2012-03-07
SUVO 2012-03-07
sujon 2012-03-07
Dsoni 2012-03-07
asadul 2012-03-07
kmibrahimasif 2012-03-07
maktrix 2012-03-07
Aeetlcreejl 2012-03-07
Rimael 2012-03-07
amiyo 2012-03-07
Ray Haagref name=last2011/> 2012-03-09
guerrajsh][1][6] 2012-03-12
John Thomas UTSA[1] 2012-03-12
Jon Diesel[5][6] 2012-03-12
joshuamcdo[1] 2012-03-12
jplgis[1][6] 2012-03-12
jr98664[1] 2012-03-12
juhill117[2][6] 2012-03-12
wrhodges86[2] 2012-03-12
wwnick[2] 2012-03-12
Xopher[1][6] 2012-03-12
yjxd00[1][6] 2012-03-12
zimm2[2] 2012-03-12
RedCoat999[1] 2012-03-12
Rho Leonis[1][6] 2012-03-12
rtallia[1] 2012-03-12
Ruben1379[1][6] 2012-03-12
rvolla[1][6] 2012-03-12
crazyrade 2012-03-12
andra72 2012-03-12
dg2ex 2012-03-12
dickerJesus357 2012-03-12
Tegeler 2012-03-12
bertbln 2012-03-12 (2x)
daizy 2012-03-12
mrgcohen[1][6] 2012-03-12
Mshale[1] 2012-03-12
MysticMaven[2] 2012-03-12
nasonguy[1][6] 2012-03-12
Norm08[1][6] 2012-03-12
Pluto4711 2012-03-12
Gegenwind 2012-03-12
Thorsten Hassel 2012-03-12
chrischi007 2012-03-12
Helmig 2012-03-12
spotmac 2012-03-12
KermitClein 2012-03-12
tamin 2012-03-12
Tim123 2012-03-12
cabu 2012-03-12
wood10 2012-03-13
markjackson 2012-03-13
chrisbryson 2012-03-13
Jim13 2012-03-13
Philipp@CB 2012-03-13
frpetson 2012-03-13
EinsZwo12 2012-03-13
Quästor 2012-03-13
dg300wl 2012-03-13
Apollo 2012-03-13
78ztB 2012-03-13
CasparKrog 2012-03-13
Routey 2012-03-13
finduwe 2012-03-13
rimsting 2012-03-13
andre1990 2012-03-13
Matty08 2012-03-13
gnivor 2012-03-13
pingubear 2012-03-13
aimbot 2012-03-13
michaojs 2012-03-13
80n 2012-03-13; 2012-03-14
backbone 2012-03-13
OpenStreetFrust 2012-03-13
TiefFlieger 2012-03-13
bassti 2012-03-13
aktus 2012-03-13
Klaus Prange 2012-03-13
Nicolas Gramlich 2012-03-13
Jaqueline 2012-03-13
MacH 2012-03-13
aquarius1000 2012-03-13
madud 2012-03-13
sumsibrumsi 2012-03-13
Der Henning 2012-03-13
Bernard J 2012-03-13
Pfati 2012-03-13
loehndorf 2012-03-13
aklein[1] 2012-03-14
AnotherErik[3] 2012-03-14
Astounding[2] 2012-03-14
beanhar[1][6] 2012-03-14
Brad Midgley[4] 2012-03-14
carlarm[2][6] 2012-03-14
CartLegger[2][6] 2012-03-14
cnurre[2] 2012-03-14
Dave Buchanan[1] 2012-03-14
Dave-o-rama[3] 2012-03-14
dbrumm[2] 2012-03-14
dendro[2] 2012-03-14
DLapp[1] 2012-03-14
Scott Mercer[2][6] 2012-03-14
Scott Zingale[1][6] 2012-03-14
Sean McCune[1][6] 2012-03-14
bgg[1] 2012-03-14
dm8888[1][6] 2012-03-14
Jim13 2012-03-14
Philipp@CB 2012-03-14
frpetson 2012-03-14
EinsZwo12 2012-03-14
Quästor 2012-03-14
dg300wl 2012-03-14
Apollo 2012-03-14
78ztB 2012-03-14
CasparKrog 2012-03-14
Routey 2012-03-14
finduwe 2012-03-14
rimsting 2012-03-14
andre1990 2012-03-14
Matty08 2012-03-14
ognivor 2012-03-14
pingubear 2012-03-14
aimbot 2012-03-14
michaojs 2012-03-14
backbone 2012-03-14
OpenStreetFrust 2012-03-14
TiefFlieger 2012-03-14
bassti 2012-03-14
aktus 2012-03-14
Klaus Prange 2012-03-14
Nicolas Gramlich 2012-03-14
Jaqueline 2012-03-14
MacH 2012-03-14
aquarius1000 2012-03-14
madud 2012-03-14
sumsibrumsi 2012-03-14
Der Henning 2012-03-14
Bernard J 2012-03-14
Pfati 2012-03-14
loehndorf 2012-03-14
sicknezz 2012-03-15; 2011-10-21
denrauch 2012-03-15
yellowshark 2012-03-15
Eckhardt 2012-03-15
mlehnert 2012-03-15
svenben 2012-03-15
Route 2012-03-15
incd020 2012-03-15
iam@bodensee 2012-03-15
aferaci[1] 2012-03-15
bilboshaggins[5] 2012-03-15
GISGuy[4] 2012-03-15
goldenlo[1][6] 2012-03-15
hapihari[2][6] 2012-03-15
HLJames[1][6] 2012-03-15
hollis83[1][6] 2012-03-15
ironsmith[1] 2012-03-15
JDP Maps[2] 2012-03-15
jferguson[2] 2012-03-15
Jim Adams[3] 2012-03-15
jimmydbrown[2] 2012-03-15
JoeyJests[2][6] 2012-03-15
johnaseb[5][6] 2012-03-15
johndoe7979[1] 2012-03-15
Jon Wallace[4] 2012-03-15
7kgCar[5][6] 2012-03-15
manferreto 2012-03-15
Peter Dingo 2012-03-15
pjut 2012-03-15
murphy6688 2012-03-15
Perc 2012-03-15
gemini7569 2012-03-15
bubonline 2012-03-15
andreznaider 2012-03-15
kosmar76 2012-03-15
Stonebroke 2012-03-15
MissParker 2012-03-15
Lawdog388 2012-03-15
Ziege-One 2012-03-15
ppit 2012-03-15
rutschili 2012-03-15
stylemeis 2012-03-15
thesheng 2012-03-15
Mike111 2012-03-15
vinzi 2012-03-15
Wißmiller Paul 2012-03-15
AaronGNP[1] 2012-03-15
A-F[2] 2012-03-15
AndreC[1] 2012-03-15
andrewarentsen[5] 2012-03-15
Benjamini[1] 2012-03-15
CatchinEddies[1][6] 2012-03-15
Conner[5][6] 2012-03-15
crystalrecreation[2] 2012-03-15
cuziam[1] 2012-03-15
Danny325is[1] 2012-03-15
DArbeit[1] 2012-03-15
Diversified[2] 2012-03-15
ectuohy[2][6] 2012-03-15
JLeBon 2012-03-15
Mordredr 2012-03-15
runningwilli 2012-03-15
-P2- 2012-03-15
Pedro Iruya 2012-03-15
sesack 2012-03-15
JohnCarry 2012-03-15
mooly 2012-03-15
SmilesDE 2012-03-15
Möppi2003 2012-03-15
RandyAndy 2012-03-15
hippo0503 2012-03-15
calvino 2012-03-15
Susi79 2012-03-15
Matthias_HB 2012-03-15
chris1712 2012-03-15
Why-Man 2012-03-15
scandium 2012-03-15
venceremos 2012-03-15
berlin-osm 2012-03-15
hermsdorfer84 2012-03-15
Cloudboy 2012-03-15
kalle_bmw 2012-03-15
Fiddel 2012-03-15
SigSag 2012-03-15
qmbmc 2012-03-15
ldrrg 2012-03-15
oneloud 2012-03-15
SuperMario 2012-03-15
Michael Brümmer 2012-03-15
chillfox 2012-03-15
Libow 2012-03-15
HendrikJ 2012-03-15
kmeiser 2012-03-15
Schnoesel 2012-03-15
fischi 2012-03-15
jendrik 2012-03-15
rodnex 2012-03-15
mkne 2012-03-15
mmaida 2012-03-15
Hwerglmir 2012-03-15
PicardJL 2012-03-15
julchen 2012-03-15
drahteselfan 2012-03-15
sebatoxi 2012-03-15
Bilbo Cacher 2012-03-15
Cree1k 2012-03-15
nawi112 2012-03-15
RobertRock 2012-03-15
Humbolt7 2012-03-15
Sepp_ 2012-03-15
jenne87 2012-03-15
smartbug 2012-03-15
fvtcguy[2] 2012-03-16
hexoDAT64[1][6] 2012-03-16
Hootie[1][6] 2012-03-16
Ian Muehlenhaus[1] 2012-03-16
Jaazu[1][6] 2012-03-16
RyanK[2][7] 2012-03-16
ngtmare[1] 2012-03-16
ohiosurfer[2] 2012-03-16
paradigm4[4][6] 2012-03-16
rkoberholtz[1][6] 2012-03-16
Ron Proctor[1][6] 2012-03-16
Sam24[5] 2012-03-16
scidude[2] 2012-03-16
MapperManu 2012-03-16
step5 2012-03-16
JLeBon 2012-03-16
Mordredr 2012-03-16
runningwilli 2012-03-16
-P2- 2012-03-16
Pedro Iruya 2012-03-16
sesack 2012-03-16
JohnCarry 2012-03-16
mooly 2012-03-16
SmilesDE 2012-03-16
Möppi2003 2012-03-16
RandyAndy 2012-03-16
hippo0503 2012-03-16
calvino 2012-03-16
Susi79 2012-03-16
allegria 2012-03-16
sachti2 2012-03-16
pukkali 2012-03-16
Krolli 2012-03-16
nepomuck1978 2012-03-16
Vatti 2012-03-16
Alexander Didebulidze 2012-03-16
BenCin 2012-03-16
schulz! 2012-03-16
mrdidib 2012-03-16
BOSSA 2012-03-16
dieterwi 2012-03-16
easysys 2012-03-16
my_osm_acc 2012-03-16
Siggi81 2012-03-16
Seranath 2012-03-16
osmflo 2012-03-16
Robi76 2012-03-16
fhesse 2012-03-16
Wells 2012-03-16
searphim 2012-03-16
Der_Riese 2012-03-16
rahmschnitzel 2012-03-16
Frog1 Freddy Frog1 2012-03-16
Biker-74 2012-03-16
scheibenkleister 2012-03-16
Reese23 2012-03-16
latinjazz 2012-03-16
Blue_Monk 2012-03-16
Tyler_DurdenAC 2012-03-16
chrsitof 2012-03-16
vanoo 2012-03-16
christiansmit 2012-03-16
flyoveru 2012-03-16
synapsos 2012-03-16
Speckels Bert Speckels 2012-03-16
kdreyer 2012-03-16
blackandredwarrior[4] 2012-03-17
Briana Garcia[1] 2012-03-17
dakta[2][6] 2012-03-17
Dustin[2] 2012-03-17
Erik917[1][6] 2012-03-17
JDThoen[1][6] 2012-03-17
sinaa 2012-03-17
hike 2012-03-17
Diddi2009 2012-03-17
harlide 2012-03-17
Perfektionist 2012-03-17
comlar 2012-03-17
amiethaner 2012-03-17
KösterASV 2012-03-17
TSchreiner 2012-03-17
vobra 2012-03-17
lehnhoff 2012-03-17
kachelmann 2012-03-17
xarax 2012-03-17
Geehat 2012-03-17
Holgich 2012-03-17
patriwag 2012-03-17
Ecthelion 2012-03-17
germandev 2012-03-17
snoopy82 2012-03-17
Jakob Skiba 2012-03-17
BIBImex 2012-03-17
jrasmussen0[1] 2012-03-17
Jthomp[1][6] 2012-03-17
Julie Kay[1] 2012-03-17
kenleelin[1][6] 2012-03-17
kottley[1] 2012-03-17
lilspiffy[2] 2012-03-17
Lily[1] 2012-03-17
Location[2] 2012-03-17
Logan Browne[5][6] 2012-03-17
Loren85022[1][6] 2012-03-17
LostInMirkwood[1][6] 2012-03-17
lucid311[5][6] 2012-03-17
MainSpring[1][6] 2012-03-17
mangiafico[2][6] 2012-03-17
Matthew Stinar[1] 2012-03-17
meskus[1] 2012-03-17
mgee[1] 2012-03-17
micahlmartin[1][6] 2012-03-17
jpthomas 2012-03-17
bjan 2012-03-17
DominikR 2012-03-17
kuemmerer 2012-03-17
flodberlin[2] 2012-03-17
sinaa 2012-03-17
hike 2012-03-17
Diddi2009 2012-03-17
harlide 2012-03-17
Perfektionist 2012-03-17
comlar 2012-03-17
amiethaner 2012-03-17
KösterASV 2012-03-17
TSchreiner 2012-03-17
vobra 2012-03-17
lehnhoff 2012-03-17
kachelmann 2012-03-17
xarax 2012-03-17
Geehat 2012-03-17
Holgich 2012-03-17
patriwag 2012-03-17
Ecthelion 2012-03-17
germandev 2012-03-17
snoopy82 2012-03-17
Jakob Skiba 2012-03-17
BIBImex 2012-03-17
miker69 2012-03-17
carcinoma 2012-03-17
kingston 2012-03-17
Black-Hawk 2012-03-17
mondemobile 2012-03-17
SylvainG 2012-03-17
rhavin 2012-03-17
pluspunkt 2012-03-17
Arthurvandervelden 2012-03-17
arakigi 2012-03-17
heinermueller 2012-03-17
EnterpriseWiki 2012-03-17
Polite 2012-03-17
auge8472 2012-03-17
danielll 2012-03-17
Geotrada 2012-03-17
Matthias Kurth 2012-03-17
Björn_B 2012-03-17
Kasulske 2012-03-18
hastebrot 2012-03-18
pfefferc 2012-03-18
GünterG 2012-03-18
monamaus12 2012-03-18
Edelmann Robert Edelmann 2012-03-18
opuhupo 2012-03-18
guettler 2012-03-18
Dreamsailer 2012-03-18
CDur 2012-03-18
o9f911o2 2012-03-18
Hausen 2012-03-18
Kühne Severin Kühne 2012-03-18
qwertling 2012-03-18
hage007 2012-03-18
simonmaurer 2012-03-18
Arthur 2012-03-18
Packlett 2012-03-18
wutzl66 2012-03-18
wildsau 2012-03-18
Dispersionzombie 2012-03-18
dk3qu 2012-03-18
guetux 2012-03-18
CMO 2012-03-18
BrianMcA 2012-03-18
thunderbee 2012-03-18
ScareGlow 2012-03-18
Matthias Spieker 2012-03-18
mlischke 2012-03-18
Timido 2012-03-18
sewa 2012-03-18
Fuselmeister 2012-03-18
AStogie[2] 2012-03-18
Brian2[5][6] 2012-03-18
danielwilcop[1][6] 2012-03-18
davidbmalone[1] 2012-03-18
Deane Kensok[4][6] 2012-03-18
GDam12886[1][6] 2012-03-18
j4near[2] 2012-03-18
Jeff Rogers[4] 2012-03-18
JessT[1][6] 2012-03-18
Karen_Hagberg[1] 2012-03-18
KenJ[5][6] 2012-03-18
KevinMiller[2][6] 2012-03-18
LaPaz[1] 2012-03-18
LEPT0N[1] 2012-03-18
ftuelle 2012-03-18
d0wnm4p 2012-03-18
bt90 2012-03-18
stefanfur 2012-03-18
juergencolorado 2012-03-18
ahorsche 2012-03-18
Cobra123 2012-03-18
Juergen66 2012-03-18
thoki 2012-03-18
FamZip 2012-03-18
nono76 2012-03-18
Bagalut 2012-03-18
joker4joy 2012-03-18
freeki 2012-03-18
TheBavarian 2012-03-18
jollycar 2012-03-18
nnn 2012-03-18
RoZis 2012-03-18
tux770 2012-03-18
Robdelle 2012-03-18
himstedt 2012-03-18
japadi83 2012-03-18
DjU 2012-03-18
flery 2012-03-18
derpilgerer 2012-03-18
ffffffffff 2012-03-18
ren 2012-03-18
SirDarkmoon 2012-03-18
honkolei 2012-03-18
Dachverband 2012-03-18
vnab 2012-03-18
digedag1505 2012-03-18
topmp3 2012-03-18
fia 2012-03-18
Geschwister-Scholl-Schule HH 2012-03-18
Goldenphoenix 2012-03-18
khkruggel 2012-03-18
dirkhannig 2012-03-18
CFGauss 2012-03-18
muxMap 2012-03-18
vishnu 2012-03-18
May Florian 2012-03-18
Onkel-Didi 2012-03-18
hemeling 2012-03-18
Tiffo 2012-03-18
Whiteman 2012-03-18
Fritzchen 2012-03-18
knicklicht 2012-03-18
GJFoxy 2012-03-18
Matt Bowker[5][6] 2012-03-19
mike310z[5][6] 2012-03-19
mntwinsfan714[1] 2012-03-19
morecoffee[1][6] 2012-03-19
Morris[4] 2012-03-19
nazotoko[2] 2012-03-19
nccaracer[3] 2012-03-19
neofactor[2][6] 2012-03-19
Neskie[2] 2012-03-19
nwalker[2] 2012-03-19
Odie5533[1] 2012-03-19
slake[1] 2012-03-19
CHST 2012-03-19
Maddin112 2012-03-19
mdebets 2012-03-19
mici01 2012-03-19
Lingers 2012-03-19
otrio 2012-03-19
donpacheco 2012-03-19
be1[1] 2012-03-20
Brandon Jackson[1] 2012-03-20
Jappelbaum[5] 2012-03-20
maconman[1][6] 2012-03-20
MapChap[2] 2012-03-20
Paul Budge[2][6] 2012-03-20
peani[1] 2012-03-20
Phil W[1] 2012-03-20
Polaron[5] 2012-03-20
presidon84[2][6] 2012-03-20
programmerq[5][6] 2012-03-20
r9tgokunks[1] 2012-03-20
ramgeoit[1] 2012-03-20
raycock[1] 2012-03-20
Jonathan Lim[1] 2012-03-20
Lightwriter 2012-03-20
gusti 2012-03-20
freelancer_1979 2012-03-20
battaglin79 2012-03-20
Loogie 2012-03-20
enzyme 2012-03-20
Peter Dettlaff 2012-03-20
tplake 2012-03-20
lkos2009 2012-03-20
Plumpaquatsch 2012-03-20
Xamishu 2012-03-20
rowdy 2012-03-20
GEO-R2D2 2012-03-20
scholloow 2012-03-20
rb177 2012-03-20
finder 2012-03-20
thedriver 2012-03-20
Saladin 2012-03-20
Waldmapper 2012-03-20
r1150rt 2012-03-20
golf3fahrer 2012-03-20
Clouseau 2012-03-20
velomobil 2012-03-20
flipmode 2012-03-20
büber 2012-03-20
Waxweezle 2012-03-20
steinbej 2012-03-20
capreolus 2012-03-20
Kasutajad 2012-03-20
aplusb 2012-03-20
Superbrain666 2012-03-20
ppafcio 2012-03-20
CNSI 2012-03-20
slimi 2012-03-20
melman 2012-03-20
user_5740 2012-03-20
KennyGTW 2012-03-20
schlipi 2012-03-20
The_Akki 2012-03-20
matthias75 2012-03-20
furian 2012-03-20
rocklight 2012-03-20
dennisberlin 2012-03-20
JensGl 2012-03-20
Konstantin 2012-03-20
Michael Berg 2012-03-20
ArKuS 2012-03-20
Nicewood 2012-03-20
RickBrandon[1] 2012-03-21
rigatony[1][6] 2012-03-21
RobR[1] 2012-03-21
ATrimpop 2012-03-21
Franjo 2012-03-21
Jens Kloth 2012-03-21
jan_genge 2012-03-21
TheOs 2012-03-21
ChristianHoe 2012-03-21
Hasenwedel 2012-03-21
ajh3[1][6] 2012-03-21
Ben WC[1][6] 2012-03-21
Bowler300[1][6] 2012-03-21
everblader[5][6] 2012-03-21
pitpmc 2012-03-21
Team101 2012-03-21
humbleweed 2012-03-21
falter68 2012-03-21
BETZing 2012-03-21
ZeroEnna 2012-03-21
AscoMania 2012-03-21
klarheiland 2012-03-21
cabral 2012-03-21
raydn 2012-03-21
Nobbes 2012-03-21
hub_be 2012-03-21
casus 2012-03-21
OSM_Greg 2012-03-21
bergfex 2012-03-21
excruiser 2012-03-21
Extasy 2012-03-21
Vlohrengel 2012-03-21
bj32345 2012-03-21
mergus 2012-03-21
re787 2012-03-21
stoermi 2012-03-21
achi 2012-03-21
ruthenoid 2012-03-21
RoterRudiS 2012-03-21
tlis 2012-03-21
StefanDerRadler 2012-03-21
rammr 2012-03-21
starchaser 2012-03-21
Schlitzer 2012-03-21
Oliver Sülzer 2012-03-21
Siebi 2012-03-21
Designer 2012-03-21
Tiger 2012-03-21
MeisterHoppel 2012-03-21
saschavg 2012-03-21
victorinoxbruder 2012-03-21
deep4blue3 2012-03-21
huby1691 2012-03-21
mety75 2012-03-21
obu 2012-03-21
Gysir 2012-03-21
kiste0701 2012-03-21
konen 2012-03-21
Fritzsche 2012-03-21
pumphut 2012-03-21
TheOs 2012-03-21
x2c 2012-03-21
Saxmaster 2012-03-21
felixx0 2012-03-21
Samuel Borsutzky 2012-03-21
Morpheus2010 2012-03-21
jogust 2012-03-21
bluezebra 2012-03-21
revilo 2012-03-21
slaxium 2012-03-21
JKatins 2012-03-21
Display 2012-03-21
fawiho 2012-03-21
JMoenked 2012-03-21
thagraine 2012-03-21
kaemmi84 2012-03-21
Rainulf 2012-03-21
Julian Z 2012-03-21
Fritz Lehmann 2012-03-21
neudie 2012-03-21
condor64 2012-03-21
Jürgen13 2012-03-21
Phillibilli 2012-03-21
Rivenfreak 2012-03-21
bigsmoker 2012-03-21
cgerharz 2012-03-21
lustigo 2012-03-21
frischmilch 2012-03-21
MoorlageNord 2012-03-21
zanycam 2012-03-21
Heywood Floyd 2012-03-21
krischi83 2012-03-21
dschaudel 2012-03-21
chho 2012-03-21
Helpman 2012-03-21
Dominik Klages 2012-03-21
deto 2012-03-21
jgranig 2012-03-21
da-mueller 2012-03-21
solmi 2012-03-21
7eggert 2012-03-21
Marcus Klein 2012-03-21
pefau 2012-03-21
bja 2012-03-21
spürnase 2012-03-21
WildWes 2012-03-22
bbromen 2012-03-22
just_jeepin 2012-03-22
bobawallace 2012-03-22
n3hat 2012-03-22
TBarhorst 2012-03-22
mosu84 2012-03-22
SpencerB 2012-03-22
ballz1340 2012-03-22
Brett Pappas 2012-03-22
ChrisAd 2012-03-22
reverman 2012-03-22
cliffjenkins 2012-03-22
irule1114 2012-03-22
darrenheath73 2012-03-22
reportingsjr 2012-03-22
Shannie92 2012-03-22
GLHoward 2012-03-22
tryingthisout321 2012-03-22
jkled 2012-03-22
jdmackiewicz 2012-03-22
nunya 2012-03-22
wdcrawford 2012-03-22
Blackscorpion 2012-03-22
myric 2012-03-22
glenbier[1][6] 2012-03-22
luvscooby321[2][6] 2012-03-22
scirocco[2][6] 2012-03-22
ScottK[1][6] 2012-03-22
serapuka[1] 2012-03-22
sfoskett[1][6] 2012-03-22
SFry[1] 2012-03-22
iades 2012-03-23
user_0001 2012-03-23
Sham Rao[1] 2012-03-23
ShawnPrice[1][6] 2012-03-23
Shrubber[1][6] 2012-03-23
sir_zman[5] 2012-03-23
SirEkim[1][6] 2012-03-23
slipshft[5][6] 2012-03-23
sljorge[2][6] 2012-03-23
sm7x7[5] 2012-03-23
smellyfis[2] 2012-03-23
ssigrist[1][6] 2012-03-23
Beaver Stephen Beaver[1] 2012-03-23
stephenghowe[3] 2012-03-23
Suyog[1][6] 2012-03-23
Suzett[1][6] 2012-03-23
Kessler 2012-03-23
gregor89 2012-03-23
Tobiascr 2012-03-23
OpenstreetMoz 2012-03-23
hjbecker 2012-03-23
DaSchiffer 2012-03-23
Thomas Schulz 2012-03-23
eLightman 2012-03-23
smeyer 2012-03-23
nitrox666 2012-03-23
pmossy 2012-03-23
yogifrehse 2012-03-23
michael87 2012-03-23
DrBrain_1000 2012-03-23
frn-jugendserver 2012-03-23
klarschiff 2012-03-23
user_7163 2012-03-23
AlfonsGreven 2012-03-23
kloes 2012-03-23
Johannes Stenke 2012-03-23
Alex33 2012-03-23
email2010 2012-03-23
garik 2012-03-23
minorearth 2012-03-23
frebold 2012-03-23
GPSLE 2012-03-23
level42 2012-03-23
SCOOTER_HALLE_D 2012-03-23
android 2012-03-23
Samfishies 2012-03-23
Puffin 2012-03-23
tobsen69 2012-03-23
SammyL 2012-03-23
Nawaro 2012-03-23
DG1RUE 2012-03-23
Olchie11 2012-03-23
bhuhn 2012-03-23
mfhg 2012-03-23
Linde87 2012-03-23
delicart 2012-03-23
mchelix 2012-03-23
jazzor 2012-03-23
987 2012-03-23
SAMBK 2012-03-23
CALM 2012-03-23
freibeuter99 2012-03-23
Steinschlag 2012-03-23
werner24 2012-03-23
Linkin 2012-03-23
marende 2012-03-23
MarNor 2012-03-23
Wetterfreak 2012-03-23
forbear 2012-03-23
MarcoZango 2012-03-23
Maverick911 2012-03-23
Torrentula 2012-03-23
3JJJ 2012-03-23
zisik 2012-03-23
bbathe 2012-03-23
RoBrMu 2012-03-23
sad070688 2012-03-23
TommyD 2012-03-23
wilzim 2012-03-23
GPSTagTeam 2012-03-23
bogo1984 2012-03-23
ITW7 2012-03-23
peterhubuska 2012-03-23
Brandysven 2012-03-23
Pfadfinderstamm Wettiner 2012-03-23
kc853 2012-03-23
MHMKLWRLP 2012-03-23
uheinri 2012-03-23
yummiweb 2012-03-23
TheBoarder 2012-03-23
Harp 2012-03-23
Criss 2012-03-23
truearts 2012-03-23
vbtom 2012-03-23
Eduard Gode 2012-03-23
Guck 2012-03-23
Airsky 2012-03-23
gaffelpaffel 2012-03-23
2fast78 2012-03-23
HJSchulze 2012-03-23
wyszomirski 2012-03-23
dk_ 2012-03-23
arbeiteiche 2012-03-23
Zoldan 2012-03-23
cox 2012-03-23
rabaucke 2012-03-23
Agora 2012-03-23
kambishi 2012-03-23
b-i-x 2012-03-23
Welchering Jan Welchering 2012-03-23
elypter 2012-03-23
Stephan Detlef Stephan 2012-03-23
lambdanet 2012-03-23
detrius 2012-03-24
jabe 2012-03-24
Blabsmin 2012-03-24
Spacetrooper 2012-03-24
Romulan 2012-03-24
blacksnake 2012-03-24
Wadlradler 2012-03-24
Thomcat 2012-03-24
JLudwig 2012-03-24
Mischdad 2012-03-24
JLudwig 2012-03-24
chrischi 2012-03-24
Omegatherion 2012-03-24
animaux 2012-03-24
Dotty 2012-03-24
kaefer_herbi 2012-03-24
pfadfinder 2012-03-24
osmbysam 2012-03-24
Merzbacher 2012-03-24
frankpeter74 2012-03-24
fischow 2012-03-24
hthomasmue 2012-03-24
MueLLe 2012-03-24
Imho 2012-03-24
drpower 2012-03-24
D300 2012-03-24
icm_osmnavi 2012-03-24
Bambi42 2012-03-24
bartzilla 2012-03-24
aquari27 2012-03-24
lbird 2012-03-24
Crawl 2012-03-24
skippi 2012-03-24
buettu 2012-03-24
Becker_Martin 2012-03-24
Holzmade 2012-03-24
Felix B 2012-03-24
arriba 2012-03-24
schuero 2012-03-24
xgps 2012-03-24
danielschaaf 2012-03-24
matzeidle 2012-03-24
franky7033 2012-03-24
Zemax 2012-03-24
kaddily 2012-03-24
Cr0ss 2012-03-24
Doomer 2012-03-24
Steve_A[2] 2012-03-24
techsomniac[2] 2012-03-24
Tek[1] 2012-03-24
TheDarthEgg[1][6] 2012-03-24
theonator[2] 2012-03-24
thereaintnouniqueidsleft[1][6] 2012-03-24
Thomas Roten[1][6] 2012-03-24
thomasheben[1][6] 2012-03-24
tjbrown2[2][6] 2012-03-24
tlunde[1] 2012-03-24
TornNuke[2][6] 2012-03-24
Hans Borjes 2012-03-24
StefanBS 2012-03-24
Retsan 2012-03-24
Superbrösel 2012-03-24
fogg 2012-03-24
steingraf 2012-03-24
kartograf2009 2012-03-24
isidro1982 2012-03-24
NinaRosa 2012-03-24
testina 2012-03-24
amselnest 2012-03-24
crashpilot 2012-03-24
IsabelleG 2012-03-24
Ricksen 2012-03-24
Steven-DD 2012-03-24
annewirsig 2012-03-24
Waschbär 2012-03-24
Paul_Knacki 2012-03-24
omoi_7777 2012-03-24
836346 2012-03-24
Nik1975 2012-03-24
wagga5 2012-03-24
Trublu 2012-03-24
Petersen112 2012-03-24
Ben_der_Honk 2012-03-24
Curry09 2012-03-24
ModOR 2012-03-24
vollersode 2012-03-24
jabberwocky 2012-03-24
majortom66 2012-03-24
24Nathan24 2012-03-24
Altbierjung 2012-03-24
mherber 2012-03-24
kaltesklareswasser 2012-03-24
Becksflasche 2012-03-24
art1 2012-03-24
el_brucho 2012-03-24
Mio2000 2012-03-24
ortho25 2012-03-24
danielre 2012-03-24
tomsad 2012-03-24
BuschAfonso 2012-03-24
Necrolcache 2012-03-24
PLUS88 2012-03-24
keeneboy 2012-03-24
dg3scu 2012-03-24
Rob3rt 2012-03-24
satsprite 2012-03-24
stefanrocky 2012-03-24
DDD111 2012-03-24
cramer-rao 2012-03-24
klex 2012-03-24
thesmann 2012-03-24
Mounty 2012-03-24
streich 2012-03-24
mayhem 2012-03-24
enni2210 2012-03-24
gernholz 2012-03-24
teetz 2012-03-24
Risodon 2012-03-24
wertzug 2012-03-24
Blimo 2012-03-24
gpshoernchen 2012-03-24
dc2 2012-03-24
manssi 2012-03-24
die4langes 2012-03-24
Thomas Zerdak 2012-03-24
diweb 2012-03-24
Christian Hunke 2012-03-24
Adger 2012-03-24
Jimmyjimbo 2012-03-24
Karteneule 2012-03-24
geccomaniac 2012-03-24
nietfeld 2012-03-24
µ2110 2012-03-24
CoverS 2012-03-24
orlet 2012-03-24
neopax 2012-03-24
frank190558 2012-03-24
Norb 2012-03-24
markus81 2012-03-24
Bastik905 2012-03-24
finfin 2012-03-24
ffhase 2012-03-24
ChrLE20 2012-03-24
eisste 2012-03-24
gismar 2012-03-24
Shredder 2012-03-24
Ehinger 2012-03-24
albatroshamburg 2012-03-24
WilliGo 2012-03-24
HeßHa 2012-03-24
nisroc[2] 2012-03-25
tracerbullet13[1] 2012-03-25
Trashbag97[1][6] 2012-03-25
trexjojo[2] 2012-03-25
Trey Reese[1] 2012-03-25
Truthfuldemise[2][6] 2012-03-25
tsdaman[2][6] 2012-03-25
twincitian[2] 2012-03-25
uozzim[5][6] 2012-03-25
user_2282[2] 2012-03-25
Vipero00[2] 2012-03-25
w8tvi[1] 2012-03-25
wakemasta[1][6] 2012-03-25
unreal 2012-03-25
xerox2006 2012-03-25
RuffyD 2012-03-25
SimSch 2012-03-25
itomtom[5] 2012-03-25
ddebellis[1][6] 2012-03-26
Jeeves[1] 2012-03-26
JimiJama[1] 2012-03-26
Wayne Arthurton[2] 2012-03-26
Wayo[2][6] 2012-03-26
wbskeet37[1] 2012-03-26
willhow[1] 2012-03-26 has accepted, but public profile says he hasn't
Wilvid[2] 2012-03-26
wisp[4] 2012-03-26
withak[4][6] 2012-03-26
wokky[1][6] 2012-03-26
WSuetholz[5][6] 2012-03-26
xzxer[1][6] 2012-03-26
zyc[2] 2012-03-26
The Cachster[2] 2012-03-26
Huma_D[4] 2012-03-26
Dieter Messer 2012-03-26
makabo 2012-03-26
internetserver 2012-03-26
perle99 2012-03-26
Vinne 2012-03-26
amberlin 2012-03-26
Belgarath1976 2012-03-26
panke 2012-03-26
gku 2012-03-26
arcticwolf 2012-03-26
VoKu 2012-03-26
NoahTheDuke 2012-03-27
cinci 2012-03-27
jegibson 2012-03-27
bloodyben 2012-03-27
tech_gis 2012-03-27
makis-de 2012-03-27
fettiz 2012-03-27
Samux 2012-03-27
MWeid 2012-03-27
frankentracks 2012-03-27
Gagaha 2012-03-27
blackducati 2012-03-27
neuling3 2012-03-27
tscheinsch 2012-03-27
buhojose 2012-03-27
madwolf 2012-03-27
markab0572 2012-03-27
pkeilw 2012-03-27
Shazam 2012-03-27
cacheFinder_general 2012-03-27
Mandyh 2012-03-27
Ermitage Stirn Ermitage 2012-03-27
MunichSW 2012-03-27
ijpi 2012-03-27
mriffel 2012-03-27
Biersepp 2012-03-27
Hi-Lo 2012-03-27
Gadacz 2012-03-27
blacky 2012-03-27
rothy 2012-03-27
Moevenpick Kollege Moevenpick 2012-03-27
etmo 2012-03-27
ddiethelm 2012-03-27
saimo 2012-03-27
harry76 2012-03-27
butchermk 2012-03-27
geowaws 2012-03-27
Geomatika 2012-03-27
HousyHarry 2012-03-27
bargello 2012-03-27
Swoard 2012-03-27
gm07 2012-03-27
Wet 2012-03-27
Naturkarthograph 2012-03-27
popeeumel 2012-03-27
hixxxxx 2012-03-27
stocki0104 2012-03-27
anatom 2012-03-27
MJW 2012-03-27
foobar 2012-03-27
Stefan Baumann 2012-03-27
F0h5 2012-03-27
Anzalowned91[2] 2012-03-27
bmichel 2012-03-27
Ulrich Hecht 2012-03-27
Ialbert 2012-03-27
Lenu27 2012-03-27
biketeur 2012-03-27
djteyk 2012-03-27
DerFlo 2012-03-27
keinstein77 2012-03-27
Brain 2012-03-27
daniii_r 2012-03-27
JHarrison 2012-03-27
cardmoppel 2012-03-27
Heigööö 2012-03-27
Minihai 2012-03-27
rudolphmajor 2012-03-27
Klaus Wünschel 2012-03-27
babisnauer 2012-03-27
Nitroxer 2012-03-27
julimeier 2012-03-28
ThimoBrendel 2012-03-28
jackmatze86 2012-03-28
mla 2012-03-28
schiller 2012-03-28
Paradoxon 2012-03-28
Matt83 2012-03-28
Delayar 2012-03-28
Sarnow 2012-03-28
hobex46 2012-03-28
ulishome 2012-03-28
TKBK 2012-03-28
alpha2 2012-03-28
taslor 2012-03-28
sammy-li 2012-03-28
h3r3tic 2012-03-28
osmMirko 2012-03-28
Winddancer 2012-03-28
bjoern 2012-03-28
mapper09 2012-03-28
Alexander Orth 2012-03-28
danielcarrion 2012-03-28
Garisma 2012-03-28
Dnalor 2012-03-28
SchoSche 2012-03-28
roffl1990 2012-03-28
deconstruct 2012-03-28
DomiRS4 2012-03-28
silversurfer83 2012-03-28
maxsax 2012-03-28
larifari 2012-03-28
tiptoptuc 2012-03-28
lgurk 2012-03-28
Maxence Laurent 2012-03-28
fanky 2012-03-28
rolandüb 2012-03-28
n8flow 2012-03-28
osm_radwege 2012-03-28
michaelsc 2012-03-28
sea-bass 2012-03-28
Jan080 2012-03-28
Zlatni 2012-03-28
eskaell 2012-03-28
Sebat 2012-03-28
whale 2012-03-28
chriss83 2012-03-28
TwinGin 2012-03-28
clevergreen 2012-03-28
RolfRolfe 2012-03-28
khaled Alhussaini 2012-03-28
knisterQ 2012-03-28
m-hg 2012-03-28
ndee030 2012-03-28
skandy69 2012-03-28
dombart 2012-03-28
Tazzilo 2012-03-28
mattmaxx 2012-03-28
günter78 2012-03-28
Marco Militsch 2012-03-28
kutscher51 2012-03-28
Majok 2012-03-28
schmitzi 2012-03-28
DeBue 2012-03-28
BlackPhoenix 2012-03-28
qwasyx 2012-03-28
maf007 2012-03-28
Tuocha 2012-03-28
Diwa 2012-03-28
martinwilms 2012-03-28
JensE 2012-03-28
Mobbit 2012-03-28
Froschy 2012-03-28
Marut 2012-03-28
scheithe 2012-03-28
Thobias Fritz 2012-03-28
hg78 2012-03-28
Flibustier 2012-03-28
Hayzon 2012-03-28
moep-Koeln 2012-03-28
neticator 2012-03-28
asbo 2012-03-28
zogli 2012-03-28
Pfalz_Welper 2012-03-28
viperwopper 2012-03-28
uhu1012 2012-03-28
Bärner 2012-03-28
bugme22 2012-03-28
WBTA 2012-03-28
wachbacher 2012-03-28
chris81 2012-03-28
parabel 2012-03-28
MaxD 2012-03-28
gwallner 2012-03-28
MyFra 2012-03-28
fseplnixx 2012-03-28
Dibberle 2012-03-28
Philmo1 2012-03-28
banana 2012-03-28
StreetPat 2012-03-28
M_L 2012-03-28
Spuckilein 2012-03-28
schneefresser 2012-03-28
stefankick 2012-03-28
gnorbvorort 2012-03-28
PeterMeiers 2012-03-28
meissner 2012-03-28
Dom144 2012-03-28
Noth the Plaguebringer 2012-03-28
brotmaschine 2012-03-28
unndreay 2012-03-28
Katerxxxx 2012-03-28
JonathanSchmitt 2012-03-28
MiNic 2012-03-28
Noperfectman 2012-03-28
alisiegert 2012-03-28
winterw 2012-03-28
Sewa 2012-03-28
Rolex 2012-03-28
Schwobajörgle 2012-03-28
Touristik 2012-03-28
Luxar 2012-03-28
erwin4u 2012-03-28
jkraeute 2012-03-28
michigrunf 2012-03-28
Luwtbumpe 2012-03-29
Bierwi 2012-03-29
Gehsing 2012-03-29
Kay Raumer 2012-03-29
Jannis Leidel 2012-03-29
Langenfelder 2012-03-29
lappie 2012-03-29
MAPhistopheles 2012-03-29
akzidenzgrotesk 2012-03-29
nobody-is-at-home 2012-03-29
zoidb3rg 2012-03-29
heinz 2012-03-29
bilderheld 2012-03-29
Asra 2012-03-29
jungse 2012-03-29
fireernie 2012-03-29
nudelholz80 2012-03-29
Ki251166 2012-03-29
Brummi 2012-03-29
bergvelo 2012-03-29
calimarno 2012-03-29
JHS 2012-03-29
olivenbauer 2012-03-29
schlussi 2012-03-29
kauzu 2012-03-29
gps4711 2012-03-29
sarafischer 2012-03-29
raptorconsult 2012-03-29
mare265 2012-03-29
Haube 2012-03-29
Nice983 2012-03-29
tuffi 2012-03-29
TollpoZ 2012-03-29
Wirrkopf 2012-03-29
sensei 2012-03-29
askgpsman 2012-03-29
elektron 2012-03-29
hegerworld 2012-03-29
futuras 2012-03-29
Doergel 2012-03-29
Dtuga 2012-03-29
schoesen 2012-03-29
Jogensensberger 2012-03-29
haigertal 2012-03-29
hagenauer 2012-03-29
Link 2012-03-29
EPFL 2012-03-29
bytewarrior 2012-03-29
MicKer 2012-03-29
franxi 2012-03-29
franz-josef 2012-03-29
Revierleiter R5 2012-03-29
phil3008 2012-03-29
regulator 2012-03-29
silverseraph 2012-03-29
Neotek 2012-03-29
ado8 2012-03-29
joram 2012-03-29
ig1 2012-03-29
Ailun 2012-03-29
boxbaehr 2012-03-29
S_S 2012-03-29
konrad123 2012-03-29
lsmf 2012-03-29
tnicole 2012-03-29
Guimbretiere 2012-03-29
Gerd21077 2012-03-29
lancaja[5][6] 2012-03-29
Leah[2] 2012-03-29
Orochikuma[2] 2012-03-29
tmfrasier[2][6] 2012-03-29
wakka092[1] 2012-03-29
reno989 2012-03-30
Stadtstreicher 2012-03-30
morneweg 2012-03-30
sunshinedaddy 2012-03-30
Dotter 2012-03-30
pcmechmike 2012-03-30
christian grabowski 2012-03-30
gismogizmo 2012-03-30
psingh[2][6] 2012-03-30
gliderpilot[2] 2012-03-31
jpobst[2][6] 2012-03-31
lham[1] 2012-03-31
Old RR Account[1] 2012-03-31
shu 2012-03-31
vleng 2012-03-31
DavidFaerber 2012-03-31
Joshua81 2012-03-31
der BoM 2012-03-31
Carsten Daub 2012-03-31
sukramix 2012-03-31
eicher 2012-03-31
Wutax 2012-03-31
Werner Grüneböhmer 2012-03-31
jBourne242 2012-03-31
cruX 2012-03-31
KayWendel 2012-03-31
Stoppel77 2012-03-31
R2D2 2012-03-31
Heiko14974 2012-03-31
sonne1711 2012-03-31
ClownLikeMe 2012-03-31


  1. 1.000 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.005 1.006 1.007 1.008 1.009 1.010 1.011 1.012 1.013 1.014 1.015 1.016 1.017 1.018 1.019 1.020 1.021 1.022 1.023 1.024 1.025 1.026 1.027 1.028 1.029 1.030 1.031 1.032 1.033 1.034 1.035 1.036 1.037 1.038 1.039 1.040 1.041 1.042 1.043 1.044 1.045 1.046 1.047 1.048 1.049 1.050 1.051 1.052 1.053 1.054 1.055 1.056 1.057 1.058 1.059 1.060 1.061 1.062 1.063 1.064 1.065 1.066 1.067 1.068 1.069 1.070 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.074 1.075 1.076 1.077 1.078 1.079 1.080 1.081 1.082 1.083 1.084 1.085 1.086 1.087 1.088 1.089 1.090 1.091 1.092 1.093 1.094 1.095 1.096 1.097 1.098 1.099 1.100 1.101 1.102 1.103 1.104 1.105 1.106 1.107 1.108 1.109 1.110 1.111 1.112 1.113 1.114 1.115 1.116 1.117 1.118 1.119 1.120 1.121 1.122 1.123 1.124 1.125 1.126 1.127 1.128 1.129 1.130 1.131 1.132 1.133 1.134 1.135 1.136 1.137 1.138 1.139 1.140 1.141 1.142 1.143 1.144 1.145 1.146 1.147 1.148 1.149 1.150 1.151 1.152 1.153 1.154 1.155 1.156 1.157 1.158 1.159 1.160 1.161 1.162 1.163 1.164 1.165 1.166 1.167 1.168 1.169 1.170 1.171 1.172 1.173 1.174 1.175 1.176 1.177 1.178 1.179 1.180 1.181 1.182 1.183 1.184 1.185 1.186 1.187 1.188 1.189 1.190 1.191 1.192 1.193 1.194 1.195 1.196 1.197 1.198 1.199 1.200 1.201 1.202 1.203 1.204 1.205 1.206 1.207 1.208 1.209 1.210 1.211 1.212 1.213 1.214 1.215 1.216 1.217 1.218 1.219 1.220 1.221 1.222 1.223 1.224 1.225 1.226 1.227 1.228 1.229 1.230 1.231 1.232 1.233 1.234 1.235 1.236 1.237 1.238 1.239 1.240 1.241 1.242 1.243 1.244 1.245 1.246 1.247 1.248 1.249 1.250 1.251 1.252 1.253 1.254 1.255 1.256 1.257 1.258 1.259 1.260 1.261 1.262 1.263 1.264 1.265 This person's last edits to the map were in 2009
  2. 2.000 2.001 2.002 2.003 2.004 2.005 2.006 2.007 2.008 2.009 2.010 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.017 2.018 2.019 2.020 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.024 2.025 2.026 2.027 2.028 2.029 2.030 2.031 2.032 2.033 2.034 2.035 2.036 2.037 2.038 2.039 2.040 2.041 2.042 2.043 2.044 2.045 2.046 2.047 2.048 2.049 2.050 2.051 2.052 2.053 2.054 2.055 2.056 2.057 2.058 2.059 2.060 2.061 2.062 2.063 2.064 2.065 2.066 2.067 2.068 2.069 2.070 2.071 2.072 2.073 2.074 2.075 2.076 2.077 2.078 2.079 2.080 2.081 2.082 2.083 2.084 2.085 2.086 2.087 2.088 2.089 2.090 2.091 2.092 2.093 2.094 2.095 2.096 2.097 2.098 2.099 2.100 2.101 2.102 2.103 2.104 2.105 2.106 2.107 2.108 2.109 2.110 2.111 2.112 2.113 2.114 2.115 2.116 2.117 2.118 2.119 2.120 2.121 2.122 2.123 2.124 2.125 2.126 2.127 2.128 2.129 2.130 2.131 2.132 2.133 2.134 2.135 2.136 2.137 2.138 2.139 2.140 2.141 2.142 2.143 2.144 2.145 2.146 2.147 2.148 2.149 2.150 2.151 2.152 2.153 2.154 This person's last edits to the map were in 2010
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 This person's last edits to the map were in 2011
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 This person's last edits to the map were in 2007
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 5.32 5.33 5.34 5.35 5.36 5.37 5.38 5.39 5.40 5.41 5.42 5.43 5.44 5.45 5.46 5.47 5.48 5.49 5.50 5.51 5.52 5.53 5.54 5.55 5.56 5.57 5.58 5.59 5.60 5.61 5.62 5.63 5.64 5.65 5.66 5.67 5.68 5.69 5.70 5.71 5.72 This person's last edits to the map were in 2008
  6. 6.000 6.001 6.002 6.003 6.004 6.005 6.006 6.007 6.008 6.009 6.010 6.011 6.012 6.013 6.014 6.015 6.016 6.017 6.018 6.019 6.020 6.021 6.022 6.023 6.024 6.025 6.026 6.027 6.028 6.029 6.030 6.031 6.032 6.033 6.034 6.035 6.036 6.037 6.038 6.039 6.040 6.041 6.042 6.043 6.044 6.045 6.046 6.047 6.048 6.049 6.050 6.051 6.052 6.053 6.054 6.055 6.056 6.057 6.058 6.059 6.060 6.061 6.062 6.063 6.064 6.065 6.066 6.067 6.068 6.069 6.070 6.071 6.072 6.073 6.074 6.075 6.076 6.077 6.078 6.079 6.080 6.081 6.082 6.083 6.084 6.085 6.086 6.087 6.088 6.089 6.090 6.091 6.092 6.093 6.094 6.095 6.096 6.097 6.098 6.099 6.100 6.101 6.102 6.103 6.104 6.105 6.106 6.107 6.108 6.109 6.110 6.111 6.112 6.113 6.114 6.115 6.116 6.117 6.118 6.119 6.120 6.121 6.122 6.123 6.124 6.125 6.126 6.127 6.128 6.129 6.130 6.131 6.132 6.133 6.134 6.135 6.136 6.137 6.138 6.139 6.140 6.141 6.142 6.143 6.144 6.145 6.146 6.147 6.148 6.149 6.150 6.151 6.152 6.153 6.154 6.155 6.156 6.157 6.158 6.159 6.160 6.161 6.162 6.163 6.164 6.165 6.166 6.167 6.168 6.169 6.170 6.171 6.172 6.173 6.174 6.175 6.176 6.177 6.178 6.179 6.180 6.181 6.182 6.183 6.184 6.185 6.186 6.187 6.188 6.189 6.190 6.191 6.192 6.193 6.194 6.195 6.196 6.197 6.198 6.199 6.200 This person has only contributed to the map through either 1 or 2 changesets total.
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 This person is ranked on the ODbl stats page for North America.