Featured images/Apr-Jun 2014
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These are featured images, which have been identified as the best examples of OpenStreetMap mapping, or as useful illustrations of the OpenStreetMap project.
If you know another image of similar quality, you can nominate it on Featured image proposals.
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Gallery of featured images, from April to June 2014
Details and captions
Week 14 (from Monday 31 March 2014 to Sunday 6 April 2014) [Edit]
- English : OpenStreetMap has been awarded the Document Freedom Day UK Award Brian Prangle accepted the award on behalf of OSM.
Week 15 (from Monday 7 April 2014 to Sunday 13 April 2014) [Edit]
- English : HOT is coordinating mapping efforts for the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
The map shows all changesets with #HOT in and around Guinea. The tool visualises changesets of the last seven days with a certain comment.
Week 16 (from Monday 14 April 2014 to Sunday 20 April 2014) [Edit]
- English : State of the Map France 2014 took place a week ago in Paris with more than 250 attendees
Week 17 (from Monday 21 April 2014 to Sunday 27 April 2014) [Edit]
- English : 492 people attended State Of The Map U.S. 2014 in Washington DC. You can watch video recordings of the presentations.
Week 18 (from Monday 28 April 2014 to Sunday 4 May 2014) [Edit]
- English : Although this map looks distinctly hand-drawn, it is a data-driven rendering created using TileMill and GIMP, and available as a slippy map covering Toulouse
Week 19 (from Monday 5 May 2014 to Sunday 11 May 2014) [Edit]
- English : The London HOT Congo Mapathon event was run by HOT and MSF this weekend, to map the city of Lubumbashi using Field Papers notes gathered by local people.
Week 20 (from Monday 12 May 2014 to Sunday 18 May 2014) [Edit]
- English : Lübeck Hauptbahnhof has been modelled in 3D within the OpenStreetMap data (using the Simple 3D Buildings tags), allowing tools like OSM2World to render this image. (slippy map)
Week 21 (from Monday 19 May 2014 to Sunday 25 May 2014) [Edit]
- English : For the past few months the community in the Netherlands have been carrying out a manual merging BAGimport of open address and buildings data, using a special JOSM import plugin (dutch), and this site to monitor the progress uploading areas of data
Week 22 (from Monday 26 May 2014 to Sunday 1 June 2014) [Edit]
- English : Austrian OpenStreetMappers at Linuxwochen 2014 in Vienna, offering T-shirts, tablecloths, posters, books, cups, and notebooks!
Week 23 (from Monday 2 June 2014 to Sunday 8 June 2014) [Edit]
- English : Trying out the iD editor for the first time. Sixteen test subjects went through the process and gave their feedback as part of a "Civic User Testing Group" event in Chicago
Week 24 (from Monday 9 June 2014 to Sunday 15 June 2014) [Edit]
- English : The new Indian state of Telangana which was created by an order of the Indian government, has been incorporated into the map by OpenStreetMap volunteers. Telangana was created by partitioning the state of Andhra Pradesh into two. Read more on dalek2point3's diary
Week 25 (from Monday 16 June 2014 to Sunday 22 June 2014) [Edit]
- English : With more than 200 participants State Of The Map Europe 2014 was hosted in Karlsruhe last weekend.
Week 26 (from Monday 23 June 2014 to Sunday 29 June 2014) [Edit]
- English : This event in Natori, Japan, was an OpenStreetMap mapping party as part of a LocalWiki initiative to describe city neighbourhoods, and promote community building in an area struck by the 2011 tsunami. Read more on the localwiki blog