Foundation/AGM2024/Election to Board/Answers and manifestos/Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration

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Decision-Making and Collaboration

How do you plan to collaborate with other Board members and Working Groups to make decisions and resolve conflicts? Have you been in touch with current Board members to understand the challenges and responsibilities of the role? Which Working Groups would you like to collaborate with, and which Board Officer role or Committee Chair position interests you most, and why?

Candidates: Craig Allan | Brazil Singh | Courtney Cook Williamson | Maurizio Napolitano | Can Ünen | Michael Montani | Andrés Gómez Casanova | Laura Mugeha | Héctor Ochoa Ortiz | Arun Ganesh

Craig Allan - Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration

Communication is everything in making decisions and resolving conflicts. Sharing points of view and negotiation are the way any group comes to a consensus. Sometimes a vote is required to break a deadlock but that is not often the case. Serious conflicts that can’t be resolved in the group benefit from bringing in an outside person to manage the discussion. Yes, I have spent two years as a current board member and I have an excellent understanding of the role. The Board must collaborate with all working groups fairly and evenly. My current Board roles as Secretary, Chair of Finance Committee and a manager of Board staff are quite demanding and if the new Board appoints me to continue with similar work I may not have much time for getting involved in a WG. If I do have time to contribute to a WG the SotM WG and Communications WG are appealing to me. SotM WG as I have a logistics background and Communications WG as I have a lot of experience doing media work on campaigns. Communications WG is closely linked to fundraising campaigns so that aligns with my financial work for the OSMF.

Brazil Singh - Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration

I started by understanding how crucial collaboration is with other Board members to make decisions and resolve conflicts effectively. I plan to keep communication open and transparent, ensuring everyone is on the same page. Building consensus is key, so I’ll work hard to listen to all perspectives and find common ground. When conflicts arise, I believe in a structured approach—identifying the issue, facilitating open dialogue, and then finding a solution that everyone can agree on. I’ve already been in touch with current Board members to get a sense of the challenges and responsibilities of the role. These conversations have been really insightful and have helped me prepare for what lies ahead. As for Working Groups, I’ve started volunteering with OSMF's Communication Working Group (CWG), and I’m excited to continue contributing there. I’m also keen on collaborating with the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group but there is no DIWG, but there is diversity and inclusion special committee (DISC) which is currently inactive. I want to activate the group because I’m passionate about making OSM more inclusive and representative of everyone. The Data Working Group (DWG) is another area where I’d like to contribute, particularly around data quality and governance. The position that interests me most is Liason of Communication Working Group. I’m really passionate about creating a more inclusive OSM community, and in this role, I can lead efforts to make sure we’re supporting underrepresented groups and bringing more diverse voices into the fold.

Courtney Cook Williamson - Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration

I am very active in the Communications Working Group and as part of that role, I have supported the board with its communications, as well as the board fundraising and advisory committees with their communications. As part of that support, I helped lead the broad base giving campaign on social media that raised more than £100k in 2023. I also supported the communications that helped secure significant gifts from several corporate sponsors and update our corporate membership offerings. As a result of my role as a person who posts on all of our social media channels and to the OSMF blog [1], I have had a fair amount of interaction with most of the Working Groups, because of requests to make posts about their activities on the blog or social media. I enjoy this collaboration very much, and I would hope to continue it as a member of the board.

Maurizio Napolitano - Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration

Collaboration is central to the role of the Board, and I plan to draw on my experience leading interdisciplinary teams to facilitate open communication. I will prioritize transparent and pragmatic decision-making, ensuring alignment with OSMF’s strategic goals and fostering a culture of open dialogue. I have not yet had extensive conversations with current Board members but am aware of the general challenges and strategic objectives. If elected, I will immediately engage with the Board to better understand the ongoing issues and needs. I am particularly interested in collaborating with the Data Working Group, Local Chapters and Communities Working Group, and the Licensing Working Group. Given my background in open data and my focus on fostering relationships with institutions, I see the these groups as key for ensuring clarity when working with external organizations. This will help facilitate productive conversations with companies and public institutions about the use and protection of OpenStreetMap data. As for Board Officer roles, I am more suited to representation roles rather than those focused on administrative or financial management. I have a strong capacity for advocacy and relationship building, and my work experience has prepared me well for managing legal and policy matters, particularly in licensing and data quality discussions. However, I do not have the ambition to assume the role of Chairperson, as I see my value in representing OSM’s interests externally, rather than in managing day-to-day financial tasks.

Can Ünen - Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration

Yes, I have consulted past board members regarding their experiences and takes from their respective terms on the board. I got really valuable insights regarding time & workload management within the organization, and the team dynamics within the past boards. I previously participated in LCCWG as a representative from the Turkish community. I don’t have a tendency for specific board roles at the moment but my preference would be liaising in community or operational focused tasks, if available. After the election process, the assignments should be discussed among the board based on each individual’s skills, strengths, and preferences.

Michael Montani - Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration

I used to speak with some Board members that indeed encouraged me putting my name for elections, and with which I spoke about the challenges and responsibilities of the role (I am fully aware it will require me many hours of voluntary time). I am already a member of the OSMF LCCWG and despite I am not in since long time I was able to give an hand on some topics and to have a grasp of what working with OSMF WGs would look like. Coordination with the team members mostly happens through Telegram for quick communication, and we communicate by mail with all prospective local chapter representatives.

I have some responsibilities while working for the UN too, as managing a team of 2 consultants I need to plan and prioritize activities, ultimately making global taxpayers money we are paid with, effective. Differently from other consultants jobs focusing more on technical tasks, the work I do has also a big public visibility, which is not a straightforward matter for a big organization like the UN.

Despite being the UN an intergovernmental body, its working structure is extremely hierarchical, especially under the UN Secretariat, mimicking a bit how an army is structured. The reporting line is composed by a tree of generally 9 levels (P2 < P3 < P4 < P5 < D1 < D2 < ASG < USG < SG, each one corresponding to a specific person), which makes bottom-up decisions basically impossible, and top-down the rule.

You can expect from me the total opposite of this LOL. I organize the work of my team mostly based on bottom-up suggestions coming from community members or people genuinely interested in knowing more about OSM or helping the UN. As a matter of fact I believe listening to community needs is possibly the only way to take any decision.

With the consultants I should "task", I work as if there are no differences between us and in an extremely horizontal way. I am a millennial (well, one of the last as I was born in 1995), and I will probably never get acquainted with vertical social structures or business operations as they were run in 1945. So I am confident I will be able to work confidently with other Board members, in a much more agile way than what I do at my job.

I am a very sincere person and do not fear to express my opinions. I am also a lovable person to work with and so far I never had harsh discussions with any of my colleagues or people in the OSM community.

The amount of work going on in the OSMF is surely overwhelming, but I will be glad to receive any help and feedback from other OSMF Board members on how to proceed efficiently. I can see myself giving an hand with the LCCWG which I already collaborated with, but I do not have any special preference so far. Probably I could take over some left positions or relieve other Board members from work if needed, taking into account some WGs may have some conflict of interest policy that would ideally prevent me to give an hand with (DWG, but I would love to on a personal basis!).

As stated in Q1 and Q4, I would be glad to give an hand in increasing institutional visibility of OSM, so any role that would suits best this objective could work for me. But I am generally open to take on any duty.

Andrés Gómez Casanova - Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration

Facts should always support decision-making, so Working Groups and Committees should be consulted to guide better decisions.

To apply as a candidate for the Board, I have spoken with Arnalie, who has encouraged me to apply and has told me how the role develops on the Board.

I have not worked in the OSMF Working Groups but in the HOTOSM Mentorship Group, which has an attractive function in the OSM ecosystem.

The Working Groups I would like to work with are:

  • Communication Working Group to define a brand concept with them and push OSM further.
  • Membership Working Group for the foundation to have more members.
  • Local Chapters and Communities Working Group so that more communities get organized, and we can have representation of OSM and OSMF in more places.

Laura Mugeha - Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration

Like OSM communities, I believe effective collaboration with fellow Board members and Working Groups is crucial for the OSMF's success. My approach to collaboration is based on open communication, active listening, and finding common ground to achieve our shared goals for OSM. I am always open to new ideas and perspectives, and I plan to openly participate in board discussions and consult fellow board members & relevant Working Groups as often as possible.

Yes, I have been in touch with current and previous Board members to understand their motivations, responsibilities, and challenges. These conversations have provided valuable insights into the complexities of the role and the importance of balancing various community needs and organizational priorities.

Given my experience and interests, I would be particularly keen to support as a liaison for the State of the Map Committee. My previous engagements with SotM in 2019, 2020, and 2024 have given me a strong foundation in understanding the challenges and opportunities in organizing the conference.

Additionally, I see myself as a versatile contributor – a jack of all trades – and would be interested in serving on currently open roles. I am keen on learning more and engaging with the Advisory Board and Local Chapters and Communities Working Group. I am looking forward to using my experiences in community building and my understanding of diverse OSM contexts to strengthen relationships with our corporate members while ensuring alignment with the broader OSM community's interests

Héctor Ochoa Ortiz - Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration

I attended SotM 2024 in person, where I participated in the OSMF talks, and engaged in discussions with the board members.

The Data Working Group is interesting to me. My strong point is being a bridge between technical and non-technical people, which I feel is a good fit in the DWG. Having lived in different countries and interacted with people from all over the world, I clearly understand the different sensitivities that may arise.

I would also like to collaborate with the Communications Working Group, which I consider a transversal group, important for all aspects of the Foundation. I already collaborate with the WeeklyOSM Spanish translation, and I believe more effort should be put into the group, in Fundraising awareness and in diversifying the covered communications.

I would also be happy to take on any other role where my bridge-building capabilities and understanding may be useful. Understanding each other's positions and goals is key for a well-functioning organization, and it is important to find common ground that minimizes the losses for each party.


Asistí al SotM 2024 en persona, donde participé en las charlas de la OSMF y me involucré en discusiones con los miembros de la junta.

El Grupo de Trabajo de Datos (Data Working Group) me resulta interesante. Mi punto fuerte es ser un puente entre personas técnicas y no técnicas, lo cual siento que encaja bien en el DWG. Habiendo vivido en diferentes países e interactuado con personas de todo el mundo, entiendo claramente las diferentes sensibilidades que pueden surgir.

También me gustaría colaborar con el Grupo de Trabajo de Comunicaciones (Communications Working Group), que considero un grupo transversal, importante para todos los aspectos de la Fundación. Ya colaboro con la traducción al español de WeeklyOSM, y creo que se debería poner más esfuerzo en el grupo, en la concienciación sobre la recaudación de fondos y en diversificar las comunicaciones cubiertas.

También estaría feliz de asumir cualquier otro rol donde mis capacidades de construcción de puentes y comprensión puedan ser útiles. Entender las posiciones y objetivos de cada uno es clave para una organización que funcione bien, y es importante encontrar un terreno común que minimice las pérdidas para cada parte.

Arun Ganesh - Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration

I have not yet contacted current members to understand the challenges that they currently face. The Communications Working Group would be of my primary interest to improve the public visibility of both the OSMF and the map.

Candidates: Craig Allan | Brazil Singh | Courtney Cook Williamson | Maurizio Napolitano | Can Ünen | Michael Montani | Andrés Gómez Casanova | Laura Mugeha | Héctor Ochoa Ortiz | Arun Ganesh

OSM Foundation's board election 2024: official questions
Q01 Motivation and Objectives | Q02 Conflict of Interest Management | Q03 Transparency and Accountability | Q04 Strategic Vision and Sustainability | Q05 Decision-Making and Collaboration | Q06 Fundraising and Resource Development | Q07 Handling Legal and Political Challenges | Q08 State of the Map | Q09 Your Community Contributions | Q10 Promoting Community and Attracting Volunteers | Q11 Technology and Innovation | Q12 Data Quality and Protection | Q13 Perspective on Open Source | Q14 Perspective on Overture Maps
All board candidates' manifestos

2024 OpenStreetMap Foundation's: Board election - Voting information and instructions - Annual General Meeting