You can donate to the GPStogo scheme by setting up either a recurring payment using PayPal or, if you have a UK bank account, by setting up a standing order.
All donations to the GPStogo fund will be held by the OpenStreetMap Foundation and will be ring-fenced for use only for the operation of the GPStogo scheme. In the event that the GPStogo scheme is terminated, any residual funds will transfer to the OpenStreetMap Foundation's general funds.
The beneficial owner of GPS receivers purchased under this scheme will be the OpenStreetMap Foundation.
Click on the following link to create a £5 per month recurring payment via PayPal: £5 per month
UK Standing Orders
If you have a UK bank account then please set up a standing order for £5 per month (or more) payable to the following account:
- Account name: OpenStreetMap Foundation
- Sort-code: 089299
- Account number: 65243899
- Reference: GPStogo
Please also send an email to stating the amount and start date of the standing order and that it is a intended for the GPStogo scheme.