Gl:Wiki Translation
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Este artigo é unha tradución incompreta de Wiki Translation: pode ter fallas, erros non corrixidos ou anacos que aínda non foron traducidos. Se comprendes o artigo orixinal en inglés, por favor, contribúe a acadar a mellor tradución ó galego. Le as instrucións sobre de que xeito traducir esta wiki. Semella que ninguén está a traballar na tradución neste intre. Aléntate e contribúe na tarefa de tradución. A traducción da wiki pode ser unha boa maneira de axudar ao desenvolvemento do proxecto. A wiki contén unha chea de información e contidos de axuda moi importantes. Por iso, gustarianos ter polo menos unha parte desta dispoñible noutras linguas. Nótese que o traballo de traducción noutras áreas do proxecto son tan importantes se non máis aínda. Cohesión da comunidadeAo contrario que a Wikipedia, nós non temos como obxectivo recoller cantidades inxentes de contido na wiki. Wikipedia decidiu que a mellor forma para construir a súa enciclopedia era dividir as comunidades por linguas, facendoos funcionar como proxectos completamente separados. A situación aquí é completamente distinta. A wiki non é o proxecto. A traducción das páxinas da wiki debería ser un exercicio para mellorar a cohesión da comunidade, axudando a todos a entender aos demáis, e en definitiva, axudando á construcción dos mapas. Con isto en mente, nós non desenvolvimos a mesma tecnoloxía wiki para soportar as traduccións. Queremos que os pequenos grupos de xente que non falen inglés se sintan benvidos, e teñan toda a información que precisan, pero nós tamén queremos á comunidade como un único grupo, que permaneza unido e sexa o centro de atención. Progreso da traducción da wikiA traducción da wiki estase a levar a cabo ad-hoc, é dicir, dunha forma orientada as nosas necesidades. Animamosche a formar parte desta tarefa, pero tamén precisamos ser un pouco máis organizados neste tema. En moitas linguas, a traducción aínda se atopa nun estado moi temprano. Algunhas páxinas da wiki son mais importantes ca outras así que, por favor, intenta centrarte nesas páxinas primeiro. How to translateSingle page
Technical notes:
Additional steps:
See also Wiki Help. Category
Translated pages with a title in a non-English languageIf you want that a page translated to a national language have the title translated also, it is necessary to maintain anyway a page with English title preceded by language code and colon. This page would be a simply redirect to the actual page with title in national language. Let's suppose that the English page name is "English_page_name", and you already have got a translated page with the title "XX:English_page_name" (where XX is the target language code like Ar, Ca, DE, IT, Zh-hant, ...). Now you want the translated page to get a translated title "XX:Translated_page_name" too. Do the following steps:
Now the content is moved to a page with the new translated page name "XX:Translated_page_name". And also, a redirect is automatically established, so all old links to XX:English_page_name will be redirected to the new translated page. Sometimes there are already some pages redirecting to the old English named page (our new redirecting page). Then there would occur a double redirection, and that causes problems because the Wiki-System will stop the second redirection (see Special:DoubleRedirects). To prevent this from happening:
This would fix the double redirect problem and you have done a clean fresh title translation. Instructions for the Languages templateTemplate:Languages lists all languages available. It is based on parser functions from MediaWiki and the IETF language tags (as defined in the BCP 47 standard, based on ISO 639-1 with a few exclusions, and extensions partly borrowed from other standards). See below for a partial list. The complete syntax is:
The parameter Page name is not necessary if the title of current page is equal to English page title, because his default value is assumed to be exactly the title of current page (however it is recommended to keep it to ease the translation of English pages and then renaming them in the actual target language). Example for actually implemented namespaces and languages: Page_name (should be in English) Ar:Page_name (Arabic) Cs:Page_name (Czech) DE:Page_name (German: capitalized namespace) ES:Page_name (Spanish: capitalized namespace) FR:Page_name (French: capitalized namespace) IT:Page_name (Italian: capitalized namespace) JA:Page_name (Japanese: capitalized namespace) NL:Page_name (Dutch: capitalized namespace) Pl:Page_name (Polish) Pt:Page_name (Portuguese) RU:Page_name (Russian: capitalized namespace) Uk:Page_name (Ukrainian, not United Kingdom!!!) Zh-hans:Page_name (Simplified Chinese) Zh-hant:Page_name (Traditional Chinese) Brief instruction
If you click on "missing languages", and then you click on a red link, it automatically opens a new page with the right prefix and the right page name. Copy the original text to this page and translate it. In the first line you put {{Languages|English page name}}. If you want to translate the title then make sure that the page name in English with the additional language prefix is redirected to a localized article name with its language code.
If you moved a category at step 2 above
Language prefixes and namespacesMany languages are supported merely as a wiki page naming convention, while some of the more widely used ones are set up as proper namespaces within the wiki software, allowing features like tickboxes on the advanced search. Pages can be listed by prefix (for any language) using Special:PrefixIndex. Note that only a few languages (for which there are ample contents on this wiki and enough maintainers) have a dedicated namespace on this wiki (for historic reasons, these namespaces are using capital letters). These namespaces allow to perform searches in the many pages created in those languages. Most languages won't have this dedicated namespace. This wiki should progressively be updated to use autotranslatable templates (in a way similar to Wikimedia Commons), instead of having to maintaining a lot of separate pages for each language, for contents that can be maintained in one place independently of the language displayed. All other translated pages are stored in the main namespace, using a language-code prefix that should be written in lowercase (only the first letter of the prefix will be automatically uppercased, but this letter case is not significant). This wiki may still contain a few languages for which the language code was uppercased. But to ease the maintenance of links be consistent with the letter case of codes already used in the Languages template shown at the top of translated pages. Note that most language codes used in prefixes are using lowercase letters. But for legacy reasons on this wiki, some languages have their own dedicated article namespaces that are named using capital letters (for translated articles in the following 7 namespaces: DE, ES, FR, IT, JA, NL, RU). The letter case is significant for prefixes that are not declared on this wiki with a dedicated namespace. But the lettercase of recognized namespace names is not significant, so you can safely use lowercase letters everywhere for all language codes (this will simplify maintenance tasks for links, notably by avoiding the creation of additional redirects on this wiki). The letter case of language code prefixes however remains significant outside article namespaces and their associated talk pages (such as Template: or Category:), because the language code prefix after the namespace prefix is an actual part of the page title. For reasons of coherence and to help reduce the number of needed redirects and their maintenance, languages prefixes for pages in those namespaces should be lowercase everywhere except for the 7 languages listed above which should have their prefix capitalized (e.g. with "Category:Categories"; "Category:FR:Categories" soft-redirecting to "Category:FR:Catégories"; "Category:DE:Categories" soft-redirecting to "Category:DE:Kategorien"; "Category:Cs:Categories". But not "Category:Fr:Category", or "Category:CS:Categories"; the same applies to templates). In a few cases, the original article was actually not written in English, but an English version (generally limited as a stub or partly translated) can use temporarily the capitalized prefix "EN:". However the interlanguage navigation bar does not work well in this case because it cannot properly detect that the unprefixed page name is not in English. To allow interlanguage navigation, the original page in other language than English should also use its own language code prefix, so that its translation to English could have its "EN:" prefix removed. The interlanguage navigation bar will link to the English page using the "EN:" prefix only where it exists, otherwise it will use the unprefixed page name (assuming that this unprefixed page name is in English). Note also that categories cannot be simply hard-redirected (unlike articles, talk pages or templates). When a translated category with an English title (but a language code prefix) is renamed with a translated title (keeping its language code prefix), the category with the untranslated title becomes a hard redirect. If any page is categorized in a redirected category, the categories listed at bottom of these pages will be italicized: clicking on this category will redirect to the renamed category that will not list that page, listed only in the English-named category (this is an old limitation/bug of the MediaWiki software). To help diagnose those cases, an additional template should be added immediately after this renaming, so that the English-named category be listed within the translated category as long as the English-named category is populated. For new language, please use language codes conforming to the BCP 47 standard — check the Registry of language subtags on the site (according to the BCP 47 standard, currently in RFC 5646): generally this means using the ISO 649-1 two-letter code where it exists, otherwise the two-letter technical ISO 646-2 language code, otherwise the three-letter ISO 649-3 code; avoid using obsolete language codes that are marked in this registry as being replaced by another one, or deprecated and splitted into several more precise ones; for some languages, the language code may be followed by a ISO 15924 script code; it may also be followed by a ISO 3166-1 country/region code (or a numeric continental or subcontinal region code from the UN-M.49 statistics standard), but this usage is no longer recommended for coding a language variant, and this wiki will prefer to be really international and edited in a way acceptable in all regions where the same language is written. If for some language variants you need region/script subtags after a main language subtag, please write them in lowercase, even if BCP 47 preferably lists them with uppercase letters, but remember that letter case in BCP 47 language tags are not significant but only suggested. BCP 47 also allows registered subtags for encoding historic linguistic variants by date or usage with specific terminologies, but they should not be needed on this wiki written in the most common modern variant for general use. Note also that a few language codes used for Wikipedia editions (and in interwiki links) do not apply to this scheme, for historical reasons, and have still not been converted or redirected to use the recommended BCP 47 codes (which is the universal standard for the web). Also some languages used on this wiki do not have an exact match with a linguistic edition of Wikipedia or this OSM wiki still makes distinctions which are no longer relevant in Wikipedia (such as script variants, because Wikipedia natively supports transliterators between those variants when this wiki still does not have this support). These exceptions are highlighted in the table below. Notes: