Health centers import in Peru

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Improve the map, especially in the rural areas of Peru where information of health centers is poor.

The data is available in and the information is provided by SUSALUD - Superintendencia Nacional de Salud as mention in the portal. The entire dataset is 20,819 of which 7,933 points have coordinates to add to the map.

Import data


Data provided by SUSALUD.

Data processing

The import data was separated according the district, there is a file per each district containing the health center points of the district. The data and the script for processing is in this repository.

Tagging plan

Original fields Meaning OSM tags Comments
Código Code Not used
Nombre de establecimiento Establishment name name=*
Tipo Establishment type Not used
Clasificación It depends of establishment category amenity=hospital, amenity=clinic, amenity = doctors, healthcare=*
Institución Entity who is directly in charge of the current operation of the establishment operator=*
Departamento Department where it is Not used
Provincia Provincia where it is Not used
Distrito Distrito where it is Not used
Ubigeo Coding system for geographical locations in Peru Not used
Dirección Address of the center addr:street=* + addr:housenumber=* or addr:full=* Only add in case it is clear
Código DISA Health address code Not used
Código Red Establishment Red code ref:red=*
Código Microred Establishment Microred code ref:microred=*
Categoría Category ref:category=*
Teléfono Phone number phone=* Only add in case it is clear
Horario Service hours opening_hours=* Not necessary to add due it does not specify the operating days

Other considerations for tagging:

  • To add the amenity tag, lets use the category tag, which is as the following:
I-1 and I-2; consider as: amenity=doctors
I-3 and I-4: consider as: amenity=clinic
II-* and III-* consider as: amenity=hospital

Use healthcare in case they are necessary to detail in some medical support services.

  • In case "operator" has the value of "Privado", change the tag to "operator:type=private".
  • In case the address has number of lots or the name of the community or locality add "addr:full=*", in case the address has the street name and the number, add "addr:street=*" and "addr:housenumber=*" and if it only has the street name add "addr:street=*".
  • For "phone" tag's values, use ITU format. For example for landline phone in Ayacucho is: +51 66 XXXXXX, and for a movil phone is: +51 XXXXXXXXX. For number that start with * or # add "phone:PE=*" instead only "phone =*".


- JOSM will be used to review and edit the data.

Import process

Import user account

For import process into OpenStreetMap, we have to create a dedicated user account. Usually the import account is "osm user name"_import. For example System-users-3.svgkaritotp (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.).

More details to create an import user account in Guidelines


  • Set up your import user account in JOSM.
  • Load the Bing Satellite Imagery.
  • Load the file "district".osm in JOSM.
  • Download the area from OpenStreetMap in the same layer.
  • Review and import data:
    • Review the "address" key, if its value is not clear we can modify or delete it.
    • Review the "opening_hours" key, we have to modify according to OpenStreetMap format of opening_hours key, if the hours is not clear we can delete it.
    • If the health center is already in OpenStreetMap, lets add the missing attributes from the point to the osm data.

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