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Public-images-osm logo.svg healthcare
A healthcare facility. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: health
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 32
Useful combination
See also
Status: approvedPage for proposal

The key healthcare=* is used to map a facility that provides healthcare (part of the healthcare sector).

Many other healthcare facilities are tagged with amenity=*, and some are tagged with emergency=* or shop=*.

See Healthcare for a full list of healthcare facility tags.

How to map

Create a node in the centre of the feature and tag it with healthcare=*. Or map an outline of this feature and add healthcare=* to that area. healthcare=* is also commonly added to building=* areas.

Add a healthcare:speciality=* as appropriate.


Value Description
healthcare=alternative Someone practising alternative or complementary medicine but is not a medical practitioner or a place where alternative or complementary medicine is practised that does not fit into the other categories
healthcare=audiologist Audiologist; if linked with a shop please use shop=hearing_aids instead
healthcare=birthing_centre A non-clinical birthing centre operated by midwives.
healthcare=blood_bank Blood bank
healthcare=blood_donation A facility where you can donate blood, plasma and/or platelets, and possibly have stem cell samples taken.
healthcare=centre Healthcare facility with unspecified characteristics. Its usage without further specifications is discouraged.
healthcare=clinic May be used in addition to amenity=clinic.
healthcare=community_health_worker A place where a community_health_worker serves as the main health care provider.
healthcare=counselling Healthcare counselling, e.g. an addiction centre, a nutritionist, or a sex therapist. Also see healthcare=nutrition_counselling
healthcare=dentist May be used in addition to amenity=dentist.
healthcare=dialysis A clinic for day patients to get a haemodialysis Dialysis
healthcare=doctor May be used in addition to amenity=doctors.
healthcare=hospice A Hospice which provides palliative care to terminal ill people and support to their relatives.
healthcare=hospital May be used in addition to amenity=hospital.
healthcare=laboratory Medical laboratory also called (analytical, diagnostic) is a place that analyzes body fluids such as blood, urine, faeces etc. Often blood and other samples are collected here as well.
healthcare=midwife A Midwife, a health professional who cares for mothers and newborns around childbirth.
healthcare=nurse Nursing. A facility where some nurses may receive their patients.
healthcare=occupational_therapist Someone who practices occupational therapy but is not a medical practitioner.
healthcare=optometrist Optometrist; If linked with a shop please use shop=optician instead.
healthcare=pharmacy May be used in addition to amenity=pharmacy.
healthcare=physiotherapist Someone who practices physical therapy (also known as kinesiotherapy in some countries) but is not a physician.
healthcare=podiatrist Someone who practices podiatry but is not a Physician on Wikipedia.
healthcare=psychotherapist Someone who practices psychotherapy but is not a Physician on Wikipedia.
healthcare=rehabilitation Medical rehabilitation facility; should not be used for a wellness clinic or hotel.
healthcare=sample_collection Site or dedicated healthcare facility where samples of blood/urine/etc are obtained or collected for purpose of analyzing them for healthcare diagnostics
healthcare=speech_therapist Someone who practices speech and language therapy.
healthcare=vaccination_centre A healthcare facility specifically dedicated to administering vaccinations to individuals, to provide immunisation against infectious diseases.
healthcare=postpartum_care A facility that helps residents recover from their childbirth (i.e. postpartum confinement).
healthcare=yes General healthcare facility. Used only if specifics are unknown. If this value is used, it is recommended to include some details with the description=* or fixme=* key.


healthcare:speciality=* as defined below.

The speciality of a medical practitioner (informal the doctor) or a medical facility can be tagged using the key healthcare:speciality=*.

The following table shows values which could be used in connection with this key. The table was derived from the Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament on the recognition of professional qualifications [1] with additions from Wikipedia.

If a medical practitioner or a medical facility covers several specializations, they could be separated by a semicolon (';') e.g. healthcare:speciality=radiology;radiotherapy

Specialities of medical practitioners

healthcare:speciality=* Description (Wikipedia) United Kingdom United States
healthcare:speciality=allergology Allergology Allergology Allergy & Asthma
healthcare:speciality=anaesthetics Anaesthetics Anaesthetics Anesthesiology
healthcare:speciality=cardiology Cardiology Cardiology Cardiology
healthcare:speciality=cardiothoracic_surgery Cardiothoracic surgery Cardiothoracic surgery Cardiothoracic surgery
healthcare:speciality=child_psychiatry Child psychiatry Child and adolescent psychiatry Child and adolescent psychiatry
healthcare:speciality=community Community medicine / public health Public health medicine Community and public health
healthcare:speciality=dermatology Dermatology Dermatology Dermatology
healthcare:speciality=dermatovenereology Dermato-venereology
healthcare:speciality=diagnostic_radiology Diagnostic radiology Clinical radiology Diagnostic radiology / medical imaging
healthcare:speciality=emergency Accident and emergency medicine Accident and emergency medicine Emergency medicine
healthcare:speciality=endocrinology Endocrinology Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus
healthcare:speciality=gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology
healthcare:speciality=general general practitioner or general hospital
healthcare:speciality=geriatrics Geriatrics Geriatrics Geriatric medicine
healthcare:speciality=gynaecology Obstetrics and gynaecology Obstetrics and gynaecology Obstetrics and gynecology (ob/gyn)
healthcare:speciality=haematology Haematology Haematology Hematology (heme/onc)
healthcare:speciality=hepatology Hepatology Hepatology Hepatology (liver)
healthcare:speciality=infectious_diseases Infectious disease / communicable diseases Infectious diseases Infectious disease (ID)
healthcare:speciality=intensive Intensive-care medicine Intensive Care
healthcare:speciality=internal General (internal) medicine General(internal)medicine Internal medicine (internist)
healthcare:speciality=dental_oral_maxillo_facial_surgery Oral and maxillofacial surgery Oral & maxillofacial surgery Oral & maxillofacial surgery
healthcare:speciality=neonatology Neonatology Pediatric branch for the newborn Neonatology
healthcare:speciality=nephrology Nephrology Renal medicine Nephrology
healthcare:speciality=neurology Neurology Neurology Neurology
healthcare:speciality=neuropsychiatry Neuropsychiatry
healthcare:speciality=neurosurgery Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Neurosurgery
healthcare:speciality=nuclear Nuclear medicine Nuclear medicine Not a clinical speciality
healthcare:speciality=occupational Occupational medicine Occupational medicine Occupational medicine
healthcare:speciality=oncology Oncology Oncology Oncology (heme/onc)
healthcare:speciality=ophthalmology Ophthalmology (vision/eye disorder) Ophthalmology Ophthalmology
healthcare:speciality=orthodontics Orthodontics (teeth alignment) Orthodontics Orthodontics
healthcare:speciality=orthopaedics Orthopaedics Trauma and orthopaedic surgery Orthopedic surgery (ortho)
healthcare:speciality=otolaryngology Otorhinolaryngology (ear, nose, throat disorder) Otolaryngology ENT (ear, nose and throat)
healthcare:speciality=paediatric_surgery Paediatric surgery Paediatric surgery Pediatric surgery
healthcare:speciality=paediatrics Paediatrics Paediatrics Pediatrics
healthcare:speciality=palliative Palliative care Palliative care (hospice)
healthcare:speciality=pathology Pathology Histopathology Pathology
healthcare:speciality=physiatry Physical medicine and rehabilitation Physical medicine and rehabilitation (Sports Medicine)
healthcare:speciality=plastic_surgery Plastic surgery Plastic surgery Reconstructive surgery / cosmetic surgery
healthcare:speciality=podiatry Podiatry Podiatry Podiatry
healthcare:speciality=proctology Colorectal surgery Proctology Colorectal surgery
healthcare:speciality=psychiatry Psychiatry General psychiatry Psychiatry
healthcare:speciality=pulmonology Respiratory medicine Respiratory medicine Pulmonology
healthcare:speciality=radiology Radiology Radiology
healthcare:speciality=radiotherapy Radiotherapy
healthcare:speciality=rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology
healthcare:speciality=stomatology Stomatology
healthcare:speciality=surgery General surgery General surgery General surgery
healthcare:speciality=transplant Transplant surgery Transplant surgery
healthcare:speciality=trauma Trauma surgery Trauma surgery
healthcare:speciality=tropical Tropical medicine Tropical medicine Tropical medicine
healthcare:speciality=urology Urology Urology Urology
healthcare:speciality=vascular_surgery Vascular surgery Vascular surgery
healthcare:speciality=venereology Venereology (sexually transmitted diseases) Venereology Venereology

Specialities for amenity=clinic / healthcare=clinic

Value Description
healthcare:speciality=abortion Abortion clinic
healthcare:speciality=fertility Fertility clinic
healthcare:speciality=vaccination Vaccination centre

Specialities for healthcare=psychotherapist

Different schools and approaches of psychotherapy may be tagged using healthcare:speciality=*. May also be used for healthcare=doctor and other healthcare=*.

Value Description
healthcare:speciality=autism Autism therapies
healthcare:speciality=behavior Behavior oriented psychotherapy
healthcare:speciality=body Body oriented psychotherapy
healthcare:speciality=cognitive_behavorial Cognitive behavioral therapy
healthcare:speciality=depth psychotherapy based on Depth psychology, e.g. Psychoanalysis
healthcare:speciality=humanistic psychotherapy based on Humanistic psychology
healthcare:speciality=other psychotherapy that does not fit into the other categories, e.g. Art therapy
healthcare:speciality=systemic Systemic therapy

Specialities for healthcare=laboratory

value description
healthcare:speciality=biology Biology - non-specific
healthcare:speciality=biochemistry Biochemistry
healthcare:speciality=blood_check Blood test
healthcare:speciality=clinical_pathology Clinical pathology

Specialities for healthcare=alternative

May also be used for healthcare=doctor and other healthcare=*.

Attention, the specialities here may be used additional to medical facilities.

But on its own the alternative healthcare cannot ensure proper and state-of-the-art healthcare.

Therefore the tag healthcare:=* is very misleading. Some of this practices may even be dangerous for the human health.

Value Description
healthcare:speciality=acupuncture Acupuncture
healthcare:speciality=animal-assisted Animal assisted therapy
healthcare:speciality=anthroposophical Anthroposophic medicine
healthcare:speciality=applied_kinesiology Applied kinesiology
healthcare:speciality=aromatherapy Aromatherapy
healthcare:speciality=ayurveda Ayurveda
healthcare:speciality=body_stress_release Body Stress Release
healthcare:speciality=chiropractic Chiropractic
healthcare:speciality=halotherapy Halotherapy as available in mineral salt rooms or mines, tunnels and caves (the latter referred to as "speleotherapy").
healthcare:speciality=herbalism Herbalism (See also: shop=herbalist).
healthcare:speciality=homeopathy Homeopathy
healthcare:speciality=hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy
healthcare:speciality=hypnosis Hypnosis
healthcare:speciality=nasal_irrigation Nasal irrigation
healthcare:speciality=naturopathy Naturopathy
healthcare:speciality=osteopathy Osteopathy
healthcare:speciality=reflexology Reflexology
healthcare:speciality=reiki Reiki
healthcare:speciality=shiatsu Shiatsu
healthcare:speciality=traditional_chinese_medicine Traditional Chinese medicine
healthcare:speciality=tuina Tuī ná
healthcare:speciality=unani Unani medicine

Specialities for healthcare=counselling

What types of counselling are offered.

Value Description
healthcare:counselling=addiction addiction counselling for drugs like alcohol
healthcare:counselling=antenatal pregnancy and antenatal counselling
healthcare:counselling=dietitian dietitian
healthcare:counselling=nutrition nutrition
healthcare:counselling=sexual sexual

Rendering and editors

See also