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(https://hebstreits.com/) create vector maps as art maps for printed use.

This print workflow uses raw data from OpenStreetMaps.

The offer of Hebstreits maps is primarily to be understood as graphic artwork. Hebstreits focus on high-quality / mostly native urban art maps that can be used for various scenarios.

The site offers ready-made vector maps and a custom vector map service (Customizer) too.

In addition to clean map styles in reduced, mostly vector maps, native high-resolution maps are offered, as well as print templates for private and professional use.

The Customizer displays a predefined map style and allows you to focus on an export area. The export is not automated. Maps can be exported as EPS10 or PDF. Various custom map styles of many urban areas are also available and can be downloaded immediately.

Since 2023, vector labels have also been available as a addition to Customizer maps.

Vector maps with labels are produced for various scales according to the users's specifications. The user can select the appropriate resolution for the map and labels from a preview and also has the option of increasing the level of detail by adding further labels.

All maps are licensed under the Open Database Licence (ODbL) 1.0. You are free to use the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially. In addition to Hebstreits licensing options you must give appropriate credit like © OpenStreetMap contributors.