Helsinki region building import
Add missing outlines and tags for buildings in the Helsinki region (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa).
- End of Nov 2014, write plan and receive feedback.
- Before end of 2014, execute the first step of the import.
Import Data (Stage 1, Vantaa)
As all the municipalities have different data formats, we are planning to separate the import in three stages based on the municipality. The source dataset is of very good quality because the same data is used for calculating the property tax (stakeholders have good reasons to have the data correctly).
Data source site:
Data license:
ODbL Compliance verified: yes, explicit OK received from Sami Rapo on 24.9.2014 (attribution in OSM contributors list page only requirement explicitly discussed)
From: Rapo Sami Sent: 24 September 2014 15:56 Subject: VS: Avoimen rakennusdatan tekijänoikeusmerkintä ja käyttö Open Street Mapissa Hei, Vantaan avoimen datana julkaistun rakennusdatan lisenssimalli on ”Vantaan kuntatekniikan keskuksen mittausosaston avoimen tietoaineiston lisenssi” eli ei siis HRI:n ”nimeä”. OSM:n Catalogue on meidän tapauksessa oikea paikka asiasta mainintaan. Englanninkielinen versio on kielenkääntäjiltä aivan lähiaikoina tulossa eli viitataan siihen. /Sami R.
Import Type
- Import consists of three steps:
- Step 1, Data that does not overlap with existing buildings or roads.
- Step 2, Data that does overlap fully with existing buildings and where only tagging is added.
- Step 3, Data that overlaps partially, and which has to be imported manually.
Data Preparation (Step 1, non-overlapping data)
Data Reduction & Simplification
Before the import can be started, the alignment of roads in OSM that overlap with buildings from the import must be fixed. The alignment using both Bing and orthophotos was completed in 2014-10 (mostly by user ij_).
The data is then reduced to only the buildings that do not overlap with already existing buildings as described in the workflow.
Tagging Plans
Field name | Translation | Mapping | Note |
kiinteistotunnus | Plot ID | None | municipality-area-village-plot (might be replaced by the national permanent building id before the import) |
rakennusnro | Building number | None | Specifies the building on the plot (001-) |
valmistumispvm | Completion date | start_date=* | Year 1900 means no information and 01-01 and 12-31 year only |
käyttötarkoitus_koodi | Usage code | Finland_Classification_of_Buildings_1994 | |
käyttötarkoitus | Usage | None | |
rakennusmateriaali | Building material | None | |
julkisivumateriaali | Facade material | building:material=* | |
kerrostenlkm | Number of floors | building:levels=* | |
asuntoja | Apartments | building:flats=* | |
katuosoite_suomeksi | Street address (in Finnish) | addr:street=* and addr:housenumber=* | |
postitoimipaikka | Post office | addr:postcode=* | Actually postal code |
katuosoite_ruotsiksi | Street address (in Swedish) | None | Information can be found from corresponding street |
vir_rakennustunnus | Official building ID | building:fi:id=* | plot ID + building number |
pysyväraknro | Permanent building id | None | (Only within Vantaa) |
rakennusala | Building area | None |
Changeset Tags
source=City of Vantaa source:date=2014-09-23
- Load building outlines to PostGIS database.
- Calculate distance to nearest buildings:
CREATE TABLE vantaa_dist AS (SELECT DISTINCT ON (b.ogc_fid) b.ogc_fid, b.vir_rakennustunnus, o.osm_id, o.building, ST_Distance(o.way, b.wkb_geometry) AS distance FROM vantaa_rak AS b, planet_osm_polygon AS o WHERE ST_DWithin(o.way, b.wkb_geometry, 1000) AND o.building != '' AND b.vir_rakennustunnus != '' ORDER BY b.ogc_fid, ST_Distance(o.way, b.wkb_geometry))
- Select non-overlapping data and split it per postal code in order to keep the changesets reasonably sized:
POSTINUMEROT=(0 00420 00750 01200 01230 01260 01280 01300 01340 01350 01360 01370 01380 01390 01400 01420 01450 01480 01490 01510 01520 01530 01590 01600 01610 01620 01630 01640 01650 01660 01670 01680 01690 01700 01710 01720 01730 01740 01750 01760 01770 01800 02970 04260 04320) for POSTI in ${POSTINUMEROT[*]}; do echo $POSTI ./ -t vantaa_buildings -f -v --sql "SELECT DISTINCT ON (b.ogc_fid) b.*, d.distance FROM vantaa_rak as b, buildings_distance_vantaa AS d WHERE b.ogc_fid = d.ogc_fid AND d.distance > 2 AND b.postitoimipaikka = '${POSTI}'" -o ../vantaa/vantaa_${POSTI}.osm "PG:dbname=osm user=hannes host=localhost" 2> ${POSTI}.log done
- Transform generated shapefiles using
- Validate generated .osm with JOSM
- Upload data
- Remove duplicate address and amenity nodes by finding them automatically and carefully editing manually.
OSM Data Files
Data Preparation (Step 2, fully overlapping data)
Only tags for geographies that are similar enough are updated.
Data Preparation (Step 3, partially overlapping data)
Data which is not consistant between both datasets has to be imported manually.
Import Data (Stage 2, Espoo)
As all the municipalities have different data formats, we are planning to separate the import in three stages based on the municipality. The source dataset is of very good quality because the same data is used for calculating the property tax (stakeholders have good reasons to have the data correctly).
Data source site:
Data license:
ODbL Compliance verified: yes, explicit OK received from Ari Purhonen on 10.10.2014 (attribution in OSM contributors list page only requirement explicitly discussed)
From: Purhonen Ari Sent: 10 October 2014 14:38 Subject: VS: Espoon rakennukset (HRI-aineisto) OSM-pilottiin Moi Espoon antaa luvan käyttää rakennusaineistoa Mirjan 24.9. viestin mukaisesti. Meille riittää myös, että tekijänoikeudet kirjataan pelkästään katalogiin. Tästä on keskusteltu viimeksi tänään kaupungingeodeettimme Tuomas Frösen kanssa, joka myös hyväksyy käytön ja tekijänoikeuden kirjaamistavan. yt. Ari Ari Purhonen ratkaisuasiantuntija/lösningsspecialist paikkatietokoordinaattori/GIS koordinator 043 826 5242 Teknisen ja ympäristötoimen esikunta/Teknik- och miljösektorns stab PL/PB 49 (Virastopiha 2 C/Ämbetsplatsen 2 C) 02070 ESPOON KAUPUNKI/ESBO STAD
Import Type
- Import consists of three steps:
- Step 1, Data that does not overlap with existing buildings or roads.
- Step 2, Data that does overlap fully with existing buildings and where only tagging is added.
- Step 3, Data that overlaps partially, and which has to be imported manually.
Data Preparation (Step 1, non-overlapping data)
Data Reduction & Simplification
Before the import can be started, the alignment of roads in osm that overlap with buildings from the import must be fixed. The alignment is done using both Bing and orthophotos.
The data is then reduced to only the buildings that do not overlap with already existing buildings as described in the workflow.
Tagging Plans
Field name | Translation | Mapping | Note |
id | id | None | Used internally |
laji | Type | None | |
lajin_selitys | Type explanation | None | |
z1 | z1 | None | |
z2 | z2 | None | |
teksti | Official building ID | building:fi:id=* | Plot ID + building number |
poimitaan_suunnitelmaan | None | ||
lupaperustelinkki | None | ||
rakennuksen rasterointi | None | ||
rakennuksen kaytto | None | ||
kiinteistotunnus | Plot ID | None | municipality-area-village-plot (might be replaced by the national permanent building id before the import) |
rakennusnumero | Building number | None | Specifies the building on the plot (001-) |
ekoordinaatti | None | ||
nkoordinaatti | None | ||
kaytossaolotilanne | None | ||
kayttotarkoitusnumeo | Usage code | Finland_Classification_of_Buildings_1994 | |
kayttotarkoitus | Usage | None | |
muuta tilaa | None | ||
kerrosluku | Number of floors | building:levels=* | |
kokonaisala | Number of floors | None | |
valmistumispvm | Completion date | start_date=* | Year 19000101 means no information and ????1231 year only |
katunimi | Street address (in Finnish) | addr:street=* | |
osoitenumero | House number | addr:housenumber=* | |
osoitenumero2 | House number2 | addr:housenumber=* | Format housenumber-housenumber2, eg. 10-12 |
osoitekirjain | House letter | addr:housenumber=* | Format housenumberhouseletter, eg. 10A |
Changeset Tags
source=City of Espoo source:date=2013-10-04
- Load building outlines to PostGIS database.
- Calculate distance to nearest buildings:
CREATE TABLE espoo_dist AS (SELECT DISTINCT ON (b.ogc_fid) b.ogc_fid, b.teksti, o.osm_id, o.building, ST_Distance(o.way, b.wkb_geometry) AS distance FROM espoo_rak AS b, planet_osm_polygon AS o WHERE ST_DWithin(o.way, b.wkb_geometry, 1000) AND o.building != '' AND b.teksti != '' ORDER BY b.ogc_fid, ST_Distance(o.way, b.wkb_geometry))
- Select non-overlapping data and split it per postal code in order to keep the changesets reasonably sized:
ALUEET=(04901 04902 04903 04904 04905 04906 04907 04908 04909 04940 04941 04942 04943 04944 04945 04946 04987 04988 04989) for ALUE in ${ALUEET[*]}; do echo $ALUE ./ -t espoo_buildings -f -v --sql "SELECT DISTINCT ON (b.ogc_fid) b.*, d.distance FROM espoo_rak as b, buildings_distance_espoo AS d WHERE b.ogc_fid = d.ogc_fid AND d.distance > 2 AND substring(b.teksti for 5) = '${ALUE}'" -o ../espoo/espoo_${ALUE}.osm "PG:dbname=osm user=hannes host=localhost" 2> ${ALUE}.log done
- Transform generated shapefiles using
- Validate generated osm with JOSM
- Upload data
- Remove duplicate address and amenity nodes by finding them automatically and carefully editing manually.
OSM Data Files
Import Data (Stage 3, Helsinki)
TBD, based on experience from Vantaa and Espoo
Team Approach
hannesj (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)/
Hannesj_import (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
ij_ (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)