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The postal code / zip code that is included in the address. ![]() |
Group: addresses |
Used on these elements |
Status: de facto |
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This key is for the postal code or ZIP code included in the postal address of the feature.
Regional variations
United States
In the United States, set this key to the feature's five-digit ZIP code or, if known, the full ZIP+4 code. This key is useful because ZIP codes are routes, not areas, and they rarely correspond well to any kind of boundary. For example, use the format addr:postcode=12345 for the five-digit ZIP code or addr:postcode=12345-7890 if you know the ZIP+4.
Do not guess the ZIP code based on the postal city alone: a postal city may be associated with multiple ZIP codes. For example, Boston has 40 ZIP codes, some of which overlap geographically. Moreover, a given ZIP code may correspond to multiple postal cities: one is recommended by the USPS, but the owner at the address may prefer one of the acceptable alternatives. For example, a long-running children's TV show memorably advertised its address as being in the 02134 ZIP code of Boston, which is an acceptable alternative to the recommended city name of Allston.
The addr:postcode=* of a U.S. Post Office should be the ZIP code of that post office location's own address. Use a different key such as postal_code=* to list the ZIP codes served by the post office location.