International Women's Day 2021 events
This is a list of OSM-related events that focus on International Women's Day and / or the 2021 theme #ChoosetoChallenge.
The list is being compiled by the Community Working Group, but please feel free to add events you think are relevant!
If you are an organizer planning to conduct a webinar/event for women's month, check out the Women in Geospatial+ Speakers Database.
Past events
Cafecito con YouthMappers: las mujeres en las Ciencias de Datos Espaciales
Hablemos del papel de la mujer en la Ciencia de Datos Espaciales! Tendremos dos invitadas que nos contarán sobre sus carreras, trayectorias y experiencias. Invitadas: Miriam González (México - HOT-OSM) & Daniela Maciel Pinto (Brasil - EMBRAPA)
El evento será en Español y Portugués
04 March: 16:00 – 17:00 (Mexico)
Links: Registration | OSM Calendar | Recording (to be uploaded soon)
MAPAbabae: #ChooseToChallenge Gender Inequality in Open Mapping
In celebration of Women's Month, Trans Visibility Week, and #OpenDataDay, we invite you to #MAPABabae2021: Choose to Challenge Gender Inequality in Open Mapping.
06 March: 13:00 - 18:00 PM (Philippine Standard Time)
Links: Registration | OSM Calendar | Recording (Facebook)
Open Gender Data for Tanzania - What is missing? Why does it matter?
Join us for short presentations on the Open Data in Tanzania, followed by a discussion, a chance to ask questions and workshops.
06 March: 16:00 – 18:00 (UTC)
Links: Registration | OSM Calendar| Recording (Youtube)| Event Report
Unique Mappers Network, Nigeria Celebrates Open Data Day + International Women's Day 2021
Theme: Women & Digitalization in Agriculture: Overcoming the Gender Divide
06 March: 11:00-12:00 (UTC) / 12:00-13:00 (WAT)
Links: Registration |
07 March: 13:00 (UTC) / 14:00 (WAT)
08 March 11:00-12:00 (UTC) / 12:00-13H00 WAT)
Links: Registration |
#VisibleWomen : an initiative by Kathmandu Living Labs to put women on the map
Celebrate this women’s day spearheading women representation in OpenStreetMap. Join the #VisibleWomen event and lead the movement - this time by connecting with fellow mappers and putting the extremely marginalized Badi community on the map.
Expect to meet like-minded women from OSM Nepal, connect, network, and converse on ways we can engage and empower more women through OSM.
08 March: 13:00 – 14:30 (Nepal)
Links: Registration | OSM Calendar| Recording (Facebook)
International Women's Day Mapathon 2021 (American Red Cross)
Please join us for a Missing Maps mapathon in honor of International Women's Day. This event will be co-hosted by the International Services Department and the Women's Resource Group and we will be mapping to support Crowd2Map Tanzania.
08 March: 13:00 – 15:00 (EST)
Links: Registration | OSM Calendar
Women in Geospatial+ Celebrates International Women's Day
The Women in Geospatial+ Network, in partnership with AGI & Geovation, invite you to celebrate the amazing women of our diverse and global geospatial community on International Women's Day 2021.
08 March: 15:30 – 17:00 (GMT)
Links: Registration |
Screening of the powerful film, In The Name Of Your Daughter, on International Women’s Day
Organised by FAWCO, Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania, Tanzania Development Trust & END FGM Canada Network.
Join this special presentation of In The Name Of Your Daughter on International Women’s Day. Meet Rhobi, Director of Hope for Girls and Women & some of the inspiring girls featured in the film.
08 March: 18:00 – 20:00 (GMT)
Links: Registration| Recording (Youtube)
OpenStreetMap US International Women's Day Mappy Hour
Celebrate this Women’s Day advancing the representation of women in OpenStreetMap.
International Women's Day - Ladies Night Mappy Hour bringing together the women in OpenStreetMap US. This event will be the first of many to connect women in OpenStreetMap. Expect to meet like-minded women from the OpenStreetMap community, connect, network, and converse on ways we can engage and empower more women through OSM.
Event attendees will be limited to anyone who perceives herself as a woman. This women-only event is meant to create a safe space for participation by women and encourage diversity in OSM.
08 March: 20:00 - 21:00 (CST)
Links: Registration | OSM Calendar
#SheMapsAndGIS (OSM Mali et GirlsMap Initiative)
Pour la promotion de l'engagement des femmes dans la cartographie OSM et les Systèmes d'information géographique au Mali, OSM Mali and Girls Map Initiative organisent une session de renforcement de Capacités en #OSM en prélude du lancement officiel de #SheMapsAndGIS à travers un #Mapathon à l'occasion de la Célébration #WomensHistoryMonth. Nous remercions UN Mappers pour la collaboration pour la réussite ces activités.
Translation: For promoting women's involvement in mapping and Geographic Information Systems in Mali, OSM Mali and Girls Map Initiative organize a capacity building session in #OSM in 06-07 March and launch #SheMapsAndGIS through a #Mapathon in 13 March on the occasion of the Celebration #WomensHistoryMonth. We thank @UN_Mappers for the collaboration for the success of these activities.
Training Sessions : 06-07 March: 09:00 – 16:00 (GMT)
Mapathon : 13 March: 10:00 – 16:00 (GMT)task to be mapped
Le Lieu: Le Bureau de OSM Mali, a Ouolofobougou, derriere Ex-Imacy, Bamako
Links: Registration | OSM Calendar
Challenging Sexism and Misogyny in the Open Mapping Ecosystem
A webinar in two time zones: Watch again on youtube: Session 1 | Session 2
- Earlier Block: 06:00 UTC
- Moderator: Leigh Lunas, GeoLadies PH
- Panel:
@violaine_do Violaine Doutreleau from OSM Tahiti / À Vos Cartes / Oceania, French Polynesia; Aishworya Shrestha from OSM Nepal / Kathmandu Living Labs;
@laura_mugeha Laura Mugeha from OSM Kenya / Youthmappers
- Later Block: 16:00 UTC
- Moderator:
@kanarinka Catherine D’Ignazio, Director of Data + Feminism Lab at MIT
- Panel:
@Tshedy4 Tshedy Thobei from MapLesotho;
@Honorable_Nath Nathalie Sidibe from OSM Mali;
@mapeadora Celine Jacquin from Geochicas
- Moderator:
Sexism [ˈsekˌsizəm]: prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender.
Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/): the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls.
Join our webinar to hear from a diverse panel of people who identify as women from the Open Mapping ecosystem as they discuss the current state of sexism and misogyny within the map and associated communities, as well as how we all can become more anti-sexist and anti-misogynistic.
The first hour of the session will be dedicated to the discussion between the moderator and panelists, with some opportunity for questions from participants. During the final 30 minutes, participants will be invited to join small breakout rooms for continued discussion that invites everyone to share their experiences, concerns, and ideas verbally or through the chat.
Links: Registration | OSM Calendar | Recording Session 1 | Recording Session 2