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This article or section may contain out-of-date information: This plugin is obsolete since all of its functionality was integrated into the JOSM core.
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)

Proj4J is an experimental plugin for JOSM which adds projections supported by the Proj4J library. The Proj4J library itself is in early development, and has not had a stable release yet, but has good prospects considering it is hosted by OSGeo, the group supporting PROJ.4. The original author of this plugin has had good success with the limited number of projections he is interested in, but encourages others to test and improve both the supporting library and this plugin.

Source / testing

The code for the plugin was committed to the main OSM SVN server at R25450, based on ticket #5935 from the JOSM trac site.

Please give feedback/bug reports/fixes!


  • Choose different name to differentiate itself from the Proj4J library
  • Improve GUI layout
  • Add other projections besides EPSG (ESRI, NAD27, NAD83, WORLD)
  • Currently an auxiliary file is created matching the EPSG codes to descriptions, rather this functionality should be in the Proj4J library (there's even a ticket for it)
  • Allow user to input proj.4 settings explicitly, or load from a file (the latter functionality should be added to Proj4J)

External Links