Karlsruhe Hack Weekend October 2024
What's the plan? / Was ist geplant?
We're having an OSM hack weekend in Karlsruhe, Germany, on 19/20 October 2024.
Surely you have some unfinished OSM projects or some good ideas for new ones. Bring them with you to Karlsruhe. You will find people to discuss the details with you, or build something.
Location / Der Ort
Change of Location
Because the crowd is rather large this time, the event will be in room AM-005 of the university (Amalienstr. 81-87, ground floor - https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/109715005) and not at the Geofabrik office. This is 150 meters west of the office on the other side of the road.
Weil diesmal doch recht viele Leute kommen, findet das Hack-Weekend im Raum AM-005 der Hochschule statt (Amalienstr. 81-87, EG - https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/109715005) und nicht wie sonst im Geofabrik-Büro. Das ist 150 Meter westlich vom Büro auf der anderen Straßenseite.
Food and drink / Essen und Trinken
Geofabrik provides snacks and beverages and also the pizza we'll likely have for lunch as usual. Dinner will likely be in a nearby restaurant where everybody pays for themselves.
Die Geofabrik versorgt Euch mit Getränken und Knabberzeug und auch mit (vermutlich) Pizza zum Mittagessen. Abends gehen wir in ein Restaurant in der Nähe, hier zahlt dann jeder selbst.
Accommodation / Übernachtung
You have to organize your accommodation yourself. A list of suitable hotels (all in walking distance):
- Hotel Ambassador (good feedback, 250 m walking distance)
- Hotel Royal (300 m walking distance, message User:Nakaner for more details)
- Area 24|7 (hostel-style, cheap, you should not expect a lot, 300 m walking distance)
- Gästehaus Alte Münze (350 m walking distance)
- Hotel Rio (excellent feedback from previous Hack Weekend guests but expensive, 400 m walking distance)
- Hotel Acora (good feedback, 550 m walking distance)
- Hotel Astoria (1 km walking distance)
- Jugendherberge Karlsruhe (youth hostel, 1.1 km walking distance)
- Hotel Santo (1.2 km walking distance)
Schedule / Zeitplan
Friday 18 October 2024
- 19:00 dinner at Bangkok Foodland (menu), Leopoldstraße 18. Table is booked for "Reichert". Everyone pays for themselves. Cash payment only.
- 19:00 Abendessen im Bangkok Foodland (Speisekarte), Leopoldstraße 18. Es ist auf "Reichert" reserviert. Jeder bezahlt selbst. Nur Barzahlung.
Saturday 19 October 2024
- 9:30 Start at University
- 9:30 Uhr Start in der Hochschule
- Note: 18:00 OpenStreetMap Foundation Annual General Meeting via IRC
- Hinweis: 18:00 Uhr Mitgliederversammlung der OpenStreetMap Foundation mittels IRC
- 19:30 dinner at Kaisergarten, Kaiserallee 23. Table is booked for "Reichert". Everyone pays for themselves.
- 19:00 Abendessen im Kaisergarten, Kaiserallee 23. Es ist auf "Reichert" reserviert. Jeder bezahlt selbst.
Sunday 20 October 2024
- 9:30 Start at University
- 9:30 Uhr Start in der Hochschule
Attendees / Teilnehmer*innen
Please put your name down if you plan to come.
Tragt Euch ein, wenn Ihr plant, zum Hack Weekend zu kommen.
Who | From | Interests | Friday Pub |
Michael Reichert | Karlsruhe | OpenRailwayMap, Shortbread | yes |
Sven Geggus | Karlsruhe | opencampingmap.org, osml10n, etc. | yes |
Astrid Günther | Koblenz | tiles | yes |
Michael Spreng | Zug | fossgis server, OSRM, tiles, umap | late, 20:00 |
Jakob Miksch | Heidelberg | osm2pgsql | ? |
Lucas Longour | Strasbourg | R, Panoramax, Vector Tiles, Remote Sensing | yes |
Frederik Ramm | Karlsruhe | yes | |
Christine Karch | Karlsruhe | no | |
Daniel Nussbaum | Heidelberg | unique use cases, digital twin, 3D mapping | no |
Sarah Hoffmann | Dresden | Nominatim, FOSSGIS OSM-Server, ... | yes |
Jochen Topf | Dresden | osm2pgsql, taginfo, FOSSGIS, ... | yes |
Oliver Rudzick | Berlin | obstbaumkarte,... | yes |
? | |||
Tobias Knerr | Passau | OSM2World, 3D, Indoor | ? |
Sébastien Pierrel | Heidelberg | HOT, osm2pgsql, Digital Twin | maybe |
Volker Krause | Berlin | Indoor, Transitous | yes |
Simon Schillinger | Freiburg | Nominatim, OverpassAPI, Vector-Tiles | no |
Isaac Boates | Karlsruhe | osm2pgsql, AI | yes |
Manfred Stock | Frauenfeld | yes | |
Lars Lingner | Berlin | FOSSGIS,umap | yes |
Sasanka Madawalagama | Munich | RS Data integration, Automated Updates | maybe |
Chris Weber | Gießen | umap, taginfo, Vector-Tiles, ... | no (sat 12:00) |
Melchior Moos | Bonn | ÖPNV-Karte, vector-tiles, ... | yes (late 20:30) |
Feel free to sign up even if the list is already long, we're at the university this time and there's room enough.
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Hack Weekend Karlsruhe
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Hack Weekend Berlin
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Hack Weekend Essen
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Hack Weekend Köln