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Public-images-osm logo.svg MN_metro_edge
Used on these elements
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Status: imported

This is a new key being used, possibly only temporarily, to help with the road classification process in the U.S. state of Minnesota. The Minnesota highway wiki page will soon be updated to explain the usage of this key. It is anticipated this will only be used in the state of Minnesota, or possibly if deemed helpful, in nearby states or Canada. If so, it would be used on border cities or cities near the border.

The key is related to MN_metro. While the MN_metro key marks the borders of all of the "edge" cities of a metro area, this key marks only a subset of those borders. This key is intended to sparsely mark the entire metro edge by only marking those parts of the perimeter of the metro area that touch "spokes" leading into and out of the metro area. Refer to the related key MN_metro_spoke.

Currently this key is used only for the Twin Cities area but usage could be expanded to other areas such as the St. Cloud area.

There is one value currently in use:

TC -- this identifies the edge of a city that is considered part of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Only the cities tagged with MN_metro=TC would have this tag.

Note that the definition of metropolitan area used here is not based on the common definitions. Refer to the Minnesota highway classification wiki page and the discussions about the classification project in local-minnesota channel of the OpenStreetMap on Slack