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Description |
Amenities that are mainly intended for motorway users, like gas stations or restaurants. ![]() |
Group: amenities |
Used on these elements |
Status: in use |
Tools for this tag |
The key atmotorway is used for amenities that are mainly intended for motorway users, like petrol stations or restaurants. Using the tag atmotorway=yes at those amenities can easily be queried and rendered on motorway maps.
A guideline for whether to add it or not can be if it is signposted on the motorway or not.
It can be combined with a motorway_direction tag if it it only accessible from the motorway in one direction, which would default to 'motorway_direction=all', and supports the same directions as Key:direction. It can then be rendered with a CartoCSS marker-transform to render them in a Michelin map like style.
This key is proposed at Talk:Tag:amenity=fuel
The tag is currently widely used in the Netherlands and it has some use in Germany, with very limited use outside these countries.
See also
- atmotorroad=* - a similar tag for motorroads