![]() |
Description |
Designation of an intentional or religious community ![]() |
Used on these elements |
Useful combination |
Status: de facto |
Tools for this tag |
A community, from the latin cum munus, is here a group of persons, larger than a family, sharing several part of their life among work, meal, dwelling, gouvernance, ownership, faith, prayer
So we map the place where the community members share their life, are gathered : the main common building.
Remember that, in a monastery for example, the place of worship is not the whole building, but the church or the temple that must be mapped independently. So it is a mistake to put the amenity=place_of_worship tag on the whole monastery (even if the monks may pray everywhere) or the community=* tag on the sole place_of_worship(in this last case, a operator=* would be more appropriate). There is often confusions.
And. off course, we map actual communities, not historial or closed communities.
Associated tags
- community:gender=male/female/both
- the gender of the members, not necessary in communities with no segregation (international, baptists...).
- community:de/en/fr/it/...=*
- the name of the community in the given language
- community:type=abbey/monastery/convent/priory/friary...
- the kind of community: a small community os sisters, a Jesuits community in a school is not an abbey.
- community:role=novitiate/study_house/government...
- a specific role of this place in the religious order
Intentional communities
- Intentional community Communauté intentionnelle community=intentional
Various communities
Maybe there is a room for denomination=sufi communities, according to Talk:Key:denomination#Denominations_in_Islam
Specific communities in network
Anabaptist communities
- Bruderhof Communities
- community=Bruderhof + religion=christian + denomination=baptist + community:wikidata=Q992197
- Amish
- community=Amish + religion=christian + denomination=anabaptist
- Hutterite
- community=Hutterite + religion=christian + denomination=anabaptist + community:wikidata=Q258344
Hutterite communities have been tagged without a capital (upper case first character) hutterite (as shown in the tagInfo table below) and should be changed to Hutterite.
Monasteries, Christian or not
- community=monks + community:gender=male + religion=*
- community=nuns + community:gender=female + religion=*
Ortodox monasteries
- community=monks + community:gender=male + religion=christian + denomination=*
- community=nuns + community:gender=female + religion=christian + denomination=*
Mapping monasteries
Monasteries, when complex, can be mapped as Relation:site with
The relation can include :
- the main buildings where the community lives with building=monastery (barns and other buildings are not to be in the relation),
- the monastic enclosure (with landuse=religious)....
- the whole perimeter mapped with Role Perimeter. Note that car parks, for instance, may be parts of the monastery, and included in the perimeter, but the landuse=religious is not convenient there.
- the church, temple or what so ever, must be mapped on it own with amenity=place of worship, building=church/chapel or building:part=church/chapel, having the usual tags (service time=*...) and can be a member of the relation with Role Place of worship.
Christian religious Orders and communities
Why do we use abbreviations?
The French Prémontrés are call in Belgium (French speaking people) Norbertains (They make famous beer...). The OFM are said Friars minor, Frères mineurs but also, in France, by many, Franciscains, when the capuchins are said Capucins or Frères mineurs capucins, and the Conventuels, Frères mineurs conventuels officialy. And what about the famous Cordeliers or Récolets, Grey Friars?.. And they both call the Frères mineurs, frère mineurs franciscains.
Between the Cistercians and Trapists, who knows the difference?
But I use abbreviations for world wide congregations, not for Nation wide congregations.
The table below would help you to find your way where, as often said: God himself does not knows the number of congregation of women.
The other tags
- community:gender=male/female/both
- community:type=abbey/monastery/convent/priory/friary
- community:role=noviciate/study_house/...
- community:wikidata=*
Name of the congregations in different languages
To add the name of the congregation in your language, you should use subtags:
- community:*=*
- community:en=Cistercans
- community:de=Zisterzienser
In this way community=* is reserved for the abbrevation.
The table
In OSM [1] | Other form[2] | Common name[3] | Official name | Other tags | See also | Note | |
↥AA |
Augustiniani ab Assumptione
↥ASC |
Sorores Adoratrices Pretiossimi Sanguinis
Congregatio Adoratricum Sanctissimi Cordis Iesu de Monte Martyrum |
Congregatio Beatae Mariae Virginis |
↥CM |
Congregatio Missionis |
↥CMF |
↥CO |
↥CRM |
Clerici Regulares Sancti Pauli
↥CS |
MSCS • |
↥CSJ |
↥CSJo |
Congregatio Sanctis Josephis |
↥CSSp |
↥ErCam |
Congregatio Camaldulensis Ordinis Sancti Benedicti
OSBCam • |
↥FDC |
Institutum Fratrum instructionis christianae de Ploërmel |
↥FMA |
f.m.a. |
Congregatio Filiarum Mariae Auxiliatricis |
↥FMB |
↥FMH |
↥FMM |
[1] | |||
↥FSC |
Institutum Fratrum Scholarum Christianarum
↥FSA |
F.S.A. |
Filiarum a Sancta Anna
↥FSJ |
↥IVE |
↥MAP |
Sorores Missionariae S.Caroli Borromaei, Scalabrinianae
CS • |
↥OCart |
↥OCC |
↥OCD |
Ordo Cisterciensis strictioris observantiae
↥OFM |
↥OFMCap |
↥OFMConv |
Ordo Fratrum Minorum Conventualium
↥OFS |
Ordo Hospitalarius Sancti Ioannis de Deo
↥OM |
↥OMI |
↥OP |
Ordo praedicatorum |
↥OPraem |
↥OSA |
Ordo eremitarum sancti Augustini |
↥OSB |
↥OSBCam |
Congregatio Camaldulensis Ordinis Sancti Benedicti
↥OSBOliv |
Congregatio Sanctae Mariae Montis Oliveti
↥OSC |
Ordo Sancti Pauli Primi Eremitæ
Ordo Sanctissimi Salvatoris Sanctae Brigittae |
Ordo Sanctissimae Trinitatis redemptionis captivorum
↥OVM |
Ordo Visitationis Beatissimae Mariae Virginis |
↥PFJ |
↥PSA |
↥PSE |
↥PSJ |
↥PSS |
↥RMI |
Religiosas de María Inmaculada
↥RSV |
Congregatio Religiosorum S. Vincentii a Paulo
↥SCC |
Congregatio Sororum Christianae Caritatis |
↥SDB |
Societas Sancti Francisci Salesii
↥SFA |
↥SJ |
Societas Jesu
↥SM |
Societas Mariae
↥SMM |
Societas Mariae Montfortana
↥SOC |
OCSO • |
↥SSA |
S.S.A. |
Sororum Sanctae Annae
S.S.A.M. |
SS.CC. |
Sacrorum Cordium |
↥SSF[4] |
Society of St Francis |
OFM • |
↥SSJE[4] |
Society of St John the Evangelist |
↥SSpS |
Congregatio Servarum Spiritus Sancti |
↥TOR |
Tertius Ordo Regularis
Congregatio Sororum Ursulinarum a Sacro Corde Iesu Agonizantis |
Par pays
- Abbaye N.-D. d'Orval
- Abbaye N.-D.-de-Clairefontaine
- Abbaye N.D.-de-Brialmont
- Norbertijnenabdij Postel
DE Allemagne
- Abtei Mariawald
- Abbaye Saint Maurice
- Abbaye de la Maigrauge
- Abbaye N.-D.-de-la-Fille-Dieu
- Abtei Mariazell
- Monastère du Carmel Notre Dame de l'Unité
Other Christian communities
Can have the following tags : + religion=christian + denomination=*
- Communauté du Chemin Neuf
- community=Communauté du Chemin Neuf
- community:gender=both
- Communauté de Taizé
- community=Communauté de Taizé
- Foyer de charité
- community=Foyer de charité
- ↑ typo : We should use the Catholic Door notation wihout dots and without underscore, with capital letters for first letters, and lower cases for other letters, e.g. 'OFMCap'
- ↑ For some orders or congregation, there are several official or in-use forms , e.g. : O. Cit., S.O.C. for the cistercians, f.e.c. or f.s.c. for the Lasalians, They can be put here.
- ↑ For local congregations or communities the main name is put in bold
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 denomination=anglican