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Public-images-osm logo.svg fix_guidepost
Description of a relevant error or damage to a guidepost
Group: Annotations
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasmay be used on relations
Status: undefined

The fix_guidepost key can be used to specify wrong information on a guidepost or features that have to be repaired by the operator of a route. It is important to state also the date of the survey when you have seen the problem with survey:date=*, so the tag can easily be deleted again if you get the information that the guidepost has been fixed meanwhile.

The sign direction "Enger" is turned by 90° resulting in a dead end for the theme route "Angel", yellow and the impossibility to retrieve the correct route to the destinations. (history of the node of above guidepost, meanwhile repaired)

It may also be useful to tag the operator's reference to the guidepost with ref=*.

It is recommended to use the tag only if you really intend to forward the information to an operator or in an area where you know that it will be evaluated by others. Otherwise one can expect that the tag remains for decades as useless data in the database.

Its distinction from note=* is that fix_guidepost is an information that mappers could give to the operators to ask for repair or correction instead of an information that is mainly intended for use by other mappers. It makes it easier to create a list of necessary repairs by just searching for this tag.

The distinction from fixme=* is that it is not the map data which has to be corrected but the item in the real world.

After the task has been solved or maybe outdated (I think after one or two years it may be changed from a bug to a feature ;-) ) the tag should be deleted. The changeset comment could give an information about the reason for deletion.

Suggestions for additional information

In some regions there is a possibility to give information about errors and damages to the operator, sometimes via a phone number or a website. E.g. Germany, North-Rhine-Westphalia:

In this special case you get a ticket number that can be used to retrieve the complete ticket (for a ticket number 2022008997 you would find the ticket under I put the ticket number in fix_guidepost:ticket=* and note the date of the ticket as fix_guidepost:ticket:date=*, the date of the observation I document under survey:date=*.