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Public-images-osm logo.svg maxwidth
Zeichen 264.svg
The legally restricted maximum width of a vehicle Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: restrictions
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: de facto

The key maxwidth specifies a legal restriction of the maximum permissible width of a vehicle in order to use a way or other feature (e.g., a gate or a bridge). By default, values will be interpreted as metres, with any decimals separated by the dot separator. If the permissible width should be specified in feet and inches, ' and ", respectively, are used as units, without spaces. See the examples for valid values.

The source of the maximum permissible width can be specified by source:maxwidth=*.


Width Tagging Remark
Three metres maxwidth=3 Alternatively maxwidth=3 m could be used.
3.2 metres maxwidth=3.2 Please note the dot as decimal separator!
6 feet and 7 inches maxwidth=6'7"
8 feet maxwidth=8' In some cases (way example) no inches are specified and the legal limit is listed in feet only. For example, in the Glacier National Park in Montana.

Common mistakes

Actual width

Do not confuse the specification of the maximum permissible width of vehicles with the specification of the width of the road surface defined by width=*.

Maximum physical width

Do not confuse the specification of the legally restricted maximum width of vehicles with the specification of a physical width limit via maxwidth:physical=*.

Incorrect values

If a sign specifies the maximum width with a certain precision, than this value should be used as-is. So a sign displaying 2,0m should result in maxwidth=2.0 (not 2 or 2.00), and likewise a sign displaying 6'0" should result in maxwidth=6'0" (not 6').

Often the values themselves are not specified correctly. The following table contains examples of incorrect tags and their correct notation.

Incorrect Explanation Correct
maxwidth=3.8m The space between value and unit is missing. maxwidth=3.8 or maxwidth=3.8 m
maxwidth=3.8 metres The unit 'metres' is not the correct unit. maxwidth=3.8 or maxwidth=3.8 m
maxwidth=0,6 The comma is used as wrong decimal separator. maxwidth=0.6 or maxwidth=0.6 m
maxwidth=7 ft The unit 'ft' is not a correct unit. Use '. maxwidth=7'
maxwidth=2.3; 7'9" Only one value is allowed. Choose either metres or feet/inch according to local mapping custom. maxwidth=2.3 m or maxwidth=7'9"

See also

  • Specification of other access restrictions via access=*
  • Specification of the width of the road's surface via width=*
  • Specification of a physical restriction of the maximum possible width via maxwidth:physical=*
  • Specification of a legal restriction of the maximum permissible height via maxheight=*
  • Specification of a legal restriction of the maximum permissible weight via maxweight=*