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Public-images-osm logo.svg psv
Access permission for Public Service Vehicles: buses and sometimes taxis or other vehicles. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: restrictions
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 3
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

PSV stands for public service vehicles. Use this tag for roads or lanes which are designated to public vehicles. More specific tag may be needed if only some specific public vehicles are allowed.

  • vehicles used in a passenger service (no matter how many seating positions they might have)
  • light vehicle used in passenger service (about 8 to 16 passenger seats)
    • share_taxi=* (share taxi) - uncommon tag
    • minibus=* (minibus) - uncommon tag - excludes private use minibuses
  • vehicles with more than 12 seating positions (whether they're used for hire or reward or not)
    • Sinnbild Kraftomnibus.svg bus=* (a bus acting as a public service vehicle)
  • heavy motor vehicles with more than nine seating positions
For values, see access=*.

How to map

  • Add the tag psv=designated to a feature that is tagged with a primary feature tag such as highway=* to specify that the feature is designated for use by public service vehicles. The tag psv=yes is also commonly used.
  • Add the tag psv=no to a feature such as a highway=* when public service vehicles are legally prohibited.
  • See access=* for additional possible values

Common values

Public service vehicles, the term

It is a legal term, defined in UK[1] as "(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, in this Act " public service vehicle " means a motor vehicle (other than a tramcar) which—

(a) being a vehicle adapted to carry more than eight passengers, is used for carrying passengers for hire or reward; or
(b) being a vehicle not so adapted, is used for carrying passengers for hire or reward at separate fares in the course of a business of carrying passengers."

Note that meaning of this term may be slightly different in other regions, there may be also very similar terms where it makes sense to use this tag. For example country that defines equivalent term with "more than ten passengers" rather than with "more than eight passengers" then it makes sense to use also this tag rather than create new tag like psv_10_passengers=*.

See also

  • access=* - general access restrictions
  • bus=* - common tag for large public transport buses
  • tourist_bus=* - less common tag for buses which are not public-transport buses.
  • coach=* - uncommon tag for long-distance buses, usually between different towns or cities
  • taxi=* - taxi, which may or may not be considered public service vehicles depending on location
  • lanes:psv=* - to mark the travel lanes reserved for PSV on a way.
  • psv:lanes=* - For describing the legal accessibility per lane (Example value: yes|yes|designated).
  • oneway:psv=* - to override oneway=* for PS vehicles
