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Public-images-osm logo.svg ref:fgkz
Index for watercourses, such as rivers, streams, canals in Germany. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: references
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasmay be used on relations
Useful combination
Status: in use

ref:fgkz=* is used to provide the rivers with the uniform numbering. The key is appended to waterway=* or added to the river-relation.

German river drainage basins

The rivers and their inflowing rivers begin with the numbers:

  • 1: Donau
  • 2: Rhein
  • 3: Ems
  • 4: Weser
  • 5: Elbe
  • 6: Oder
  • 7: Künstliche Wasserstraßen
  • 9: Küstengebiet
