speisebezirk |
Group: power |
Used on these elements |
Status: proposed |
Tools for this tag |
- de: This ist ein vorläufiges Tag. Nichts hält länger als ein Provisorium.
- en: This tag and it's values are temporary. Nothing stay longer than an interim solution.
This tag needs a new English name. Native speakers, please propose one.
This is about districts for electric power supply in railways and other vehicles with external power supply (rail bus, trolley bus).
"Speisebezirk" is the district in which the current comes from the same distribution station.
A speisebezirk is devided into segments, which can have separate current supplies. Several segments or districts are devided by (load) circuit interruptors (plastic deviding the power wire) or by holes in the power rail.
In case of a failure in one power supply unit the vehicles in the whole segment are without power supply. Sometimes a interruptor can be bridged to connect segments and fix the failure until the unit is repaired.
- speisebezirk=trenner - Interruptor
- speisebezirk=speisung - Place where the power supply is connected to the wire/rail net.
- speisebezirk=Zahl/Name - ID des Speisebezirkes auf z.B. railway=rail. Identifier.
The commutator station can be tagged power=transformer und speisebezirk=Zahl/Name
Interruptor and supply usually have a ref ID ref=*