Ko:How to Articles about OsmAnd

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"HowToArticles" about OsmAnd is at http://code.google.com/p/osmand/wiki/HowToArticles?wl=en#How_To .....

For Koreans, I tried to translate it into Korean and left my work in this WiKi page . --James Park 13:57, 19 November 2012 (UTC)


이 항목은 여러분이 앱에서 단순한 작동을 하는 방법을 이해하도록 도와주고 또 왜 어떻게 몇몇 기능이 사용될 수 있는지에 대한 아이디어를 주는 것을 도와준다.

How To

How To 첫단계

먼저 여러분은 어떤 특성들이 가장 많이 사용되고 어떤 특성들이 여러분에게 적합한지에 대하여 생각할 수 있다. 여러분은 많은 온라인 지도, 미리 다운로드된 매우 간결한 소위 오픈스트리트맵 "벡타"지도파일들을 보여주는 온라인과 오프라인 OsmAnd를 사용할 수 있다. 여러분은 주소, POI, 그리고 즐겨찾기를 검색하고 찾을 수 있으며, 자동차,자전가,도보로 주행하는 경로를 찾을 수 있고, 도보와 자전거에 의한 자체 제작하거나 다운로드받은 GPX 트랙들을 기록,재생,따라갈 수 있다. 여러분은 대중교통정거장, 노선, 그리고 심지어 최단 대중교통경로를 찾을 수 있다! 여러분은 POI를 보여주고 찾도록 하기 위하여 매우 광범위한 필터 옵션을 사용할 수 있다. 여러분은 이메일 혹은 SMS 메세지로 친구들과 여러분의 위치를 공유할 수 있다. 여러분은 음성으로 주행할 수 있다 (그리고 어떤 사람은 심지어 음성파일을 가지고 여러분 자신만의 네비게이션을 생성하는 앱을 만들었다.) (마켓에서 OsmAnd Voice 를 검색하세요)

만일 여러분이 단지 온라인 특성들( 단지 여러분이 보는 지도를 로드하기, 주소를 검색하기, 경로주행하기)에만 관심이 있다면, 여러분은 데이타를 준비할 필요가 없다. 몇몇 지도특성들은 여러분을 위하여 자동-줌, 지도 회전, 지도 소스 선택, 주소 검색, 자동차/자전거/도보로 경로주행, 그리고 많은 특성들과 같은 것을 사용할 수 있도록 할 것이다.

몇몇 특성들은, 예를 들어, 지도 위에서 POI 보기, 미리 로드된 지도 타일 보기, 교통 검색 그리고 다른 것과 같은 것은 사용할 수 없을 것이다. 만일 여러분이 이런 특성들에 관심이 있다면, 아래에 있는 "데이터를 다운로드하는 방법"을 읽으세요. 여러분은 Google, OSM, Bing, Bicycle maps과 같은 인터넷 타일 소스들가 있는 앱으로부터 곧바로 데이타를 다운로도할 수 있고, 그 앱(여러분이 WiFi 연결이 가능할 때 매우 잘 생긴)으로부터 즉시 매우 간결한 OSM 벡터 데이타를 다운로드할 수 있다.

여러분은 심지어 OsmAndMapCreator를 가지고 여러분 자신만의 지도 타일들을 생성할 수 있다. 모든 지도 타일들이 SD 카드에 저장될 것이기 때문에 SD 카드가 앱을 위하여 사용될 수 있다는 것을 명심하라.

How To 벡터와 격자(raster) 지도를 이해하기

실제로 두 종류의 지도 데이타가 있다. 타일 지도와 벡터 지도이다.

  1. 격자(Raster) 지도는 사진과 같다, 그것들은 서버상에서 생성되고, 칠해지고 렌더링되며 여러분의 기기로 타일로서 다운로드된다( 256 x 256 픽셀의 사각형) . 만일 여러분이 너무 많이 줌 인하면, 여러분은 다른 픽셀을 보게된다. 웹에 있는 OSM 지도들은 대부분의 시간을 여러분에게 격자(raster)지도로 보여진다.
  2. 벡터(Vector) 지도는 다르다. 만일 여러분이 선을 보고 있다면, 단지 그 선의 좌표들이 데이타베이스에 저장된다, 그리고 이것이 나에게 얼마나 두껍게, 어떤 칼러로 그려져야 하는가가 저장된다. 그래서 여러분의 기기에서, 모든 대상들은 대충대충 "채색되거나" 혹은 " 렌더링"되며, 여러분은 그려진 대상들을 볼 수 있다. OsmAnd 은 벡타 이미지를 지원하는 몇 안되는 Android 앱들중의 하나이다. 벡터지도들의 Unique Selling Points는 그것들이 매우 간결하다는 것이어서, 여러분은 낮 혹은 밤 지도와 같은 똑같은 데이타에서 보다 더 렌더링된 템플릿을 사용할 수 있다, 반면에 어떤 데이타베이스 혹은 " 인덱스(index)"에서는 한번에 지도 데이타베이스 를 저장한다. 여러분의 전화 혹은 Android 기기에 수 기가 바이트의 지도 타일들을 저장함 없이 여러분은 줌-인을 할 수 있고 많은 상세한 것을 볼 수 있다. 그것이 바로 여러분이 그것들을 매우 빠르게 다운로드하고 그것들을 오프라인에서,예를 들어 휴일에, 사용할 수 있다.

How To 데이타를 다운로드 하기

여러분의 지도를 미리 다운로드하는 몇가지 방법들이 있다. 이것은 여러분이 원하는 지도의 형태에 의존한다. 격자(raster) 지도 혹은 벡터 지도는 둘다 앱을 사용하거나 혹은 데스크탑 PC를 사용하여 얻어질 수 있다.

1.여러분이 Google 지도 혹은 OpenStreetMap 타일 지도와 같이 인터넷 소스로부터 일괄파일로(in batch) 다운로드할 수 있는 실제 이미지 혹은 비트맵들인 타일들(tiles)은 "개요 지도"에 매우 좋다, 그러나 만일 여러분이 또한 매우 상세한 줌 레벨(>14)을 다운로드하기를 원한다면 여러분의 SD카드에 있는 엄청나게 많은 공간을 사용한다. 그것들을 미리 다운로드하는 두가지 방법들이 있다:

  1. . 여러분의 기기에 있는 OsmAnd 앱 안에서부터. (Menu -> Layers -> Map Source) 리스트에서 여러분이 원하는 지도를 선택하라. 관심지역으로 줌하여 지도위에서 긴 클릭을 하라. 여러분은 지도 위에서 박스를 보게 된다. 그것안에서 클릭하면 문맥 메뉴가 나타난다. 지도로 스크롤다운하여 (Menu -> Layers -> Map Source) 슬라이더를 가지고 여러분이 원하는 줌 레벨로 그것들을 선택하라. 줌 레벨이 더 높으면 높을수록, 더 상세한 것을 사용할 수 있다, 그러나 그것은 더 많은 공간을 필요로 한다. 여러분은 다운로드 크기의 추정치에 대한 정보를 얻게 된다. 마지막으로 다운로드를 클릭하라. 여러분이 빠르고 상대적으로 작은 지역을 필요로 할 때와 여러분이 WiFi 연결을 갖게될 때, 예를 들어 여러분이 떠나기 전에 호텔 혹은 집에서는, 아주 좋다. 모든 분리된 조그만 타일들이 여러분 기기에 있는 Tiles\Source\<#Level> submaps A에 다운로드되고 많은 할당공간을 차지하게 된다! 매우 큰 영역에는 조심하라. 몇몇 상업 지도 공급자들은, 만일 여러분이 폭발모드(약 >100 MB로 생각되는)로 너무 많은 타일들을 다운로드한다면, 때때로 여러분의 계정을 막는다.
  2. . OsmAndMapCreator안에서부터. 여러분은 그것들을 여러분의 PC로 미리 다운로드할 수 있으며, 여러분의 SD 카드에 최대 50 %까지 할당된 공간 크기의 SQLite를 생성하며, OsmAnd를 더 빠르게 만든다. 이 SQLite DB파일을 직접 /osmand/tiles 아래에 두어라.

2. 여러분은 미리 제조되거나 혹은 자체로 만들어진 소위 " map-indexes" 혹은 " vector" 지도를 다운로드할 수 있다. 그것들은 매우 간결해서(타일과 비교하여 약 10%) 매우 높은 줌 레벨까지 줌을 하도록 허용한다. 반대 부분은 "overview" 레벨까지의 줌은 더 많은 시간과 CPU를 요구한다는 것이다.

  1. 그것들을 앱으로부터 직접 다운로드하라. 오프라인 사용을 위해서는 Menu -> Settings -> Data for offline usage -> Download data를 선택하고 여러분이 찾는 나라이름에 긴 리스트를 걸러내라. 파일들은, 만일 필요하다면, 자동적으로 압축해제되고 오른쪽 /osmand 폴더에 위치된다.
  2. OsmAndMapCreator을 가지고 obf (OsmAnd Binary Format, 매우 압축된 바이너리 ProtoBuf format)를 생성시켜라. 이 파일들을 직접 \osmand 폴더()안에 두어라. 그렇게 되면, 이 데이타가 로드된 것을 확인하기 위하여 메뉴 옵션에 있는 Settings -> Data for offline usage -> Reload offline data를 선택하라. 혹은 OsmAnd를 종료하고 재시작하라, 그것은 같은 재갱신 작업을 한다.

여러분은 여러분의 SD카드에 있는 적절한 폴더에 indexes와 파일들을 두어야 한다. OsmAnd 앱의 디렉토리 구조는 꽤 단순하다:

   Tiles - source - zoom...  
  • 지도 다운로드하기

우선 지도들은 다운로드받을 수 있으묘 자동적으로 설치된다(Settings-> Data for offline usage -> Download offline data를 보세요). 그러나 여러분은 또한 PC 도구인 OsmAndMapCreator 혹은 TrekBuddyAtlass (maverick SQLite format)를 사용하여 데이타를 만들 수 있다.

  • 벡터 이미지 혹은 인덱스 다운로드하기

OsmAnd에 대한 인덱스 데이타를 다운로드하는 데는 두가지방법이 있다.

  1. OsmAnd의 설정메뉴로 가서, "Data for offline usage" 옵션으로 검색하라. 이 메뉴는 인덱스들을 다운로드해주고 재로드해준다. "Download" 옵션을 선택하면, OsmAnd는 모든 사용가능한 인덱스들의 인터넷 리스트를 검색한다. 리스트에 있는 항목들을 클릭하면, 여러분은 어떤 인덱스들이 다운로드되어져야 하는지를 선택할 수 있다.
  2. 만일 여러분이 여러분의 지역을 찾을 수 없다면, 여러분은 아래에 기술된 "오프라인에서 사용할 데이타를 준비하는 방법(How to 오프라인에서 사용할 데이타를 준비하기)"를 읽을 수 있다.

How to 바이너리 파일 검사하기

만일 여러분이 obf 파일의 내용을 조사하길 원한다면, 여러분은 OsmAndMapCreator를 다운로드할 필요가 있다. 거기에서 여러분은 콘솔 응용프로그램인 BinaryInspector (.sh, .bat)을 찾을 수 있다. 이 콘솔 응용프로그램은 선택적인 매개변수들 [-vmap, -vaddress, -vtransport] 과 한개의 필수적인 매개변수(input obf file)를 가지고 있다. 선택적인 매개변수들을 특정하여, 여러분은 obf 파일로부터 전체 정보를 추적할 수 있다( 이것은 엄청날 수 있다는 것을 명심하라!).

How To Find on map

For example : Find "Where am I", Where is a certain adress or zip-code, where is closest restaurant, where is the closest park, where is my car, where is what I looked for the last time. To accomplish these tasks probably you will need offline vector data (for POI).

  1. To find where am I. You could enable GPS or network positioning and wait while device find your location. If it will be done you will see a blue curved arrow at the right top corner. Click on it and the map is centered to your location, and you see a blue dot or a blue circle at center. If you do not see arrow it means map is linked to your position. The center of the map is black circle, it always used to calculate distance to other objects. So if you want to see distance from you location you should press at arrow and map will be linked with your location. The light blue circle around you it is accuracy of single. You could also see arrow around your location - it is bearing of your movement. If you see arc it is angle of view, how you rotateyour phone.
  2. To find closest POI. You need pre-loaded vector maps to be able to use this feature. You could press the search button on the map or go through main menu -> Search -> Top Left POI button. Next you could select category or predefined filter. In order to find all POI select POI. After that you can select closest poi or amenity in relation to the last centre point of the map, or related to your actual location (Search nearby). You can increase search radius by your desire. Long click shows you a choice: 1. show additional information if available, 2. Show on map and 3. Navigate to. A short click moves map position directly to the choosen poi. The POI will be in the center of map. You can also choose to define a custom filter choosing the categories with a multi-picklist. At last: whichever POI list you have choosen, you can filter this list at last on the name of a POI by choosing Menu > Show filter. Now you can enter a few characters or part of a name.
  3. To find building by address. You can press the search button on the map or go through main menu -> Search -> Second Left button: Adress. Choose Internet button after that, if you have NOT downloaded a vector mapfile (see above). If you have downloaded an offline Map by choosing Settings -> Data for offline usage, you have the possibility to browse through city and street names in the downloaded index. You can go search by address and select whether you want to search using offline index data or using internet OSM Nominatim. After that you could select 2 option Show on map or Navigate To. Navigate to is the same as show on map, but also mark point as point to go (red point).
  4. To find Favorites, like My Home. First of all you can find it on map using other possibilities and mark that point as favorite by pressing long click over map and click on the box on Map. Alternative is: selecting Menu button -> More -> Point Options. (Which is nearly the same as long click, however point location is the center on the map is no point click on the map is done. After creating favorites you can see your favorite points in the main menu > favorites.
  5. To find by lat/lon coordinates. Click Menu button > Specify point, after that you will see current map coordinates, you can copy or save them & specify other coordinates.
  6. To find in history. You just can go to search form and go to the right most tab: history. You will see all search items you searched before.

How To Navigate to point

Fisrt of all you have to select a point on the map. After searching the adress or POI, you can directly choose the to button, or show the location on the map. When showing the right location on the map, use a long press on the map. A box on the map appears on Map. You can click this box, and a context menu appears. Or you can click Menu button -> More -> Point options. Then the same context menu appears. Then click Navigate to point. There is a red Dot placed on the map, but nothing happens yet. You have to click Menu button -> Directions button to create a route. You can choose now to create a route with car, bike or foot, and whether you want to start navigation directly (Choose Follow button), or only create the route and show it on the map with the Show button.

You allways can see distance to that navigation point in the left top corner. There is a box there with a red point and a distance to your point of navigation. Also, the bearing to that point is shown on the map as red arrow. If you want to calculate route choose context menu get directions, before you should select point to navigate to. See details at How To Use routing.

How To Customize map view

If you want to customize map view, first of all you could select Settings/Application mode and choose (Car, bicycle, pedestrian). Some settings will be changed automatically like (auto-zoom, rotate map, show poi over map, save track, show aspect of view). If you are not satisfied with that predefined settings you can change them manually in Settings/Map.

How To Arrange layers and overlays

About layers: These can be 1. Maps and 2. Additional layers.

Additional layers are points or lines, like POI, route, gpx, traffic jams, transport stops and osm bugs. You can look trough them, and that is why they are referred as overlays too.

Maps have shapes and are almost 100% filled. Raster maps are allways 100% filled, but can be transparent themselves, like the Wanderreit hillshade map. Normally they have 0% transparency, so that is 100% opaque, Like paint, you can't look through.

To put raster maps on top of other maps, they can be made transparent for some percentage.

Usually you have 1 map, but you can make it transparent to show an "underlay" map, and you can put a transparent overlay map above. So the normal map is the middle map then. Samples of underlay maps are some "base maps" in the layer list, as openfietskaart base map. The normal map can also be a vector map. And on top of that you can show an overlay map with some transparency (overlay transparency). On top of the three maps you can always show the additional layers.

So the list is from top to down:

  1. additional layers (poi, points and lines)
  2. overlay map. You can set transparency
  3. vector map.100% opaque. You can set it on or off. Setting it off using settings, shows the middle map.
  4. Raster map. You can set transparency to see the underlay map. The middle map is also the alternative map in case you are zooming out beneath the setting General -> zoom vector level.
  5. underlay map. 100% opaque.

The middle map or normal map can be a raster map which can have transparency, or a vector map, which can't be transparent. Actually, if you zoom out to much the vector map becomes to slow, and you can define what raster map is used then instead. The last set raster map is shown, depending on the vector zoom level. The vector map can only be the middle map, not the overlay map or the underlay map. The vector map can't be transparent, so if you want to combine it with a second map, you must set the second map as overlay map and transparency to 50% or some.

There are two methods to set the layers. The best way is to use the OsmAnd Main menu, which you see at start, then: settings -> map appearance. The second method is android menu button -> layers. Using he layer menu you can't set transparency, but there can appear a slider to set transparency of the overlay map! Nice!

How To Manage favorite places

If you often navigate to some places you can manage them as favorite places. Just pressing on map long click and add them to favorite. You can also use them to measure distance from map center. Some of favorite places could change location like a car, for that case you can use option for adding favorite/replace existing. So you will always track where is your car, even if map is not available.

How To Filter POI

If you are often search some kind of POI or you are not satisfied with predefined OSM types of POI. You can create your own filter. First time you could select custom filter you can select the whole type (pressing check box) or only some subcategories (pressing on text of type). The custom filter is not saved between sessions, however you can use for fast filtering. If you want save your filter you can select options menu (in editing of filter) "save as" and enter name of the filter. After that it will be displayed in search POI activity. Pressing long click will go to the filter editing mode, pressing short click will go to filter usage mode (not for custom filter).

How To Use routing

If you are going to use routing you should specify Settings/Application mode (car, bicycle, pedestrian) because it will be used for routing. After that you should find final location and mark as point navigate to. Once you do this you could press options menu on map and select (directions). If you want only see the route, you can select "Show route". It will not updated if your location is changed. It will calculate route using current map location (not your gps location). To see details of the routing, select directions once more and select About (about current route). You should see the turns of the route. By selecting option "Follow", route will be update on your gps location. Once you will getting far from current route, route will be recalculated. If the error occured, route will be recalculated once more. If you choose follow mode you will see at the left the next turn and the distance to it, some route providers do not give that information (Yours), so you can press on this area and will see mini map of the route (to preview future direction). If you are not satisfied with route provider you can change it at (Settings/Data/Routing). Currently & Yours are supported.

How To Use voice routing

In order to use voice data you should download voice data and put it in appropriate place on SD card.

  1. You can download voice data from Downloads find Voice for specific locale. You should unzip all files onto SD card in /osmand/voice. For example /osmand/voice/en/config.p . 'En' is the name of language you can put many languages into voice folder.
  2. After you could go in application Settings and choose /Data/Voice and select preferred language.
  3. The voice will be used when you select navigate to and follow. You can switch off/on by selecting options menu on the map.
  4. If you can't find you language, you can help with translation see TranslateHelp.
  5. There is an Android application in the Market that enables you to convert voice files to the format OsmAnd uses

How To Limit internet usage

If you are interested in small usage of internet, you can do following actions :

  1. Preload map as it specified How To Prepare own data to use offline. Turn off usage internet for loading tile (Settings/Map) or select max zoom when tile will be preloaded. Zoom level 13 is really enough for outside city car usage, 14-15 could be enough for city car usage.
  2. Do not use some operations that are required internet if you are not interested in them : show osm bugs layer (automatically enabled for pedestrian), context menu update map, create/edit poi, search using osm nominatim.
  3. Routing also uses internet (follow mode will recalculate route only when you are off the route, you will see message that route recalculated). One route is not more than 10-30 kbytes.

How To Prepare own data to use offline

  1. In order to create Vector Maps, you can use OsmAndMapTCreator too. First of all you will need .osm vector file or osm.bz2 or .pbf. You can download these OSM files from Geofabrik. You can create a Vector map from the whole file or only for selected area (File menu). Before converting the file you can use the checkboxes to select in what kind of indexes you are interested in order to save application memory. After loading just press generating indexes, wait some hours, and get the .obf file to the sdcard of your device in the folder OsmAnd.
  2. You can even convert your own maps from different formats (.shp ESRI shape files, .mp Polish format and other GIS formats) to .osm files and then convert them with OsmAndMapTileCreator. There are a lot of ways to get your files in .osm format. One popular way to do that is by converting them first to Google KML format. A good tool to get KML format is QGIS or QantumGis. If you have the .KML file you can use GPS Babel to make .osm files. You can convert POI's in this way, but also complete vector maps with (poly)lines, points and polygons or area's.
  3. You can prepare a raster map database in .sqlite format using OsmAndMapCreator from Downloads. You can put a lot of map types in this format, like Google Maps, OSM. Using OsmAndMapTileCreator: Select an area by left dragging, choose the map source, click preload tiles and select the zoom levels you want to preload. The tiles/indexes will be saved in working directory that is visible at the application status bar. After that, click Menu, Source of tiles, Create sqlite database. Now you have 1 compact file where all the downloaded images are stored. Transfer it to your device into the Osmand\Tiles folder. With menu option: Source of tiles > User Defined, you can add popular tile maps you can find on the internet.
  4. You can prepare map tiles using TrekBuddyAtlasCreator saving to Maverick format. These files take a lot of space.

How To Convert your own POI database

OsmAnd is able to rendering POI icons over orange circle, but only icons “wired” into the program. Currently available icons are:

aerodrome, airport, alpinehut, atm, bank, bar, beach, bollard, bus_station, bus_stop_small, bus_stop, cable_car, cafe, camp_site, car_share, caravan_park, cave_entrance, chair_lift, cinema, cliff, cliff2, danger, department_store, embassy, fast_food, firestation, food_drinkingtap, forest, fuel, gate2, glacier, grave_yard, guest_house, halt, hospital, hostel, hotel,level_crossing, level_crossing2, library, liftgate, lighthouse, lock_gate, marsh, mast, memorial, mini_round, mud, museum, nr, orchard, parking, peak, pharmacy, place_of_worship, police, postbox, postoffice power_tower, power_wind, prison, pub, quarry2, recycling,rental_bicycle restaurant, school, scrub, shelter, shop_bakery, shop_butcher, shop_clothes shop_convenience, shop_diy, shop_hairdresser, shop_supermarket, sosphone, spring station_small, station, telephone, theatre, toilets, tower_water, traffic_light transport_ford, tree, tree2, view_point, vineyard, windmill, zoo,

So I suggest you to use only this subset of icons, so you'll see the corresponding image onto the orange circle representing the poi or example you may use these couples of poi_category,poi_type:

  • tourism, hotel
  • tourism, museum
  • amenity, restaurant
  • amenity, fast_food

Creating kml file

In GoogleEarth (GE) you can add you own Placemarks on the map and collect them into a folder. From GE you can save the folder in kml format. When you have a different format you can use QGIS or other opensource software to convert to KML format. Maybe you can convert it directly to osm. You may use any format containing your POIs, if you are able to convert it to osm format.

Converting kml (or other formats) into osm format

To perform this task we need to use gpsbabel. It is very useful to convert waypoints, tracks, and routes between popular GPS receivers and mapping programs. The syntax is very simple, and GPS Babel has an interface to create the syntax for you:

   $ gpsbabel -i kml -f my_places.kml -o osm,tagnd="tourism:museum",created_by -F my_places.osm
   The generated file is like this:
   <?xml version '1.0' encoding 'UTF-8'?>
   <osm version '0.5' generator 'GPSBabel-1.4.0'>
     <node id '-1' visible 'true' lat '41.890121' lon '12.492265'>
       <tag k 'name' v 'place01'/>
       <tag k 'note' v 'place01'/>
       <tag k 'tourism' v 'museum'/>
   <node id '-2' visible 'true' lat '41.892241' lon '12.489031'>
       <tag k 'name' v 'place02'/>
       <tag k 'note' v 'place02'/>
       <tag k 'tourism' v 'museum'/>

All points inside kml file are converted into osm points, assigning them some properties like tourism category and museum type. The created_by= option with missing value means that the properties will be ignored. If your poi belongs to different categories, I suggest you create multiple osm files and create OsmAnd odf files and merge them together later with OsmAndMapCreator, or create multiple obf files.

Converting osm format into obf format

Now you are ready to perform the final step. The conversion will be done using OsmAndMapCreator. Download, unzip and run this program. Deselect all choices except Build POI Index as shown: Select the work dir (File/Specify working directory…) Load my_places.osm (File/Select osm file…)

If all is right you'll find My_places.obf into your workdir folder. Simply upload this file into your OsmAnd phone folder and you have done.

Good luck!!!

How To Improve maps (OSM)

If you are osm contributor or you are interested in improving OSM (Mapnik/offline data), you can do following actions (ascending by complexity) :
  1. Open/edit osm bug (do not require osm account). In order to create bug, use map context menu Open osm bug. Pressing on the bug long click gives you ability to add comment.
  2. Editing POI (require osm login). First of all go to Settings osm and specify your account & password. After that enable poi layer (Map/show POI). By long pressing on poi you will see 2 actions Modify/Delete POI, select preferable. Do not forget to put appropriate comment on commit. If you are modifying poi please be sure about tags (there is an autocomplete for osm defined tags) enter them in English and use standard tags. For opening hours also use osm predefined format. Please do not use native format, just English. However name you should enter in native format.
  1. Creating POI (require osm login). Map context menu Create POI, please use the same rules as in Editing POI. Note to be sure that your actions are not up to date. Please Update Map before (poi or tile) - context menu Update Map and enable Open street bugs layer ( Settings/OSM/show bugs layer). Possibly for creating bug you will be required in gpx track (it is automatically created for you).

How To Save/track movements

Application gives ability to save tracks in gpx format on sd card. By default saving track is enabled for car/bicycle navigation (Settings/Monitoring). For different application modes saving interval will change automatically however you can change it manually. Tracks are saved into sdcard/osmand/tracks grouped by days.

How To Find public transport

There is no full support now for public transport routing in the OsmAnd application, however there is a transport search that can help you in some situations. First of all the start point of search is the last visible map center & the end point is point navigate to (red circle). The transport you are searching has a radius specified by "find more" button. If there is no selected routes you will see only one item (selecting route for distance).

If you find/select any route you should select stop to imitate you are getting out. ! The routes are sorted in way to minimize way by food ! The closest stop is marked as ! The search tries to find the best direct way for you. Once you select stop to get out, you can continue search after that stop by selecting search after or finish search. After that you will see route is selected and "searching route" goes down. After that you can repeat procedure or go back to previous results by selecting one route or deleting it. When you select finish route you will see more detailed information about the whole route.

How To Setup own live tracking

One of the easiest way to set up own live tracking without installing own server and developing own application is to use Google Docs. Just create Google Docs spreadsheet and call it somehow 'Location'. Copy key of Google Doc from the browser URL field: key=0Ana....... From Spreadsheet call menu 'Script Manager...' and add simple script.

 function doGet(e) {
 var app = UiApp.createApplication();
 var sp = SpreadsheetApp.openById("0Ana......");
 // insert new row
 if(e) {
   var d = new Date(Date(e.parameter.timestamp))
   sp.getRange("F1").setValue(Math.round((parseFloat(e.parameter.speed/1000*60*60))) + " km/h");
 return app;

Insert key of Google Doc copied before into line three of the script. So script simply inserts coordinates sent by your device into spreadsheet. After that 'Share'->'Publish as a service...'. Enable access to anyone and even anonymous! Copy and remind the url of the service : https://docs.google.com/macros/exec?service=AKfyc.... add 2 or more parameters and paste it into OsmAnd Live Tracking web address https://docs.google.com/macros/exec?service=AKfyc....&lat={0}&lon={1}&timestamp={2}&hdop={3}&altitude={4}&speed={5}. You can use smarturl.it to shorten URL. That is one of the sites, that handle URL parameters at the end. After that you can go back to your spreadsheet and add new Widget ('Google Maps'). Select columns A:B (lat/lon) and see how the points are visualized in map. You can select columns A:C and check Last column as tooltips to get date and time as tooltip for position markers in the map.

--James Park 15:19, 19 November 2012 (UTC)