London/2025 events
Welcome to the list of OpenStreetMap related events in London for 2025
These events are free and open to all. We normally have a mixture of old OpenStreetMap hands and new people coming along to find out more. The events might include mapping, or might include "Q&A" presentations, but mostly we're just sitting around (in a pub?) having a friendly chat about little things like mapping the world and releasing it for free! We hope you'll join us! Everyone and anyone is welcome.
Upcoming Events
4th Feb - Monkey Puzzle
On Tuesday 4th February we'll have a social OpenStreetMap pub meet-up at The Monkey Puzzle pub from 7:00pm. Whether you're a mapper, map user, or just curious, come join us for map chat and beers!
The Monkey Puzzle is here on the map, between Paddington & Edgware Road on the circle line, and Lancaster Gate on the central line. It's a little way away from the tube stations in a quite an obscure residential location, so you may want to find it using a map! It's a small pub, but if you think you may have trouble recognising anyone, turn up at 7:30pm when the group will be more assembled, and look out for maps or OpenStreetMap hi-viz vests. Also take Harry's number: O7979815O13
The pub serves food and most of us will probably be eating there.
Mark yourself as "attending" on if you fancy it. Not everyone bothers signing up. We normally expect about 5/10 people at the pub.
Humanitarian mapping events were big in London for a long time, but since the pandemic this group has met online. This page is not going to be the best place to keep up-to-date. Instead sign-up here for: monthly meetings including beginners training, and mid-month meetings for experts.
Future events
We'll use this wiki page to announce events, as well as @OSMLondon/
@OSMLondon@en.osm.townAnnouncements may come at short notice!
There’s lots of other events in London e.g. tech meet-up groups, for which OpenStreetMap is relevant. Please use the wiki to pro-actively coordinate the setting up of an “OpenStreetMap presence” at these events… or just go along (Other OSMers may or may not be there)
We’ve got a rather out-of-date list of London event venues for future events of a non-pub format. Please rewrite that page if you have ideas or if your organisation would like to host or sponsor an event!
Past events
This series of events follows on from London/2024 events