OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Birthday party

In 2024 the project birthday, the OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Birthday party will be celebrated on or around 9th August 2024 in cities all around the world!
There is a special website celebrating the 20th birthday, with map of the events below, birthday card to sign, and timeline of events in the "life" of OSM.
Birthday events
Order by date and then by longitude in time order (from East to West). Use {{flagicon|country}}.
Monday 5 August
Japan OpenStreetMap 20歳のお祝いでOSMケーキ作ります! at "Furuhashi Lab. ANNEX", Yokoze Town, organized by MAPconcierge and YouthMappers AGU
Tuesday 6 August
United Kingdom Missing Maps London mapathon organized by Missing Maps London - Online event
Friday 9 August
Tanzania OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Birthday Mapping Party organized by GeoTE-Tanzania in Collaboration with YouthMappers chapter in Tanzania
Japan OpenStreetMap 20歳の誕生日会! at Takatsuki
Australia Geogeeks celebrate 20 years of OpenStreetMap at The Globe, Perth, Western Australia
Indonesia OSM 20th Anniversary Competition organized by Perkumpulan OpenStreetMap Indonesia - Online event
Bangladesh OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Birthday Party with our Youthmappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh chapter members online. - Location: Ashuliya Savar, Dhaka (Online)
Nepal OpenStreetMap Training organized by Kathmandu Living Labs at Nepal Banepa Polytechnic Institute in Nepal
Nepal OSM Day Celebration and Open Tech Meetup organized by Kathmandu University Open Source Community at Kathmandu University in Nepal
Iran Dona Celeberating OSM20th - Online event
Congo-Kinshasa (DRC) OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Party - Location: Orange Digital Center
South Korea OpenStreetMap 20주년 TomTom & OSM Korea 커뮤니티 모임.
France apéro pour fêter l'anniversaire d'OpenStreetMap at Grenoble
France apéro pour fêter l'anniversaire d'OpenStreetMap at Rouen
Kosovo | Kosovo OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Party at Prishtina Hackerspace].
Poland Wikimaps User Group meetup and OpenStreetMap birthday party at Wikimania in Katowice
Colombia GeoBeer at BeeЯ on Centro Comercial Gran Estación en Bogotá.
United States OSM Utah 20th Birthday Happy Hour at The Local, Salt Lake City
Uganda OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Celebration- At OpenStreetMap Uganda offices, Plot 351, Kyadondo, Mengo, Kiwatule starting at 8AM EAT.
India OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary and Mapping party at KL University Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Turkey OpenStreetMap Turkiye Monthly Mapathon- Online, starting at 8PM (UTC+3).
Tanzania OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Celebration organized by OpenMap Development Tanzania (OMDTZ), physical at OMDTZ office and online
Mexico OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Celebration organized by FICA Mappers YouthMappers Team
TomTom showing a video trailer celebrating OpenStreetMap 20th anniversary, it will appear on its landing page: OpenStreetMap Community Hub
Saturday 10 August

Japan 祝!OpenStreetMap誕生20周年 夏の会津マッパ&お祝いパーティー! - In Fukushima.
Bangladesh OpenStreetMap Turning Twenty Open Community Party in Dhaka City; Powered by YouthMappers Bangladesh Supported by Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab (BOIL)
India OpenStreetMap Bengaluru Mapping Party - Location TBD
India OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Birthday party - Location Public Library, Puzhakkal, Thrissur, Kerala.
Germany 20th Anniversary Mapping Party – Geofabrik, Karlsruhe
Germany 20th Anniversary Mapping Party des Code for Niederrhein, Moers -- im Hackerspace des Jugendzentrums Nord in Moers Reepelen.
UK London OpenStreetMap Birthday Pub - At the Doggett's Coat & Badge pub on the South bank from midday.
Nigeria OpenStreetMap Birthday Pub- At the Unique Mappers Network Nigeria National Office and Virtually 7PM WAT.
India OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary and Mapping party at MVGR College, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Mexico Virtual beer for the 20 years at OSMvideo in LatAm group.
United States OSM Seattle 20th Anniversary Picnic at Green Lake Park, Seattle.
United States OSM 20th Birthday New York City at Valhalla, Hell's Kitchen, New York.
Albania OpenStreetMap Online Mapping Party- Link to participate:
Russia 20th Anniversary Meetup - At the NextGIS office at 16:00.
Georgia 20 years with OSM - "Ardagani" Restaurant on Pirosmani at 18 local time
Kenya 20th OSM birthday - OSM Kenya is hosting a Desktop + Field Mapping event in collaboration with TomTom [1] and GESA [2] at the University of Nairobi [3] from 0830hr-1600hr EAT
Sunday 11 August
Switzerland OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Party - Hiking to Aquarina Rheinau
Germany / Bonn: 20 Jahre OSM & 15 Jahre OSM-Stammtisch Bonn [4] / 20 years OSM & 15 years monthly community meeting Bonn
Germany /
Stuttgart: 20 Jahre OSM – Stäffele-Mapping in Stuttgart – Stadtmessungsamt
Indonesia Welcoming party and celebrate OSM 20th Anniversary powered by UPI YouthMappers - at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung
India OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary and Mapping party at Swecha Andhra Pradesh Office, Vijayawada, India.
India Openstreetmap Mapping party and birthday celebration at Asramam Ground, Kollam, Kerala, India.
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Party - Eastern University - Organized By : Nadaraj Saranya
Friday 16 August
Brazil Workshop '20 years with OSM' - 10:00-12:00 AM (UTC-3). Day #1 - Principles of OpenStreetMap and creating a web map with uMap - and UNIPAR (Paraná, Brasil) - pt-BR. 100% on-line. Registration.
Tuesday 20 August
Brazil Workshop '20 years with OSM' - 10:00-12:00 AM (UTC-3). Day #2 - OSM in the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) + mapathon in the HOT Tasking Manager - e UNIPAMPA (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) - pt-BR. 100% on-line. Registration.
Friday 23 August
Brazil Workshop '20 years with OSM' - 04:15-06:30 PM (UTC-3). Day #3 - Principles of OpenStreetMap and creating a web map with uMap - and COPPE/UFRJ (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) - pt-BR. 100% on-line. Registration.
Thursday 22 August
United States South Bay 20th Birthday Social with Open Source San José at Open San José in San Jose, California Recap
Saturday 24 August
Philippines OpenStreetMap 20th Fun Run + Picnic at UP Sunken Garden, Diliman, Quezon City
Belgium OpenStreetMap Viering 20 jaar / Célébration 20 ans at Playground Bijgaardepark, Ghent
Friday 30 August
Brazil Workshop '20 years with OSM' - 10:00-12:00 AM (UTC-3). Day #4 - Principles of OpenStreetMap and Releasing of YouthMappers UFF Campos dos Goytacazes + mapathon in the HOT Tasking Manager + raffle of 02 Amazon vouchers ("vale presente") for buy books - and UFF-Campos (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) - pt-BR. 100% on-line. Registration.
Sunday 1 September
Germany Mobile Mappingparty mit Kuchen in Bremen