MLIT PLATEAU/imports outline

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MLIT Plateau building footprint import 2022 is an import of building footprint data set which distributed by Plateau platform, MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) Japan. The import is currently 2022 August at the planning stage.


The building dataset distributed by the Plateau project is a highly comprehensive dataset with very high reliability of location accuracy and contains many useful attributes. In addition, the 56 targeted cities are mainly located in populated areas, which greatly improves the population coverage of the OSM data.

The dataset is mainly built on basic urban planning survey data held by municipal authorities, which improves the linkage of OSM data by local authorities.


Target total: 56 municipalities

  • 2021/04-2022/07 Discussion on Talk-ja ML
  • 2022/04 questionnaire for Japanese Mapper. Result: here
  • 2022/07 Identify initial target area (Niiza-shi and Matsumoto-shi (or Ina-shi))
  • 2022/08 Discussion on Imports ML
  • 2022/09 Import to initial target area
  • 2022/10 Planning for 2nd batch
  • 2022/10/31-11/1 Revised Import Manual Test Import in Higashimurayama City
  • 2023/09 Updated work plan. Start of import work by work applicants. Announcement in Talk-ja ML
  • TBD after that

Import Data


Data source site:
Data license:
Type of license (if applicable): CC BY 4.0 or ODbL or ODC-BY (Multi-licensed)
Link to permission (if required): NONE
OSM attribution (if required): NONE
ODbL Compliance verified: yes

OSM Data Files

Import Type

This is a one-time import.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

There are no plans to reduce and simplify data volumes.

Tagging Plans

The building data for every individual building on the Project Plateau side has been given attributes in line with the 3D City Models Standard Product Specification.

However, not all attributes are assigned to every building.

The attributes applied to each dataset are different and are summarised as an Excel Sheet in the Attribute List for 56 cities.

In this import, the following tags are assigned to objects.

Item CityGML OSM Tagging sample value comment note
building shape bldg:lod0FootPrint building=* - If the object is a member of relation:building, this would be `k="building:part". Value is equat to the value of 'bldg:usage 用途' in Plateau
name of the building gml:name name=* "HOGE" If the object is a member of relation:building, this would be `k="name"`. Only the important object has this key.
height bldg:measuredHeight height=* "23.1" If "bldg:measuredHeight" is not available on Plateau, it would be calicurated by the diff of "lod1Solid" and "lod0[RoofEdge(屋根の標高),FootPrint(接地面の標高)]".
elevation - ele=* "32.06" Height of the footprint, equivalent of the max value of "bldg:lod1Solid"
addresses - addr:full=* "東京都大田区南六郷三丁目" Address notation up to street(neighbourhood in Japanese structure) level, value of `xAL:LocalityName-Type="Town"`.
number of floors (ground) bldg:storeysAboveGround building:levels=* "3" Diff between the elevation of the footprint and the elevation of roof of the footprint.
number of floors (underground) - building:levels:underground=* "2" building levels under the ground. Positive integer.

See Github for details

Tag merge

If there are different tags assigned to the data on the OSM side and the data on the Plateau side, basically the value of the existing data on the OSM side is used.

However, if a generic value such as "building=yes" is used on the OSM side, for example, the value on the Plateau side will be applied.

If both the OSM-side data and the Plateau-side data are given special tags, e.g. building=apartment, the following policy is used for compositing.

The following tags may be affected.

Tag comment
building Plateau will be used
name existing OSM value will be used
ele Plateau will be used
height Plateau will be used
building:levels Plateau will be used
building:levels:underground Plateau will be used
start_date existing OSM value will be used
source=GSI/KIBAN 25000;NARO delete those values. Because the footprint is replaced by Plateau data. If the value contains "survey", it will be remain.

See Github for details.

Object history

If there is existing building data and it is merged with the Plateau-side data, the history of the existing objects is inherited.

exception of merging

If a building object in the existing data has the following elements, the geometry will not be replaced by Plateau data.

  • member of building relation
  • member of multipolygon
  • building has entrance=* node
  • building has exit=* node
  • "WAY:building" has end_date=* tag
  • WAY demolished:building=*

Changeset Tags

  • comment = Plateau import: [Name of the Municipality] [Number of the mesh]

e.g. "Plateau import: 新座市 53395404"

Data Transformation

The original data is distributed in CityGML format. This CityGML data is converted using a script created by user:hayashi.

See Github repository for operations of multipolygons.

Data Transformation Results

Samples of data conversion results are located at

- Original CityGML: 53392547_bldg_6697_op2.gml ... Original CityGML

- 1st step of conversion: 53392547_bldg_6697_op2.osm ... conversion result of CityGML to OSM xml

- 2nd step of conversion: ... Existing OSM data

- 3rd step of conversion: 53392547_bldg_6697_op2.mrg.osm ... Merged data of 1st and 2nd step (Plateau and OSM)

More samples are available in the following Github repository.


Data Merge Workflow

The proposed workflow for import is shown on the right.


Team Approach

Core Team

The core team assembles the Ad hoc group by each municipality. They are listed in target list table page.

Each Ad hoc group includes.

  • Remote team

members who check pre-import data, adjust existing data (especially roads, waters and forests) and import work

  • Local/survey team

members who check/survey suspicious objects found in pre-check and importing.


If more than one person is working on a task, checklists of work completed/not completed etc. are maintained on the following pages

And the core team is building a dedicated webpage to manage import tasks.

Importing Plan

Work situation
Target Area Scheduled date of operation Account for Importing Finished Date
Tadaoka, Osaka 2023/09/18 okadatsuneo_import 2023-09-19
Okaya, Nagano 2023/09/27 okadatsuneo_import 2023-10-16
Asago, Hyogo 2023/09/28 onwards K_Sakanoshita_work
Ukiha, Fukuoka 2023/10/01 onwards helicoysfh_Plateau_import 2023-10-09
Saku, Nagano 2023/10/01 onwards helicoysfh_Plateau_import
Chino, Nagano 2023/10/25 onwards okadatsuneo_import 2023-11-11
Hokota, Ibaraki 2023/11/20 onwards okadatsuneo_import 2023-12-18
Tamana, Kumamoto 2023/12/25 onwards okadatsuneo_import 2024-01-15
Niiza, Saitama 2024/01/15 onwards Yoshida_plateauimport, furuhashilab4plateauimport
Ikeda, Osaka 2024/01/24 onwards okadatsuneo_import


We have another page for this clause. (Sorry written in Japanese)

We should move the contents to this OSM wiki page after the import procedure is fixed.

Changeset size policy

A file is usually several hundred kb to several Mb in size, and a single change set often uploads more than 10 000 objects.

When uploading a change set, upload every 1000 chunks or so.

Revert plans

If something goes wrong, user:nyampire is responsible for the revert.


After the import, the Remote and Local team will check the result of the imported objects.

Use JOSM validation functions, etc., to resolve errors of objects.

Plateau official imagery

TMS tile images published by the Plateau project can be used to edit OpenStreetMap.

In regions where the Plateau tile provides up-to-date status, we are considering validating the data using tools such as TaskingManager after the import is complete;

In regions where no official Plateau tile is available, we are considering carrying out similar validation, although the data to be referenced will be from regular resources such as Bing and Maxar, GSI (Geographical Survey Institute) maps and other usual resources.

Interim reports

When the work for some municipalities has been completed, it is planned to report on the status of the work and other information to Talk-ja and Slack. Based on the content of the reports, we will discuss updates to the procedure and next steps to consider.

The specific format and other details are still being worked out, but the first report will be made once the first 2 municipalities have been completed.

See also

The email to the Imports mailing list was sent on 2022/Aug/11 and can be found in the archives of the mailing list at the archive.