Map-py Wednesday

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An online, casual meet-up of OpenStreetMap contributors in Asia, usually from participants in the OpenStreetMap@Asia Telegram channel, or other local community channel, but anyone is welcome, regardless of their mapping experience.

The sessions are held every third Wednesday of the month, where participants chat and share about OpenStreetMap, maps, and geodata. Every event is intended to be fun, light, and informative.

The sessions are usually in English, but there maybe participants who speak some regional language (Bahasa Indonesia, Binisaya, Filipino, and Urdu) who can assist with translations during the activity, if necessary.


The regular meeting room is hosted in OSMF's BigBlueButton instance:

Whenever possible, the sessions' recordings are made available through an externally-hosted PeerTube channel:

Past Sessions

Session Snap-py Talks, Speaker Video Wefie
  • TBD
  • Talkshow: TBA.
February PeerTube
Group photo of some participants from the 2025-February Map-py Wednesday online session.
January PeerTube
Group photo of some participants of the Map-py Wednesday online session from January 2025.
November PeerTube
October • "Tracking your (geotagged) video on a map" by Andi Muhlis
• "Bike tour across the Philippines with OSM" by Tim Gut
September • "Map-making using Field Papers with students from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia", by @bmardyan
• "Different usage of path and living street access in Indonesia" by Bell Kismawrdani
August • "Bus Route Mapping in Pakistan"
• "A walk-through of the SCEE (StreetComplete for Experienced Editors) app", by Rally de Leon
July • "Bees and Maps", by Maning Sambale
• "App walk-through for OSM Go!", by Vince Panes
June • "Tagging Narrow Highways", by Rally de Leon
• "Community Updates from Pakistan", by Uzair Ahmad
May • "Challenges of mapping in a small town" by Bell Kismawrdani
• "RapID editor + MapWithAI" by Husni Falah
April • "2024 Hualien Earthquake and Response from Taiwan Local Community", by Dennis Raylin Chen

• "Using OSM with remote sending devices" by Uzair Ahmad
• "Creating OSM survey routes with" by Andi Muhlis
• "Mapping spatial local knowledge with Pen & Paper" by Win Olario

March • "Overpass Turbo Query by Example" by Timmy Gut
• "Embracing the OSM Universe" by Kiran Ahire
• "Mapping Tactile Paving & Bus Stops in Bandung" by UPI-YMC representative
February • "Using Strava for Improving Imagery Alignment" by Rally de Leon
• "The Open Mapping Guru Network" by Mikko Tamura
January • "Tips and tricks: Aerial Imagery & OSM editing" by Vince Panes
• "Map-py together with Simple Task Manager" by Win Olario
December • "Collecting GoPro Max imagery for Mapillary" by Andi Muhlis
• "Public Transport Data in Kuala Lumpur" by Nabil Ersyad

spin off

We have a weekly WeeklyOSM period, and Podcast series GeoMob by OpenCage. But the latter one is more tend to Western interviewees due to its locaation. Maybe we can have Asia and Pacific focus media, interviewing key figures in the area, indroducing the projects they are involved and focused on.