Map-py Wednesday Talk Show Proposal

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It all started from conversation between Supaplex and GOwin. While the general OSM community have the WeeklyOSM to highlight notable updates during the week, and the GeoMob podcast series by OpenCage that's released every few months. The latter one tend to have more Western interviewees, probably because of geography or intended audience. Maybe we can have something similar for Asia and the Pacific to focus the attention on key or influential figures, or introducing commnities, and initiatives they are involved in.

This ideas was presented in the January episode of Map-py Wednesday , on 1/15. Supaplex's presentation deck is available here.

Some may already know about the podcast Geomob, that often feature folks from OSM. Even though it is possible to self-nominate yourself to be on Geomob, our proposed version may directly contact OSM Asia folks, talking specifically about the Asian region, or interesting projects, or exchange views about the OSM ecosystem, may be considered. The final goal might be an Asia version of Geomob.


  • Map-py Talkshow
  • MapTime Asia
  • ...Add your idea!


  • Local Projects
  • Your Personal Experience on OpenStreetMap
  • Your Local Community
  • Big event promotion
  • Thoughts and Insights of the OpenStreetMap project


  • Video Interview
  • Transcript or article on OSM daily
  • Timeslot after the main Map-py Wednesday event


  1. OSM Wiki page
  2. OpenStreetMap Community Forum
  3. Social media
  4. Public Group Chat


Pilot episode

2/19 pilot episode, after the main Map-py Wednesday e-meeting Interviewee: Uzair Ahmad


  • Host and their time
  • Hosting, distribution platform
  • No budget to spend on equipment, hosting, at least in the short term


