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mapweaver 0.29 by gary68 config value descriptions key description default allowIconMove (CLO) 0 autobridge automatically draw bridges and tunnels (CLO) 1 bgcolor background color of map (CLO) white cIE osmosis clipIncompleteEntities instead of completeObjects (CLP) 0 clip (CLO) 0 clipbbox (CLO) <EMPTY> coords draw coordinate system (CLO) 0 coordscolor color of coordinates grid lines (CLO) black coordsexp size of grid cells, exp 10 (CLO) -2 debug print debug information (CLO) 0 declutter (CLO) 1 dir add directory (CLO) 0 dircolnum number of text columns for directory pdf (CLO) 2 direxcludedefault object default property for directory entries no dirpdf create directory pdf (CLO) 0 dirtitle title for directory (CLO) Directory elementFont DON'T USE <EMPTY> elementFontFamily default font family for map elements like title, scale, grid etc. sans-serif ellipsoid Used ellipsoid WGS84 foot text for footer (CLO) mapweaver by gary68 - data by footbackground background color for footer (CLO) none footcolor color for footer (CLO) black footsize font size for footer (CLO) 40 forceNodes (CLO) 0 grid number of grid cells, 0 = no grid (CLO) 0 gridcolor color of grid lines (CLO) black head text for header (CLO) <EMPTY> headbackground background color for header (CLO) none headcolor color for header (CLO) black headsize font size for header (CLO) 40 help prints help texts (CLO) 0 in osm in file (CLO) map.osm ini file with configuration values (CLO) mwconfig.ini latrad radius lat in km for place map (CLO) 2 legend appearance and position of legend (CLO) 0 lineDist distance between text lines in pixels 10 lonrad radius lon in km for place map (CLO) 2 maxCharPerLine maximum characters per line in node label 20 minAreaLabelSize min size of area to be labeled on map 10000 minAreaSize min size of area to be drawn on map 400 multionly draw only multipolygons (CLO) 0 noLabel 0 oceanColor color of ocean (CLO) lightblue onewayColor color of oneway arrows (CLO) white onewaySize size of oneway arrows (CLO) 20 oneways add oneway arrows (CLO) 0 out svg output name (CLO) mapweaver.svg pad (CLO) 0 pagenumbers add page numbers to map (CLO) <EMPTY> pdf convert output to pdf (CLO) 0 place search for place name in osm file and create map (CLO) <EMPTY> placefile name of file containing only place information (CLO) <EMPTY> png convert output to png (CLO) 0 pngdpi png resolution (CLO) 115 poi add POI directory (CLO) 0 poifile name of external POI file (CLO) <EMPTY> ppc points per character (CLO) 6 projection Used projection merc ra relation analyzer mode (CLO) 0 rectangles draw rectangles for hikingbook (CLO) <EMPTY> relid relation ID for hikingbook (CLO) 0 routeicondir ./routeicons routeicondist 70 routeiconscale 1 routelabelcolor black routelabelfont DON'T USE <EMPTY> routelabelfontfamily font-family for route labels sans-serif routelabeloffset 20 routelabelsize 20 ruleDefaultAreaColor default area color lightgray ruleDefaultAreaLabelFont DON'T USE <EMPTY> ruleDefaultAreaLabelFontFamily default font family for area labels sans-serif ruleDefaultAreaMinSize minimum size of area to be drawn 0 ruleDefaultNodeColor default color of dot for nodes black ruleDefaultNodeFromScale default fromScale of node 0 ruleDefaultNodeIconSize default size of icon 40 ruleDefaultNodeLabel default key for label name ruleDefaultNodeLabelFont DON'T USE <EMPTY> ruleDefaultNodeLabelFontFamily default font family for label sans-serif ruleDefaultNodeShape default shape of node circle ruleDefaultNodeSize default size of dot for nodes 20 ruleDefaultNodeToScale default toScale of node 1000000 ruleDefaultNodelabelSize default size of label text 30 ruleDefaultWayBorderColor default color of border of way black ruleDefaultWayBorderSize default size of border of way 2 ruleDefaultWayColor default color of way gray ruleDefaultWayDash default dash style of way <EMPTY> ruleDefaultWayDashCap default cap for dashes of way butt ruleDefaultWayFromScale default fromScale of way 0 ruleDefaultWayLabel default label of way name ruleDefaultWayLabelColor default label color of way black ruleDefaultWayLabelFont DON'T USE <EMPTY> ruleDefaultWayLabelFontFamily default label font of way sans-serif ruleDefaultWayLabelOffset default label Tspan offset of way 15 ruleDefaultWayLabelSize default label size of way 30 ruleDefaultWaySize default size of way 20 ruleDefaultWayToScale default toScale of way 1000000 ruledefaultAreaFromScale default fromScale of way 0 ruledefaultAreaToScale default toScale of way 1000000 ruledefaultRouteColor default color of route black ruledefaultRouteDash default dash of route <EMPTY> ruledefaultRouteFromScale default fromScale of route 0 ruledefaultRouteLabel default label of route ref ruledefaultRouteLabelSize default label size of route 25 ruledefaultRouteLinecap default linecap of route round ruledefaultRouteNodeSize default node size of route nodes 10 ruledefaultRouteOpacity default opacity of route 100 ruledefaultRouteSize default size of route 5 ruledefaultRouteToScale default toScale of route 50000 ruler draw ruler; positions 1..4 (CLO) 0 rulerbackground background of ruler, none=transparent (CLO) none rulercolor color of ruler (CLO) black rulescaleset set assumed scale for rules (CLO) 0 scale draw scale; positions 1..4 (CLO) 0 scalebackground color of scale background; none=transparent (CLO) none scalecolor color of scale (CLO) black scaleset set scale of map (i.e. 10000) (CLO) 0 size size in pixels x axis, 300dpi (CLO) 2200 style file with render rules (CLO) mwStandardRules.txt svgname output file name for svg graphics (CLO) mapweaver.svg tagstat print tag statistics (CLO) 0 verbose print some more information (CLO) 0 wns substitute unfitting way names by numbers; 0..4 1..4=positions in map (CLO) 0 wnsbgcolor color of background of wns legend white wnscolor color of labels in wns legend black wnssize size of labels in wns legend 20 Valid Object Properties Nodes ----- circle add a circle to the node [yes|no] circleColor color of the circle i.e. [blue] circleRadius circle radius in meters i.e. [1000] circleSVGString format of the circle [] circleThickness thickness of the circle i.e. [5] color color of node i.e. [black] direxclude should these objects be excluded from directory? [yes|no] disc add a disc to the node [yes|no] discColor color of the disc i.e. [green] discOpacity opacity of the disc [0..100] discRadius radius of disc in meters i.e. [5000] discSVGString format of the disc [] fromScale rule will only applied if scale is bigger than fromScale i.e. [5000] icon icon to use for node, overrides shape i.e. [icondir/icon.svg] iconSize size of the icon i.e. [40] keyValue key and value like [amenity=hospital] label label for the node like [name|ref] labelColor color for label text i.e. [white] labelFont font for label labelFontFamily font family for label labelOffset distance of label to node i.e. [10] labelSize size of label text i.e. [20] legend is this object to be listed in map legend? [yes|no] legendLabel label text of object in legend i.e. [city] shape shape of node [circle|disc|triangle|diamond|rectangle] shieldLabel NOT YET IMPLEMENTED shieldName NOT YET IMPLEMENTED shieldSize NOT YET IMPLEMENTED size size of node i.e. [50] svgString svg format of shape [valid svg string] toScale rule will only applied if scale is lower than fromScale i.e. [25000] Ways ---- borderColor color of the border of the way i.e. [black] borderSize thickness os the border i.e. [2] bottomBorder NOT YET IMPLEMENTED color color for the way i.e. [gray] dash svg dash array for the way i.e. [20,20]; old mapgen values are also possible dashCap linecap shape for dashes like [butt|round|square] direxclude should these objects be excluded from directory? [yes|no] fromScale rule will only applied if scale is bigger than fromScale i.e. [5000] keyValue key and value like [highway=residential] label label to be used i.e. [name|ref] labelColor color of label text i.e. [blue] labelFont font for label labelFontFamily font family for label labelOffset distance of label to middle of way i.e. [5] labelSize size of the label i.e. [20] legend is this object to be listed in map legend? [yes|no] legendLabel label text of object in legend i.e. [Highway] size size of the way i.e. [15] svgStringBottom format of lower way part (i.e. border) [] svgStringTop format of upper way part [] toScale rule will only applied if scale is lower than fromScale i.e. [25000] Areas ----- base should this object be drawn underneath other objects? (applies for landuse residential i.e.) [yes|no] color color of area i.e. [lightgrey] fromScale rule will only applied if scale is bigger than fromScale i.e. [5000] icon icon for fill pattern to be used i.e. [icondir/parking.svg] keyValue key and value of object i.e. [amenity=parking] label label text to be rendered i.e. [name] labelColor color of label i.e. [green] labelFont font for label labelFontFamily font family for label labelSize size of label text i.e. [20] legend is this object to be listed in map legend? [yes|no] legendLabel label text of object in legend i.e. [Parking] svgString format of area [] toScale rule will only applied if scale is lower than fromScale i.e. [25000] Routes ----- color color of route like [red] dash svg dash array style like [20,20] fromScale rule will only applied if scale is bigger than fromScale i.e. [5000] label label to be used like [ref] labelFont font for label labelFontFamily font family for label labelSize size of the label i.e. [15] linecap linecap style [butt|round|square] nodeSize size of nodes belonging to route i.e. [20] opacity opacity of the route [0..100] size size of route i.e. [10] toScale rule will only applied if scale is lower than fromScale i.e. [25000] type type of route like [bus|hiking]