Mechanical Edits/kubahahaha - bot account/auto rename secondary schools

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Page content created as advised on Automated_Edits_code_of_conduct#Document_and_discuss_your_plans.


I, kubahahaha using my bot account


message via OSM I will try to respond also to PMs to the bot account.


Removing secondary schools in Poland wherever they match with government registry.

Data preparation

  1. Download data from this webpage. It's public data available to use. In my work I used version from 20.05.2020. Save file as registery.xlsx.
  2. Download list of old secondary schools present in OSM database. I used Overpass api and saved results to secondary-schools.geojson. Query I used:
area["name"="Polska (ląd)"]->.boundaryarea;
out center;
  1. My script is available here.
  2. After running script you should get result.geojson and down.txt.
  3. Put content of down.txt into code from Bot source code section. Its list of OSM objects to download.
  4. Run bot.


Secondary schools are closed for almost a year in Poland.


199 places out of 393 schools labeled "gimnazjum" with address on OSM in Poland


  • Editing is limited to objects with name=/*gimnazjum*/i
  • Editing is limited to objects with filled address
  • Editing is limited to objects in Poland
  • Editing is limited to objects with address matching exactly one item from government registry.

state before a mechanical edit:

state after a mechanical edit (list of tags to overwrite using government registry):

Bot source code

Bot is using prepared files with list of corrected schools (available here) and list of OSM ids to fix.

Bot is using library, this code is CC0 licensed

from osm_bot_abstraction_layer.generic_bot_retagging import run_simple_retagging_task
import json

def edit_element(tags):
    if(tags == {}):
        return tags

    fixed = json.load(open('result.geojson',)).get('features')
    shortlist = list(filter(lambda it: it.get('properties').get('addr:city') == tags.get('addr:city') and it.get('properties').get('addr:street') == tags.get('addr:street') and it.get('properties').get('addr:housenumber') == tags.get('addr:housenumber'), fixed))
    correct = shortlist[0]['properties']

    tags.update({k:v for k,v in correct.items() if k in ['name', 'operator', 'phone', 'email', 'website', 'isced:level']})
    return tags

def main():
    node(id:307933883, 321001769, 372191800, 581905258, 584458427, 584461607, 584469043, 584472679, 683191158, 710646387, 914431837, 938167761, 968360638, 1179548366, 1406784222, 1409592681, 1410900251, 1425053621, 1433598762, 1469599164, 1595351956, 1597823261, 1726085481, 1745826204, 1821279974, 1826049774, 1827073816, 1862022628, 1889538407, 1897273481, 1900721407, 1900835485, 1903963148, 1903963152, 1927559893, 1934517761, 1940473968, 1940473988, 1940474064, 1983293837, 2007384418, 2080923833, 2120667598, 2148890405, 2151820733, 2208464328, 2310068439, 2319923830, 2360116191, 2371023582, 2450851151, 2471818959, 2484470491, 2499688943, 2499942355, 2547433073, 2630775004, 2687664453, 2816310227, 2857860875, 2876203849, 2918977305, 2933593935, 2946468977, 2986705035, 2986759353, 2986759354, 2986759357, 2986759359, 2986759361, 2986759363, 2986759364, 2986977686, 2986977688, 2986977690, 2986977691, 2986977692, 2986977693, 2986977694, 2989928312, 3015786031, 3027224233, 3056292246, 3056450491, 3056491714, 3058132043, 3061834983, 3073673590, 3079112564, 3085278729, 3110256211, 3149800172, 3241093484, 3298417068, 3298417069, 3387662684, 3387662685, 3387664594, 3387664595, 3419393584, 3730308425, 3732562443, 3888189056, 3907794042, 3915431458, 3921303464, 3932235046, 4277820906, 4338991226, 4537601561, 4608331037, 4678970352, 4866124703, 4916966796, 5065839322);
    way(id:61190465, 66577674, 81114300, 115911875, 121190458, 143896474, 147421095, 148642115, 149140779, 151523732, 165786001, 167913482, 168655777, 170011795, 170011796, 170089758, 171897217, 176536980, 177322360, 177594577, 179612940, 182058035, 183557816, 183637237, 183637241, 187719855, 189055541, 193028869, 199265700, 203463451, 208303161, 210967799, 220851554, 221182466, 222194694, 231836472, 233354993, 234782938, 237989506, 241234924, 241454541, 245537604, 246079211, 249314260, 253262682, 256332478, 259216756, 264033502, 268694591, 272678827, 279334101, 283860351, 288775618, 291432704, 295995795, 296707573, 297519343, 299375410, 302344283, 309206752, 311119631, 330901396, 338066017, 364671094, 375719635, 375871281, 381806345, 390593598, 400852287, 401810845, 409235663, 417416927, 436826615, 438084564, 460194664, 462419296, 514614927, 537007463, 625992554, 629189477, 696033045);
    relation(id:2718947, 3421861, 5174292);
out body;
out skel qt;
        changeset_comment='Usuwanie gimnazjów - aktualizacja na podstawie Wykazu szkół i placówek oświatowych tam gdzie to możliwe',



Polish forum: Topic does not exist anymore


This is one time task