ES:Nicaragua/Configuración de JOSM

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  • Imágenes y Mapas capas WMS / TMS URLs (a veces es necesario cuando JOSM no recogerlos)
- Bing Sat: bing[22]: ... Hmm. this layer might not be possible to add manually?
- MapQuest OSM: tms[18]:http://otile{switch:1,2,3,4}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
- OSM Humanitarian: tms[20]:http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
- OpenCycleMap: tms[17]:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
- OpenMapSurfer - Roads (University of Heidelberg): tms:{x}&y={y}&z={zoom}
- OpenStreetMap (Mapnik): tms[19]:https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
- Public Transport (ÖPNV): tms[18]:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
- Skobbler: tms[1,18]:http://tiles{switch:1,2,3,4}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
- Nicaragua Topo Maps (Humanitarian Use Only): wms: .. use this to query layers (they might change)
results (currently) in: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
- Hike & Bike: tms[18]:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
- OpenStreetMap (German Style): tms[18]:http://{switch:a,b,c,d}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
- 2u: tms[19]:http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
- Others (to dig the URL for):
- OpenRiverboatMap
- Haiti Drone imagery (for example)
- Mapbox (streets, espanol)