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QLever provides an endpoint for rapidly querying the global OpenHistoricalMap dataset. As with the Overpass API, you can query for elements matching specific criteria; however, you use the standard query language SPARQL. SPARQL queries can federate with a number of other datasets, including OpenStreetMap and Wikidata.

QLever synchronizes its index with OpenHistoricalMap on a daily basis (compared to weekly for OpenStreetMap).


Most people use QLever through an interactive Web application that provides syntax highlighting for the OverpassQL language and name-based autocompletion for OHM elements and tags. QLever can display results as a table, map, or heatmap using the Petrimaps service. It can also export the results as CSV, TSV, or GeoJSON. The Web application is located at:

For raw queries from desktop applications, QLever's API endpoint for the OHM Planet dataset is located at:


Individual OpenHistoricalMap elements are stored under an ohmnode:, ohmway:, or ohmrel: prefix, corresponding to the elements' URLs on OHM. This makes it possible to distinguish between OHM and OSM elements in a federated query. However, other predicates are under the same OSM prefixes as they are in the OSM Planet dataset, and the objects of the rdf:type predicate are also under the osm: prefix, as OHM shares these concepts with OSM.

Prefix URL Description
ohmnode: Node IDs
ohmway: Way IDs
ohmrel: Relation IDs
osmkey: Keys (including OHM-specific keys)
osmmeta: Element metakeys such as osmmeta:timestamp and osmmeta:changeset
osmrel: Relation metakeys such as osmrel:member, osmrel:member_id, osmrel:member_pos, and osmrel:member_role
osmway: Way metakeys such as osmway:member, osmway:member_id, and osmway:member_pos
osm2rdf: Metakeys added by osm2rdf such as osm2rdf:facts
osm2rdfkey: Keys reinterpreted as RDF types by osm2rdf, such as osm2rdfkey:wikidata (as wd:) and osm2rdfkey:start_date (as xsd:date, xsd:month, or xsd:year)

Query examples

Main article: QLever/Example queries

OpenHistoricalMap's data model allows you to analyze geographical data in a historical context, as well as real-world changes over time, not just data on the present as with the OSM Planet dataset.

Theaters in a given year

This query returns all the theaters (amenity=theatre) that existed in the year 1975:

PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX osm2rdfkey: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
SELECT ?theater ?start_date ?end_date ?geometry WHERE {
  ?theater osmkey:amenity "theatre" .
  ?theater osm2rdfkey:start_date ?start_date .
  ?theater geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?geometry .
    ?theater osm2rdfkey:end_date ?end_date .
  FILTER(YEAR(?start_date) < 1976 && COALESCE(YEAR(?end_date), 9999) >= 1975)

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Oldest buildings in a present-day region

This query returns the ten oldest mapped buildings in Ohio; that is, the buildings with the minimum start_date=* tags:

PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX ohmrel: <>
PREFIX ogc: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
  # Present-day Ohio
  ohmrel:2663622 ogc:sfContains ?building .
  ?building osmkey:building ?building_type ;
		    osmkey:start_date ?start_date ;
		    geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?geometry .
ORDER BY ?start_date

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Buildings built in one region but now in another region

This query returns the buildings that stood in Virginia at the time of construction but now stand in a different state because Virginia is much smaller than it used to be.

PREFIX osmrel: <>
PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX ohmrel: <>
PREFIX osm2rdfkey: <>
PREFIX ogc: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
  (SAMPLE(?boundary) AS ?a_boundary)
  (MIN(?boundary_start_date) AS ?min_boundary_start_date)
  (SAMPLE(?boundary_end_date) AS ?a_boundary_end_date)
  (SAMPLE(?building_start_date) AS ?a_building_start_date)
  (SAMPLE(?geometry) AS ?a_geometry)
  # Territorial evolution of Virginia
  ohmrel:2697886 osmrel:member/osmrel:member_id ?boundary .
  # Past boundaries of Virginia all have end dates.
  ?boundary osm2rdfkey:start_date ?boundary_start_date ;
			osm2rdfkey:end_date ?boundary_end_date .
  ?boundary ogc:sfContains ?building .
  ?building osmkey:building ?building_type ;
		    osm2rdfkey:start_date ?building_start_date ;
		    geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?geometry .
  FILTER(?building_start_date >= ?boundary_start_date && ?building_start_date <= ?boundary_end_date)
	# Present-day Virginia
	ohmrel:2693701 ogc:sfContains ?building .
GROUP BY ?building

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Shops that have moved the farthest

This query returns the 10 shops that have moved the farthest over time. Each shop represented by a chronology relation is ranked by the sum of the distances between each location it has occupied throughout its history, not by the straight-line distance between its original and final locations. For shops mapped as areas, this query calculates distances based on their centroids. [1] Fortunately, shops tend to be mapped as nodes rather than as areas.

PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX osm: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX geof: <>
PREFIX osmrel: <>
SELECT ?chronology (SUM(?distance) AS ?total_distance) WHERE {
  ?chronology osmkey:type "chronology" .
  ?chronology osmrel:member ?older_member .
  ?chronology osmrel:member ?newer_member .
  ?older_member osmrel:member_pos ?older_pos ;
				osmrel:member_id ?older_poi .
  ?newer_member osmrel:member_pos ?newer_pos ;
				osmrel:member_id ?newer_poi .
  FILTER(?older_pos + 1 = ?newer_pos)
  ?older_poi osmkey:shop ?older_shop_type .
  ?newer_poi osmkey:shop ?newer_shop_type .
  ?older_poi geo:hasCentroid/geo:asWKT ?older_centroid .
  ?newer_poi geo:hasCentroid/geo:asWKT ?newer_centroid .
  BIND(geof:distance(?older_centroid, ?newer_centroid) AS ?distance)
GROUP BY ?chronology
ORDER BY DESC(?total_distance)

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Maximum territorial extent of an empire

This query determines when the Ottoman Empire reached its greatest land area:

PREFIX ohmrel: <>
PREFIX osmrel: <>
PREFIX osm2rdf: <>
PREFIX osmkey: <>
  # Territorial evolution of the Ottoman Empire
  ohmrel:2747251 osmrel:member/osmrel:member_id ?boundary .
  ?boundary osm2rdf:area ?area ;
			osmkey:start_date ?start_date ;
			osmkey:end_date ?end_date .

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Total railway distance in a given year

This query returns the sum total distance of railroad tracks that existed in the year 1975 in kilometers:

PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX osm: <>
PREFIX osm2rdfkey: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX osm2rdf: <>
SELECT (SUM(?length*100) AS ?total_length) WHERE {
  ?railway rdf:type osm:way .
  ?railway osmkey:railway ?railway_type .
  ?railway osm2rdfkey:start_date ?start_date .
  ?railway osm2rdf:length ?length .
    ?railway osm2rdfkey:end_date ?end_date .
  FILTER(YEAR(?start_date) < 1976 && COALESCE(YEAR(?end_date), 9999) >= 1975)

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Number of buildings in a region by year

This query returns the total number of mapped buildings that stood within present-day Virginia in every year from 1600 CE to present. It uses VALUES statements to generate the digits of each year.

PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX ohmrel: <>
PREFIX osm2rdfkey: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX ogc: <>
SELECT ?year (COUNT(?building) AS ?buildings) WHERE {
  VALUES ?ones { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 }
  VALUES ?tens { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 }
  VALUES ?hundreds { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 }
  VALUES ?thousands { 1 2 }
  BIND((?thousands * 1000 + ?hundreds * 100 + ?tens * 10 + ?ones) AS ?year)
  FILTER(?year >= 1600 && ?year <= 2024)
  # Present-day Virginia
  ohmrel:2693701 ogc:sfContains ?building .
  ?building osmkey:building ?building_type .
  ?building osm2rdfkey:start_date ?start_date .
	?building osm2rdfkey:end_date ?end_date .
  FILTER(YEAR(?start_date) < ?year + 1 && COALESCE(YEAR(?end_date), 9999) >= ?year)
GROUP BY ?year
ORDER BY ?year

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Contemporaneous surrounding areas

When recounting a historical event or someone's biography, you typically need to qualify a place with the country, region, etc. that the place was in at the time, not where it's located in the present day. This query returns the boundaries that contained Jura when it was still a town:

PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX ohmnode: <>
PREFIX osm2rdfkey: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX osm2rdf: <>
PREFIX ogc: <>
SELECT ?boundary ?name ?boundary_start_date ?boundary_end_date WHERE {
  # Jena town
  BIND(ohmnode:2091211419 AS ?place)
  ?place ogc:sfIntersects ?boundary .
  ?place osm2rdfkey:start_date ?place_start_date .
  ?place osm2rdfkey:end_date ?place_end_date .
  ?boundary osm2rdfkey:start_date ?boundary_start_date .
  ?boundary osmkey:name ?name .
  ?boundary osm2rdf:area ?area .
    ?boundary osm2rdfkey:end_date ?boundary_end_date .
  FILTER(COALESCE(?place_end_date, "9999"^^xsd:gYear) >= ?boundary_start_date && ?place_start_date <= COALESCE(?boundary_end_date, "9999"^^xsd:gYear))
ORDER BY ?area

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Changes on this day in history

This query finds features that began or ended on the current day in years past. The OpenHistoricalMap portal's "On this day in OpenHistoricalMap" feature curates some notable and interesting changes from this query:

PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
SELECT ?element ?name ?start_date ?end_date ?geometry WHERE {
    ?element osmkey:start_date ?start_date .
	FILTER(STRENDS(?start_date, "-03-14"))
#	or: FILTER(MONTH(?start_date) = 3 && DAY(?start_date) = 14)
  } UNION {
    ?element osmkey:end_date ?end_date .
	FILTER(STRENDS(?end_date, "-03-14"))
#	or: FILTER(MONTH(?end_date) = 3 && DAY(?end_date) = 14)
	?element osmkey:name ?name .
	?element geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?geometry .

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Unsorted chronologies

A type=chronology relation's members are supposed to be sorted in chronological order, and ideally no member overlaps another member's date range. This query finds chronologies that appear to be unsorted or have chronologically overlapping members:

PREFIX osm2rdf: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX osm: <>
PREFIX osm2rdfkey: <>
PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX osmrel: <>
  ?chronology rdf:type osm:relation ;
			  osmkey:type "chronology" ;
			  osmrel:member ?older ;
			  osmrel:member ?newer .
  ?older osmrel:member_pos ?older_pos .
  ?newer osmrel:member_pos ?newer_pos .
  FILTER(?older_pos + 1 = ?newer_pos)
  ?older osmrel:member_id/osm2rdfkey:start_date ?older_start ;
		 osmrel:member_id/osm2rdfkey:end_date ?older_end .
  ?newer osmrel:member_id/osm2rdfkey:start_date ?newer_start ;
		 osmrel:member_id/osm2rdfkey:end_date ?newer_end .
  FILTER(?older_start > ?newer_start || ?older_end > ?newer_start || ?older_start > ?newer_end || ?older_end > ?newer_end)

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Malformed dates

This query returns every feature that has a malformed start_date=* and/or end_date=* tag. Unlike in OpenStreetMap, OHM requires both keys to follow a strict YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format. Uncertainty and approximations should go in the start_date:edtf=* and end_date:edtf=* keys instead. Malformed dates can trigger bugs in data consumers. [2] osm2rdf only converts well-formed dates to XML Schema data types, so this query subtracts those successfully converted dates from the results.

PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX osm2rdfkey: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
    ?ohm osmkey:start_date ?start_date .
	  ?ohm osm2rdfkey:start_date [] .
  } UNION {
    ?ohm osmkey:end_date ?end_date .
	  ?ohm osm2rdfkey:end_date [] .
  ?ohm geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?geometry .

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Users who have edited many ODbL elements

This query returns the users who are the last to edit more than 100 elements tagged license=ODbL. Elements with this tag are likely to have been imported from OpenStreetMap (though there are some other ODbL-licensed datasets). Many provisions of the Open Database License only apply to "substantial" extracts of a database. The OpenStreetMap Foundation has issued guidance that one-off extraction of fewer than 100 features is considered insubstantial. Extracts above this threshold may also be considered insubstantial in some cases, depending on criteria that require detailed inspection.

This is a crude query intended to let contributors know if they need to be more selective in their use of OSM data. Inclusion in the results does not necessarily mean that the user has performed a systematic import from OSM. For one thing, this query only considers if the user is the last user who has touched a given element, not whether the user added the license=ODbL tag or imported the element in the first place.

PREFIX osmmeta: <>
PREFIX osmkey: <>
SELECT ?user (COUNT(?osm) as ?count_osm) WHERE {
  ?osm osmkey:license "ODbL" .
  ?osm osmmeta:user ?user .
GROUP BY ?user
HAVING(?count_osm > 100)
ORDER BY DESC(?count_osm)

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Federated query examples

Demolished buildings that are safe to delete from OpenStreetMap based on Wikidata

This query returns buildings that have been demolished but remain in OpenStreetMap as demolished:building=* areas despite already having been mapped in OpenHistoricalMap for safekeeping. The query matches OHM and OSM buildings based on their wikidata=* tags. See also this similar query based on geometries.

PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX osm2rdfkey: <>
SELECT ?osm_building ?item ?ohm_building ?end_date WHERE {
  ?ohm_building osmkey:building ?ohm_building_type .
  ?ohm_building osm2rdfkey:wikidata ?item .
  SERVICE <> {
	?osm_building osmkey:demolished:building ?osm_building_type .
	?osm_building osm2rdfkey:wikidata ?item .
	?ohm_building osmkey:end_date ?end_date .

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Member states of a defunct international organization

This query returns the contemporary boundaries of the members of the League of Nations based on Wikidata. Similar queries can help improve thematic maps that often feature anachronistic boundaries. However, as of January 2024, this query returns very few of the member states, due to a combination of factors in including broken boundary relations and missing wikidata=* tags.

PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX osm: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX osmkey: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX osmrel: <>
PREFIX osm2rdfkey: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?boundary ?name ?item (STR(?boundary_start) AS ?start) (STR(?boundary_end) AS ?end) ?geometry WHERE {
  SERVICE <> {
	?item (^wdt:P17)?/wdt:P463 wd:Q38130 .
	wd:Q152283 wdt:P571 ?league_start ;
			   wdt:P576 ?league_end .
  ?boundary rdf:type osm:relation ;
			osmkey:type "boundary" ;
			osmkey:name ?name ;
			osmkey:start_date ?boundary_start ;
			geo:hasGeometry/geo:asWKT ?geometry .
    ?boundary osm2rdfkey:wikidata ?item .
  } UNION {
	?chronology rdf:type osm:relation .
	?chronology osmkey:type "chronology".
	?chronology osm2rdfkey:wikidata ?item .
	?chronology osmrel:member/osmrel:member_id ?boundary .
    ?boundary osmkey:end_date ?boundary_end .
  FILTER(STR(?boundary_start) < STR(?league_end) &&
  	     STR(COALESCE(?boundary_end, "9999")) >= STR(?league_start))

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