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OpenStreetMap-in-a-Box (osminabox)
Osminabox screenshot.png
Author: Geonick
License: New BSD License (n/a)
Platforms: Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Linux
Status: Unmaintained
Version: 1.1 (2013-03-31)
English and German
Source code:
Programming language: Java

A ready-made map and geodata server including a highly configurable converter which synchronizes OpenStreetMap data.

Feature Value
Map Display
Display map yes
Map data vector,raster
Source online,cache,offline
Rotate map
3D view
Shows website
Shows phone number
Shows operation hours
Find location yes
Find nearby POIs
Navigate to point
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance
Keep on road
Lane guidance
Works without GPS
Navigate along predefined route

OpenStreetMap-in-a-Box is/was a ready-made map and geodata server including a highly configurable converter (osm2gis) which synchronizes OpenStreetMap data.

OpenStreetMap-in-a-Box (short OSM-in-a-Box or osminabox) is a dedicated server software which imports semi-structured OpenStreetMap (OSM) data and stores it as geographic features (entities). In addition, it keeps its base data in sync with the original OSM hosts. It is scalable, offers well-known geographic web services and is based on proven software components. As of now this is a read-only database (see Discussion). Updates need to be fed through the usual OSM software and hosts.

Common reasons to have your own map server include: you need reliable and fast web services, or custom map graphics (e.g. no buildings), or regionalized contents (e.g. local names). OpenStreetMap-in-a-Box (OSM-in-a-Box) delivers a software bundle which does this 'out-of-the-box' with an easy installer.

The OpenStreetMap-in-a-Box software consists of following parts:

  • A converter (Java) called 'osm2gis' which imports OSM data and stores the relevant part of it in the database (PostgreSQL/PostGIS) in a geospatial, relational database schema.
  • A spatial information server with geographic web services (GeoServer), like WMS, Tiling/Caching and WFS (read-only).
  • A web site to demonstrate the project (see showcase on homepage).

Compared to osm2pgsql - for those who know this - osm2gis is comparable but potentially non-lossy and rather flexible about attributes exported (the target schema). For a comparison of alternatives see the always up to date OSM desktop software.

Home page and download:

See also