Organised Editing/Activities/Cattle Operation Micromapping

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WattTime is working to catalog livestock operations in order to provide more precise estimates of methane emissions from enteric fermentation. We are engaging the OpenStreetMap community to help map cattle and dairy farms in select countries to improve our coverage and estimates.

This project will be initially scoped to Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.


Red x.svg To do: Include contact info

Community consultation

We will be posting challenges to each country's relevant subforum on the Community Forum.


We will ask contributors to identify their edits with the hashtag #CattleEmissions.


Our first mapping projects will be open mid-February to mid-March. We will update as we release more projects.

Tools and data sources

Mappers will be tracing from any and all freely-licensed imagery sources. They may use whichever editor they choose, though training materials will be written for iD.


Red x.svg To do: Who is participating in the activity?

Measuring our success

Red x.svg To do: Show how the progress of the activity is being measured.


Red x.svg To do: Write detailed documentation with examples

Mappers will be given instructions on how to tag a variety of features, including:

Post-event clean-up

Red x.svg To do: Describes the types of data validation that are performed.


We will be active in the forum threads for each project, with updates at least monthly.