Organised Editing/Activities

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This page lists all organized editing activities as per the Organised Editing Guidelines. The list of ongoing activities is expected to be exhaustive. The list of completed activities may be archived from time to time.

Please add new activities ordered by start date ascending.

To create your own activity, create a new page by entering the name of your organization or activity and following the instructions. If you do not see the instructions, click the Edit notices toolbar icon to show the edit notice panel.[1]

Activities list

Main category: Organised editing activities
(link to documentation page)
Organiser Area Status Start date End date Community contacted Community objections? Notes
Humanitarian Mapping by HOT Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Global Ongoing 2010 N/A Continually
  • Many unreviewed edits, often very low quality, focusing on statistics, volume of edits and fundraising over improving map. Not all edits made as part of their organised editing was ever reviewed by anyone from HOT, and many reviews ignored very clear issues.
  • Lack of public documentation for reviewers on how to detect and restore data added previously by local mappers but deleted by the activity, even amenities such as healthcare (confirmed by asking HOT Global Validators 1 2)
Improvement to the global map
University of Cambridge University Information Systems (details on wiki page) Cambridge UK and environs Ongoing 2011 N/A University of Cambridge OSM wiki page Dispute over original 2011 decision to use amenity=university on most buildings, but building=university will be fine Long predates organised editing guidelines, but added now as there is a systematic update about to start.

Will use #UCamMap tag on changeset comments from now on

Kreis Viersen Kreis Viersen - Katasteramt Kreis Viersen Ongoing 2012 N/A Continually Update OSM-Data and use OSM-Data as own WMS
Kathmandu Living Labs Kathmandu Living Labs Global Ongoing 2013 N/A Continually None so far We are based in Kathmandu, Nepal. We do organized editing in Nepal and whole Asia region to improve the global map data through mapping trainings, sensitization, data validation, map-a-thons, different mapping projects and tools development.
Organised Editing/Activities/Telenav Telenav AU, CA, NZ, US Ongoing 2015 N/A
Updating assets of OMV group WIGeoGIS Europe Ongoing 2015 N/A Yes none so far
Furuhashi Laboratory User icon 2.svgMAPconcierge (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) Global Ongoing 2015 N/A Continually None Improvement to the global map
Road Network Improvement Projects Kaart Global Ongoing 2015 N/A Continually Focus on data improvements pertinent to foundational data in OSM, primarily in road networks.
YouthMappers YouthMappers Global Ongoing 2015 N/A Continually /YouthMappers violate Organised Editing guidelines (2020 complaint by Mateusz Konieczny) Improvements to the global map and locally identified needs
Missing Maps Missing Maps Global Ongoing 2015 N/A Continually
Consolidated mapping projects - base roads check vs open data references System-users-3.svgaugustind (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.),
System-users-3.svgNicolas Decoster (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.),
User icon 2.svgSeverinGeo (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
West Africa (see Projects by country) Ongoing 2015 N/A Made locally None Improvement to the base road network (country scale)
Training Educators in Open Mapping & Spatial Citizenship TeachOSM Global Ongoing 2015 N/A Continually None Training educators in open mapping, globally and locally
Map_Corporation_(Iran) Shiveh Co, User icon 2.svgSosha ( on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) Iran Ongoing 2015 N/A Continually None Fixing and editing data, completing and enhancing
UK Quarterly Project OSM UK United Kingdom Ongoing 2015 N/A Yes No (community organised) One project per quarter. Hashtag #ukqp
CartONG CartONG Global Ongoing 2015 N/A CartONG’s main mission is to put data at the service of humanitarian, development and social action projects.
Helsinki Region Transport Helsinki Region Transport Helsinki Region Ongoing 2016 N/A Continually No Unresolved Complaints Map related improvements mainly based on customer feedback, traffic bulletins and information received from member municipalities
Missing Maps CZ & SK (wiki talk page) Core team CZ & SK Alive 2016 N/A
Stackbox Mapping Project Stackbox India, Asia and Africa Ongoing 2016 N/A Yes Stackbox uses OSM data in their delivery programs. In connection with the delivery programs, they collect valuable information such as missing roads, turn restrictions, oneway directions or information that is wrongly mapped in OSM to name a few. The collected information is contributed back to OSM with the help of their editing team. Edits contributed to OSM from Stackbox team will be added with the following hashtag in every changeset: #stackbox.
OpenSidewalks Taskar Center for Accessible Technology Global (via regional projects) Ongoing 2016 N/A Continually None so far Mapping of pedestrian infrastructure features following OpenSidewalks schema by both University of Washington employees and OSM community contributors using the OpenSidewalks Tasking Manager.
FarPost   FarPost Russia Ongoing 2016 N/A Yes None so far. Adding and fixing buildings, addresses, residential roads.
Entur Norwegian Public Transport Mapping Initiative Norway Ongoing 2017 N/A Yes, on daily basis None so far Improvements related to our work creating a national journey planner
Apple Apple Global Ongoing 2017 N/A Continually Feedback about missing hashtag addressed after about three months Improvement to the global map
Microsoft Open Maps Organized editing projects Oceania, Serbia, South America, Caribbean Ongoing 2017 N/A Continually Feedback addressed as the Community comments Improving the road network. Fixing present logical issues. Adding missing buildings.
Facebook Facebook Global Ongoing 2017 N/A Continually Feedback addressed as the Community comments. Mainly road mapping and existing data fixes
Perkumpulan OpenStreetMap Indonesia Perkumpulan OpenStreetMap Indonesia Indonesia Ongoing 2017 N/A Continually None A non-profit organization that aims to promote and enhance the use of OpenStreetMap Data for the development and humanitarian sectors through mapping and capacity development to the community in Indonesia.
Smapp Fa:Snapp Iran Ongoing 2018 N/A Continually None Fixing and adding highway, improve data
Amazon Organised_Editing/Activities/Amazon US, UK, DE, UAE Ongoing 2018 N/A Continually Feedback addressed as the Community comments. Improvement of road network
Lyft Lyft CA, US Ongoing 2018 N/A Continually Feedback addressed as the Community comments. Improvement of road network
Map roads and streets Lightcyphers MD , RO Ongoing 2018 N/A Continually about wiki pages only
Missing Maps Zürich System-users-3.svgcaptaininler (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.),
System-users-3.svgkalakaru (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.),
System-users-3.svgtazara (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Global Ongoing 2018 N/A
Akros Akros Zambia, Senegal, Nigeria, Rwanda Ongoing 2018 N/A Yes 855 643 uses of tag that should not be used (mapped objects should not be graffitied/marked as owned) - fix is promised, further mistaken tags will not be added. Mapping Residential Structures to inform health interventions usingReveal (codenamed mspray for example in user account names)
Rocketdata import System-users-3.svgkate_rocketdata (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.),System-users-3.svgMary_RocketData (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.),System-users-3.svgSveta_RocketData (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) Global Ongoing 2018 Yes Importing data from company owners using the service
Grab Grab South East Asia Ongoing


N/A Continually unusual tags being used Improving the map for South East Asian countries.
Road Completion project OpenStreetMap Belgium Belgium Ongoing 2018 N/A Yes None Comparison of official road network datasets in Belgium to add the missing roads.
UN Maps UN Mappers Somalia, DRC, CAR, Mali, South Sudan, Abyiei Ongoing 2018-11 N/A Locally problem with landuse in central Africa, mostly East Congo Production of topographic data on OSM for UN Peacekeeping missions.
Zone de secours Hainaut Centre Zone de secours Hainaut Centre (SIG_ZHC_Poste_LLV) Belgium, Soignies-Binche Ongoing 2018-11
Global_Healthsites_Mapping_Project Global Ongoing 2018 N/A Continually No Unresolved Complaints The Global Healthsites Mapping Project is building a global commons of health facility data by making OpenStreetMap useful to the medical community and humanitarian sector.This open data approach invites organisations to share health facility data and collaborate to establish an accessible global baseline of health facility data.
EZRouting EZRouting USA Ongoing 2018-08 N/A Yes Fixing and editing already existing data
National Trust Paths National Trust England, Wales, Northern Ireland Limited Trial (Jun/Jul 2022) 2019 TBC Yes No objections, some discussion/feedback on tagging schema Improvement to paths and access tags in England, Wales and NI.
Mapping Mobility Stockport Open Data Manchester England Ongoing


Neshan Rajman Information Structures Iran Ongoing 2019 N/A
Detour routes Baden-Württemberg Landesstelle für Straßentechnik BW Baden-Württemberg, Germany Ongoing 2019 N/A Planned Improvements of official detour routes in Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Rega REGA Schweizerische Rettungsflugwacht CH, D, F, I, A Ongoing 2019 N/A Yes No objections Fixing and editing data, important for air rescue services
Mapping for GOAT (Geo Open Accessibility Tool) Technical University Munich Munich, Fürstenfeldbruck, Freising Ongoing 2019 N/A Yes Feedback addressed as the Community comments. Improving the road network, Points-of-Interest and buildings to provide better accessibility analyses.
Lüneburg Maps Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (Projekt Zukunftsstadt Lüneburg 2030+, Projekt Radverkehrsförderung 3.0) Lüneburg, Germany Ongoing 2019-04 N/A Yes No unsresolved complaints, feedback is welcome. Goal: Bicycle plan ( + app) for the city and surroundings of Lüneburg including "Radschönrouten" = scenic routes with little traffic.
Mapbox Mapbox Global Ongoing 2017 Continually No objections. Fixing data from customer feedback and internal validation process
Schutz und Rettung Zürich - Data Schutz und Rettung Zürich Switzerland Ongoing 2019-06-01 N/A Yes No objections, but would be nice Fixing and editing data, important for rescue services
Updating carsharing stations of stadtmobil group Germany Ongoing 2019-06 in planning none so far
Chaire Mobilité - Polytechnique Montréal (ChaireMobiliteKaligrafy) Chaire Mobilité [1] #ChaireMobilite (hashtag started in March 2025) Quebec, Canada (mostly Montreal area as of 2021)
  • Drummondville area 100% completed in 2020 and updated in 2021 (missing most addresses)
  • Saint-Constant, Sainte-Catherine, Candiac, Delson, La Prairie, Châteauguay completed in 2020-2021 (missing most parking capacities and addresses)
  • Vaudreuil-Dorion, Île Perrot, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Saint-Lazare, Hudson, Rigaud, Pointe-des-Cascades and Les Cèdres completed 2022 (missing most parking capacities and addresses for Île Perrot only)
Ongoing 2019-08 N/A Yes No unresolved complaints, some edits from contributors outside Quebec create some issues, but we resolve them manually when they occur. The method used for merging segments on motorways and highways has been quesionned/discussed and will be changed to reduce merging segment distance and follow osm standards mostly explained on the wiki:

Tag:placement=transition Some members of the communities thought we were using a bot or AI to edit, but it was never the case and all edits are manually done by humans. Edit sessions occurs mostly every morning (validate, complete or comment previous day edits by the community), sometimes on the evening and on the weekend, and may also occur during working hours for specific research projects or fixing specific errors or issues.

Fixing, validating, editing, completing and enhancing data. Realigning roads using official geodesic precise locations and local/public aerial imagery. Adding separate sidewalks, crossings, cycleways, service roads, access roads, parkings with capacities, number of lanes, turn lanes, traffic lights, stop signs, etc. Adding shops and industries with addresses, residential areas with number of flats and main/home/shop entrances to all buildings except homes with less than 4 flats.
Mapathon Keralam Kerala State IT Mission Kerala,India Ongoing 2019-10 Continually
Expedia Expedia Global Ongoing 2020 N/A Continually Feedback addressed as the Community comments


Improvement of features related to travel, accessibility and inclusion
Projet du mois (project of the month) French community FR Ongoing 2020 Continually None so far None so far Coordinated efforts from the local community over a specific topic using the website Global Ongoing 2020 N/A to Mamutinka reminding about Organised Editing Guidelines + to contact point reminding about missed part in Organised Editing Guidelines - handled Improvement to the global map
Castle Project Swiss OSM (Geonick) Switzerland Ongoing 2020 N/A Yes None A cooperation of Wikimedia CH and the Swiss local chapter.
Sykkelprosjekt, Buskerudbyen Buskerudbyen / Syklistenes Landsforening Viken fylkeskommune, Norway Ongoing 2020 N/A In forum None Making the map better for bicyclists in the Viken area of Norway.
Climate TRACE Climate TRACE Global Ongoing 2020 N/A In forum No unresolved complaints Improving mapping of power plants and other industrial facilities.
Disaster mapping in Kerala Haritha Kerala Mission/SPACE/SOMA Kerala Ongoing 2020 N/A Yes None Improving datasets, Mapping road network, streams etc
Organised Editing/Activites/Bolt Bolt Global Ongoing 2020 N/A Continually Talk:Organised_Editing/Activites/Bolt#Poland_-_contact_with_community
EqualStreetNames project EqualStreetNames Global Ongoing 2020-01 N/A Adding `name:etymology:wikidata` tags to be able to create a map visualizing the street names of a city by gender.
SSSI National Bushfire Recovery Map-a-thon Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) AU Ongoing 2020-02-09 N/A
Operation Fistula Operation Fistula Madagascar, Sénégal Hiatus 2020-03 dential areas with nu Yes None Base map added remotely + POIs from the field
UKRI GCRF URBE LatAm UKRI GCRF project URBE LatAM Rio de Janeiro and Medellín Ongoing 2020-04 2020 { Yes - Latam OSM mailing list Comments and objections will be addressed as they arise. Co-productively adding marginalised urban neighbourhoods to the map with residents and community leaders.
Leitstelle Tirol Leitstelle Tirol Tyrol, Austria Ongoing 2020-06 N/A Ongoing No objections Fixing and editing data, important for rescue services
StreetLight Data, Inc StreetLight Data, Inc. United States, Canada Ongoing 2020-07 Ongoing Planned Improve data related to transportation infrastructure. We use the #streetlight tag on changeset comments.
Update and maintain authoritative data in Kendall County, IL User icon 2.svgKendall County GIS (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)System-users-3.svgjdcarls2 (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) Kendall County, IL, USA Ongoing 2020 N/A Yes None Adding / updating authoritative County data in OSM, including: street centerlines, address points, building footprints, administrative boundaries.
OSMBR OSM Community in Brazil Brazil Ongoing 2021 N/A Yes, OSM Brasil in Telegram None Objective of improving unmapped areas and natural disasters

projects documention

Zartico Zartico Global Ongoing 2021 Yes Improving the location boundaries and mapping new locations
MapatonMovilidadMadrid System-users-3.svgkresp0 (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.),User icon 2.svgPuxan (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.),System-users-3.svglanxana (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) Madrid, Spain Completed 2021 2021 Yes Improving street data
Participatory mapping in Tajikistan Little Earth, CartONG Tajikistan Ongoing 2021 2022 Yes None The goals are to support climate change adaptation in rural Tajikistan through participatory mapping and to impulse an OSM community in Tajikistan.


TomTom Global Ongoing 2021 N/A Continually
TomTom Map Feedback TomTom Global Ongoing 2023 N/A Continually Fixing and editing existing map content based on validated user feedback.
Regionalleitstelle Jena Berufsfeuerwehr (Fire department) Jena Thuringia, Germany Ongoing 2021 N/A Planned Fixing and editing data, important for rescue services
Ciclabilità Milano AMAT Italia Ongoing 2021 N/A Through mailing list N/A Mapping existing cycle infrastructure.
komoot komoot Global Ongoing 2021 N/A Yes, through mailing list Improvement to the global map
BEG -Barrierefreiheit 4ÖPNV Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft (BEG) Bavaria, Germany Ongoing 2021-02 N/A Yes, through BEG Wiki page and local OSM meetup None Fixing and editing already existing public transport data.
YNCORIS - Standorterfassung YNCORIS Gmbh & Co. KG Hürth, Germany Ongoing 2021-02 N/A None Improvement of the Chemiepark Knapsack area in Hürth, Germany to improve OSM usage for our internal GIS documentation setup.
Acre Inundações/Floods 2021 University of Warwick/ Secretariat of the Environment of the State of Acre Acre, Brazil Ongoing 2021-03 N/A Continually None Adding buildings and roads in 10 municipalities across the State of Acre, Brazil
Notes resolution in Colombia MaptimeBogota Colombia Ongoing 2021-05 N/A Continually, by OSM Colombia in Telegram. None. Resolve the old opened notes in Colombia, and keep a small quantity of recently opened notes.
VK Maps Team VK Maps Team (former Maps Team) Russia Ongoing 2021-04 N/A Yes Adding and fixing buildings, addresses, residential roads.
Geo.Ozon Ozon Geoservices Russia Ongoing 2023-11 N/A Yes Known problems: geometrical problems, address errors, adding duplicate addresses, ignoring changeset discussions, attemptings to evade a blocks by creating a new accounts, organized editing without following the rules for organized editing, Building adresses editing.
Mapping Mt Ushba User icon 2.svgMathi (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)for the Institute of Cartography at the TU Dresden Georgia Ongoing 2021-07 N/A Yes, trough mailing list Data improvement and field work for map production
Buskerudbyen Buskerudbyen local authority Norway Ongoing 2021-09 Forum Some hesitation but no firm complaint so far. We are keen to engage with the OSM community. Mapping existing and planned cycle infrastructure.
Snap (company behind Snapchat) mapping disputed boundaries Snap Inc Global Ongoing 2021-10 ing data, important f (updating seems to continue) Yes, through diary posts mixed reactions, some people objected to having border claims in OSM, others found it useful Disputed border tagging
INUMO Emerging City Lab - Addis Ababa Ethiopia Ongoing 2021-12 Yes, through mailing list None Mapping of transport infrastructure and landuses for a joint Ethiopian-German research project
KochiTransport Geominds, Jungle Bus, osm kerala community & Others Greater Cochin Ongoing 2021 EG Wiki page and Continually Improvement to Public Transport Information in Greater Cochin Development Authority area, Kerala
Kontur Kontur Global Ongoing 2021 N/A Continually Kontur edits administrative boundaries and checks population tags
GeoHealthLab GeoHealthLab Southeast Asia Ongoing 2021 N/A
INUMO Emerging City Lab - Addis Ababa Weimar, Germany Planned 2021 Yes, via mailing list Adding of parking data to the street network
Engaging Local Youth for Solid Waste Mapping in Mogadishu Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, Spatial Collective, OSM Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia Ongoing 2021-09 2022-05 Yes, working with them as a consortium. None Working as a consortium of 3 organizations in Mogadishu, Somalia to collect data on Solid Waste Management in the city.
AED mapping campaign in Poland Stowarzyszenie OpenStreetMap Polska Poland Ongoing late 2021 N/A Continually None AED mapping that is planned to involve making map displaying mapped AED, promoting mapping AED in community and reaching out to potential contributors, involving local government and other organizations etc
Mapping for Impact OpenStreetMap US United States Ongoing 2021 N/A Continually Mapping for Impact is a community partnership program led by OpenStreetMap US to support organizations in civic, environmental, and social sectors to solve targeted challenges and data gaps across the US using OpenStreetMap.
Wonder Wonder New Jersey, United States Ongoing 2021 N/A Yes, in OSM-US Slack #local-new-jersey Mapping of buildings and addresses, as well as fixing routing problems on highways
Annon Paper Delivery Annon Paper Delivery Australia Ongoing 2021 N/A Yes None Adding / updating data in OSM, including: streets, street centerlines, address points, building footprints.
Missing mountain passes in the USA calimoto USA Ongoing 2022 r claims in OSM, Yes We are using the OSM geodata for our map and routing. We love communities that’s why we are supporting OSM and adding data continuously.
Q8Maps Q8Maps Kuwait Ongoing 2022 N/A Yes None so far. Improvements to the National Map of Kuwait and Modifications/Tag Additions on OSM
Ciudades Amigables para todos Universidad de Deusto y Zerbikas Fundazioa Spain Ongoing 2022-02 2022-02 Yes, via mailing list None so far Mapping of elements related to accessibility and disabilities mainly of sidewalks, footpaths and entrances. More information could be found on the project webpage.
Updating and mapping schools in Poland Stowarzyszenie OpenStreetMap Polska Poland Ongoing 2022-02 N/A Continually None We plan to standardize the markings and improve the geometry of buildings and the vicinity of the schools themselves.
Adding 1:1 Golf course Features, No fictional entries Solar Mountain Games Canada Ongoing 2022-02 N/A Planned None Only improving golf course features to marry Lidar data and to make video game, simulator and metaverse content, MajorFalcon is also assisting me from time to time. any future additions will be posted here and fully trained on OSM before touching their mouse.
Mapping for UA Stowarzyszenie OpenStreetMap Polska Poland Ongoing 2022-02 N/A Yes
Notes resolution in Latinoamérica MaptimeBogota - OSM Latam LatAm Ongoing 2022-02 N/A Continually, by Telegram @osm_notes_latam. None. To resolve old opened notes in all Latam countries, by keeping just a small quantity of recently opened notes.
Add sheltered walkways in Singapore Citymapper Singapore Planned 2022 Editing/Activitie Planned N/A Adding missing sheltered walkway data in OSM after comparing existing OSM data with official government source.
Correction of the political division in Colombia Comunidad OSM Colombia Colombia Ongoing 2022-09 N/A By OSM Colombia in Telegram, User System-users-3.svgVtamara (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) notified some changes in the DIVIPOLA, and the community agreed with this correction. None. Some administrative boundaries will be changed, and separated from other features. This cold impact boundaries with neighbor countries (Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brasil).
Organised Editing/Activities/City of Castle Pines, CO US City of Castle Pines, CO, US City of Castle Pines, CO, US Ongoing 2022-10 N/A Not yet Adding / updating data for the City in OSM to better serve our residents and visitors
TfL Cycling Infrastructure Database Transport for London, SWECO, GHD London, UK Abandoned 2022-02-01 orting OSM and adding Yes Feedback received regarding process (these Git issues now resolved) and age of survey dataset underpinning Cycle Infrastructure database. Conflation of large-scale cycling infrastructure data collected by Transport for London.
CAI Import sentieri 2022 Club Alpino Italiano (CAI) Italy Ongoing 2022-01-11 N/A Yes No Conflation of hiking trail data collected by the Club Alpino Italiano. Global Ongoing 2022-09-01 N/A Yes Bitcoin Tagging OSM Community Discussion

Shadowy Supertaggers OSM Community Discussion

A global community focussed on the maintenance of the Bitcoin tags used by merchants.


TeleClinic GmbH Germany Ongoing 2022-12 Forum Scope: Pharmacies in Germany
Cambridgeshire County Council Cycle Maps on behalf of Cycle Projects Team Cambridge UK and environs In progress 2022-11 Early 2023 Not yet Mostly this is just using map data as a consumer, but some elements need a a couple of relations to support this, see Wiki page.


Ola Ola India Ongoing 2022 N/A yes
Katasteramt StädteRegion Aachen Katasteramt StädteRegion Aachen StädteRegion Aachen ongoing 2022 N/A continually update OSM-Data
onXmaps onXmaps North America Ongoing 2022 N/A Yes None so far Improving geometry and attribution on roads in response to customer-submitted errors
Rogaland fylkeskommune Norway Ongoing 2023-01 2023-12 None Rogaland fylkeskommune (County Council) uses the road network in OSM in various GIS-based analyses. The road network is also used in the travel planner for Kolumbus, which handles public transport for the county council.

In order to ensure the quality of analyses, and that travelers using public transport get the correct directions, the Transport Department in the county municipality (Transport and Mobility Unit) has initiated work to ensure the quality of the footpath network in central areas of Nord-Jæren.
The aim of the work is to ensure a correct road network for pedestrians that shows all walkable roads, including shortcuts. It is particularly important to ensure a good walking network towards public transport and in the first instance the planned Bussveien (Bussroad) on Nord-Jæren.

Sykkelprosjekt, Kristiansand kommune Kristiansand Kommune Norway Ongoing 2023 N/A Not yet None Making the map better for bicyclists in Southern Norway (Agder).
National Cycling network 'Radnetz Deutschland' and 'D-Route' Bundesamt für Logistik und Mobiltät Germany Ongoing 2023 g 2022-0 yes None so far Fixing and editing relations for national cycling network and names for 'D-Route'


Médecins Sans Frontières MSF Global Ongoing 2014 N/A Continually
Mapping Jahangirpuri & Bhalswa, New Delhi, India MSF Jahangirpuri & Bhalswa in New Delhi Stopped 2023-01-19 2023-08-08 yes None so far Mapping block/colony boundaries is core objective, but also improvements of road network and mapping of points of interest.
DPD Switzerland DPD (Schweiz) AG Switzerland Ongoing 2023 N/A Yes Feedback about missing roadnet for accurate navigation for delivieries, addressed after about one month Fixing and editing existing and new data.
Mapping Emergency Medical Services in Austria (and beyond) Bundesverband Rettungsdienst ( Austria (+ surroundings) in progress 2023-03 lations to support th Bundesverband EMS Infrastructure is currently only accessible in local or regional spheres and primarily hosted by dispatch centers (Notrufleitstellen). We seek to achieve a transparent and publicly accessible picture of how ambulance stations are distributed and help users to gain info about service provision etc. This is part of a transparency initiative for the public that is in high demand in this field.
Volcanic threat from the Nevado del Ruiz volcano OSM Colombia Community Nevado del Ruiz volcan sourrounding, all the threat map In progress 2023-04-02 yes No objections.
Mapping Tourism Data VorarlbergToursimus User:OsmVorarlbergTourismus Austria (Vorarlberg) In progress 2023-03 N/A yes None so far Fixing and editing already existing data
Sinú River Low Basin Colombia OSM Colombia Community Sinu River Low Basin, Cordoba, Colombia In progress 2023-03-30 yes No objections.
Northeast United States Flooding OSM United States Community United States In Progress 2023-07-11 .
Sykkelprosjekt, Yes on Slack None so far Improving basemaps of the area for disaster response
Swiggy Swiggy India ongoing 2023-07-10 Yes No objections Fixing / Editing existing data and adding new data
Trails Stewardship Initiative OpenStreetMap US United States Ongoing 2023 N/A Continually The OpenStreetMap US Trails Stewardship Initiative is a collaboration of government, volunteer, and private sector stakeholders working to address issues in trail mapping, outdoor recreation, and public land management. Mapping efforts are focused on updating attributes of existing trails in OpenStreetMap using official and approved sources.
Maleny Maps OSGeo Oceania; Maleny Community Disaster Management Sub-Group Australia ongoing 2022 Yes None so far Adding buildings, driveways and firewater sources for Disaster Risk Reduction and community resilience/ learning
UMBRAOSM - Union of Brazilian Mappers of OSM [[2]] - Mapatona, Events, Lectures and courses. Brasil ongoing 2022 N/A Yes We work with the Brazilian OSM community, non-profit organizations and public bodies. Creating, correcting and editing existing data.
VPE Verkehrsverbund Pforzheim-Enzkreis Germany ongoing 2023 Stammtisch Stuttgart improving ÖPNV
Grüne Wiese Mapping Stadtklima und Grünflächen Berlin, Germany ongoing 2023 Technische Universität Berlin, Fachgebiet Klimatologie improving green spaces and climate relevant attributes of buildings
HUB YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro - Mapping Activities HUB YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, Brasil ongoing 2023 N/A Yes
Organised Editing/Activities/Buildings in Croatia OSM Poland / OSM Croatia Croatia ongoing 2023 N/A Yes
Organised Editing/Activities/Feuerwehr Kassel Feuerwehr Kassel County and City of Kassel Ongoing 2023 N/A Not yet No objections Fixing and editing data, important for rescue services
Organised Editing/Activities/Feuerwehr Göttingen Feuerwehr Göttingen County and City of Göttingen Ongoing 2024 N/A Not yet No objections Fixing and editing data, important for rescue services
Oil and Gas Pipelines Global Energy Monitor United States Ongoing 2024-01-01 2024-03-31 Yes, through the community forum
Recycling Infrastructure in Pitești EUthmappers Pitești, Romania Planning 2024 Not yet
Bergwelt Tirol - miteinander erleben Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung Tyrol, Austria Ongoing 2023 N/A Not yet None so far Fixing and editing already existing data.
WB Geo Team Wildberries Global Ongoing 2023 Yes Known problems: geometrical problems, address errors, adding duplicate addresses, ignoring changeset discussions, attemptings to evade a blocks by creating a new accounts. Adding and fixing roads/buildings/addresses on the territory of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and some other countries where the company operates. Global Ongoing 2023 Continually Fixing, editing, improving, and adding geometry (nodes and links) specifically for pedestrian infrastructure (sidewalks and footways) as well as street furniture (nodes) on sidewalks like benches, garbage bins, bike racks, crossings, signs, stairs, etc.
Yukon Speed Limits Yukon Government- Transportation Planning Branch Yukon, Canada Ongoing 2023-03 N/A Yes
NNG NNG Global Ongoing 2023 N/A in progress Adding missing data or correcting discrepancies (e.g., those not meeting OSM wiki feature requirements) based on internal test reports and customer feedbacks - Instituto Virtual para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável Brasil ongoing 2024 N/A Yes, throught the mail list, OSM community, and HOT tasking manager Suggestions and improvement ongoing.


  • OSM Brazil community
  • Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
  • UN Mappers
  • Scientific community
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Public bodies
Mapping for sustainablity, mapping for coastal and marine areas, mapping for disaster risk reduction (DRR), mapping for the marine spatial planing, mapping for the Integrated Coastal Zone management (ICZM), humanitarian mapping.
Río Grande do Sul Floods Response
  • OSM Brazil
  • Virtual Institute for Sustainable Development (IVIDES)
  • Open Mapping Hub in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC Hub) - Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Brasil Ongoing 2024 Not defined In Progress None so far. Adding buildings, roads and paths, and waterways in response to the May 2024 Floods in Rio Grande do Sul.
Organised Editing/Activities/Cymru/Wales Community Climate Culture Layer Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research Data (WISERD Wales/Cymru Ongoing 2024-02 N/A Continually None so far.
Baly map Baly Iraq Ongoing


N/A Continually None so far.
Amazonian Mappings Open Mapping Hub in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC Hub) - Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru Ongoing 2024-02 Not defined In Progress None so far.
2024 Belize Wildfires Response Open Mapping Hub in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC Hub) - Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Belize Ongoing 2024-06 Not defined In Progress None so far. Mapping buildings
Organised Editing/Activities/Hotels, Motels, Guest houses Global Ongoing 2024-06 Not defined In Progress
2024 Hurricane Beryl Response Open Mapping Hub in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC Hub) - Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Ongoing 2024-07 Not defined In Progress None so far. See details link for instructions
Adding and updating objects of the Digital Landmark Canon of Poland Stowarzyszenie OpenStreetMap Polska Poland Ongoing late 2024 N/A Continually None
OptimoRoute OptimoRoute Global Ongoing 2024-11 N/A Continually None so far. Enhancing the accuracy of truck (heavy goods vehicle) road access information, including both restrictions and designated routes, across various regions worldwide.
Glint Solar power mapping Glint Solar United States Ongoing 2024-12-16 N/A Yes None so far.
HOTOSM Crisis mapping of the Gariwerd bushfire (wildfire) in 2024/25 OSGeo Oceania Australia Ongoing 2024-12-18 2025-03-03 In Progress Through OSGeo email, socials, Discord and Slack Adding buildings to the probable fire impact area. The fire will be contained hopefully in early Feb 2025 and is a part of testing of crisis mapping in Oceania. Around 80% of buildings in the impact zone were found to be missing from OSM prior to this project.
Yerevan Tree Map Kanach Yerevan Yerevan, Armenia Ongoing 2024-03-04 N/A Yes, community forum Adding and monitoring trees and green areas.
CCCHH surveillance local community and Chaos Computer Club Hamburg (CCCHH) Hamburg, Germany Ongoing 2024 N/A Yes None so far Adding surveillance cameras in the inner city of Hamburg, Germany initiated by the the CCCHH. The CCC and local OSM communities overlap and stay in close contact. People from both communities collect data and add those to OSM together. The goal is to add surveillance cameras of all kinds to enhance the "surveillance under surveillance" map.
Nova Systems GAP Nova Systems GAP Australia Ongoing 2024 N/A Yes None. Some ongoing feedback and suggestions from other users. Updating the posted Road speed limits with majority in New South Wales
TransAct TransAct United States of America Ongoing 2024 N/A Yes Adding new developments, and adjusting ways around schools for our school district customers.
Organised Editing/Activities/BUKEA - Hamburg BUKEA-Hamburg Hamburg, Germany Ongoing 2024 N/A Yes None so far As a public authority, we are committed to managing and maintaining Hamburg's nature reserves. For years, however, there have been problems with walkers and cyclists who repeatedly walk or cycle off the marked paths. We see the use of navigation or outdoor apps that use Openstreetmap data as the reason for this. This results in the planning routes that use paths that should not be used at all. Our aim is to mark these routes in such a way that apps that use this data can no longer use these routes. We want to enable everyone to have a great experience in the nature reserves but also always implement the existing rules.
Niantic Labs Niantic Labs Worldwide Ongoing 2025 In Progress None so far Improvement to the global map
Organised Editing/Activities/Basin Recreation Basin Recreation Snyderville Basin, Utah, USA Ongoing 2025 N/A Yes: Community Forum Slack Community objected this as an import, we have since decided not to go down that route. Keep trails in the Snyderville Basin, Ut up to date and accurate.

Basin recreation maps our own trails through ArcGIS and would like contribute our data to OSM.

2025 Argentina Floods [Jacquin] Bahía Blanca, Argentina Ongoing 2025 N/A Yes. Working with Bahía Blanca Municipality Government. None so far.

Finished activities

The activities were moved here, once the end date had passed if there was no indication that it is still ongoing.

(link to documentation page)
Organiser Area Status Start date End date Community contacted Community objections Notes
Organised Editing/Activities/Water Go (Taiwan) Taiwan Environment Information Association, OpenStreetMap Taiwan, User:Arianit Taiwan Ongoing 2015-04 2019-07 Yes, through Hackpad and Facebook Group. No objections. Suggestions and improvement ongoing. Mapping of drinking water and place where supply water in Taiwan.


DHP11 Global Ongoing 2018 2022 Improvements to the global map.
Kosovo streets mapathon User:Arianit, Pristina Hackerspace Kosovo Post-Event Clean Up happening, mapping still going on 2019-03-16 2019-03-16 Yes None Mapathon to map missing roads and names from open data.
Mapathon of Lake Itasy, Madagascar OSM MG, Les Libres Géographes Madagascar, Lake Itasy Ongoing 2019-04 2019-04 Made locally None Improvement to the global map
Plan for the removal of architectural barriers (PEBA), Padua (Italy) Local administration of Padua (Italy).

Coordinator of mapping activities System-users-3.svgAlesarrett ( on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.).

City of Padua (Italy) Completed 2019-04 2019-07 Yes, through Italian mailing list and Telegram channel. No objections. Suggestions and improvement ongoing. Mapping of elements related to accessibility and disabilities mainly of sidewalks and footpaths. Documentation page currently in Italian.
Crowd2Map Tanzania Tanzania Ongoing 2019-04 2019-07 Made locally None Improvement to the global map.
GAL Cusco, Peru GAL School Peru Cusco, Peru Ongoing 2019-01 2019-09 Made locally None Improvement to the global map.
University of Oulu, Position based analyses and services in geography course 2020 System-users-3.svgAOJN (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) Oulu, Finland Completed 2020 2020 Yes
smartdemography smartdemography Kreis Recklinghausen, Germany Ongoing 2020-01-15 2021-01-31
TfL Cycling Infrastructure Database London Cycling Campaign / CycleStreets / Transport for London London, United Kingdom Ongoing 2020-06 2020-07 Yes No objections. Conflation of large-scale cycling infrastructure data collected by Transport for London.
Crowd4Access project Insight Centre for Data Analytics Ireland Planning 2020-09 2021-03 Mapping of footpaths/sidewalks and street crossings taking into consideration accessibility elements such as kerb type and presence of tactile paving.
Mapping of hamlets and assets of the Federation of native communities of the Ucayali and tributaries FECONAU User icon 2.svgjohnarupire (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) from OSMPerú Peru Ongoing 2020-12 2021-02 yes, in telegram group and mailing list. None Adding and improving hamlets, buildings, road network and waterways.
ViaLibera?! project Partner of the project Municipality 9, City of Milan (Italy) Ongoing 2020-07 2021-09 Yes, through Italian mailing list and forum. No objections. Mapping of elements related to accessibility. Documentation page currently in Italian.
University of Oulu, Position based analyses and services in geography course 2021 Erika Oulu, Finland Completed 2021-03 2021-04 Yes
Malaria Remote Populations Institut Pasteur de Madagascar, IRD and NGO Pivot South Eastern Madagascar Complete 2021-07 2022-08 Yes None
Rhyviere project : mapping Sahatona & Bealana areas, Madagascar Les Libres Géographes & OSM MG mappers Madagascar, Sahatona & Bealanana areas Ongoing 2021-08


Made locally None Improvement to the global map
Adding missing buildings in Porto Mapbox Portugal Ongoing 2021-12-10 2021-12-17 Yes, via Mail list None The huge number of buildings in Porto missing on OSM.

Our plan is to review most of missing buildings in Porto and add them on OSM.

Digital Viez

(project website)

Universität Trier, Studiengang Digital Humanities M.Sc. Germany Finished


2022-02-20 Yes, via OSM D-A-CH Telegram group None Mapping of places related to Viez, a regional cultural good around Trier
Mapping the Ciclovía of Bogotá MaptimeBogota Bogota, Colombia Complete 2022-02 2022-05 Initially to show our interest. We have created a page project that describes all scenarios.
Mapping Pelješac Pedagogical University of Krakow Croatia Ongoing 2022-09 2022-09 Continually None The campaign will involve on-site data collection by project participants during the week-long camp and the use of standard tools available to OpenStreetMap editors.
Mapping of the area of the floods in the Topa stream, in the Inzá municipality, Cauca. OSM Colombia Community Colombia Complete 2022-10-21 2022-10-31 Yes, through Telegram of the OSM Colombian community. No objections. Mapping was required by Oficina Asesora de Gestión del Riesgo del Departamento del Cauca Mapping of buildings, ways and waterways. This was coordinated with a HOTOSM task:
Landslide on Panamerican highway in Rosas, Cauca, Colombia OSM Colombia Community Colombia Complete 2023-01-11 2023-01-20 Yes, through the Telegram of the OSM Colombian Community Once the tasking manager started, some community members said that another imagery could have been better because ESRI Clarity is not very good in all the zone. Mainly buildings, but also paths and waterways. This was coordinated with a HOTOSM task:

Solar Power Mapping

Global Energy Monitor Global Complete 2023-07-01 2023-12-22 Yes, through the community forum
TM Open Buildings Thinking Machines Data Science Philippines Complete 2023-08-01 2023-12-20 Yes, through Facebook and Telegram Concerns on improper use of tags - currently addressing Mapped 250x250m tiles on 12 Philippine cities selected to cover primarily residential areas
Radnetz Brandenburg FixMyCity Brandenburg, Germany Ongoing 2024-03 Yes, through the local community channels
PostNord PostNord Sverige Sweden Ongoing 2020 Abandoned Yes Project not finished due to ban of project

Sample activities

(link to documentation page)
Organiser Area Status Start date End date Community contacted Community objections? Notes
Example City Lamppost Mapping Electricians Without Borders Example City, Imaginary Country Waiting for community feedback 2018-11 2019-07 Yes, emailed talk-example ML N/A Sample activity
South Side Secondary School Mapping Project South Side Secondary School Example City, Imaginary Country Received community feedback 2019-02 2019-02 Yes Minor corrections to presentation, will contact community again once fixed. Sample education activity
Shoreditch Addresses Map Vandals Faker London, Fake Britain Ongoing 2019-02-15 2019-04 Yes, many posts to local ML. Updated training material based on community feedback Sample map-for-hire activity
Trains of Botswana mapathon Slant Grater Alternate Universe Botswana Waiting for community feedback 2019-02-03 A few days after for cleanup Posted to talk-botswana-alternate ML. No Sample mapathon activity

See also