Organised Editing/Activities/Detour routes Baden-Württemberg

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The Landesstelle für Strassentechnik (LST) is the road adminstration's specialist center of the state of Baden-Württemberg. It's responsibility is research, development, information and central projects in road construction and traffic engineering.

It supports the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and the departments in all regional councils and rural and urban districts.

The Landesstelle für Strassenstechnik (LST) provides services for the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of roads. It operates the road information systems of the country and the road traffic management center for Baden-Wuerttemberg.

The LST uses OpenStreetMap for road work management and detour planning.


Mapping director is Engin Özlem. See System-users-3.svgLSTBW Engin Özlem (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)





Main activities overview

We just start with active OSM mapping and for now will concentrate on detour routes in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Currently detour routes are often missing, broken or do not reflect the current signage. We use them to detect conflicts between road works on the main route and it's detour.

Tools and Data Sources

We'll be using osmroutefix, Level0, ID, and standard OSM tooling. We will also make use of our detour routes data source and knowledge of employees.


Our team consists of the following OSM users:


All our mappers are permanent or temporary direct employees of our organisation, LST BW. All junior mappers will be given basic training in specific tasks and may or may not be active mappers. Employees that have left their roles as mappers, or former employees are listed as 'retired'.


We use the [OSM Relation Analyzer]( to check completeness after editing.