Organised Editing/Activities/Example City Lamppost Mapping
Example City Lamppost Mapping
This is a sample page for a detailed description of an organized editing activity.
In October 2018, the Example City chapter of Electricians Without Borders decided to map all lampposts within the District of Example with the aim of being able to better analyse the city lighting situation. We will be holding a series of workshops/mapathons where we'll invite our members to learn how to add lampposts to OSM, and we'll set up a tasking manager to divide the city up in squares to be tackled by individual volunteers.
You can contact Thomas Edison III at with any questions. We'll also instruct our members to watch out for possible changeset comments and reply to them!
Community Consultation
We contacted the community using the following communication channels:
We've asked our contributors to use the hashtag #ewbexamplelampposts with their edits.
We're expecting activities to begin in November 2018 and continue into the summer of 2019.
Tools and Data Sources
We'll be using standard OSM tooling and Example City night aerial imagery to precisely locate the posts. Since that data is licensed under CC-BY, we have obtained a waiver which you'll find at ewb-example-waiver-example.pdf.
Our core team consists of the following OSM users:
- johnsmith218 (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
- tomedisonIII (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
- Natalya.Walls (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
- HiPressureSodium (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
- NachoNinja (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
- doc_halide (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) (our man at Example City Water!)
There will be more volunteers participating and we'll ask them to link to this page in their user profile.
Measuring our Success
We're planning to have a leaderboard counting how many correct lampposts were added by each user, and we've promised a prize of five LED bulbs each to the top three contributors.
We've introduced volunteers to JOSM in our workshops and we're using the "LearnOSM" pages that target humanitarian mapping, but we found them useful enough for our purpose!
Post-Event Clean Up
Our core team will frequently look at new changesets being uploaded with our hashtag, and apply corrections where necessary. Our mappers have also been asked to have their contribution validated when taking their first steps.
We'll post some results here once a month and a final report once we're done.