Organised Editing/Activities/Madagascar Rhyviere Sahatona Bealanana Mapping
Rhyviere 2 Project
While only 5% of Madagascar's rural population has access to electricity, the French NGO GRET implemented the Rhyviere rural electrification project (Village Hydroelectric Network: Energy and Respect for the Environment) since 2008. Rhyviere I enabled 2,500 families spread over 5 rural communes to access electricity in 2015. This same year and through 2021, Rhyviere II replicates and completes the approach by carrying out projects of hydroelectric power plants of greater power, building communal planning and management capacities and integrating associated environmental issues.
GRET members produced part of the thematic and baseline data required for the Rhyviere project and partnered with the French NGO Les Libres Géographes (LLg) and Malagasy geomatics and mappers to consolidate baseline data within OpenStreetMap and organize the sharing of Rhyviere data across Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) under Open Licences using the IFL, the geOrchestra SDI instance set up and managed by LLg. To organize the mapping of roads and water networks as well as populated places through landuses residential and buildings, two Tasking Manager jobs had been created in the instance (#411 and #412) over the areas of Bealanana and Sahatona this late August 2021.
You can contact alternatively:
Nicolas Chavent (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Privatemajory (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Borisy (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Rinah (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Laden09 (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
or sent any question or request to the public and archived talk-mg discussion list.
The hashtags #llgtm-tache-411 or #llgtm-tache-412 come automatically in the changesets comments.
The mapping activities have started in August, 2021 and may continue until the end of the year.
Tools and Data Sources
JOSM is the only used editor, along with standard aerial imagery (mostly Maxar standard for being the most recent one, aligned on Bing when existing data has been created using its offset) as well as OpenCycleMap /OpenTopoMap rendering for its contours lines, in order to facilitate the riverways editing. Tagging scheme follows general use or specific ones for the context, especially Highway_Tag_Africa.
Our core and support team of active and experienced OSM mappers:
Nicolas Chavent (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Privatemajory (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Borisy (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Rinah (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Laden09 (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
SeverinGeo (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Some other OSM contributors may also participate, as the two TM jobs are opened, even if it is mentioned in the description that only the listed contributors listed above should complete these two jobs. Anyway, all the edits will be checked whoever contributes.
All listed participants have a strong OSM mapping experience as show theirs OSM stats and the main contributions will come from experienced Malagasy OSM mappers. The two jobs have full instructions (in French as it is the language used within the mapping team) which are likely to be updated to ensure data quality over the mapping phase.
Measuring the quality of data / clean up
This mapping project will be carried out over several months with experienced Malagasy mappers and takes data quality seriously by following the steps below.
During the mapping each completed task is:
- analyzed with JOSM Validator and corrected consequently if required
- filtered to make visible thematic completeness or illogical tagging (eg for highways) and facilitate corrections or complements
Every completed task is then analyzed following the classical Tasking Manager steps.
Larger areas are also validated in order to consolidate the data at smaller scale, especially the road network, to make it fully routable (eg no highway=unclassified connected to tracks or paths at both ends). The data is downloaded with Overpass for such checking, in order not to overcharge the OSM API.
Osmose will also be used to identify and correct remaining mistakes.
An overview of the mapping results will be published here, smililarly to what is shown for the 2019 Mapathon over Itasy lake, Madagascar.