Organised Editing/Activities/Mapio Lleisiau'r Tir/Mapping Land Voices Cymru/Wales
OpenStreetMap has been used for community-led data insights in emergency and development settings since 2006. Community OpenMapping allows the potential for communities to have a say in their own public resource allocation. Local communities can represent ethnicity on OpenStreetMap, making language, practices and community perspectives globally legible, geo-located community-defined assets, traditional placemaking techniques.
This project is adult-focussed, creating a folk-history, cultural fabric and language layer in OpenStreetMap. Focusing on the erosion of culture and language, this works to create practical maps as a public 'community archive', for use on community/small business websites, Wikipedia, and OpenStreetMap.
Using OpenStreetMap in combination with Wikimedia Commons, phase one looks to establish some 'story-mapping' process, using this as a vehicle for communty feedback on use of maps for more quantitative practical socio-economic insights. Field Papers and point of interest mapping are combined with desktop editing in the community. A series of workshops training OSM tools to young and old generations intends a practice- based exploration of community mapping needs.
Through this kind of hands-on practice-based education, the project aims to tackle social issues: rural depopulation, mental health, ‘brain-drain’ and heritage loss. It also aims to create a public archive of resources, assets and absences in rural communities (e.g. small industry, technical history sites, shops, food-resource, employers, community centres, heritage, transport services/gaps, employment barriers). The aim is to enable and empower building of an OSM community in Wales, using community maps to showcase assets and prioritise risks on their own terms and in their own language.
Mae’r prosiect hwn yn archwilio atebion arloesol i heriau diboblogi gwledig Cymru. Trwy hyfforddi’r gymuned leol sut i fapio mae Mapio Lleisiau’r Tir yn gobeithio rhoi llais ac asiantaeth i bobl o fewn eu cymuned brodorol. Nod y map cydweithredol hwn yw cefnogi defnydd ac amlygrwydd y Gymraeg, cyfathrebu blaenoriaethau/pryderon goruwch-leol a dathlu rhinweddau unigryw’r ardal. Nod y dasg hon yw ychwanegu manylion adeiladau at fap sylfaenol ardal dyffrynnoedd Teifi, Ystwyth a Thywi (Uchaf). Mae ychwanegu adeiladau fel rhan o’r fap sylfaen OSM yn alluogi i'r gymuned leol ddefnyddio StreetComplete, OSMAND, ac Archif Gymunedol WIKI fel dulliau mapio maes bob dydd yn yr ardaloedd hyn.
This collaborative map aims to support the use and visibility of the Welsh language, communicate hyper-local priorities/concerns and celebrate the unique qualities of the area. This task aims to add detail to the base map of (Upper) Teifi, Ystwyth and Tywi valleys area. Adding buildings, farmland and wikimedia (cultural) links as part of the OSM base-map allows for the local community to use StreetComplete, OSMAND, and the WIKI Community Archive as a field tool in these areas.
Mapping cultural memory, sustainable rural practices, inclusion and well-being across different countries.
The project adapts methodologies from community-led OSM initiatives in rurally-isolated and overlooked populations, across several countries (Refugee Settlement Resources, Wellbeing, Community Health/Resilence Mapping, Merthyr, and the National Library of Wales Mapping Land Voices pilot).
Maps of this area are traditionally made by outside parties, ranging from military maps to commercially-focussed (Google) maps. Whilst useful for tourism, these do not express the community priorities which are becoming increasingly important in this space. Also, there is a documented risk of such maps overwriting/obscuring the home-grown cultural fabric in these landscapes; particular characteristics which are uniquely embedded by the toponymic nature of the Welsh language.
Mapping (and naming) buildings, fields, ruins, engineering features, mines and socio-economic features (e.g. POI) can empower precarious communities facing challenges of rural isolation, depopulation, erosion of rural practice and culture, and threats to language and identity. The Community Mapping process can create a Community Archive whilst embedding the skills needed for making positive socio-economic, evidence-led change. Community trainings serve as workshops for ideas like "What will you map?" Feedback: Thatchers, Fen traditions, Farmers with land stories, campaigns to keep fens, and campaigners who were involved
Sites like ruins, forts and ritual objects (geoglyphs, megaliths, stones, earthworks) associated with popular music (e.g. Taliesin (Led Zeppelin), Catatonia, Stereophonics), literature (Lord of the Rings, R.S.Thomas, Tom Bullough, Mike Parker), Film (Withnail and, Operation Julie, Hinterland).
The following are commonly found in this area: Villages without daily public transport (9-5), Villages with no public house or hall/meeting point, Villages with public water taps, Villages with no public rain shelter, Villages with no public phone and no signal, Villages without publicly accessible toilet, Villages more than ten minutes from a shop.
Assets to map: Foraging access for Blackberries, Nuts, Hawthorn, any other wild-food foraging sites, Where to buy goat milk/ Ewe’s Milk, Non-dairy cheeses/products, Herbs in Hedgerows, Public toilets, Live music-friendly venues
Details: Military presence (old and new), Dog Waste dumping, Brown Field Sites (development planned etc), Green field sites (protected),Protected Species sightings maps
Farms supplying fleece wool (SUPPLY) - Villages with knitting community groups (DEMAND)
- This project has been initiated under the Her Arfor-funded Mapio Lleisiau'r Tir rural resilience/language initiative, by Rupert Allan @rupertmaesglas, in collaboration with Missing Maps.
Rupert Allan OSM username: @rupertmaesglas
Starting: April 2024
Ending: December 2024
Remote Mapping Coordination
- Leaderboard for tracking overall edit stats: HOT Tasking Manager
- List of active Tasking Manager projects: -
Project | Title & Link | Status | Priority | Difficulty |
17206 | Cymru: Ysbyty Ystwyth, Ffair Rhos, Ystrad Fflur - Mapio Lleisiau'r Tir/Mapping Land Voices | Active | LOW | BEGINNER |
17207 | Tregaron, Llanddewi Brefi, Soar y Mynydd - Mapio Lleisiau'r Tir/Mapping Land Voices | Active | LOW | BEGINNER |
#iaith #cydnerthedd #resilience #GreenWales
- Missing Maps Volunteers
- Local Community Mappers
- HOT Corporate Mapathons
Measuring Success
The #iaith tag will be used to track contributions (buildings added) but ultimately success will be measured by all projects being archived after being fully mapped and validated and successfully used for field data collection.
Initial uMap sample visualisation:
Community consultation
This is a community-led project, initiated exclusivley within the local community. Mapio Cymru and the National Library Wikimedia representative are partnered, and consultation has taken place with individuals in the TalkGB OSM UK community.
Several months of grass-roots advocacy have gone into a co-designed intervention agenda, combining locally-identified challenges of rural depopulation, cultural erosion, language loss and regional social isolation.
Advocacy has been organised around farming traditions, food production/supply/waste, small industry/businesses, technological heritage and land-working. As an 'upskilling' and community empowerment project, the project embeds practical “Community Mapping” skills within local businesses, community groups and farming communities, whilst recording land-based skills, history, and lived experience, using Welsh language and reference in our area.
Wiki-linking OSM with media archaeology (e.g. family history, ancient and field names, hyper-local community history, and adaptive technical innovation) can create bespoke community-generated perspectives on rural depopulation, sustainable business development. It also, of course, preserves cultural history.
By showcasing socio-economic and community assets, consolidating cultural memory, and protecting Welsh language these maps can be actionable data for decision-makers working towards the Wellbeing of Future Generations commissioner's focus on circular/alternative economics, inclusive learning and healthy living.
Mapping Instructions
Project Specific Mapping Notes
- Imagery: Please use Bing imagery, which is currently set as the default imagery for mapping. You may switch to ESRI, Maxar or others for comparison but Bing has been chosen for this area due to it being the best imagery.
- Some squares will already be partially or fully mapped, map in more if needed or fix up the existing mapping, or submit it with "Yes" selected in response to "Is this task completely mapped?" if it is already complete.
- Existing mapping does not match imagery - This happens in some areas, when different imagery sources are used. If this occurs, check to make sure you are using Bing imagery. If necessary, adjust existing mapping to align with Bing, then continue mapping.
- Alternative imagery is better - Sometimes due to shadows, alignment and other factors it may be easier to trace features using other imagery. That is fine as long as you adjust for any offset. When finished please leave a comment in the Tasking Manager when you mark done/stop mapping to say you used alternative imagery. See LearnOSM for detailed instructions on handling imagery offset, or Aerial Imagery & Alignment for adjusting in the iD editor.
Mapping Field Names example:
- Farm and Ruin Names - use JOSM to search Bartholemews Historic Maps (Imagery=>Historic or otherwise outdated Map=>"NLS - OS 1:10,560 National Grid Maps, 1940s-1960s"). Tab between the Bing Aerial and NLS map layer to look for any sign of ruins on the ground. If anything exists visibly, tag it "building"="ruins", and "name"=[welsh language name shown on historic map]. This is locally important, respected and accurate historical data, and such ruin-names are still used to navigate locally. You may also use "name:cy"="[welsh]", if for any reason the name shows an English name.
Mapio Adeiladau:
Amlinellwch yr holl adeiladau y gallwch ddod o hyd iddynt yn ofalus.
Dylai'r amlinelliad fod ar gyfer maint llawn yr adeilad hyd yn oed os ydy rhan ohoni wedi'i orchuddio gan goed yn y delweddau.
Gofalwch nad ydych yn cynnwys cysgod adeilad yn amlinelliad adeilad
Ar ôl tynnu'r amlinelliad a'r tagio fel adeilad, Dde-cliciwch a defnyddiwch yr offeryn sgwario, (neu defnyddiwch llwybr Byr yr allwedd 'Q') i sgwario y corneli.
Mae rhai adeiladau yn agos iawn, ond nid ydynt mewn gwirionedd yn cyffwrdd â'i gilydd, ceisiwch eu mapio'n agos at ei gilydd heb adael iddynt gysylltu neu rannu ‘nodes’, â'i gilydd. Mae hwn yn hefyd yn perthnasol i adeiladau sydd yn agos at ffyrdd neu amlinelliadau ardal breswyl. Bydd dal yr allwedd "alt" i lawr yn cadw ‘nodes’ rhag "snapio" i'w gilydd a chysylltu'n ddamweiniol.
Byddwch yn cael y cyfle i ychwanegu gwybodaeth am ddefnydd tir a llwybrau troed pan fyddwch wedi cael hyfforddiant tîm pellach. Bydd hyn yn eich helpu i cyfrannu gwybodaeth leol/brodorol o'r nodweddion hyn.
Defnyddiwch ddelweddau Bing, bydd yn llwytho yn awtomatig (gweler isod)
Mapping Buildings:
Please accurately outline all the buildings you can find.
The outline should be for the full size of the building even if it is partly covered by trees in the imagery. *
Take care to not include the building shadow in the building outline.
After drawing the outline and tagging as a building, right click and use the squaring tool, (or use the 'Q' key) to "square" the corners.
Some buildings are very close, but do not actually touch each other, try to map them close to each other without letting them connect or share nodes with each other. This is also relevant to buildings that are close to roads or residential area outlines. Holding down the "alt" key will keep nodes from "snapping" to each other and accidentally connecting.
Please use Bing imagery, it will load by default. (See notes below)
Landuse, Roads and Paths:
- Mapping roads and paths is very important in this area populated by transient communities. Old and new pathways can express cultural priorities, and the project aims to enable communities to benefit from recording their pathways and passages as community assets.
Field Mapping and Wiki-tagging
Mobile Story-Mapping Instructions
Field inputting POI (OSMAND) and Wikidata(Firefox/Web) Image(Camera/OSMAND AV Note) and linking together
- Press the three lines on the screen for menu
- PLUGINS=> Trip Record, AV Notes, Audio Notes
- And …… OSM Editing:
- Input username in OSMAND Plugin Setttings by pressing the cog in there
Flow Chart/Workflow
- Find a place where there is a story to tell about a person, some history, or a technical detail which is unusual or you want to record.
- Standing in front of an item:
- “Long-Press” blue dot of your location in OSMAND, to make a pin-drop
- “Actions” ⇔> “Create POI” in OSMAND
- Then:
- Find a “Type” if you can
- Description (More important than name or anything above this). A few words, not the story. => ADVANCED => Add tag
- Tags (historic=, landuse=, highway=, artwork=,civilsation=)
[Photo: In OSMAND
Actions: Add Photo/Video/Audio note
Note: We want to record, photo, also ensure authorship
Photo: Just photo (with location)
Open your camera app.
Camera “Settings” ⇔ “Location=ON”
Take a photo]
Now you have the data to upload in the two Apps
Open a browser and search “WIKIMEDIA UPLOAD”
(Make sure you have/create a wikimedia login) [LINK]
“Upload Media”
Upload your Photo
Item description and coordinates:
Title is “Photo of…”, because it is describing the DIGITAL MEDIA OBJECT you are creating. (NB: this will be public, so be sure that is OK with any people in the photo, or yourself to GIVE it to the PUBLIC DOMAIN)
Your Story in summary. What is interesting (you can add more material later)
- Try to Upload, It asks for “Structured data” - to link it to wikidata. LOOK FOR “DEPICTS”
- Open a tab and google: “{anything to do with WHAT IT IS} in Wikidata”
- Does wikidata exist for it? Any aspect of it? (if so, cut and paste the ‘QiD’ number at the top of the Wikidata item)
- Return to your Wikimedia entry, and paste in the QiD
=> Copy URL
Back to openstreetMap tagging
- ADD+, and type “wiki”. Select wikimedia tag
- ADD+, and again type “wiki”. Select wikidata tag.
- Back to the QiD number, copy, and paste into the wikidata value field.
- ADD+, and type “ur
This adds Wikimedia link
as a Url for the image.
Also to wikidata item
Upload POI in OSMAND
Upload final entry in Wikimedia
General Remote-Mapping Notes
- Be as precise as possible - This takes a little bit of practice, but following a road closely or the outline of a building carefully really makes a difference in the quality of map data produced. Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to mapping. Zooming in close helps.
- Changeset comments - These are filled in with some default information but you should always add what you mapped. For example "added buildings and roads" or "added in some waterways"
- It is ok to "split" task squares - Sometimes a task square will have a lot detailed settlement mapping. If you think it would help to make the task square smaller so the mapping could be finished in a more reasonable time, use the "split" link above the task square comment box.
- Personal knowledge - If you have local knowledge, that is incredibly valuable and any information you are 100% sure of you can add to the object you are mapping. Building names, health facilities, names of roads, etc, are all very valuable and the name= tag can be used to supply that information.
- If you have to stop mapping before you have mapped everything select "No" in response to the question "Is this task completely mapped?".
- You are making a real difference mapping - Every contribution matters in a real, tangible way. Mapping is not easy but know that your mapping is used by humanitarian organizations around the world every single day.
- Points of interest are of importance in this project, and interactive wikimedia tagging is expected to develop around multi-ethnic climate memory and rural practices. Please be observant of cultural factors relating to this.
Every completed task is analyzed by the validators, following the Tasking Manager steps, OSMCha is also be used to identify and correct the remaining mistakes. For HOT corporate mapathons, HOT will be responsible for validation.
OSMCha filtered to campaign hashtag and start date.
Tagio/Labelu Adeiladau:
Mae angen labelu/tagio pob adeilad, ychwanegwch y tag: building="house" lle mae'n amlwg. Os nad ydych yn siŵr beth yw defnydd yr adeilad, tagiwch: building="yes".
Confensiynau enwi: "name =" yn Gymraeg. Yna enw:en = i ychwanegu'r enw Saesneg.
Datrys Problemau: Os nid yw'r mapiau presennol yn cyfateb i’r delweddau yn y gefndir - Mae hyn yn digwydd mewn rhai ardaloedd. Gallwch addasu hwn ar waelod y ddewislen delweddaeth. Gofynnwch am help gan y tîm, a gadewch sylw yn y ‘Tasking Manager’ pan fyddwch chi'n marcio “wedi gwneud” neu'n rhoi'r gorau i fapio, os ydych chi wedi addasu'r delweddau.
Mapio Terasau/tai pâr:
Mapio terasau neu dai pâr yn y Tasking manager (golygydd iD):
Mapiwch tŷ unigol yn y teras, ac ychwaneguwch un at y llall, trwy ddechrau'r amlinell newydd ar nodau cornel presennol.
Os nad yw ‘nodes’ ‘snapio’ gyda'i gilydd, rhaid iddynt ymuno â llaw
I Ymuno ‘Nodes’
Dewiswch y dau ‘node’ rydych eisiau ymuno gan dal i lawr shift a clicio ddwywaith
.Dyle’r dau ‘node’ yn gadw i fod wedi’i amlygu/highlighted
Dde Cliciwch ar naill ‘node’. Gallwch llusgo un ‘node’ i’r llall a ddylwn ymuno a’i gilydd
Nodir - yn rhai fersiynnau o iD editor Mae eicon “+” yn ymddangos. Gallwch hefyd clico ar hyn pe=an rydych yn ymuno dau pwynt ar hyd llinell.
I sicrhau eich bod yn cysylltu ‘nodes’:
Efo’r area tool hofran ger llinell sydd yn bodol tan bod e’n goleuo’n goch, bydd clicio yn creu ‘node’ sydd wed’i rhannu (bydd ganddo olwg llwyd).
Cofiwch sgwario yr corneli
All buildings need to be tagged, please add the tag: building=house where obvious. If you are unsure of the function of a building please tag: building=yes.
Naming conventions:
"name=" in Welsh. Then name:en= to add the English language name.
Footpaths and Landuse:
You will have the opportunity to add landuse and footpath information when you have had further team training. This will help you contribute local/on-the-ground knowledge of these features.
Existing mapping does not match imagery - This happens in some areas. You can adjust this at the bottom of the imagery menu. Ask for help from the team, and please leave a comment in the Tasking Manager when you mark “done” or stop mapping, if you have adjusted the imagery.
Mapping terraces or semi detached houses in iD editor:
Map individual house in the terrace, and add one onto another, by starting the new trace on existing corner nodes.
If nodes don’t snap together, they must get manually joined.
To join nodes:
Select each node, holding down shift and double-clicking the nodes. They should both stay highlighted, just the nodes.
Right click on either node whilst holding-down "SHIFT". Let go. Right click either node and a: “+” icon appears in the drop-down. Click to join.
You should also be able to click this when merging the two points on the line. With the area tool hover near an existing line until it glows red, clicking will create a shared node (which will have a grey appearance).
Remember to square the corners
Nodir - Ar gyfer Mapwyr Profiadwy yn unig:
Mae yna offer JOSM pwerus y gallwn eu dysgu i chi, sy'n awtomeiddio mapio rhesi hir o derasau.
Mapio terasau yn JOSM Mae angen alluogi Parseli Cadastral OSMUK i helpu gyda wahanu tai teras. Gallwch gyrchu hwn o'r rhestr o droshaenau delweddaeth yn JOSM ac iD.Y ffafriaeth ar gyfer tai teras y DU yw polygon unigol fesul tŷ gyda ‘nodes’ canol a rennir. Cofiwch ychwanegu nodyn at eich uwchlwythiad, gyda disgrifiad byr o'r newidiadau/golygiadau a wnaed. Dylid defnyddio gwahaniaethau mewn lliwiau/gweadedd to, cyrn simnai a ffensys gardd i nodi tai ar wahân o fewn teras. Yn ddelfrydol, dylid defnyddio'r ‘plug-in’ JOSM 'terracer'. Gyda'r ‘plug-in’ wedi'i osod, amlinellwch y bloc cyfan, dewiswch y bloc a ewch i 'Mwy o Offer' > 'Teras adeilad' i rannu'r bloc yn y nifer penodol o 'segmentau'.
N.B. - For Advanced Mappers only:
There are powerful JOSM tools which we can teach you to use, which automate mapping long rows of terraces.
Mapping terraces in JOSM:
Please enable OSMUK Cadastral Parcels to help with splitting terraced houses. You can access this from the list of imagery overlays in JOSM and iD.The preference for UK terraced houses is an individual polygon per house with shared middle nodes. Please be sure to add a note to your upload, with a short description of the changes/edits made. Differences in roof colours/textures, chimney stacks and garden fences should be used to identify separate houses within a terrace. Ideally the 'terracer' JOSM plugin should be used. With the plugin installed, trace the outline of the entire block, select the block and navigate to 'More Tools' > 'Terrace a building' to split the block into a specified number of 'segments'.
Several uMaps will showcase and highlight permanent and accessible OpenStreetMap inputs by the community. The capacitation of community mappers will continiue through the Wales UK Mappers and Gwylliaid Cochion OpenStreetMap project portfolio.