Organised Editing/Activities/PEBA Unione Romagna Faentina

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The Union of Romagna Faentina - URF ( has begun work on drafting its first Architectural Barriers Elimination Plan (hereafter PEBA), a planning tool designed to develop strategies for the accessibility of public buildings, urban spaces, and transportation, with attention to all people, regardless of their health status.

Accessible urban spaces and buildings represent safer, more welcoming, and inclusive places for everyone.

The PEBA will be drafted during 2025 and includes various consultation and engagement activities with citizens and associations.

The official PEBA page of the URF is:

Mapping accessibility elements in OpenStreetMap

Based on previous experiences, starting with the PEBA of the Municipality of Padua, those responsible for drafting the URF's PEBA will map accessibility elements of urban paths and spaces using OpenStreetMap.

In particular, they will use the tagging methods used for the Padua PEBA (PEBA Comune di Padova), which were later adopted and adapted by other projects (e.g., VIaLibera Project, ViaLibera).

This wiki page will serve as a reference for mapping activities and methods and may contain information on initiatives to inform and engage the population following the guidelines contained in the Organised Editing Guidelines (Organised Editing Guidelines) and included in the official list of organized activities in OSM (Organised Editing/Activities).


For more details about this project you can contact alesarrett

Community consultation


The hashtag for commits related to this project is #PEBA_URF


The activity has started in late 2024 and will continue during 2025.

Tools and data sources

The mapping activities involve the use of GoProMax cameras to collect street level images (uploaded on Mapillary and Panoramax) for up-to-date ground information; OsmAnd app and other tools for on the field mapping, both by official participant of the project and other people during participatory activities; iD and or JOSM for mapping accessibility related information in OSM; QGIS for map production.


The users who will primarily enter content in OSM to support the URF's PEBA are:

Coordination and support will also be provided by

Measuring our success


The tagging methods used for the Padua PEBA (PEBA Comune di Padova) will be used, which were later adopted and adapted by other projects (e.g., VIaLibera Project

Post-event clean-up
