Organised Editing/Activities/Shoreditch Addresses
Shoreditch Address Mapping
This is a sample page for a detailed description of an organized editing activity.
Our Company, Map Vandals, has been hired by the Greatest Geolocation Group to create an address database of Shoreditch, London. Since OpenStreetMap data in that area is very rich, we have decided to just add our data to the map, and pass the savings on to you!
Our local team will go through the streets of Shoreditch to survey and photograph the house numbers they can find.
Our remote team will then use those pictures to map the addresses that aren't in OSM yet and maybe correct anything or update the ones that have changed on the ground.
You can contact Gunther at with any questions. We'll also instruct our employees to participate in the local mailing lists and react to changeset comments.
Community Consultation
We contacted the community using the following communication channels:
We've asked our contributors to use the hashtag #shoreditchaddresses with their edits.
We're surveying the streets already, and expect mapping to last from 15 February 2019 until mid-April 2019.
Tools and Data Sources
Our surveying team is using off-the-shelf 360 cameras to create our own geolocated photography.
We'll be using those pictures with standard OSM tooling to precisely locate the addresses.
Our mapping team consists of the following OSM users:
GuntherBricxson (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.), project lead and address historian
bambi (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
stik (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Uberfubs (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
C215 (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
There might be more employees joining later. We're hiring!
All employees will link to this page in their user profile.
Measuring our Success and Performance
Once an employee is finished mapping one street or street segment, another employee will review at least 15-20% of the addresses, or more for employees new to OSM mapping or if errors are dectected.
We will also regularly review our addresses to make sure they don't appear in the usual QA tools.
We're also thankful for any feedback from the local community. Message our employees directly, or Gunther.
Employee evaluations will not only be based on the quantity of their edits, but mostly on quality (exactness, community and customer feedback, peer review) as measured by our PostHorn address QA tool, which is at [1].
We've trained employees to use JOSM and we're using the "LearnOSM" pages that target humanitarian mapping, but we found them useful enough for our purpose!
The mapping team will also be trained in the details of address mapping in OSM, local mapping practice and special cases. The slides from our training are at [[[File:LondonAddressTraining.pdf]]
We also like the book "House Numbers. Pictures of a Forgotten History" by Anton Tantner.
Post-Event Clean Up
Gunther and bambi will perform a final fix of any QA errors, ask the local community for a final review, and check whether any complaints still need to be resolved.
We'll update results here once a week and publish a final report once we're done. We expect our app to be released in May 2019.
Week 1
We mapped about 450 new addresses and updated about 850. We asked the local team to re-take photographs in 58 cases. In 21 cases, the local community fixed mistakes we'd made - thanks! Based on community feedback, we also updated our procedures to prevent adding addresses twice, e.g. on a building way and on a node representing a shop inside the building. We have put our updated training material at File:LondonAddressTrainingUpdateWeek1.pdf