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For discontinued OSM2go server, see Osm2go-server.
For 3D web app, see OSM go.
For 2D mobile app, see Osm Go!.
Authors: Till Harbaum, Rolf Eike Beer
License: GNU GPL v3
Platforms: Linux and Maemo
Version: 0.9.17 (2020-12-06)
Website: http://www.harbaum.org/till/maemo/index.shtml#osm2go
Source code: https://github.com/osm2go/osm2go
Programming languages: C++ and C

Mobile, touchscreen based editor

Feature Value
Map Display
Display map yes
Map data vector
Source offline
Rotate map yes
3D view no
Shows website
Shows phone number
Shows operation hours
Routing no
Create route manually
Calculate route
Create route via Waypoints
Routing profiles
Turn restrictions
Calculate route without Internet (Offline routing)
Routing providers
Avoid traffic
Traffic Provider
Navigate no
Find location
Find nearby POIs
Navigate to point
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance
Keep on road
Lane guidance
Works without GPS
Navigate along predefined route
Make track yes
Customizable log interval
Track formats
Fast POI buttons
Upload GPX to OSM
Monitoring no
Show current track
Open existing track
Altitude diagram
Show POD value
Satellite view
Show live NMEA data
Show speed
Send current position
Add POIs yes
Edit / Delete POIs yes
Add way
Edit geometries yes
Edit arbitrary tags of existing OSM objects yes
Edit relations yes
View notes
Create notes
Edit notes
Work offline
Support imagery offset DB
Upload to OSM yes

What is OSM2Go?

OSM2Go is an OSM editor designed to run on small devices. It's written in GTK+/C and currently runs on GTK equipped Unix and Linux desktops and the GTK/Hildon-based Nokia Internet tablets N900 (running the Maemo platform over Linux) for which it's primarily been designed. Older versions also supported the N800 and N810 devices.

OSM2Go is currently maintained by Rolf Eike Beer, download latest source code from GitHub.

64 bit identifiers

Versions before 0.8.3 have several bugs in support of 64-bit Identifiers. Later versions should have this fixed.


Nokia Internet Tablets

Binary packages are provided for N900 on GitHub. They require a more recent version of OpenSSL as the one that is installed in Maemo, which is also provided onGitHub. It can be installed in parallel with the normal one, so no disruptions of other software should happen.

The stores for N800/N810/N900 still have packages of OSM2go, but they are heavily outdated and will cause data corruption with 64 bit ids.

Installation from source

This is documented in the GitHub wiki.


Current featureset includes:

  • Managing multiple mapping projects.
  • Adding, moving and deletion of ways and nodes and editing their tags.
  • JOSM-style presets for speedy tagging.
  • Import GPS traces or Live GPS trace for GPS-enabled devices
  • WMS server support: NASA satellite imagery
  • Limited relation support
  • Upload and download changes to the OSM servers!


Version 0.9.x on N900

Version 0.7.23 on N900

Version 0.6 on N8x0

The exact version and device is unknown.


The typical usage pattern of OSM2Go is probably like this:

  • Set up a project with the desired bounds
  • download the project data from OSM
  • go around mapping
  • upload the edited data back to OSM

Setting up a project

Osm2go new project.png

On startup the tool show the project selection. Use the "New..."-button in the lower left corner to set up a new project. First add a name and oIf this is not displayed use Menu --> Project --> Open... and click the Add button. In the next screen enter a project description. Then continue by clicking the "Edit..."-button on the right.

Up to four tabs offer you different approaches to define the area you want to download and edit:

  • Get extends from internal map. This is the easiest approach and should be used by beginners.
  • Export tab on OSM.org
    Use min/max latitude and longitude to define a rectangular box. If you have a desktop computer nearby you can use the Export-tab on www.openstreetmap.org to easily get these value. Click on "Manually select a different area" to drag a box on the map.
  • Set a center point and define width and height around it
  • Get extends from Maemo Mapper. Mind that you need to do at least one move or zoom operation in Maemo Mapper after you started OSM2Go for that data to be readable.

Download OSM data

To download up-to-date OSM data simply tap the "Download..."-button on the project details page.

Go around mapping

Editing a node/way's tags

For editing a node or way you simply select it by tapping. Tap on the blue Information icon with gradient background.svg info button. You can use the Nokia internet tablet's hardware button in the center of the cursor keys as a hotkey as well. The properties dialog for the selected entity is shown.

Adding a new node/way

Osm2go add node.png
Osm2go add way.png
  • Click on the add node respectively the add way button to activate the add mode.
  • Click inside the map to add node(s)
  • If you are adding a way click on the green check after you have added the last node to finish the way.

Adding a closed way (polygon)

If you want to add a closed way (=polygon) simply proceed like described in "Add a new way" above. When adding the last closing way segment click on the first node again.

Upload OSM data

After you have finished editing the new data has to be uploaded back to the OSM database. Use the menu "OSM -> Upload..." to do so.

Development Status

Capable of mapping all important objects and sufficient for small mapping projects. Still under heavy development.

The project page for OSM2Go can be found at https://garage.maemo.org/projects/osm2go/.

Source code access

The source code is available from the Maemo extras repository in Debian package form, but OSM2Go's code is maintained on GitHub.

Mailing lists

There is currently a single active mailing list for this project: osm2go-users. Technical discussion and user support can be found in the archives.


  • 0.9: port to C++, several presets improvements, fix relation handling
  • 0.8: Beginner friendliness, Automatic demo project installation, Setup/Upload wizards, Maemo 5 / Fremantle integration
  • 0.7: Maemo Fremantle support, API 0.6 support, Performance optimizations
  • 0.6: Relation handling
  • 0.5: Adding and deleting ways, splitting and joining ways and nodes, polygon handling
  • 0.4: JOSM presets
  • 0.3: GPS (live and tracks) visualization, WMS server inclusion, multiple projects
  • 0.2: Node editing, moving, tagging
  • 0.1: Initial test release, single project

What's next?

Planned milestones are:

Version 1.0:

  • Qt version